Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 9 - The Shi'ites Hit The Fan (Cont. in Part 10, see OP)

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I realise that I do not exactly set the benchmark in terms of the "maturity" of posts ITT, but could we possibly have a bipartisan agreement here to ignore childish arguments about who had the bigger crowd, or what were the ratios of boos to cheers etc? The sample sizes are low and biased, and the conclusions meaningless.

These things are so easy to take out of context. It's trashy Kardashian level journalism. A photo can be taken well before a crowd reached capacity for a Democrat, suggesting low attendance... or a 7 second iPhone recording of a sports event featuring a Republican can be manipulated by having the people surrounding the videographer booing, with or without the rest of the crowd following suit. It's pointless, childish point scoring.
Middle class and high income earners pay all the tax and get far less access to public services then those who dont despite the fact they are the ones paying for it. Australia has the highest amount of means testing of public services in the world. Scandanavian countries have a better system. They have virtually no means testing of public services. Those who put in the tax also get back.

Also when those taxes fall its not a handout. Its just a little bit less taking from them. They still pay basically all the tax so the non workers and low income earners benefit.
One wonders at the costs of ensuring compliance with means testing. Money would be better spent on the individuals rather than supporting tax office jobs.
Flat dollar returns would be best (so proportionately benefits poor more than rich) as opposed to the 50% child care rebate which could support 50% of a basic child care or 50% of a luxury one
I realise that I do not exactly set the benchmark in terms of the "maturity" of posts ITT, but could we possibly have a bipartisan agreement here to ignore childish arguments about who had the bigger crowd, or what were the ratios of boos to cheers etc? The sample sizes are low and biased, and the conclusions meaningless.

These things are so easy to take out of context. It's trashy Kardashian level journalism. A photo can be taken well before a crowd reached capacity for a Democrat, suggesting low attendance... or a 7 second iPhone recording of a sports event featuring a Republican can be manipulated by having the people surrounding the videographer booing, with or without the rest of the crowd following suit. It's pointless, childish point scoring.
Think it is fair to stoop there if the trump goes there first (eg by tweeting biggest crowd). Otherwise you are asking a standard of posters that the trump fails to adhere to.

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One wonders at the costs of ensuring compliance with means testing. Money would be better spent on the individuals rather than supporting tax office jobs.
Flat dollar returns would be best (so proportionately benefits poor more than rich) as opposed to the 50% child care rebate which could support 50% of a basic child care or 50% of a luxury one
True although i dont think there is much difference in quality of childcare unlike with schools. They all seem to be pretty much the same. Im sure there are some luxury ones though but they arent common. The main difference in child care costs is land prices. Child cares in inner city suburbs cost a fortune because the land rents are so high. So they probably should get a bit higher rebates to cover higher land costs.

If there are luxury childcare centres then the people sending their kids to them wouldnt qualify for rebates anyway. Rebates are now means tested so high income earning families get 0 rebate.
This thread is into its ninth iteration in just over three years, each threa with 2,000-3,000 posts, most of them obsessively detailing some gaffe or misstep by Trump.

Deranged by any measure. Not even George W(armonger) Bush generated this much antipathy.
Its teh FIgBooty #IFRE. Didn't contra mundum tell you how we cats roll here on teh FigBooty. Jane will also fill you in, mebbe skilts or evo too.

its free real estate 4 #Joyce 4 #DennisHastert

il guardina
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I realise that I do not exactly set the benchmark in terms of the "maturity" of posts ITT, but could we possibly have a bipartisan agreement here to ignore childish arguments about who had the bigger crowd, or what were the ratios of boos to cheers etc? The sample sizes are low and biased, and the conclusions meaningless.

These things are so easy to take out of context. It's trashy Kardashian level journalism. A photo can be taken well before a crowd reached capacity for a Democrat, suggesting low attendance... or a 7 second iPhone recording of a sports event featuring a Republican can be manipulated by having the people surrounding the videographer booing, with or without the rest of the crowd following suit. It's pointless, childish point scoring.
I agree with this, but you know who started the fascination with crowd sizes. Donald trump at his inaugeration. The media didnt give a sh** that he had a small crowd (given most people in washington are democrats). Its only when he blantantly lied about it and made out it was important that it became a thing.
True although i dont think there is much difference in quality of childcare unlike with schools. They all seem to be pretty much the same. Im sure there are some luxury ones though but they arent common. The main difference in child care costs is land prices. Child cares in inner city suburbs cost a fortune because the land rents are so high. So they probably should get a bit higher rebates to cover higher land costs.

