Conspiracy Theory 9/11 - Part 2

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Have you watched this video yet?

Not a bad video - but its really too pacy to enable proper dissection.
What we should do is provide links to the names and links to the "co incidences" in a new thread to kick off the yearo_O


10 year “Brady” bonds due on September 12th 2001 (00:11 into the video)

According to leaked documents from an intelligence file obtained through a military source in the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), on or about September 12, 1991 non-performing and unauthorized gold-backed debt instruments were used to purchase ten-year “Brady” bonds.

The bonds in turn were illegally employed as collateral to borrow $240 billion–120 in Japanese Yen and 120 in Deutsch Marks–exchanged for U.S. currency under false pretenses; or counterfeit and unlawful conversion of collateral against which an unlimited amount of money could be created in derivatives and debt instruments.

The illegal transactions are also linked to the murder of a U.S. Army colonel charged with overseeing approximately 175 secret CIA bank accounts, according to the officer’s wife, Mrs. V. K. Durham.

During multiple interviews, Durham told that Bush and Clinton administration officials visited her husband Colonel Russell Hermann several times in the months prior to and three days before his torture and murder on August 29, 1994. Durham told us the $240 billion in stolen currency was obtained resulting from George H. W. Bush’s presidential abuse of power, when he authorized former Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady and former Secretary of State James Baker III to make fraudulent use of the Durham Family Trust collateral without her permission.

There is evidence that Colonel Hermann’s and V. K. Durham’s signatures were forged on a Goldman-Sachs bank account certification requesting the conversions to U.S. currency. The money was never repaid since the ten-year Brady bonds–purchased before September 13, 1991 using the fraudulent collateral and gold bullion as security came due on September 12, 2001–the day after the 9 11 attacks, having allegedly been underwritten and held by the trustee, Cantor-Fitzgerald bond brokerage firm .

Moreover, Durham alleges from conversations before her husband’s murder, that any 10-year Brady bond payoff for notes due on 9-12-2001 would have led to additional evidence of trillions in stolen funds from the U.S. Treasury and the identity of the perpetrators–providing an important reason to take out Cantor-Fitzgerald offices in the North Tower and a Pentagon ONI file section on September 11.

Besides the intelligence file leaked to Durham, other documents were obtained by from whistleblower Stewart Webb’s intelligence sources.,%20bonds%20and%20murder%20linked%20to%20White%20House%20911%20finance.htm
Richard Andrew Grove 911 National Security Whistle blower (06:32 in the video)

In 2000, Richard Andrew Grove was working for Silverstream Software, a software development company specializing in enterprise architecture software.

By October of that year he had landed the firm their largest client in the company's history: Marsh & McLennan. After finding evidence that Silverstream was overbilling Marsh by nearly $7 million and being told to keep quiet by both his own management and those he confided to at Marsh, he was fired.

After his termination, he was invited to present his evidence at a staff meeting in Marsh's offices where Marsh employees who were suspicious of such transactions themselves were gathered. That meeting was on the 98th floor of the World Trade Center 1. It was the 11th of September, 2001. And everyone who was in attendance at the meeting died there that day. Grove, who had been late for the meeting, survived. His remarkable story, as well as subsequent events, led him to start piecing together how 9/11 helped financial institutions and insurance companies cover up billions of dollars in fraud by eliminating those who were asking questions about it.

Listen to audio here…its very long but intriguing.

Kurt Sonnenfeld was a videographer for FEMA (04:15 in the video) given exclusive access to Ground Zero following the September 11 Attacks in New York in 2001. In addition to the photographs and video he took on behalf of FEMA, he is reputed and claims to have taken additional video footage as well as numerous photographs, some of them since published. He claims that these recorded images will provide evidence about the nature of the Collapse of the World Trade Center when scrutinized by “experts.” As of August, 2010, he is seeking such experts to review his footage.

What was the result of the air crash investigation into flight 77 and 93? Will it feature on the show air crash investigation? What about boieng? what did they do to fix the weakness in its 757's that became evident after 77's crash?

