A new Dank interview

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So, to clarify:

Someone, somewhere in Melbourne, has full and detailed records of all of the very legal supplements that were given to Essendon's players which will exonerate Essendon the club, Essendon's coaching staff, the 34 players and Danky himself.

However, that information hasn't come to light because ... no, me neither.

And as for trying to get an extra 5% or 6% but not being performance enhancing? No, me neither.
Surely you understand every morning you wake up feeling 94% but have been conditioned to believe it's 100%? I can unlock the secrets of your potential. Human beings use only 1% of their brain capacity. Use that 1% and make the life changing decision to visit my wellness clinic. At the moment we're in the motel 3 doors back from the alley with the brothel. Knock 3 times, wait, ask for Bear. You a cop?
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And why is it that the Bombres haven't gone after Dank? If he's the rogue element and Essendon were duped, you go after him, drop him off in a burlap sack on ASADA's doorstep and claim no fault. If he's as clean as he thinks he is, you produce your evidence (which apparently exists) and the whole thing goes away about a month after the story breaks.

But they still refuse to go after Dank. Hmmmm.

Multiple possibilities here. Going after Dank suggests you now know the players took something they shouldn't have whereas they are still trying to maintain they didn't take it. You don't go after somebody for a program that doesn't contain banned substances. Essendon too can still claim innocence even if ASADA meet their burden of evidence since their burden of evidence doesn't have to be 100%, just most likely. They can still come out and claim they were wronged and play the PR game. Martyrs to a flawed system.

If you go after Dank, you are admitting that ASADA have you by the balls. The penalty can't be challenged, only your role in the supplement program. If the players are smashed, then I'd suggest they appeal. If they don't win the appeal, a duped club goes after Dank. If they don't go after him as their final act, then it seems to be a concession that others at Essendon were complicit. This saga won't end for years yet but fortunately it will be run as a mere sideshow to the footy as the AFL and ASADA will be out by the time the first appeal is dealt with.
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I've come accrossa few shifty ferkers in my time. Two things I learnt is never trust a bloke who starts every second sentence with "to be honest..." and every third sentence with the other person's name.

"Look John, to be honest, we never gave the players performance enhancing drugs it was all about tissue repair...

How Albert got scammed by this clown is unfathomable. I now understand how Alberts QC conned him into two unwinable and expensive court appeals. He's must be totally green and a sucker for a fast talking 'expert'.

straight talking, or lackthereof, is a tell.

answer the farking question. Dont couch it in hypotheticals.

a sign of sociopathy, is the person will never(rule of thumb) say "I did this/that..." Dont use weasel words, dont use newspeak.

its easy to get a schooling in sociopathy by listening to lance armstrong.

Just listen to Peter Foster, and his rhetorical tropes, apart from the voice, it is K Rudd 2.0
look at North Melbourne President in his previous incarnation as a lawyer. Jimmy Brayshaw can lawyer(verb sic) goddamit.

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Point is though, based on that statement from dank the truth might actually be -

A) he left the full records at the club.
B) there are no full records
C) he left the full records at a nightclub in Majorca
D) he fully liked a recording he heard in a night club in Majorca
E) ?????
F) none of the above.

I think imagining it is a 'shot across the bow' or something over complicates things. he's a champion shit dribbler who likes hearing the sound of his own voice and isn't fussy about what it's saying.

If he likes the sound of his own voice, he has changed him MO considerably from when he worked at GWS, Cronulla, Melbourne and during his time at EFC prior to the proverbial hitting the fan. Prior to all of this he was very quiet in the back room doing what he was paid to do.

I do not have any doubt whatsoever that he has full and complete records of injections and payments. Anyone with any sort of science background would document everything, it is their dna to do so. As far as I can see, he is simply letting the nervous nellies know that the pain will be shared if he is dumped in it.
From what I can remember there have been similar sorts of comments (about full records being at EFC) in every interview he has done. Not one peep in reply from EFC.
Surely you understand every morning you wake up feeling 94% but have been conditioned to believe it's 100%? I can unlock the secrets of your potential. Human beings use only 1% of their brain capacity. Use that 1% and make the life changing decision to visit my wellness clinic. At the moment we're in the motel 3 doors back from the alley with the brothel. Knock 3 times, wait, ask for Bear. You a cop?

