Conspiracy Theory 9/11 - Part 2

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I watched some video of her and she comes across as a nut job but that could be from her experiences of being locked up.

Doesn't matter though she has still written a book and is on TV.

I'm waiting for one person to spill the beans ..even it's just a guy who painted a drone to look like a plane or the planted some wreckage or photo shopped something etc.

Then at least the evil gov can work its magic and discredit him but so so far not a whiff of someone not following the script for a cast of thousands.

Things must have improved since Watergate and Clinton and Monica because things like this come out pretty quick.

So don't worry if it is all a conspiracy someone will eventually fess up.
She was very much a nut job. Thought she was a physic and could use telepathy powers...Her testimony was also very light on for actual evidence. Sadly that all lends to a very unreliable witness.

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A six second google search found the below photos.

I know - lots of plane crashes in the world, and none looking remotely close to Flight 93. The key difference, as many have posted about in this thread, is that nearly all other plane crashes had pilots at the helm doing everything they could to SAVE the aircraft fro doom and destruction. Flight 93 had the opposite, and crashed nosefirst at about 900km/h. Massively different experience.

View attachment 208366
View attachment 208367
Those pictures are a joke, right? :rolleyes:

57 tonnes of plane. Take your dribble to the rest room thanks!
Here is a picture of the landing gear right next to the hole you are so concerned about.
View attachment 208376

Are you done yet??
That looks like the landing gear of a commercial plane to you?
And it caused the hole?
In that twisted tangle it's not remotely feasible
Look at edge of the hole masonry brick steel wires and look at you landing gear
And after six walls - not the engine

Champ the missile created the hole
That is what missile do
What you see is the residual of the missile which naturally passes through an existing hole
The mesh of pipes is no thick enough to support a commercial planes landing gear

Your premise is ludicrous.
Again I ask....

How are these seemingly random pictures IN ANY WAY relevant?

I'm starting to wonder if you even understand what I am asking of you....
How are they relevant
Well people saw a plane
Does it not look like a plane?
Their are witnesses who say it's a small plane too
Aren't there
Perhaps on the debunk sites - not
Look at edge of the hole masonry brick steel wires and look at you landing gear
And after six walls - not the engine
Judging by the fact you just typed this comment, you clearly didn't read my earlier post.

Nor did you look at the pictures of the ground floor of the Pentagon.

That looks like the landing gear of a commercial plane to you?
It looks like a landing gear that has just been flown straight into a building.

Champ the missile created the hole
That is what missile do

This missile that nobody saw, despite literally HUNDREDS seeing a plane, that cant explain any of the damage EXCEPT for (and I disagree with even this point) the hole in the C ring, that there is no leftover part of in the wreckage, that doesn't explain the fact that a PLANE WITH PEOPLE was found inside the Pentagon, and yes there are pictures, I posted them earlier.

What you see is the residual of the missile which naturally passes through an existing hole
Says who? got a quote from an expert? or in fact ANYONE AT ALL who says that?

The mesh of pipes is no thick enough to support a commercial planes landing gear
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about here. but I suspect, neither do you.

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How are they relevant
Well people saw a plane
Does it not look like a plane?
Their are witnesses who say it's a small plane too
Aren't there
Perhaps on the debunk sites - not

Um...what? Did you just google pictures of missiles that kinda sorta look like planes, and decide that was good enough evidence????
You re suffering what's called cognitive dissonance
Something is presented to you but it's at odds with your world view
Now a truther such as myself - to function - needs to on a daily basis hold paradoxical views. It is not pleasant but we get by. OS hardliners or dissemblers need to hold a consistent narrative with clear distinction of good and evil, right and wrong. It's rather dangerous for them and very threatening to entertain paradoxes

In truth we feel empathy for your plight
Now I know you're trolling.

I've done nothing but supply you with facts.
You've done nothing but ad hominem and straw man.

Grow up.
Um...what? Did you just google pictures of missiles that kinda sorta look like planes, and decide that was good enough evidence????
How dimwitted you can be when something doesn't suit your argument
But when it does your acumen suddenly increases
Why do you think I randomly pasted a missile which looks like plane?
Anything ?
How dimwitted you can be when something doesn't suit your argument
But when it does your acumen suddenly increases
Why do you think I randomly pasted a missile which looks like plane?
Anything ?
The fact that it is only a drawing would mean it is only a prototype and dosn't actually exists - but it supports your argument, so.
How dimwitted you can be when something doesn't suit your argument
But when it does your acumen suddenly increases
Why do you think I randomly pasted a missile which looks like plane?
Anything ?
Enough of the insults mate.

I understand your (clearly incorrect) link between you believing that a missile hit the pentagon, and "hey look, here is a picture of a missile that kinda sorta looks like a plane", but, and here's what I've been prodding you so much for, SO WHAT? Is that a picture of the EXACT type of missile you claim they used? Or are you literally just saying "check it out, some missiles sort of look like planes"?

If that's the case, then that's not evidence for anything at all.

