Looking for a cloud to yell at
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- #1
By Beautiful Mind Posts, this is what I mean -
I’m sure that I’m not alone in finding these a pain in the arse
Unfortunately, my understanding is it’s something to do with compatibility issues between the app and the Bigfooty servers that can’t or won’t be fixed
So it’s not going to go away
For that reason, posts that display like that or quote those posts will be deleted on sight
I realise that this won’t be popular with regular users of the app who through no real fault of their own will have posts deleted but the reality is they’re unintelligible anyway and a nuisance for the rest of us
So if you use the app and notice your posts are disappearing this is why

I’m sure that I’m not alone in finding these a pain in the arse
Unfortunately, my understanding is it’s something to do with compatibility issues between the app and the Bigfooty servers that can’t or won’t be fixed
So it’s not going to go away
For that reason, posts that display like that or quote those posts will be deleted on sight
I realise that this won’t be popular with regular users of the app who through no real fault of their own will have posts deleted but the reality is they’re unintelligible anyway and a nuisance for the rest of us
So if you use the app and notice your posts are disappearing this is why