A new Dank interview

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wonder how he will sleep at night if 34 players get a season or two ban as a direct result of his refusal to be part of a 'kangaroo court'. Seems a very harsh penalty to pay for Dank's 'issues' with the AFL and ASADA's process
Clearly. That's why I'm pretty sure the idea that Dank has all this evidence that will clear them, but is sitting on it, is total frogshit. What a turkey!
This was interesting:

When asked about the future of the players: "I have no doubt that the AFL will do whatever they can to imply that they've done something wrong and hence to suspend them - I think that's what they're trying to do.... If it was as systematic and as deep as they're trying to imply, surely the guys should get two years and not two weeks, is that a fair call?"

To be clear, as I don't think it comes across properly in the text, I think he was trying to be rhetorical here rather than actually suggesting that the players should get two year bans. As in, "the AFL / ASADA wouldn't be talking about heavily backdated penalties if they really thought systematic doping had occurred here". But, as usual with Mr. Dank, it doesn't come across very well because he's much less clever than he thinks he is.

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Jeez it's a Steve "Love-In".

This slimy prick could sell ice to eskimos.

**** me. They actually asked DANK how the supplement regulations should be set up in an ideal world!!!

My God, we should all just bow down to his "pharmacological knowledge" which he continually says is better than everybody else.

Still sounds like his ambitions exceeded his own estimations of his expetise.
imagine that.

oompa loompa throws in his job at cadbury's, and decided H2O 2 eskimos
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Began with the usual stuff about sorting it out in a proper forum - not the kangaroo court of the AFL Tribunal. Lets see, would that be the tribunal your contract to work at an AFL club would have stipulated that you had to abide by?

His points:

Reckoned "more than six or seven people" knew the full truth at Essendon.

Clear, concise and full detailed records were left behind at Essendon.

Lack of records myth is a fabrication by the AFL and ASADA.

Players knew EXACTLY what they were getting and why and if they didn't they weren't allowed to leave until they did.

Robson was the best perfomance manager in football "by a mile", and Hird will eventually be known as "one of the greatest coaches" (can't rmeember exact words there) and that if eveyone had not stuck their noses in Essendon would have produced "7, 8 or 9 premierships with these two".

Most of the rest was how "things should be" and how the sports all refuse to progress..... Eg they don't drive Formula One cars each weekend using Unleaded91 out of the petrol pump. No Steve, they use WHAT'S WITHIN THE RULES - NOT WHAT THEY WOULD LIKE

Rather than "interesting" it was a total suck-up interview about how Dank had been so hard done by by the big bad AFL and ASADA and then how they would like to be able to use all this new stuff without all these sporting admin people getting in their way.

Weak as piss interview yet again.


They took about 5 different PED's yet couldn't finish higher than 7th.

Anyway based on your summary it sounds like Dank is arguing that PED's should be legal in sport. That wouldn't fill me with confidence if I was an Essendon fan.
Anyway based on your summary it sounds like Dank is arguing that PED's should be legal in sport. That wouldn't fill me with confidence if I was an Essendon fan.

Sure sounded that way to me particularly once he talked about protecting his IP to gain the extra 4-5% above the competition. After listening to it seems one of his biggest beefs is that his "innovations" are now public....through the regulator sharing what he was doing.
  • Said the program was about delivering that extra "5 or 6 percent". "It was never set up to be performance enhancement. It was... management of tissue loads and tissue stress.... The guys down in Canberra and the guys down in AFL House would have you think that there was some Lance Armstrong type moment in terms of what we were running.... If I was doing something that was performance enhancement, it certainly wouldn't represent the program that was undertaken at EFC." Went on for ages and ages justifying the place of pharmacology in sport - says players need supplements and criticises the "stupidity" of the codes for not understanding what the medical science teams are trying to do. Won't bother quoting any of that crap.

It was never set up to be performance enhancement.

Said the program was about delivering that extra "5 or 6 percent"

It was never set up to be performance enhancement.

Said the program was about delivering that extra "5 or 6 percent"

It was never set up to be performance enhancement.

Said the program was about delivering that extra "5 or 6 percent"

It was never set up to be performance enhancement.

Said the program was about delivering that extra "5 or 6 percent"

It was never set up to be performance enhancement.

