Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

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Bottom line is that the official death toll of 64 is wrong and it is poor strategy to attack a revised number.

The big issue was started with Trump tweeting that this was all made up by Democrats.

PE did some back of the envelope arithemtic and concluded "it's exaggerated and politicised".

Different studies use different methodologies and different sources of data.

They are published and scrutinised. Errors or bad methodology are highlighted. Instead of accepting this as the scientific method at work, we get ridiculous tin-foil hat "Dems made it up!" claims.
Interesting state of play in the SCOTUS pick where now Congress are going to hold a hearing regarding the allegations that have just come to light.

Senators Flake and Corker have pushed for the hearing which has really thrown this nomination on it's head.

My own personal opinion is that when someone like that is accused of that and within hours of the accusation happening he is able to supply a list of 65 women who have known him the entire time from his high school days to now vouching for his character then something is up.

Also take into account the "all of a sudden" way his "predecessor" (maybe) came to retire just before the midterms and how during the confirmation hearing he would stumble and bumble his way through answers pertaining to a President self pardoning. I mean he knew he would be asked those questions since that is the main controversy surrounding his unusual appointment.

McConnell even tried to talk Trump out of the nomination because of his "paper trail" but oh no, Trump wanted someone who was friendly to Presidential self pardons rather than what's good for Conservatives.

They can add Trump to the Oxford dictionary as a way to kick own goals.

You've been Trump'd ... By yourself :oops:

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Trump's Chief Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow being a moron again (this is the guy that said that there was no housing bubble pre GFC):

“We have to be tougher on spending,” White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said in remarks to the Economic Club of New York, adding that government spending was the reason for the wider budget deficits, not the Republican-led tax cuts activated this year.
The GOP would gain many more fans if they were just honest. Just say that yes the tax cuts blew a massive hole in the budget but we want to pay for that with cuts to social programs.

Rather than just taking no responsibility whatsoever for Trump's debt and deficit disaster.
Can't do that (be honest), it's the world we live in today, deny, deny, deny and when the evidence is overwhelming point somewhere else and say "look! a car crash" and when everyone looks, run the other way.
Can't do that (be honest), it's the world we live in today, deny, deny, deny and when the evidence is overwhelming point somewhere else and say "look! a car crash" and when everyone looks, run the other way.

Or their other trick is to flip the reality of the situation on its head. For example, Trump saying the Dems want to "raid medicare" to pay for socialism (which is just a staggering level of ignorance).

Despite the GOP being the party proposing the cuts (even though Trump promised not to during the campaign).
But many assumed he wouldn't still be around to challenge in 2020 at all. I had an avatar bet with Ratts, but he rage-quit and deleted his own account. The offer is open again to anyone who doesn't believe Trump will serve a full term, but I realise the odds are shortening every month and most posters acknowledge that impeachment is not realistic at this stage.
I also believe he will be there for 2020 even if the Democrats take the house as the longer he stays in the oval office the worse he makes it for Republicans.

I mean if Republicans get wiped out in the midterms both house and senate and he proves to be a real liability to their future survival they might be the one's asking for his impeachment.

All they wanted him for is the tax cuts to their wealthy donors and at this rate the only one's left will be the Koch brothers.
Maggie has just today shown me an article in which those behind the later Milken study and report stated that the Harvard study and report was found to be flawed.
I don't know why it is so outlandish when I use "simple arithmetic" and highlight historical data that can cast some doubt on these reports.
Each study will have flaws in its methodology but Im gonna go with the biostatistician over your analysis.
I also believe he will be there for 2020 even if the Democrats take the house as the longer he stays in the oval office the worse he makes it for Republicans.

I mean if Republicans get wiped out in the midterms both house and senate and he proves to be a real liability to their future survival they might be the one's asking for his impeachment.

All they wanted him for is the tax cuts to their wealthy donors and at this rate the only one's left will be the Koch brothers.

If the Dems take the house then Trump will just flip sides.
Each study will have flaws in its methodology but Im gonna go with the biostatistician over your analysis.
I think Purpleeyed is pushing the point that the 3000 death number, or the 4600 number (from the Harvard study), however completely misses that 64 is definitely too low, that there were more deaths is not "fake news". The specific number yes, that is debatable due to differing methodologies and trying to work out how much is underlying death rate and how much is storm related and how long the tail effect should be. In June Puerto Rico admitted that there were 1397 extra deaths in Sept to Dec 2017.

