Conspiracy Theory 9/11 - Part 2

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I'm still waiting on some evidence of any sign whatsoever of a plane crashed in Shanksville.....Apparently it went nose first straight underground. And the wings folded behind it in perfect unison, so as to leave no trace of them either.....Much the same as what happened at the Pentagon really.

The miracles & co-incidences just keep on adding up.

It'd be easier to believe in the literal reading of the Bible than this story I reckon....LOL

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You just create fake claims then debunk them in a heap of rambling nonsense..

what "fake" claims have i made? you got exposed by BustedWing in the bombs thermyte debate, you got exposed trying to back a neo nazi video, you got exposed posting a fake paper. Are you able to back anything up? are you able to back that explosions took place in wtc7? are you able to back up that missiles struck the pentagon actually? nope, thought so...apparently all evidencs were deleted LOL yep atleast you admit you have no evidence, so well done. Procrastinator35 is just a liar, but i thought you can do better, if you cannot back your claims up, you will end up being p35 too. I again ask you, do you have the live video grab of the explosions? if not then admit it. If you dont have the evidence of 1.1 million jews receiving text messages moments before attack, admit it. If you have the evidence, show it. Dont be intellectually dishonest like p35
That reminds me....I must remember to sharpen my jousting sword.
You need to sharpen a lot more than that :D considering you won't produce any evidence for anything and disregard all evidences given to you. Seriously dude moody blue is right about you. You are daft. You just quoted a neo nazi yesterday in support of your argument, dude you have as much credibility as the Iraqi information minister
I'm still waiting on some evidence of any sign whatsoever of a plane crashed in Shanksville.....Apparently it went nose first straight underground. And the wings folded behind it in perfect unison, so as to leave no trace of them either.....Much the same as what happened at the Pentagon really.
As soon as you tell me what you will say/do when the evidence is put in front of you, then you will receive it.

Im not interested in putting it together only to have ignore it, move onto something else, and then claim you won the argument.

Put some skin in the game - what happens if you are shown this evidence that you claim doesnt exist?
what "fake" claims have i made? you got exposed by BustedWing in the bombs thermyte debate, you got exposed trying to back a neo nazi video, you got exposed posting a fake paper. Are you able to back anything up? are you able to back that explosions took place in wtc7? are you able to back up that missiles struck the pentagon actually? nope, thought so...apparently all evidencs were deleted LOL yep atleast you admit you have no evidence, so well done. Procrastinator35 is just a liar, but i thought you can do better, if you cannot back your claims up, you will end up being p35 too. I again ask you, do you have the live video grab of the explosions? if not then admit it. If you dont have the evidence of 1.1 million jews receiving text messages moments before attack, admit it. If you have the evidence, show it. Dont be intellectually dishonest like p35

Once again, I'll ignore the irrelevant rambling.

You believe a mint condition hijacker passport was found at ground zero, and then have the nerve to call ME intellectually dishonest?
Once again, I'll ignore the irrelevant rambling.

You believe a mint condition hijacker passport was found at ground zero, and then have the nerve to call ME intellectually dishonest?
Will you ever stick to one topic? Or will you just bounce in all directions like a footy at Auskick?
Once again, I'll ignore the irrelevant rambling.

You believe a mint condition hijacker passport was found at ground zero, and then have the nerve to call ME intellectually dishonest?
You have already had this question answered for dont remember?
From this post:

This is an argument from incredulity.

You "find it hard to believe" that a passport survived the explosion/impact relatively intact.

"Paper burns right? Surely it should have burned up with the fireball!" I imagine you cry.

Take a look at any footage of the towers after impact and before collapse. Paper is fluttering all over the sky, and littered all over the ground. Light, highly flammable paper.

So - its established that things like paper, and yes, passports, can survive such an explosion/impact.

"But the Hijackers passport??" you say! What are the odds? Too high to even calculate. must have been planted.

really? What part of the plane came out the other side of the buildings? Hard to tell really, but an excellent guess would be the nose area. Things like landing gear, cockpit etc. Take a guess where the hijacker might have been on the plane at impact...

What else was found at ground zero?

Lots of things, that, according to your logic, shouldn't have been able to survive the experience.




"But the hijacker's passport?? odds are way too high. Had to have been planted"


More telling are the things that survived flight 93. No collapse, just a plane hitting the ground at 500 miles an hour, and explosion, fireball and epic impact. Some things recovered in damn good condition from that crash site:

Hijacker ID:


Even really fragile paper:


The "Magic passport" is a red herring. Nothing magic about it.


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You don't think there's a difference between paper objects flying out of a burning office building and paper objects being retrieved from a plane that has exploded inside a building? How many passports in total were found from the planes that hit WTC1 and WTC2?

Where's your faith in miracles bro?
Once again, I'll ignore the irrelevant rambling.

You believe a mint condition hijacker passport was found at ground zero, and then have the nerve to call ME intellectually dishonest?
Yet again, you fail to address the points i raised above and change the subject. Ramblings cause you been shown up time and again, yeah keep changing the subject, someday you will get it.
And yet you still plump for the 9/11 official story....Odd.
So where does it magik missile come from? and what happened to the debris? all cleaned up and then the 757 engine and the plane parts were dropped off hey? great story and this is where all you CTists fail "got any evidence"?
You don't think there's a difference between paper objects flying out of a burning office building and paper objects being retrieved from a plane that has exploded inside a building? How many passports in total were found from the planes that hit WTC1 and WTC2?

So far as I can tell at least 3 passports found from the various 9/11 crash sites. Lots of other things from the aircraft found that you wouldn't typically expect to survive fires exploration and fore full impacts.

But again, your argument is one of incredulity... what about my post is incorrect??

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So far as I can tell at least 3 passports found from the various 9/11 crash sites. Lots of other things from the aircraft found that you wouldn't typically expect to survive fires exploration and fore full impacts.

But again, your argument is one of incredulity... what about my post is incorrect??

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1. These were put in there by CIA, Zionists, Knights templar
2. All other evidences were removed.
3.I believe this as a fully sane adult.

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