Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 9 - The Shi'ites Hit The Fan (Cont. in Part 10, see OP)

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Struth your mob just love to defend the evil and corrupt don't you ... and do so by projecting the guilty blame to the other side.
The new Ukraine President has been elected largely on his anti-corruption campaign. In his phone call to Trump, which you all seem to want to impeach Trump for, Zelenskyy says he believes she was a corrupt ambassador ... and now she's your pin up. Just like it's ok to paint Baghdadi as an austere religious scholar. New lows for the never Trumpers.

Do you never Trumpers even know who you want as the President of the USA. You have shown hatred towards Trump from day dot, and I haven't got a clue who you even want as President. I doubt you even stop to think about that ... too busy parroting the brainwashed propaganda of Trump hate from the MSM Fake News that you so easily digest.

The hilarious thing is that you're no better. Look at the first line off your post - its exactly what you're doing in service of your god emperor.

"evil and corrupt" hahaha. Tell me you even knew who Yovanovitch was a month ago. Now Zelensky agreeing with Trump and saying he doesn't like her, on trasncript that isn't a transcript no less, is good enough for you. The fact that, on available evidence, you have an issue with Yovanovitch re: corruption, while at the same time supporting Trump with a completely straight face is nothing short of absurd. If you were any more see-through you'd be invisible.

Current and former officials sure don't agree with your take, or Donnie's;

In an interview with the Washington-based news site the Hill, Lutsenko—who met with Giuliani multiple times as the president’s personal lawyer sought potentially compromising information on Democratic rivals in Ukraine—said that the ambassador had handed him a list of people not to prosecute. The State Department described the claim as an “outright fabrication,” and Lutsenko himself later walked the statement back.

Lutsenko’s statement coincided with assertions in the conservative media in the United States that Yovanovitch harbored anti-Trump sentiments. Current and former officials told Foreign Policy that claims made against Yovanovitch were unfounded.

“I’ve known her for more than 25 years, and she was an exemplary representative of the American people,” said Pifer, the former ambassador to Ukraine.

When Yovanovitch was abruptly fired, the news was received in the diplomatic corps in Kyiv with a mixture of shock and distaste, two Western diplomats in Kyiv told Foreign Policy. Yovanovitch was seen as one of the most powerful voices in Kyiv on anti-corruption efforts.

By all reports (except Trump and Giuliani's lol), she was actually doing the job she'd been appointed to do and that Trump assures us he wants done - fight corruption in the Ukraine. Seems the problems started when she expressed concern re: Giuliani skulking round asking for the Bidens to be investigated, funny that :tearsofjoy:
Was Marie Yovanovitch the target of a smear campaign by your allies?” a reporter asked Trump as he was leaving for a Kentucky rally Monday evening
“I really don’t know her,” Trump responded. “If you look at the transcripts the president of the Ukraine was not a fan of hers either. He did not exactly say glowing things. I’m sure that she’s a very fine woman. I just don’t know much about her.”
The only ambassadors Trump knows are the members of his golf club and donors of Trump who got the gig.

What a joke this orange turd is - he is the one who throws her under the bus to Zelenskyy in the transcript ( Zelenskyy thanks Trump for alerting him to her as a "bad ambassador" ) yet he denies "I really don't know her"
Any competent Manager wouldn't throw someone under the bus based on hearsay or not knowing them. Clearly he's shit scared of what she knows and how she conducts herself.
It's Papadopolous and the coffee boy routine over again - I'm over Trumps continual lying , what a joke of a human he is :(
The hatred doesn't come across as someone who defected. Some of his policies have been quite liberal. So where does the Dems hate come from other than winning?

i) mien*
ii) gravitas**

* and ** strong correlation to each other, the words/language/rhetoric this POTUS invokes, more akin to PT Barnum, he did not go to Yale nor Harvard nor Columbia, OK, fair-cop is he went to Wharton the business faculty of Penn, but he did not do classics nor history.

'he is not presidential' - everything flows from the aural leitmotif that brought tears to the eyes of HRC supporters like KissSteph

Eh? No-one's changing what it stands for. Its just that you can't wrap your head around the fact that it so obviously and perfectly applies to the more 'invested' supporters of Trump, just as much as it may to his more extreme detractors.

most did not want another Bush nor Clinton. They were not out for DT. I would have taken Bloomberg or Bernie but DT has not been the horror you make him out to be, it is more the perception and Fourth Estate's wool-pull-over-eyes(verb) and Fourth Estate's self-wool-pull-over-eyes(verb). With the duplicity of Deep-State-actors /grammar

weasel word is optics 👀 and redfernspeechspeechwriter
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Let's guess which programs they want to boost the voice of religion in.
but that is KarlRove Dubbya playbook, just like KimJongUn was NixongoestoChina

brute politics nothing more nothing less
What a joke this orange turd is - he is the one who throws her under the bus to Zelenskyy in the transcript ( Zelenskyy thanks Trump for alerting him to her as a "bad ambassador" ) yet he denies "I really don't know her"
Any competent Manager wouldn't throw someone under the bus based on hearsay or not knowing them. Clearly he's shit scared of what she knows and how she conducts herself.
It's Papadopolous and the coffee boy routine over again - I'm over Trumps continual lying , what a joke of a human he is :(
Ask greasycheeksruddynosedDowner
That's why it's the most foolish thing you can do, followed by a battle of wits to the death with a Sicilian
or is the Land War in Asia actually the second worst choice an admin can make with the Pentagon and State(dep't). The opportunity cost is, or let another rival have a land war occupation in Central Asia.

It is the confluence of Thucydides(trap) and Brzezinsky and Macinder.

