Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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How upset did that make you?
Not at all - Ive already said

Now run along to the Trump thread if you want to continue and while you navigate it look for a post where I said Crooks shouldnt have missed

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So you want me to believe that Joe Biden, as President, was assassinated pretending to be Donald Trump, at a Donald Trump rally, who wasn't really assassinated, and expect me to believe that?
This deflection is just cringe now. You do understand that a person who has been President is called President for the rest of their life in the US. Happens with all people who have reached a cartain level of power. Someone like Newt Gingrich is still called Mr Speaker eventbough he hasnt been speaker for decades.
But Im sure you know this already and you just dont want to out yourself as a conspiracy nut and you feel comfortable making a fool of yourself because you know you have the backing of the other clapping seals on SRP
This deflection is just cringe now. You do understand that a person who has been President is called President for the rest of their life in the US. Happens with all people who have reached a cartain level of power. Someone like Newt Gingrich is still called Mr Speaker eventbough he hasnt been speaker for decades.
But Im sure you know this already and you just dont want to out yourself as a conspiracy nut and you feel comfortable making a fool of yourself because you know you have the backing of the other clapping seals on SRP
Donald Trump is consistently called Former President Donald Trump
So which President was assassinated?
You haven't said.
Nice of you to be more worried about my spelling than a US President being assasinated.

I'm not sure how to feel.
They (the USA) do not give a shit when one or even many kids get killed due to “mah gun rights” so why should it be different if an old man get killed. Ex president means nothing in my book.
At least you have the guts to openly say it
I’ve also said it about the USA Supreme Court. And would say it about anyone who takes the gun right stance that kids must be a necessary price for “freedom “. All of them can die for all I care. I’m pretty sure they would not care if I died as I am anti their precious gun rights.
I’ve also said it about the USA Supreme Court. And would say it about anyone who takes the gun right stance that kids must be a necessary price for “freedom “. All of them can die for all I care. I’m pretty sure they would not care if I died as I am anti their precious gun rights.
I agree with you about the US gun problem but who is saying kids must be a neccessary price for freedom.
IN terms of a quote (re tolerance for the death of children in the name of liberty), I had heard that this letter of Thomas Jefferson in 1787 is often referenced (but agree that I need to find actual examples of the gun nut sides saying this)

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.

My recall is that the gun nut side would highlight the 'what signify a few lives lost" and "the tree of liberty must be refreshed" . Again, I will need to find direct quotes

edit ok this is a bit harder than I had thought. Found a site which is unquestionably progun ( which cherrypicks this as well as hundreds of other quotes from US founding fathers to support their position (they are mostly just quotes without commentary, though they try to torpedo what we understand well regulated militia should mean)
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Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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