Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

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Oh Jesus.

Comparing his audience size to Elvis's ... realised what he was doing... started to talk about having a guitar... honestly can one of his "sensible centrist" admirers explain this?

burge13 ?

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Oh Jesus.

Comparing his audience size to Elvis's ... realised what he was doing... started to talk about having a guitar... honestly can one of his "sensible centrist" admirers explain this?

burge13 ?

Depends which Elvis you're looking at. Kamala looks a bit 68 comeback special while Trump looks like the guy who's about to die on the shitter with a bacon sandwich in his hands.
Depends which Elvis you're looking at. Kamala looks a bit 68 comeback special while Trump looks like the guy who's about to die on the shitter with a bacon sandwich in his hands.

How I Met Your Mother Sitcom GIF by Laff
Trump was apparently a decent athlete when younger & anyone with basic hand to eye who can afford to spend half their life hitting golf balls with professional coaches on hand should be able to play at a decent level.
It’s a hard game to be elite at but not that difficult to be merely competent which is what he looks like.

Let’s face it he would have had right of edits to take out any bad shots.
I think if he loses, and that’s looking increasingly likely, the republicans will actually want him in jail. There’s no way he won’t try to run again in 2028, and they can’t keep the albatross around their neck.
He will be too old come 2028. Guy can't even string a coherent sentence together now as it is, without stopping and pausing, then mumbling his way onto something unrelated. It is now or never for the MAGAS.
...If he does lose again, I expect a repeat performance, possibly with an increase in the violence of the response...
Yep, very real possibility of significant violence, you'd reckon more likely than not.

Sporadic flashpoints/incidents from election night through to January, and if there is another attempt to attack the Capitol to prevent certifying the election results you can bet both sides will be better prepared (better armed) this time.

I expect this time though the dipshits will not get anywhere near the Capitol; there will be a very large exclusion/buffer zone around the joint, and those that attempt to breach it will learn what it is like to hit 10 on the below:

just catching up on last week tonoght and they did a whole bit on how JD Vance F88Ked a couch... and got me thinking.. ten years ago would you ever thought that in the space of three weeks
  • Ex President gets shot at
  • that ex president is Donald Trump
  • DOnald is fav. to win
  • THe current Prez is sinile and thankfully steps down
  • a black woman then runs for Prez
  • Donalds VP is rumored to have f***ked a couch.
Well, when you put it like that…

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Elon Musk is a nimrod. Anyone still listening to him at this point is likewise a nimrod. That is all.

I reckon he's just gone f*ck it let's see how much I can screw the country up. It wouldn't surprise me if he turns around one day and admits he's a massive troll and that all the morons took the bait.

Also likely got mansions and islands all over the world to jet off to if things get too bad.
You think how much time and effort the Trump campaign has invested in Sleepy Joe and his aging problems and Crooked Joe and Hunter Biden's laptop.

Trump has spent years on his narratives for this election. Old Joe, Hunter Biden's laptop and the stolen election have been on repeat for 4 years. It was his entire election campaign (with filler tracks of course - sharks or electrocution, late great Hannibal Lector, Jeebus, etc. - Trumps B sides are perhaps the most bizarre and disconnected of all time).

What does he do now?

He does not have time - or the material - to build a new narrative.

I predict full death spiral from here. At some point he will realise he is screwed and start hoarding the cash from his idiot followers that send it to him for Trump bibles, superhero cards or whatever other crap he sells them.

I don't think he has the mental capability to even change his regular speech. He has spent years saying the same thing, honing it, refining it, but essentially it has never changed.

He is not capable of making the pivot he needs even if Trump knew what that pivot was.
If he realises or thinks he is screwed, that is when you will get him into full conspiracy election will be rigged mode. Mail order ballots, immigrants voting, no proper voter ID, all the classics of 2020 will be rolled out with additional crazier shit I haven't even thought of.

Still a long way to go, but at the moment the whole narrative around the election has changed. Kamela has positive energy around her, and Trump and the republicans are just making racist and sexist attacks which is making them look unhinged to the normies and independents (the rest of us already knew they were unhinged, his supporters see this as a feature not a bug).

Harris doesn't have the same baggage as Hilary, nor will she be as complacent and just assume Trump will implode like Hilary and her campaign assumed in 2016.

I think currently, I would have the election about 50-50 or dems slight favourites. Still plenty of time for narratives and things to change, republicans and Trump still have time for some attack lines to land. Thing is that is all they have, they don't offer anything positive.
Oh Jesus.

Comparing his audience size to Elvis's ... realised what he was doing... started to talk about having a guitar... honestly can one of his "sensible centrist" admirers explain this?

burge13 ?

And they said Joe was too old and senile, if this sort of rambling doesn't prove that Trump is exactly the same, then i have no idea.

He is like that old grandfather that sits in the corner just speaking out loud for no good reason, the one everyone laughs at, and not in a good way.
nor will she be as complacent and just assume Trump will implode like Hilary and her campaign assumed in 2016.

This to me is a hugely overlooked aspect in Harris’s favour. I haven’t seen any reference to it so far in commentary.

Notwithstanding the Dems’ incredible ability to kick own goals, surely one huge thing in Harris’s favour is Trump no longer has the element of surprise. Clinton’s team doggedly clung to a completely misguided belief that there was a bottom limit to how low Trump would go. There isn’t.

Plus, since 2016 we’ve had MeToo, BlackLivesMatter…

They are surely ready for him this time - once bitten etc, and already he’s got a bit of the old man shouting at clouds aura around him. (Only more disgraceful.)
This to me is a hugely overlooked aspect in Harris’s favour. I haven’t seen any reference to it so far in commentary.

Notwithstanding the Dems’ incredible ability to kick own goals, surely one huge thing in Harris’s favour is Trump no longer has the element of surprise. Clinton’s team doggedly clung to a completely misguided belief that there was a bottom limit to how low Trump would go. There isn’t.

Plus, since 2016 we’ve had MeToo, BlackLivesMatter…

They are surely ready for him this time - once bitten etc, and already he’s got a bit of the old man shouting at clouds aura around him. (Only more disgraceful.)

Trump is a complete narcissist you dont attack him front on just poke his ego and let him self-implode.
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