If there are luxury childcare centres then the people sending their kids to them wouldnt qualify for rebates anyway. Rebates are now means tested so high income earning families get 0 rebate.
I thought there was 2 parts, one means tested and the other not.
But I’d say a flat dollar sum roughly 50% of the cheap childcare is fair. Parents paying a higher cost will need to make economic choices about go elsewhere, earn more money or have a stay at home parent.
But it was only a first example, was more to illustrate flat rebates being more progressive as opposed to regressive in the economic sense.
I thought there was 2 parts, one means tested and the other not.
But I’d say a flat dollar sum roughly 50% of the cheap childcare is fair. Parents paying a higher cost will need to make economic choices about go elsewhere, earn more money or have a stay at home parent.
But it was only a first example, was more to illustrate flat rebates being more progressive as opposed to regressive in the economic sense.
It used to be two parts. Its all means tested now. Thanks to the liberals and darryn Hinch
I agree with this, but you know who started the fascination with crowd sizes. Donald trump at his inaugeration. The media didnt give a sh** that he had a small crowd (given most people in washington are democrats). Its only when he blantantly lied about it and made out it was important that it became a thing.
Got photos doctored and got his Press secretary to lie from day 1 .
Got photos doctored and got his Press secretary to lie from day 1 .
Lie ?

Wasn't it all a charade? The pantomime of political theatre starting with his #Birther not qua conspiracy. Obama could have put it all behind him, at the SnL NY Christmas 'Roast' by just saying Donald knows it is 'a bit of fun', and he could have then got in before Trump by doing a President tweet saying 'ofcourse I expect Donald to use this medium to say he was perfectly serious', and add the two photos of the POTUS Obama shaking The Apprentice tv realestatedeveloper's hand and the ObamaTrump bro hug.

That would have put it to bed, and Obama coming away as beneficent and Trump offered in grace to maintain a dignity HE DID NOT DESERVE

I fully appreciate why Obama gave him the smackdown when viewed thru this discrete lens, however when seen thru a 360degree dimension and future and past historicity, there is a glaring counter-factual.

But for some reason politics revels in dividing people to competing clusters, and technology may have enabled this to febrile lengths in the last two decades as those in the west grow up with their brains having an adjunct operative program in the Web.
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Got photos doctored and got his Press secretary to lie from day 1 .
Yes Day 1. The start of your honeymoon with the electorate. ‘The King is dead. Long live the King!’
There is a lot of goodwill by most people, who clearly want your administration to go well for the sake of the country.

But the ‘know all’ has to be the Communications Director.
Think it is fair to stoop there if the trump goes there first (eg by tweeting biggest crowd). Otherwise you are asking a standard of posters that the trump fails to adhere to.
I agree with this, but you know who started the fascination with crowd sizes. Donald trump at his inaugeration. The media didnt give a sh** that he had a small crowd (given most people in washington are democrats). Its only when he blantantly lied about it and made out it was important that it became a thing.
So what I'm suggesting is that we scholars and gentlemen of BF rise above this. That we rise above the degenerates of Twitter and Reddit, who make it a full time job of theirs to assess such pointless issues. Don't let them distract you.

Be skeptical by all means, but we seem to be so ****ing distracted by non-issues. A POTUS can make decisions that lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths, per Dubya and predecessors. With the current US arsenal, it may not be unreasonable to suggest that a given POTUS has the ability to cause the extinction of human life on earth.

Yet we focus on him exaggerating crowd sizes. And then furiously debate an allegedly low turnout to a Biden speech. It's Kardashian shit, and the reason why most reasonable posters despise and avoid this thread.

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Just watched The Final Year doco on my flight back from Singas. Good doco about Obama’s last year in office. Like watching the sublime to the ridiculous. How anyone can argue Trump is a better leader has me totally flabberbasted.

EDIT: I actually know exactly why Trump supporters like him - it starts with dog and ends with whistling..
You enjoyed the fake guy who read TelePrompTers and behind the scenes did so much evil against humanity you are to blind to understand it or brainwashed by the doco of falsehood.

The world is a stage .. understand this little one.
Be skeptical by all means, but we seem to be so ******* distracted by non-issues. A POTUS can make decisions that lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths, per Dubya and predecessors. With the current US arsenal, it may not be unreasonable to suggest that a given POTUS has the ability to cause the extinction of human life on earth.
like Trump and Boeing and General Dynamics and Yemen with the Sauds[sic]

but shurly[sic] u jest FK, u like I luv the inanity and ' thrust of the FigBooty SrP, a DunningKruger manifest, or at minimum, Freddie Kruger

don't call me Shirley unless that 80s tv host rock musician

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The means test isn’t too bad for people who correctly declare their income and assets, so their capacity to contribute is fairly assessed - those that can do. Leaders and people of substance accept their responsibilities.

Economic equity has always underpinned our tax system. For example: the cost of bringing up your children was factored in through a tax rebate. People with the responsibility of housing, feeding and educating children didn’t have to contribute as much in other ways (tax liability). It was to an extent a token acknowledgement but it was nevertheless there. Partially employed widows received a bit extra on their pension.

This all changed when the people with creative accountants, who didn’t want to pay their fair share of tax for the community’s needs, had the gall to also ask for a handout (reducing your tax liability to zero effectively made your tax rebates nil and void).