The Yanks seek to ringfence their rivals in Asia, construct chokepoints on supply channels, and restrict access to resources in Africa (ringfence geography with rich mineral deposits).

Land Wars in Central Asia(or ME) are all about the Sinos. The Persian and the Iraqis and Israelis do not matter and ain't important in-the-scheme-of-things, don't count a lick.

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My 9 year old worked out the iocane powder problem instantly.

Vizzini was a fool!

Yeah but your nine year old is Barron and he's really good at cyber

How long am I banned for?
most did not want another Bush nor Clinton. They were not out for DT. I would have taken Bloomberg or Bernie but DT has not been the horror you make him out to be, it is more the perception and Fourth Estate's wool-pull-over-eyes(verb) and Fourth Estate's self-wool-pull-over-eyes(verb). With the duplicity of Deep-State-actors /grammar

weasel word is optics 👀 and redfernspeechspeechwriter

Eh? I've not made Trump out to be any sort of horror.

Not sure why you quoted my post, as yours has absolutely nothing to do with the topic it was speaking to. Who would want another Bush or Clinton? No issues there. But all that has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Trump's more extreme supporters are easily as deranged as those on "teh left" they seek to apply the term to. King, god emperor, chosen by god etc - these are not rational people, clearly.
or is the Land War in Asia actually the second worst choice an admin can make with the Pentagon and State(dep't). The opportunity cost is, or let another rival have a land war occupation in Central Asia.

It is the confluence of Thucydides(trap) and Brzezinsky and Macinder.

The Yanks seek to ringfence their rivals in Asia, construct chokepoints on supply channels, and restrict access to resources in Africa ring fence.

Land Wars in Central Asia(or ME) are all about the Sinos. The Persian and the Iraqis and Israelis do not matter and ain't important in-the-scheme-of-things, don't count a lick.

Struth your mob just love to defend the evil and corrupt don't you ... and do so by projecting the guilty blame to the other side.
The new Ukraine President has been elected largely on his anti-corruption campaign. In his phone call to Trump, which you all seem to want to impeach Trump for, Zelenskyy says he believes she was a corrupt ambassador ... and now she's your pin up. Just like it's ok to paint Baghdadi as an austere religious scholar. New lows for the never Trumpers.

Do you never Trumpers even know who you want as the President of the USA. You have shown hatred towards Trump from day dot, and I haven't got a clue who you even want as President. I doubt you even stop to think about that ... too busy parroting the brainwashed propaganda of Trump hate from the MSM Fake News that you so easily digest.
Warren or Sanders would be fine. But this is the Trump thread.

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The hilarious thing is that you're no better. Look at the first line off your post - its exactly what you're doing in service of your god emperor.

"evil and corrupt" hahaha. Tell me you even knew who Yovanovitch was a month ago. Now Zelensky agreeing with Trump and saying he doesn't like her, on trasncript that isn't a transcript no less, is good enough for you. The fact that, on available evidence, you have an issue with Yovanovitch re: corruption, while at the same time supporting Trump with a completely straight face is nothing short of absurd. If you were any more see-through you'd be invisible.

Current and former officials sure don't agree with your take, or Donnie's;

By all reports (except Trump and Giuliani's lol), she was actually doing the job she'd been appointed to do and that Trump assures us he wants done - fight corruption in the Ukraine. Seems the problems started when she expressed concern re: Giuliani skulking round asking for the Bidens to be investigated, funny that :tearsofjoy:

Yes I had heard of the corrupt Yovanovitch well over a month ago.
Lutsenko accused her of giving him a list of US people he could not criminally investigate or charge. I recall seeing reports about that over 6 months ago.
I had heard of Fiona Hill being a Soros mole over 2 years ago and here she is in the thick of it.
The others giving unfavourable testimony against Trump worked under her.
The like of Catherine Croft was reporting to Fiona Hill about Yovanovitch being corrupt and Fiona Hill did nothing about it.
These are the people you now sell your soul to simply because they are helping impeach Trump. Low ... very low.
Yeah but your nine year old is Barron and he's really good at cyber

How long am I banned for?

President Trump was reportedly elated when he heard of son Barron's enthusiasm for MineCraft.
"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree", Trump proudly stated, confusing all those present.

Sources familiar with the matter believe that the president had confused the popular video game MineCraft with Adolf Hitler manifesto "Mein Kampf".

President Trump was reportedly elated when he heard of son Barron's enthusiasm for MineCraft.
"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree", Trump proudly stated, confusing all those present.

Sources familiar with the matter believe that the president had confused the popular video game MineCraft with Adolf Hitler manifesto "Mein Kampf".

Trying too hard again
Yes I had heard of the corrupt Yovanovitch well over a month ago.
Lutsenko accused her of giving him a list of US people he could not criminally investigate or charge. I recall seeing reports about that over 6 months ago.
I had heard of Fiona Hill being a Soros mole over 2 years ago and here she is in the thick of it.
The others giving unfavourable testimony against Trump worked under her.
The like of Catherine Croft was reporting to Fiona Hill about Yovanovitch being corrupt and Fiona Hill did nothing about it.
These are the people you now sell your soul to simply because they are helping impeach Trump. Low ... very low.

😂. There are no “Soros moles”.
Soros reportedly transferred $18Billion to his Open Society Foundation two years ago to assist his left leaning political activism.
The same Foundation Fiona Hill worked for from 2000-2006.
Yep, nothing here to see ... move along.

Nutbagger board ffs
Sometimes I just can't imagine.

Edited: Switched to a clearer pic of the inappropriate touching.

I am speechless. I am without speech.
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