( - Puerto Rico’s Institute of Statistics sued the demographic registrar for the information. On June 1, the agency released information showing there were an additional 1,397 deaths from September to December 2017 compared with the same period the previous year.)

Similar articles at the time still mentioned the lack of power to 6000 homes post the hurricane (yes, 9 months later)

Then in Aug 28 the NY times publishes its article about the official death toll being revised to align with the Milken report. That is not fake, it is just reporting on what Puerto Rico officials are adopting as the death toll. (2975 for those who are counting)
Interesting state of play in the SCOTUS pick where now Congress are going to hold a hearing regarding the allegations that have just come to light.

Senators Flake and Corker have pushed for the hearing which has really thrown this nomination on it's head.

My own personal opinion is that when someone like that is accused of that and within hours of the accusation happening he is able to supply a list of 65 women who have known him the entire time from his high school days to now vouching for his character then something is up.

Also take into account the "all of a sudden" way his "predecessor" (maybe) came to retire just before the midterms and how during the confirmation hearing he would stumble and bumble his way through answers pertaining to a President self pardoning. I mean he knew he would be asked those questions since that is the main controversy surrounding his unusual appointment.

McConnell even tried to talk Trump out of the nomination because of his "paper trail" but oh no, Trump wanted someone who was friendly to Presidential self pardons rather than what's good for Conservatives.

They can add Trump to the Oxford dictionary as a way to kick own goals.

You've been Trump'd ... By yourself :oops:
I can't even remember 65 boys or girls from high school days. How many were in his years? Hundreds?:think:

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Each study will have flaws in its methodology but Im gonna go with the biostatistician over your analysis.
Safe to say the actual number is a tragedy whether it’s 100 or 3000 or more
What we don’t see is leadership from the GOP
Stop politicising death and come up with an improved response plan - Puerto Rico presented significant challenges and will more than likely be hit again - what’s the plan for a future event?
Sadly we all know it will be swept under the carpet along with healthcare, DACA and election interference.
Woodward showed how ineptly the WH is managed and as we know the fish rots from the head, nothing will happen and we’ll just move on to the next shit show and continual turmoil
I can't even remember 65 boys or girls from high school days. How many were in his years? Hundreds?:think:
And he went to an all boys school.

Anyway he’s done. The hearing where she explains what allegedly happened will be public. After hearing it the predominately older male GOP senators either vote yes and a shit tone of scorn comes there way, or they have to pull the nomination.

My guess is Kavanaugh withdraws before the hearing to avoid putting the GOP senators in a no win spot.
And he went to an all boys school.

Anyway he’s done. The hearing where she explains what allegedly happened will be public. After hearing it the predominately older male GOP senators either vote yes and a shit tone of scorn comes there way, or they have to pull the nomination.

My guess is Kavanaugh withdraws before the hearing to avoid putting the GOP senators in a no win spot.
The full story of his gambling/spending habits seem to not have come out either. All of a sudden they were paid in full. Just like Justice Kennedy's sons.
What do you mean? His high school class?
"High school days" Maggie wrote.
Each year level would most likely have more than 1 class (my public high school did)

So this woman who is currently a doctor who is accusing Kavanaugh of attempted rape back in high school submitted this accusation when she found out he was up for a lifetime seat on the supreme Court.

Mitch McConnell alluded to Trump that the couple of picks he had in mind were ready to be picked and he had the votes to ensure a Conservative leaning on the court for decades to come.

But Trump wanted someone who would be sympathetic to his legal issues, an SC judge that would be willing to "skirt" the constitution if you will which meant this list of women has had a couple of months to sorted.

And apparently all 65 have known him from high school through to today. hmmm :rolleyes::straining:

Sorry if wall of text was more than you were asking.

Edit, didn't realise all boys.

IMO he's toast.
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If you take off the partisan glasses for a second, doesn't it seem suspicious? Any GOP candidate set to take office in a highly publicised contest just always happens to have an accuser come out of the woodwork at the 11th hour?

It happens all the time. Maybe the RNC is genuinely full of rapists, maybe their victims do genuinely wait until moments like this to come out. But it is also an easy and effective way to stop someone getting power. I hope a fair investigation takes place... although I don't know how you prove this sort of thing one way or another when it's a case from decades ago.
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