I've asked for proof that a missile was at the pentagon, and you've responded with "look, a picture of a missile". If that's all you have, then its ok, but just admit it. concede that you actually don't have any evidence that a missile hit the pentagon, and we can move on.
Hey, someone's made drawings of a missile with wings - how convenient, and irrelevent.
By the way, that's not a cruise missile.
Its a SM-62 Snark, designed and used over half a century ago...

Interesting tidbit in the "Operational History" section...

Many in the U.S. Military were surprised the Snark, due to its dubious guidance system, was ever operational. In flight tests many were lost. A missile launched in 1956 went so far off course that it landed in North-Eastern Brazil,[8] where it was found in 1983.[9] Many of those connected with the program commented in jest "That the Caribbean was full of 'Snark infested waters'."[10]

Of all the missiles he could have chosen, he selects the one that has such a horrible track record for accuracy that this might be the LAST type of missile they would use for a job requiring such accuracy as hitting the side of a building.

The ironing is delicious.
Sorry buddy, its fake.

The plane hit to the right of the helipad, when in your incredibly dubious video the missile hit to the left of it.
Sorry buddy, its fake.

The plane hit to the right of the helipad, when in your incredibly dubious video the missile hit to the left of it.
View attachment 208396
A better copy of the image for you. Chopped part of it off accidentally.

The picture of your warhead/missile is also photoshopped.

Below is the original photo...

The breakdown of yebiga's breakdown.

The transition from pretending to be open minded and wanting an honest discussion (When he thought he knew it all). To his mindless filibustering when he realised just how out of his depth he was, when faced with irrefutable facts that he refuses to accept.

He is the typical conspiracy nut, who gives conspiracy theorists a bad name.

He isn't questioning and learning... he has watched a bunch of youtube videos, and doesn't care how high the evidence stacks up against him, he will never change his view.

Here we are. He starts off reasonably well. He has a poor understanding of chemistry and physics, but he is showing signs that he is open to a discussion.
Aluminium - melting - possibly - unlikely

600 celcius melting point of aluminium is pretty hot
The jet fuel once spilled across the wtc impact levels - ignited simultaneously
We see this with initial explosion

Remember we are told there is a lot of space between floors - so initial explosion and ignition has ample oxygen - see color of smoke is light after a 20-30 minutes it's darker and darker. In other words the fire is burning out.

Whilst the initial explosion of jet fuel could would should generate sufficient heat to melt aluminium because jet fuel can burn at up to 900 Celsius - there is nothing to sustain this for any length of time.

I don't believe flowing aluminium is any other color than silver
What we see at the wtc is not silver - it's orAnge

Or let me reword that - I don't believe that in open air - as we see flows on the side of the tower- outside a foundry or crucible can you get any metal to flow in that color - the heat required is twice what jet fuel burns at.

There simply has to be some other chemically / explosive induced answer.
I accept your points but the last
The aluminium in a crucible or oven is one thing - aluminium scattered in various sizes across concrete floors is another
We are saying the jet fuel is between 600-900Celcius
The black smoke may have no bearing on the heat of the fire but it does indicate the fire is oxygen starved or depleted as the thickness of the black smoke has to reduce the available oxygen

In short I can imagine isolated aluminium for short periods getting to a melting point but little else because as a fluid it will disperse

The heat for it to get to bright red/orange would be in the range 2000 Celsius and thus inexplicable

Further, are we expecting the sprinklers were working or not

Still mostly sticking to one point and trying to rationally rebut points raised. So far so good!

You haven't convinced me its molten aluminium but your raising valid points and the possibility that it is can not be entirely dismissed.
I mentioned the sprinklers because there is furphy by certain debunkers that explosions were caused by water getting into contact with molten aluminium. I wanted to get that out of the way. My understanding is certain powdered aluminium could can explode on contact with water. But I assume we both agree that this did not occur at the WTC from the pplane's aluminium.

Thick black smoke - within the confines of WTC structure by definition reduces the available oxygen within the structure.
Offices certainly contain plastics - chairs, computers, printers, copiers, and stationary.
Equally the desks are made of various wood compounds, filing cabinets are combination of wood and steel. Cabinets tend to be wood. Partitions generally are plasterboard.
Carpets tend to be composite - wool and synthetics
Loads of paper files.

In other words it's not just plastics

On the flip side, we know the towers to have been riddled with asbestos which is a fire ******ant - melting point around 860 Celsius - similarly non asbestos plaster boards are as a rule fire ******ant - various products newer products with far higher melting points - 1,400 Celsius. I of course don't know what was used at the WTC

I concede at the area around the point of impact would have stripped a lot of the protection exposing in areas the steel to heat but equally this would not be uniform or total - areas would remain protected even on the impact floors.

Employees on higher floors attest to passing the impact zones via a stairwell - which again attests to a non uniformity in the heat and damage on the impact floors. This is significant as humans can not survive anywhere near the kinds of temperatures we are discussing.

