Conspiracy Theory 9/11 - Part 2

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Instant messages to TWO workers does not equal to SMS sent to every semite in NY as bollyn claimed in his video.

Did he claim that or are you making that up too?

Either way, isn't there enough proof that people had prior knowledge.. ????

Can I say the word 'Jews'
But you believe NIST??? Funded by the government.....
Youre not understanding the difference are you...

One was told, here's come money and resources, go and find out what happened.

The other was told, heres some money and resources, produce a report that reaches THIS specific conclusion.

Dont believe me? Its written right in their damn charter!

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Youre not understanding the difference are you...

One was told, here's come money and resources, go and find out what happened.

The other was told, heres some money and resources, produce a report that reaches THIS specific conclusion.

Dont believe me? Its written right in their damn charter!
Show me the charter again please
Did he claim that or are you making that up too?

Either way, isn't there enough proof that people had prior knowledge.. ????

Can I say the word 'Jews'

Did you even watch the video you asked me to watch? ask p35, he has been parrioting this SMS crap he heard from the neo nazi for a while now..still waiting for the proof of live explosion and SMS
Did he claim that or are you making that up too?

Either way, isn't there enough proof that people had prior knowledge.. ????

Can I say the word 'Jews'


Alex Diamandis, vice president for sales and marketing with Odigo Inc., said there was nothing specifically about the attacks in the message, but he said it was suspicious in nature, especially because of its timing.

"I would describe it as a threat, a warning," Diamandis said from New York.

So...... still waiting.
So...... still waiting.

Diamandis declined to comment further on the content of the message, citing the ongoing investigation.

Makes sense, yep, an investigation is underway... But them you find out...

Information was then passed on to Israeli authorities, who in turn passed it to the FBI.

So where's the outcome of that investigation???? GEE I WONDER!
Makes sense, yep, an investigation is underway... But them you find out...

So where's the outcome of that investigation???? GEE I WONDER!

did you even watch bollyn's video? ffs.

bollyns own words:

According to the published reports, Israel-based employees of Odigo reported having received warnings of an imminent attack at the World Trade Center hours before the first plane hit the north tower. Odigo, an Israeli-owned company, had its U.S. headquarters two blocks from the World Trade Center, but the forewarned Odigo employees did not pass the terror warning on to the authorities in New York, an act that would have saved thousands of lives.

He is clearly lying. Odigo said no specific comments were made about any attack

Apparently, all israelies received it in NY too. I assume everyone was using Odigo LOL.
Makes sense, yep, an investigation is underway... But them you find out...

So where's the outcome of that investigation???? GEE I WONDER!

Let me get this straight, so MOSSAD controlled Odigo sends messages to all the Israelis in USA, then MOSSAD controlled ODIGO goes and informs the FBI about these messages. :drunk: Bollyn is not very bright. Then MOSSAD controlled newspapers in Israeli reports about all this where suspicion will fall on Israel???? Bollyn can't even make a lie up properly.
Let me get this straight, so MOSSAD controlled Odigo sends messages to all the Israelis in USA, then MOSSAD controlled ODIGO goes and informs the FBI about these messages. :drunk: Bollyn is not very bright. Then MOSSAD controlled newspapers in Israeli reports about all this where suspicion will fall on Israel???? Bollyn can't even make a lie up properly.

Mate, you really need to stick to the facts and give up the incessant off-topic rambling.. Literally 90% of your posts make no sense.

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Mate, you really need to stick to the facts and give up the incessant off-topic rambling.. Literally 90% of your posts make no sense.
that is about 10% more than your posts. So i am still waiting for the live video grabs and proof that all semites received WTC attack notification. Again put up or shut up

and what exactly was off topic about what i said? i am merely telling you wht bollyn is claiming.
that is about 10% more than your posts. So i am still waiting for the live video grabs and proof that all semites received WTC attack notification. Again put up or shut up

and what exactly was off topic about what i said? i am merely telling you wht bollyn is claiming.

I never claimed Bollyn is the sole authority on 911 truth so why do you keep trying to align my responses to his (most of which you've made up anyway).

I gave you clear evidence of SMS's sent that gave prior knowledge of attacks happening in NY that day and what we can safely say is an associated FBI cover up.

Like I said, stick to MY facts and challenge them if you wish.
I never claimed Bollyn is the sole authority on 911 truth so why do you keep trying to align my responses to his (most of which you've made up anyway).
What??? a few pages ago you were urging everyone to watch this "genius'" video. And now you are done defending him, well ok good to know, thats one off the list :D

I gave you clear evidence of SMS's sent that gave prior knowledge of attacks happening in NY that day and what we can safely say is an associated FBI cover up.
You gave evidence of online messages being sent to 2 (two) of Odigo's employees with no mention of any attack! i have quoted odigo's managers who have said this you are so sure this was a coverup, so why dont you produce evidence? Messaging companies receive weird messages all the time. I worked at America Online some 10 years ago and we used to receive threats, hacking info, tips on criminals (99 percent bogus) all the time. This is not proof of anything, unless you prove the messages were related to the WTC attacks.

Like I said, stick to MY facts and challenge them if you wish.

facts! lol please.
Given the time frame and associated event you don't think these SMSs were worthy of an investigation and the findings/content of SMS are in the public's best interest?
You say its "foul play" and its MOSSAD who did that. I am quoting the Israeli newspaper..

"Micha Macover, CEO of the company, said the two workers received the messages and immediately after the terror attack informed the company's management, which immediately contacted the Israeli security services, which brought in the FBI."

This seems like a perfectly normal behaviour to me. If Israeli Security services asked Odigo to contact FBI, it cannot be them sending the messages! maybe it was not the Israelis. Why on earth would Mossad tip people off about the message? think about it. Maybe its the terrorists who sent it, the real ones not the fake CT ones.
Maybe it was Santa Clause? Why don't they just tell us??? What do the FBI have to hide? If the SMSs were junk why not release the detail to the media?
Exactly, they could have just changed the message. But didn't. TWO people received the message, TWO! perspective please and that even vague message and you are speculating on what the message might be. We can conclude two things

1. there is no evidence that semites in NY received any message regarding WTC attacks
2. Its not conclusive where the message came from and who sent it.
Exactly, they could have just changed the message. But didn't. TWO people received the message, TWO! perspective please and that even vague message and you are speculating on what the message might be. We can conclude two things

I'm speculating and so are you.. How do we solve that? RELEASE THE INFORMATION......
I'm speculating and so are you.. How do we solve that? RELEASE THE INFORMATION......

I am not speculating anything. If 400,000 semites received the message in NY then this should have been known, easily. Are you telling me we cannot even confirm from 1 out of the 400,000 jews living in NY?? If there is total silence on this issue , then its safe to assume nothing was sent or received.

EDIT: 1.1 Million jews.
p35, i will wait for your next set of embarrassing 100% proof, genius, 160 IQ einsteinesque videos from neo nazis :D Till then its enough for now. Yet again extremely disappointing truthers being exposed over and over again over fake videos/research papers and more claims they cant back up. LOL busted wing will continue to whoop arse here but i got the AFL finals series to worry about for now :)
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