Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

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So, the people online saying that this will backfire and only strengthen Trump

Are they just trying to save face, or are they onto something ?
We'll only know the answer to that in November.

I think (hope) that a lot of Republicans who would have voted for Trump just because of the 'R' will stay home now that he's a convicted felon.
Aussie politics is boring as batshit!

American politics is insane.

Also Donald is very divisive on a global scale.
The beetrooter is doing his part

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But the reality is, he did a crime and was tried for it in front of a jury of his peers, not by a judge who he can label as corrupt to his cult.
That's part of why the jury system was developed - the theory is that if the government wants to lock you up on political charges, your peers will see through it and acquit.
So, the people online saying that this will backfire and only strengthen Trump

Are they just trying to save face, or are they onto something ?
One hundred percent bravado, everything he's touched since the 2016 election has turned to absolute shit.
I get all that. Trump is the best reality TV going around, no doubt. Someone will probably correct me but, its Donald Trump, he is a con man, has always been and always will be. This is known. Surely some are old enough to remember Trump of the 80' and 90's and 00's. Don't people laugh that he can be president in the US and that the current president is a zombie. Isn't it hilarious? I just don't understand the pure vitriol from some that otherwise appear normal.

And it was just a thought I had yesterday about the other side of the world. I assume most wouldn't even know the Australian PM.

Most Americans don’t know where Australia is.
We'll only know the answer to that in November.

I think (hope) that a lot of Republicans who would have voted for Trump just because of the 'R' will stay home now that he's a convicted felon.
I can remember an election analyst talking about the 2020 election and how Trump was poison to suburban moderate republicans. They turned to Biden because they couldn't stomach Trump's divisive chaos. If that is the case can't see them swinging back to him now.

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So I guess he now has time to follow up those invoices to Mexico for building that wall.
Maybe that can be his comunity service (if no jail time.)
Trump digging post holes and rolling out wire for his wall.

Only ~2,100 miles left to build!

So, the people online saying that this will backfire and only strengthen Trump

Are they just trying to save face, or are they onto something ?
I reckon they've wrung about as much as they can out of that flannel, personally.

Like, some centrist isn't gonna change their mind because some campaigner cheated on his wife with a pr0n star
You don't think being a convicted felon will put off Republican voters? You must have a lower view of them than even I do.

I believe anyone that was going to vote for Trump will not be swayed by this trial. I mean, the pundits have been saying for years how crazy Trump voters are.
Not all republicans are MAGA nutjobs, many are quite decent people who are appalled at trump’s behaviour and trashing of American democracy and institutions. A felony conviction will certainly keep many died in the wool republicans away from the ballot box in November.
Not all republicans are MAGA nutjobs, many are quite decent people who are appalled at trump’s behaviour and trashing of American democracy and institutions. A felony conviction will certainly keep many died in the wool republicans away from the ballot box in November.
Bingo. The Lincoln Project has been set up by and for Republicans who oppose Trump.
This scenario is just grand.
The American people deserve to have him as President for the next 4 years.
And the whole world gets to see how stupid and sterile this turd of a country is.
Please vote him in again
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