Said the program was about delivering that extra "5 or 6 percent"

It was never set up to be performance enhancement.

Said the program was about delivering that extra "5 or 6 percent"

It was never set up to be performance enhancement.

Said the program was about delivering that extra "5 or 6 percent"
Waiting to take it to Court is a clear bluff from Dank at the very start. Does anyone seriously believe that is the real reason he refuses to co-operate?
I believe it like Evans and Robson self-reported on their own volition. I believe it like Hird being in a very good place once he got to tell his side. I believe it like I believe Spike's vitamin c. I believe it like I believe Luke Darcy. I believe it like I believe Andrew Demetriou. I believe it like the integrity department is about ethics not orwell. I believe it like I believe Justin Charles took boldirone at Footscray just to get over his injuries. I believe it like I believe Robbo.

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Clear, concise and full detailed records were left behind at Essendon.

Lack of records myth is a fabrication by the AFL and ASADA.

Players knew EXACTLY what they were getting and why and if they didn't they weren't allowed to leave until they did.
Or EFC? Why would ASADA make this up?

There goes they were duped. No wonder they don't want him to testify. 2 years.
He's unbelievable.

Whilst practically everything Dank utters on this matter seem an absolute crock, a couple stand out for me:

1. "I have no doubt that the AFL will do whatever they can to imply that they've done something wrong and hence to suspend them - I think that's what they're trying to do ..."

Yeah .. the AFL simply must be loving this. I'm sure they're doing 'whatever they can' to tarnish the AFL brand, watch crowds & interest dwindle, get corporate sponsors offside, dilute the next tv rights etc by having the players suspended :rolleyes:

2. Won't appear before a 'Kangaroo Court' ...

Seriously - even the most morally of bankrupt person wouldn't hold back on potentially saving the careers (and not to mention over two years of pain & anguish) of up to 34 players simply because he thinks he may not receive a fair hearing.

If we go with the 1% chance that this is the real reason, then that would make him quite possibly the shittest bloke on this planet. On the other hand, if we take the 99% chance that the real reason he won't give evidence is because he has nothing that could possibly help the players ... well then ... that just makes him an egotistical, lying & deluded twat.
ey've [including the AFL]
  • When asked about whether it was necessary for the players to know what they were taking: "In the early days, when we started whatever we were doing... such was the degree of dilligency... [that] Dean [Robinson] would actually sit in the office with me and any player who could not say what we were giving them, what they were taking it for, what the benefit was, they weren't allowed to take it or have it until sat down and I went through that again. Dean was very, very rigid about that in the first couple of months that we started, until players were very, very coherent with that information."
  • Said the program was about delivering that extra "5 or 6 percent". "It was never set up to be performance enhancement. It was... management of tissue loads and tissue stress.... The guys down in Canberra and the guys down in AFL House would have you think that there was some Lance Armstrong type moment in terms of what we were running.... If I was doing something that was performance enhancement, it certainly wouldn't represent the program that was undertaken at EFC." Went on for ages and ages justifying the place of pharmacology in sport - says players need supplements and criticises the "stupidity" of the codes for not understanding what the medical science teams are trying to do. Won't bother quoting any of that crap.
Pretty clear the players knew what was going on. 2 years. I'm sure that's the answer for their solidarity and standing by the club.

Seems to regard management of tissue loads and tissue stress as different to performance enhancing. It isn't.
So where was AOD approved then? Hutt River Province?

AOD has approval in the US to be taken orally. However to my knowledge in does not have approval anywhere in the world to be delivered via injection.

Bans/prohibitions cover substances, dosages and methods of delivery.

As usual Dank is clever with his words. I haven't listened to the interview but any journo worth anything would have asked whether, for any given substance he provided to Essendon players, the substance, dosage and method of delivery were not either specifically banned or generally prohibited.


S. Pete
I've come accrossa few shifty ferkers in my time. Two things I learnt is never trust a bloke who starts every second sentence with "to be honest..." and every third sentence with the other person's name.

"Look John, to be honest, we never gave the players performance enhancing drugs it was all about tissue repair...

How Albert got scammed by this clown is unfathomable. I now understand how Alberts QC conned him into two unwinable and expensive court appeals. He's must be totally green and a sucker for a fast talking 'expert'.
If only Hird had admitted he was scammed.
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