Wings are very important parts of aeroplanes, if there's a structural weakness, they take it seriously. Now I believe they design these things very carefully, especially surviving belly landings. If the wings of a 757 were to disintegrate as easy as 77's did, being where the fuel is stored, they would be endeavoring to fix that problem. It would be instant death to all on board. That means no surviving of a landing with no landing gear.

But we know that wings are the strongest part of the plane, to lift the plane full of people and luggage, stabilize the plane and carry engines and the fuel for the whole plane. Bit like a roll cage on a race car.

So we know that the federal air saftey mob in america, know that 77 didn't hit the pentagon.

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Read a terrific article by a gentleman named Gerard Holmgren today concerning eyewitness accounts of the Pentagon attack, unfortunately I cannot get the link to work using my phone
A fantastic unbiased assessment of eyewitness accounts of planes and or missiles and how easily these accounts can be discredited
Just do a google search for " eyewitness to pentagon attacks " and you should find it there

Bogusstory. Com
So an English court has ruled that the live media coverage of the days events were orchestrated. Evidently a guy refused to pay his tv license when it was announced building 7 had also collapsed, while you could still still see it clearly standing. guy rekons he wasn't getting what he paid for with this sort of "professionalism". So it all went to court. he won.

Mind you, this is the country that has forced Assange into asylum over some Swedish prosecutors only wanting to talk to him. A court that still recognize terra nulliss.A court that doesn't think you can link radiation to any particular sickness,if that radiation comes from british bombs.

British Man Wins Small Victory For 9/11 Truthers

April 5, 2013 by Bob Livingston


World Trade Center 7 collapsed into its own footprint.

A British 9/11 truther is claiming victory following a court ruling that said he did not have to pay a fine over his refusal to pay his annual £130 TV license fee.

Tony Rooke claimed the BBC intentionally misrepresented facts about the 9/11 attacks when it reported that World Trade Center 7 collapsed “due to an office fire, which, even the NIST report says, fell at free-fall speed for eight floors in 2.5 seconds. That is absolutely impossible without a controlled demolition being involved.” The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is the U.S. government agency charged with investigating collapses.

In an act of civil disobedience, Rooke refused to support the BBC and pay the license fee because he believed the BBC has covered up the events of that day. To pay the license fee, he said, would be tantamount to supporting the terrorists responsible for the controlled demolition. He also argued that supporting terrorists would violate the UK’s Terrorism Act, which states: “It is an offence for someone to invite another to provide money, intending that it should be used, or having reasonable cause to suspect that it may be used, for terrorism purposes.”

Rooke was charged with not paying the license fee. Prior to his hearing, Rooke provided the court with evidence that both WTC towers and WTC 7 were destroyed by controlled demolition rather than by the airliner impacts and subsequent fires. The judge gave Rooke an unconditional discharge, which in British legal parlance means he was convicted but he does not suffer the consequences of a conviction and the conviction will be erased if he is not brought before the court for six months. He was not required to pay the fee and non-payment fine but had to pay court costs of £200.

Peter Drew, an AE911Truth UK action group facilitator, told Digital Journal he is organizing a campaign against the BBC because its royal charter requires it to present evidence that is impartial and accurate. Drew claims the BBC ignored reports from investigators who in 2008 claimed WTC 7 did indeed fall at freefall speed.

“Today was an historic day for the 9/11 truth movement,” Drew told Digital Journal, “with over 100 members of the public attending, including numerous journalists from around the UK as well as from across other parts of Europe.”

The BBC first reported the collapse of WTC 7 about 20 minutes before it occurred. The “official line” from the U.S. government is the building fell due to fire damage. But it collapsed into its own footprint and was the first steel-reinforced high-rise to ever collapse due to an uncontrolled fire. Explosions were heard and reported prior to the collapse.
Was listening to local radio show this week and they had this promo about the hosts diving from a ten meter platform. an australian olympic diver (ranked 4th in the world) was trying to scare these ex premiership players about that if you hit water from the wrong angle, its akin to hitting concrete.


Americans must of built the pentagon and twin towers out of a different type of cement...a type of cement that disintegrates everything but passports of islamic terrorists...
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