Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 9 - The Shi'ites Hit The Fan (Cont. in Part 10, see OP)

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Aside from saying; how great he is, how bad everyone else is and making up derogatory nicknames for people that don’t agree with him, does he actually attempt to drive the national discussion on policies to raise the standard of living for his fellow countrymen??? Health care, infrastructure, tertiary education, challenges and opportunities of climate change??
I'm not quite with you, but if you're referring to Trump, someone put up a link to what have been Trump's executive orders. You could see if any of them have covered any of the above. Course he's been severely distracted from getting on with things.

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Ok, so your example is a conspiracy theory recently given more life by the Whithouse-released transcript that isn't really a transcript.

Be honest, mate. Can you see how this isn't quite the same as Trump asking a foreign government to investigate an election rival and make it public, as confirmed by a literal procession of people (some of whom are Trump supporters and appointees) at this point?
Let me be totally honest- this dnc impeachment has less credibility than the Russian collusion
Under the circumstances It’s so trite it beggars...

But moreover it’s just a deflection - it’s not even serious any longer

And now how many times has this occurred over the last 3 years
“Be honest” really??
Don't be abusive champ. Your posts are one big anti democrat troll. You've sure got some hide buddy.
Maybe you should be talking about the elections lost by the republicans today.What's your opinion of that tough guy?
It just got more exciting! The embiggement that comes from being a winner.
In those circumstances, if the TPP did in fact provide those benefits, it would be in America's best interests to do and therefore it would. However, there are other circumstances where it would not be in America's best interests to enter into international treaties and trade pacts.

Globalism is good to the extent that it is in the nation's best interest. Where people get it wrong is thinking that globalism, as itself, as an ideal, is good for the sake of being good. This is what the communists, AOC's, non-brexiters, human traffickers etc believe.

You might want to add organisations like Catholic Church (religion in general I guess), & Transnational Corporations to your list.

Like Trade, the idea of Globalism is about reducing the likelihood of another World War. That's why we had Global organisations like the UN created.

Its petty Nationalism, like Trump espouses, which has undermined the UN, & is a root cause of so much conflict.

'Globalism' maybe in the eye of the beholder, but its about reducing the need for war.
This author/journo has it nailed. Long interview about his book touches all bases.
thnx guru
will respond in depth l8er,
worth watching, just wished some Papadopoulos Australian diplomat* got airtime,
*Australian diplomat is the Yanks reference to Ambassador ex Opposition Leader ex Foreign Minister Alexander greasy cheeks ruddy nosed Downer.which is because we don't count in DC and Manhattan 😊🤗

GuruJane but idjits in this thread won't like some cold hard truth eh #cherf

thnx guru
will respond in depth l8er,
worth watching, just wished some Papadopoulos Australian diplomat* got airtime,
*Australian diplomat is the Yanks reference to Ambassador ex Opposition Leader ex Foreign Minister Alexander greasy cheeks ruddy nosed Downer.which is because we don't count in DC and Manhattan 😊🤗

GuruJane but idjits in this thread won't like some cold hard truth eh #cherf

I spit on downer.

I'm not quite with you, but if you're referring to Trump, someone put up a link to what have been Trump's executive orders. You could see if any of them have covered any of the above. Course he's been severely distracted from getting on with things.

Yes, hitting a little ball around a golf course takes a lot of concentration. Who'd have time to do Presidential stuff??

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I'm not quite with you, but if you're referring to Trump, someone put up a link to what have been Trump's executive orders. You could see if any of them have covered any of the above. Course he's been severely distracted from getting on with things.

I guess writing thousands of meaningless tweets, Golfing & ranting at endless rallies would fill ones time in. ;)
Only if this counts.

Did he then claim a tax deduction?

Does simply receiving the cash trigger it irrespective of where it goes?

What sort of ego must you have to accept an award nearly the entire world knows you didnt deserve because you did absolutely nothing to deserve it.

Did he then claim a tax deduction?

Does simply receiving the cash trigger it irrespective of where it goes?

What sort of ego must you have to accept an award nearly the entire world knows you didnt deserve because you did absolutely nothing to deserve it.

If you are on twitter you can ask him. I see that he is pretty good on responding.

Maybe that is why he donated to charity, who knows and even more who cares, I don't.

More important things in life than questioning Obama receiving the Noble Prize.
Did he then claim a tax deduction?

Does simply receiving the cash trigger it irrespective of where it goes?

What sort of ego must you have to accept an award nearly the entire world knows you didnt deserve because you did absolutely nothing to deserve it.

He’s not president any more let it go...

Did he then claim a tax deduction?

Does simply receiving the cash trigger it irrespective of where it goes?

What sort of ego must you have to accept an award nearly the entire world knows you didnt deserve because you did absolutely nothing to deserve it.


given he disclosed his tax returns, and your mates didn't lose their collective shit, i'd say the answer is no
Did he then claim a tax deduction?

Does simply receiving the cash trigger it irrespective of where it goes?

What sort of ego must you have to accept an award nearly the entire world knows you didnt deserve because you did absolutely nothing to deserve it.


yep, he didn't. you can put the tin foil hat away

When former President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, he didn’t keep the approximately US$1.4 million, converted from Swedish currency, that came with it. Instead the Nobel Prize Foundation transferred the money directly to Fisher House, a nonprofit that houses families of wounded veterans while their loved ones get medical care, the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund and eight other charities.
Under the tax code, that action meant the prize money didn’t count as income. The Internal Revenue Code provision that authorizes this special treatment is section 74, which governs taxation of prizes and awards.

Where did I minimise the violence of it.

I'm just saying that a country that had dozens of children murdered at Sandy Hook won't be shocked by this.

Oh yeah, you probably don't "believe" Sandy Hook happened.
Really? Every person of sound mind should be shocked by this.
It makes more sense GuruJane the Smith interview chronology than the more rudimentary position on the Mook Podesta HRC RussiaGATE revisionism written in SHATTERED
The Clintons were in deep with the CIA;
rank and file FBI however were indifferent if not hostile;
the DC intel agency director strata of both agencies may have had cordial terms...
So Podesta and Mook had a playbook ready to rollout when they lose the JohnHewson-unlosable-election.

Epoch Times is a decent source, more cerebral BUTnotbymuch to AilesMurdoch Fox. The American Fourth Estate sooooo mediocre* if mediocrequamediocre not an absolute and could combine with amplifier.

Impeachment go the way of Ken Starr and Lewinsky went down [sic] in flames *
this only serves DT's reelection campaign 🙈and psychoanalysts remittances and the American Psychiatric Association DSM V inaugural entry for Trump Derangement Syndrome ✌
Diagnostic Statistical Manual Five

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yep, he didn't. you can put the tin foil hat away

When former President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, he didn’t keep the approximately US$1.4 million, converted from Swedish currency, that came with it. Instead the Nobel Prize Foundation transferred the money directly to Fisher House, a nonprofit that houses families of wounded veterans while their loved ones get medical care, the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund and eight other charities.
Under the tax code, that action meant the prize money didn’t count as income. The Internal Revenue Code provision that authorizes this special treatment is section 74, which governs taxation of prizes and awards.
If he had any class he would not have accepted the award (same case with Goodes and AOTY).
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