737 Crashes into World Trade Centre

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The one that mystifies me is the Pentagon.

..on the WTC building you could see the shape of the plane upon entry....we have seen photos of parts of the plane found in the debris etc..

..no such thing at the Pentagon...only a narrow part destroyed, no odd plane shape and no plane visable....also the plane, particularly one of that size, would nearly have to have been flying only inches off the ground to go in at that angle....how come no wide damage where the wings went in? .....why no signs of plane parts whatsoever?

Yet a large plane like the other ones was supposedly responsible here as well.

There is a thread the length of Longmire's John Thomas in SR&P about this.

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Did you go in 08? I was pretty much in the Hawks cheer squad. Good times

I have been to all Geelong Grand Finals since 1995.

I dont whether to "thumbs up" that comment or not, haha. Nah, it's all good, have been very lucky with tickets/ballots.
I taped Star Trek on the night of the twin towers, which was a Monday and indoor cricket night. I do remember thinking when I got home late, that I might as well just watch the show, as it was supposedly about to start, but I was a substitute teacher at the time. Didn't get a call from school the next morning, so I started the video ready for some geek tv...fast forwarded through footage of the tower, until I realised they'd been on it for a good ten minutes of tape...played it normally, the commentary weren't getting to the point of what was going on after I'd tuned in late - and then a frigging jet ploughs into the undamaged tower...the next day, I had a day at school, and a really shithouse SOSE class coming up...started the lesson on Australian history dodging screwed up paper and flying pens, and then I mentioned the day before...the kids shut right up...it was just one of countless atrocities men have inflicted on other men, but it's the one we'll all remember exactly what we were doing the moment it happened...
Was watching some footage on youtube with people filming at ground level at the time the 2nd plane struck and when the towers first started going down. It's tough to watch with all the screaming and raw emotion of what was happening at the time.
I taped Star Trek on the night of the twin towers, which was a Monday and indoor cricket night.

September 11 2001 was a Tuesday.
In Australian timezones, it was Tuesday night that it all happened.

but it's the one we'll all remember exactly what we were doing the moment it happened...
Irony. :)
I was 10 at the time. I can remember waking up really early, and going to watch cheese tv. Not on, every channel covering it. Watched for about 15 minutes, then my dad got up and watched in a stunned silence, I wasn't fully aware of the gravity of the situation. Can still remember my parents getting mad as channel 10 showed the Simpsons that night anyway and I wanted to watch it.
Currently in manhattan and was for the ceremony yesterday, they have done a fantastic job with the memorial, highly recommend anyone who visits New York to visit it. Also got to see the "tribute in light" from the Empire State Building, really hits home.

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WTF was Talking Footy doing on a Tuesday then?

Wasn't TF on Monday nights? o_O

It was a tuesday night here when it happened......we had just arrived home from the casino, hubby turned on our newly connected foxtel while I made a cuppa.....was approx. 11pm, he called to me to come and see this......we were watching when the second plane went into the other tower..

All hell had broken loose.

IIRC Talking Footy used to be a tuesday night.
Currently in manhattan and was for the ceremony yesterday, they have done a fantastic job with the memorial, highly recommend anyone who visits New York to visit it. Also got to see the "tribute in light" from the Empire State Building, really hits home.

Wow, chuck up some photos if you can.

Also to anyone who gets to go to the museum when it opens (next year?), some descriptions and photos would be awesome as well. Apparently there is an actual stair case you walk down, from one of the towers.
Wow, chuck up some photos if you can.

Also to anyone who gets to go to the museum when it opens (next year?), some descriptions and photos would be awesome as well. Apparently there is an actual stair case you walk down, from one of the towers.
The south pool set on the footprint of the south tower.

The survivor tree, found amongst the rubble, taken away revived and replanted.


Tribute in lights, only on over night of 9/11
Possibly, in Spain...... but the WTC was far more spectacular by the nature of the attack and unfolded live to the world.....and over 3000 people died.

The train bombing was shocking but not of the same magnitude as the WTC.

I guess you're right. 300,000+ lives weren't lost because of the Spain bombing.
The comments made in this thread on September11 are so raw, it's interesting reading what people were thinking at the time and how their views changed as more information came through!

It's the same thoughts that I had. I remember that day very clearly, it was a sad day for a lot of people gripped by terror, uncertainty and unknown.
I've probably mentioned this before but I was travelling through Italy when it happened so the first we heard of it was when we stopped at a roadhouse in mid afternoon for some refreshments and there was all the local Italians crowded around the tv with hands on heads saying "mamma mia" and other stereotypical Italian behaviour.

Both buildings were on fire at that stage and we knew something bad had happened but it was hard to work out exactly what was going on with the coverage being in Italian. It wasn't until we got to our campground in Rome that night where they had CNN coverage in the bar that we discovered the buildings had collapsed and learnt the full extent of it all. Normally those campground bars have a real party atmosphere but everyone was crowded around watching the tv in shock and silence.

We were going to the Vatican the next day to see the Pope and people (mainly dumb chicks) were worried about going because they thought there might be other terrorist attacks in other major cities and landmarks. Like some terrorists might fly a plane into the Vatican while the Pope was making his speech (at least that would have livened it up, christ it was boring). That paranoia seems silly now, actually it seemed silly to me then, but it was a crazy time where people thought WW3 could break out.

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737 Crashes into World Trade Centre

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