Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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Time for Joe to rig the election for real this time. A massive fraud on the American people like we’ve never seen before. And when they storm the Capitol Building again the National Guard can thin the MAGA herd.

You know it makes sense. I’m Sam Kekovich.
I was thinking the minute after the SCOTUS announce that POTUS has total immunity a call gets made to one of those covert three-letter agencies from the WH.... :winkv1:

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Why are you still pretending Biden is far left?
Oh look there you are… you’ve been conspicuously quiet today.. funny that.

Biden is not far left…. But if he endorsed the national guard to shoot protestors as per the OP.. he would be aligning himself with the behaviour of the antisocial and violent parts of the far left.
Oh look there you are… you’ve been conspicuously quiet today.. funny that.

Biden is not far left…. But if he endorsed the national guard to shoot protestors as per the OP.. he would be aligning himself with the behaviour of the antisocial and violent parts of the far left.

Did you spend the day waving your little flag again?
Wow Morning Joe Scarborough, the man who Biden watches avidly like Trump does with Fox and friends had this to say

You'd expect the Media to start that line of enquiry first.

But you know it will be real when members of congress/senate in tight re-election battles start making noise about it.

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The Dems had a majority in both houses and the presidency and didn't even bring universal healthcare to a vote. Weird party for "the left" to support.

I firmly agree…. And yet they do and abandon their values in the process.

We won’t see change in politics until there is rejection of the binary system that exists, and endorsement of alternatives. I’m proud to live in an electorate that has federal independent representation for 5+ terms now.

Problem is that the whole binary system is security to a lot of people… it makes them feel safe to think there is a good and a bad… so they pick a team that aligns with their world view.
And all the time they don’t realise they are rooting for people who do not give a **** about them and lie to themselves thinking they are morally superior.
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If Biden wins another term and can't complete it there are checks and balances in the system that allow for that so perhaps some focus on his Vice President might be due. These are also the same checks and balances that we know Trump will try destroy if he retakes office quite possibly aided by the Supreme Court.
If Biden wins another term and can't complete it there are checks and balances in the system that allow for that so perhaps some focus on his Vice President might be due. These are also the same checks and balances that we know Trump will try destroy if he retakes office quite possibly aided by the Supreme Court.

That’s pretty sad voting for a bloke who you know can’t last the term.

Genuinely interested in your evidence that trump wants to do this?
Find it staggering there's very little focus on the fact Trump talked absolute garbage throughout most of the debate but because Biden couldn't refute effectively everything he said somehow that makes Trump more viable an option. He's running for President not the local council 😂. There both not fit for office for different reasons but let's not pretend Trump WON the debate. I could get up there and sprout conspiracy theories and falsehoods that's easy. Obama would have destroyed him and any coherent leader would too. That's the issue. Biden might be doing a decent job but he can't communicate that effectively.
I read the post as one joint/connected point but whatever who honestly gives a shit at this stage.

Biden is doomed, so in the US.
It's sad because Trump against anyone else last night who had the ability to refute and than retort would have lost resoundingly. He's a laughing stock but unfortunately so is the President.

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Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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