That would work as a defence if Dank was a Derren Brown-style hypnotist/show man.

Instead, he stuck spikes into Spike. We're not talking potential and brain capacity any more.
I think imagining it is a 'shot across the bow' or something over complicates things. he's a champion shit dribbler who likes hearing the sound of his own voice and isn't fussy about what it's saying.

My view is that he's less of a shit dribbler and more of a guy who knows he's backed into a corner - legally and professionally.

If he likes the sound of his own voice, he has changed him MO considerably from when he worked at GWS, Cronulla, Melbourne and during his time at EFC prior to the proverbial hitting the fan. Prior to all of this he was very quiet in the back room doing what he was paid to do.

I do not have any doubt whatsoever that he has full and complete records of injections and payments. Anyone with any sort of science background would document everything, it is their dna to do so. As far as I can see, he is simply letting the nervous nellies know that the pain will be shared if he is dumped in it.
From what I can remember there have been similar sorts of comments (about full records being at EFC) in every interview he has done. Not one peep in reply from EFC.

To me, the most likely outcome is that Dank thought he was clean, kept records to prove it, then realised he wasn't as clean as he thought, then the shit hit the fan.

That interview just tells us if he goes down, he won't be the only one. He's going down with as many people from Essendon, the AFL and ASADA as possible.
I'll take 9 premierships.
Nuh. The more premierships under Hird the more speculation about cheating. The man is toxic for EFC. Cut him loose and start again. Only way.

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I think Dank is telling the truth, there were in fact records.
Of course the problem was/is they show TB4 was injected into players

So the only course of action was to get rid of them and claim they didn't exist
yeah, I agree. Danks may be full of shyte on some stuff but there were definitely detailed records. As Dank said during the interview, IP is important to these sort of guys. You don't do 'right on the edge' supplements programs without documenting who was getting what and when. Clearly the records got 'lost' in the early days when Essendon were given an early heads up of how much poo they were in.
Some people say the Police are too. Its just that they do a difficult job & have to deal with scum & pricks a lot of the time. It would be a shyte country without them.

Police-----ASADA. I'll let you fill in the dots.
yeah pricks
I think Dank is telling the truth, there were in fact records.
Of course the problem was/is they show TB4 was injected into players

So the only course of action was to get rid of them and claim they didn't exist
Even if he doesn't record what he injected he sure records what he sold. Otherwise he has no way of knowing if his money is making any money.

This no records bs never flew.
i think malanotan helps with sleeping, and to go by the hue that dulux lists as matte oompa loompa then i reckon that dank will sleep like a baby stephen dank and 61_91 how is my grammer and punctuation question make jenny61_99 www.talkaboutsleep.com/how-to-use-melatonin-correctly/
Melanotan and melatonin are two different substances.....;)
Nuh. The more premierships under Hird the more speculation about cheating. The man is toxic for EFC. Cut him loose and start again. Only way.

do not care
Melanotan and melatonin are two different substances.....;)

Mostly the usual crap, but some interesting stuff in there. Moderators were ludicrously sycophantic. As usual with Dank, the things he didn't say were more enlightening than the things he did.

Just some of the things I picked out, not a full summary of what was said:

  • Said that the records kept at Essendon were actually quite thorough and that the governance was fine. Says more than "six" people at the club know exactly what happened.
  • On why he hasn't done more to defend himself, he said that he's not going to submit himself to a "kangaroo court" and will only defend himself in court. "When they get to court they have to produce the evidence... It's okay for them to sit there and say I've done a, b, c and d. Well boys, you have to go to court to prove that I did a, b, c and d."
  • ASADA first contacted Dank 6-7 weeks after the story first broke. Dank put them immediately onto his barrister and "won't repeat [his] barrister's words".
  • Says he's already started litigation, and that the "appropriate forum" for the airing of evidence will be in the form of lawsuits. Will take legal action against AFL and NRL. Believes that there were leaks in the investigation that damaged his reputation, and believes he knows where those leaks came from (but didn't elaborate further).
  • The substances used at Essendon were "well and truly part of the established landscape in terms of medicine in this country and overseas. All of these substances have some sort of approval somewhere in the world for use...." Says he would do it again. "There was nothing that we did that we didn't have permission for. There was nothing that we did that no-one [sic] had any issues with. And we certainly didn't do anything that wasn't discussed well throughout the club infrastucture."
  • Says he has (had?) all the records and that he "left them at Essendon football club. It was certainly left on the club intranet. And those records recorded every player on a spreadsheet, for every day, every week, every month of the season." Says this has been verified by an external body, and that you'd "have to ask the club" what happened to them and "why they've [including the AFL] tried to perpetrate the lie that these records don't exist".
  • When asked about whether it was necessary for the players to know what they were taking: "In the early days, when we started whatever we were doing... such was the degree of dilligency... [that] Dean [Robinson] would actually sit in the office with me and any player who could not say what we were giving them, what they were taking it for, what the benefit was, they weren't allowed to take it or have it until sat down and I went through that again. Dean was very, very rigid about that in the first couple of months that we started, until players were very, very coherent with that information."
  • Said the program was about delivering that extra "5 or 6 percent". "It was never set up to be performance enhancement. It was... management of tissue loads and tissue stress.... The guys down in Canberra and the guys down in AFL House would have you think that there was some Lance Armstrong type moment in terms of what we were running.... If I was doing something that was performance enhancement, it certainly wouldn't represent the program that was undertaken at EFC." Went on for ages and ages justifying the place of pharmacology in sport - says players need supplements and criticises the "stupidity" of the codes for not understanding what the medical science teams are trying to do. Won't bother quoting any of that crap.
  • When asked about the future of the players: "I have no doubt that the AFL will do whatever they can to imply that they've done something wrong and hence to suspend them - I think that's what they're trying to do.... If it was as systematic and as deep as they're trying to imply, surely the guys should get two years and not two weeks, is that a fair call?"
  • Predictably, did not directly address TB4 nor was he asked about it. It must be a condition of him doing these interviews. Pretty damning when he could say something as simple as "I didn't give the players TB4."
I seriously think they're running a TB4 isn't a banned substance argument. Certain posters on here were doing it for a while up until the tribunal hearings - which I don't find to be a coincidence
When Dank says he didn't give the players anything banned he isn't actually lying as such because he genuinely believes that he has operated within the system and found ways around the code to use the substances he has. From what I've seen, I also think he was also experimenting / trialling what worked and what didn't so I've no doubt he kept records of what was given to each player but it is also equally likely that he didn't fully share this information because it was his trade secret - this may be why ASADA are having trouble connecting specific injections to specific players as part of his experimentation may well have been given Player A TB4 but not Player B whilst telling both they were getting it

Dank is ground zero in this whole mess and had Essendon just thrown him under the bus at the outset by saying he operated outside his parameters without authorisation then this would be over. Problem for essendon is (and Dank has just reminded them again in case they'd forgotten) a number of key people knew full well what he was doing and were not just condoning his actions but encouraging them

I also find it curious that whenever he does one of these warning shots to Essendon he always pumps up Hirds tyres
I seriously think they're running a TB4 isn't a banned substance argument. Certain posters on here were doing it for a while up until the tribunal hearings - which I don't find to be a coincidence
I don't think it goes much beyond PR ponytails using a few internet "portals" to test PR Bullshit Candidates.
The last thing dank wants is to appear in normal court.Cross examination would be his worst nightmare

people lie, and sociopaths are pathological liars.

I dont think it would be his worst nightmare, his ego would be indulged, and would relish the higher pulpit, and still proclaim innocence before during and after no matter the finding, and in inimitable words of KEvin Rudd, i am the smartest guy in the room. even if the room is with oppenheimer
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