Further aluminium is a heat conductor meaning it disperses heat - this is why I mentioned an oven or crucible would be necessary to obtain molten aluminium glowing red. The plane we can agree disintegrated into perhaps a thousand pieces across 1-4 floors. Similarly the jet fuel - which ignites largely simulateaneously

In short, I concede isolated pockets of aluminium may have become molten. However, in a fluid state they must disperse and in that dispersal they cool. Some of it may have still remained molten and may even explain the molten drip from the WTC.

But for that aluminium to be glowing weeks after the collapse is not conceivable. It would require a different metal and one much hotter.
Ok... well most of that was already explained to you... But maybe it's just a mistake, and you didn't see it.

Oh no... it's starting to go sour.
Not an ahah moment
In fact there is no ahaha

There are loads of unresolvable questions

I'm not fussed either way with the molten aluminium

The O S is a fable - there are bits maybe lots of stuff which are true but the whole remains a fable. Because the OS is itself a fabulous conspiracy.

And it is this reluctance to acknowledge that all versions of 9/11 are incredibly fabulous and that it requires a thorough investigation which consigns ardent adherents of the o story as really annoying.

OS adherents tend to have a very large commitment to the official fabulous version of events.

So shall we move onto some other aspect
A major point originally for yebiga,( the molten metal), now that it has been scientifically explained, "I'm not fussed either way with the molten aluminium".
Right... So it was a very important factor, and now it's irrelevant.
I wonder if you would have the same thought, it no one could explain it?
It was evidence for the conspiracy theory... but now you're not fussed...

And now that he feels his foundations slipping... he starts to move on to make it a broader topic.

Ease up
If you read earlier posts
There is a tacit agreement to work they the various issues on either side
Stop personalizing and stick to your knitting
Chastises me for explaining the point he brought up... and for pointing out that he was straying from the agreed upon topic...
And tells me to stick to knitting.

The frustration is visible.

Sorry what science?
As there has been no detailed investigation
What science?
All of it is speculation
Nist has changed its tune
Numerous facts have been entirely ignored by the commission s report
Even from the OS engineers all you get is its likely this and likely that


Fact is the OS required the concrete to pancake
Fine let it pancake
The steel below the impact is not compromised
It's thicker the lower you get
The steel around the core is meshed
As the core is surrounding lift wells
There is nothing to pancake
The building cannot fall into itself because it is precisely strongest at its core and it's steel mesh progressively is thicker the lower down we go


The trusses may give and chunks of concrete may fall on the floor below
Let's accept this fantasy

Science does anyone have the blueprints?

Me thinks that the appeal to science is idiotic
This is a mesh of steel
Weight is transferred when some part gives

If the trusses gave way
Then there is no additional weight on the core

Symmetric collapse is a circus trick


Nothing but controlled explosives could force the speed of the collapse

When the engineers of the official story remain so circumspect with qualification of this or that possibility your radar should be attuned to what is nothing but conjecture to reach a predetermined conclusion.
This was right after telling me about the agreement to stick to one point...
A total collapse.
Let's see how far he goes...

You know I am liable entertain any nonsense
And we can all be wrong

But when I hear the excuses for
WTC 7 and the pentagon

I wish I was still religious so I could pray for your soul.

Seriously people who are endowed with eyes and a mind who can't step out of line - even on an anonymous internet board - are nt really alive. They just parrot narratives and prescriptions

This sad but also unforgivable

The best of what it means to be human is to contest and use you natural abilities

To forgo your own self to fit in makes you unfit

The amazingly lunacy that OS believers unwittingly defend is that an operation of this magnitude could be accomplished by 19 goat herders but they cannot even consider that it could be far more easily accomplished by intelligence and military personnel in USA

That the event in no way helps these cave dwellers or their cause - whatever that might be
But clearly it empower s the intelligence and military of the USA
And it's subsequent actions are unprecedented

But hey move along people there is nothing to see here!
On to the straw man-ing. Cannot debate the points... cannot even debate with the jumping around technique.
Time to employ the appeal to authority, and win arguments against straw men.

I'm pretty sure bin laden is Arabic for big bird.
And big birds flew into the towers too
It was all about birds and goats too
Bush was reading about goats
And then shanksville all there was left were birds

The amazingly lunacy that OS believers unwittingly defend is that an operation of this magnitude could be accomplished by 19 goat herders but they cannot even consider that it could be far more easily accomplished by intelligence and military personnel in USA

That the event in no way helps these cave dwellers or their cause - whatever that might be
But clearly it empower s the intelligence and military of the USA
And it's subsequent actions are unprecedented

But hey move along people there is nothing to see here!
Such a ridiculous copy paste.
No... I didn't accidentally quote this post again... he posted it again... Clearly thought his genius needed to be repeated.

After several posts with information and videos giving arguments for the hole... he posts;
Waiting for any argument at all for the hole in the inner wall of the pentagon
Anything ....

How far does he drop?
Apparently there is this esoteric Hebrew dance that can at a distance puncture hole in buildings

Yebiga, either try to have an honest debate, or don't bother and just bow out.
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