It ****ing sucks mate. This league has tried for many seasons to get the best of me and I admit it's come close a few times but what I feel like our great club needs right now is something positive and so I'm hear to announce just that!I'm nearly broken
Having played this League for nearly 10 years for the Royals Ive seen a lot and usually as a Royal you get used to losing and being the butt of jokes about how hopeless we are - and mostly it brushes off
Personally having played nearly 280 games I am in the red regards wins - and by a margin of 10 games.
Thats ok its how it works
I have been lucky enough to win a Premiership here and I regard that as the high. But its a oncer
One of the catchphrases the last few years has been ' engagement is key '
But the last 4 weeks have nearly broken me
Play the bottom winless side and get beaten - ok it happens - have the bye to lick our wounds and come out and
Play the bottom winless side and get beaten - deep breath
Then play the Gumbies ( not their issue ) get to 100 points first and a 55 point margin only to lose
The LG is out there asking people if they want to play for the Royals and we get blanks - we are doing our best to lead the engagement in match threads but its a struggle getting people to post because they see nothing
I'm not asking for 3 flags in a row just a reminder that winning sometimes drives engagement
I'm nearly broken
Cadsky Brenton Davy grumbleguts
PS: I wouldnt really mind 3 flags
I am committing myself to the Royals until we win our next premiership.