Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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No idea on the history of the journalist and if he is credible.

The dam wall keeps breaking with multiple prominent Democrats coming out calling for Joe to drop out, now including Sherrod Brown a prominent Dem Senator.

However the most devastating call may be from Rep Seth Moulton. Moulton was mentored by Biden and knows him well. Whilst most other calls for Joe to drop have been along the lines of “He’s a good man but his poll numbers aren’t good enough to beat Trump”, Moulton directly referenced Joe’s declining mental faculties. He basically said Joe has lost his memory and can’t recognise familiar faces anymore. Coming from a serving Dem rep.

There’s Trump campaign ads already written. It is a matter of hours now before the announcement, all the behind the scenes work is focused now on who the replacement will be, but 100% Joe is off to the old folk’s home very soon.

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Now that sleepy Joe is laid up in the basement again, the big question is who will replace him when he finally decides to go which i believe will be within 2 weeks? Harris is totally incompetent and would be worse than sleepy Joe, she would be destroyed in any election campaign by Trump, she has appalling approval ratings as it is. The Dems would have to be out of their minds allowing Harris to go to an election against Trump.

It’s the Democrats so they’d never pick the obvious choice, Gretchen Whitmer.

Popular, gets things done, achieves good social progressive policy without being too radical to piss off the donor base, survived a kidnapping attempt, well spoken, just needs to boost her national profile.

Can deliver Michigan, and help with nearby Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. These are the 3 critical swing states and the 3 Dems need to hold.

Harris is unpopular, hasn’t achieved anything in the role and is from San Francisco, long despised capital of the Dem establishment (Newsom and Pelosi also hail from SF) and will turn off Midwest voters. She brings nothing to the role.

But being the Democrats they’ll fall into the 2016 trap and select Harris because she ticks more diversity boxes.
And if anyone still had doubts about Joe’s mental fitness:

Posts a tweet about cognitive failure while cognitively failing to see it's already been posted 3 times

Winning for the Gipper
Democrats playing old circus trick.
Holding the termination of Joe, to build fever pitch results when his sacking occurs and whipping people into a frenzy when new leader announced.
Americans will fall for that.
Democrats playing old circus trick.
Holding the termination of Joe, to build fever pitch results when his sacking occurs and whipping people into a frenzy when new leader announced.
Americans will fall for that.
Trumpies see the groundswell and scurry back to their team boards never to be seen again

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Joe is digging in like an Alabama tick.
Wondering if its more him, or more his advisers and campaign team who don't want to be unemployed all of a sudden.

Pete is very good at this

Such a breath of fresh air. someone under 70 with actual charisma.

To beat Trump, you need people to be motivated to vote. Trump has his voters already. He will barely move from that core base.

An 82-year-old, who is struggling, is the worst possible choice to achieve this aim.

God, this is so frustrating. The Democrats and Biden team have a lot to answer for if this all ends up with Trump 2.0. Kinda Reminds me of Hindenburg.

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Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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