Effective lobbying by the businessmen, who declared no income but got a new car every three years and children in private schools, had the child rebate removed from the tax system to become a fortnightly payment; ie. a cash handout.

This was when churning, effectively commenced. Subsequent to this the spousal rebate also become a cash handout.

So our tax bludgers are quite often also welfare bludgers, aided and assisted by accountants that received a free education in the 80s from the very tax payers they are ripping off. Hence my dislike of people who squib their responsibilities- and then insipidly declare that ‘everyone is doing it’.

See how long you’d last in the pub if when your shout come around you hid in the toilets and then laughed about being so much smarter than the others.
Those rich people who game the tax system are the elite of the elite in terms of income earners. They are in the top 0.001 percent. They are not your lawyers, financial advisors and doctors who all pay massive taxes and get little public services in return. These elites are such a tiny share of the population its not even worth talking about them. Sure we should fix the loop holes so they pay proper taxes on their income but it wont change the fiscal revenue much at all as there are so few of them. Low income earners seem to think there is a large share of high income earners gaming the income tax system. It is utterly wrong. High income earners are the ones that pay for the whole thing. Most low income earners are net tax recievers rather then net tax payers.

There are however some dodgy tax rules that give undeserving benefits to people who own assets, (as distinct to high income earners who are now often not the same people). These should be fixed.
So what I'm suggesting is that we scholars and gentlemen of BF rise above this. That we rise above the degenerates of Twitter and Reddit, who make it a full time job of theirs to assess such pointless issues. Don't let them distract you.

Be skeptical by all means, but we seem to be so ******* distracted by non-issues. A POTUS can make decisions that lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths, per Dubya and predecessors. With the current US arsenal, it may not be unreasonable to suggest that a given POTUS has the ability to cause the extinction of human life on earth.

Yet we focus on him exaggerating crowd sizes. And then furiously debate an allegedly low turnout to a Biden speech. It's Kardashian shit, and the reason why most reasonable posters despise and avoid this thread.
Totally agree. But its not just discussion of crowd sizes where we should act as the bigger person. How about derogatory name calling of politicians we dont like. Or stop blowing up what some stupid nobody said from the other side and pretend it represents the broader view of that side. Perhaps we should stop this too and just focus on the actual issues, policies and actions of the politicians.
This thread is into its ninth iteration in just over three years, each threa with 2,000-3,000 posts, most of them obsessively detailing some gaffe or misstep by Trump.

Deranged by any measure. Not even George W(armonger) Bush generated this much antipathy.

Just don't tell them how many posts they've made in here.
If the Dems continue on this path together with the rats in the IC the outcome for the US is going to be very bigly ugly.

The rubicon has been crossed by the DNC and the IC. Trump has been unbelievably patient but at some point he too may have to cross the rubicon and as the commander in cheif the DNCs and the progressives worst nightmare may come true.

This is now way past normal political gamesmanship.

Do you think what Trump did is acceptable?
Do you think what Trump did is acceptable?
Do we think what Trump doesn’t do is acceptable? His job is to run the executive branch, but all he is interested in is making himself look good (the best ever) and lambasting anyone who doesn’t praise him sufficiently, including foreign heads of government and his own appointees.

He takes direction from Giuliani and Steven Miller but won’t listen to advice from Haley, Coates, Cohn, Mattis, Kelly, Tillerson, McGahn, McMaster etc. Not engaged in nonsense conspiracy theories but top level operators intent on providing the president “with the best and most open, legal and ethical staffing advice from across the [government] so he could make informed decisions”. This is of course predicated upon the President having the intellect and discipline to absorb the advice.

How can people praise a President who spends his days watching TV and endlessly campaigning? On Saturday, he tweeted or retweeted 82 times, fighting back against Congressional oversight.

For starters, his time could be more effectively utilised by doing the background work needed to nominate people for the 140 top-level positions in the White House that remain unfilled. Then he might have an executive team that could lead the administration.
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When you’re excited your hero DIDN’T get booed by a crowd...

Trump being booed by crowds is the exception not the rule though since most of the packed stadiums that he usually appears at are at his own rallies, so he's used to being cheered by tens of thousands of people. That massive college football crowd in Alabama really went off though. There would have been a fair number of young people in that college town crowd as well. So much for him having little appeal to young voters. Can you even imagine ANY of the Dem candidates in this election getting a reaction anything close to this from a sports crowd?

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Trump being booed by crowds is the exception not the rule though since most of the packed stadiums that he usually appears at are at his own rallies, so he's used to being cheered by tens of thousands of people. That college football crowd in Alabama really went off though. There would have been a fair number of young people in that crowd as well. So much for him having little appeal to young voters. Can you even imagine ANY of the Dem candidates in this election getting a reaction anything close to this from a sports crowd?

Its the exception because usually he only goes to places with crowds of his own supporters. He wont make that mistake again.
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