Aaron Russo - Freedom To Fascism.

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Sep 28, 2006
What People Are Saying About Freedom to Fascism

FOUR STARS [For Freedom to Fascism]
The scariest damn film you'll see this year. It will leave you staggering out of the theatre, slack-jawed and trembling. Makes 'Fahrenheit 9/11' look like 'Bambi.' After watching this movie, your comfy, secure notions about America -- and about what it means to be an American -- will be forever shattered. Producer/director Aaron Russo and the folks at Cinema Libre Studio deserve to be heralded as heroes of a post-modern New American Revolution. This is shocking stuff. You'll be angry, you'll be disgusted, but you may actually break out in a cold sweat and feel a sickness deep in your gut; I would advise movie theatre managers to hand out vomit bags. You may end up needing one." --- Todd David Schwartz, CBS


The scene when the cops taser a woman who's licence had expired was pretty scary stuff.

What about the Australian Reserve bank, is it also privately owned?

When watching the first few minutes, I was under the impression that it was all some elaborate hoax or simulation like Death Of A President. Unfortunately, I don't think it is.

It's everything that Michael Moore should be, but isn't.

Very powerful, very scary and compulsory viewing.
Big brother has arrived. RFID and CCTV will end freedom as we once knew it. Is this what our dads fought 2 WW's for... or against?

1940's...Achtung!...papers please!

2010... "beep, alert, you can't enter the Telstra Dome your RFID tells us you owe $32.68 in parking fines.....beep, beep, beep, guards take him away"

The interest shown in this thread shows why we are in this dire predicament. Wake up people... please, for the kids sake!

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Thank you for posting this. This is the most important issue that the west needs to face, which is why people are being blinded by the "threat of terrorism".

I am sure it has not gotten many responses because the PR firms and their employees on here wont post on a thread like this, and will try to move it down the line :). Let's keep this somewhere towards the top so that reasonable people have a chance to be exposed to some hard truths.
The ABC should broadcast this ...

Compulsory viewing for every Australian.

Thank god we aren't as far gone as America (yet).

They should!, but it's unlikely the way the ABC are going. It's actually probably a bit more up SBS's alley if you think about - they show are the only channel that show 9/11 conspiracy theory documentaries and the cutting edge is usually something about America ****ing over the rest of the world.

It's quite frustrating because my internet is JUST too slow to watch that movie, it cuts out every three seconds or so.
SANTA BARBARA, California: A plan to fingerprint elementary school students when they buy lunch has some parents worrying that Big Brother has come to the cafeteria.


Bummer about your connection pmad87. About 3/4 way thru is where Russo tells us that, whilst hob knobbing at a rich private do, one of the Rockerfellers (maybe drunk) told Russo.... Womans lib was a hoax to get women into the work force. Till then only half the population was paying tax. "They" also wanted to remove the mother from the home and get all the kids into school... so "they" could mould their minds.

It worked a treat. We now have a society of consumers who are driven by their wallet/purse and never question authority. So what's the best way to win an election, with strong policies? - No. Handout a couple of dollars - not gold mind you ;)
Just another wacko New World Order conspiracy film where wrestlers take over the world by subliminal messages hidden in their costumes.
Russo and others are on the money... the US has become a police state. We've seen the woman driver in Russo's movie getting tazered. Now check this out...


An Iranian-American UCLA student was shot by UCLA'S UCPD November 14th 2006, because he could not show his Student ID. He was shot 5 times with a taser gun. Police threatened to shoot students who got too close. The Student yelled out that he had a medical condition, but the cops kept shooting.

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Russo and others are on the money... the US has become a police state. We've seen the woman driver in Russo's movie getting tazered. Now check this out...


An Iranian-American UCLA student was shot by UCLA'S UCPD November 14th 2006, because he could not show his Student ID. He was shot 5 times with a taser gun. Police threatened to shoot students who got too close. The Student yelled out that he had a medical condition, but the cops kept shooting.

You call that an example of a police state?

This is a police state:

"Big Brother is another step closer in the UK where the ever ubiquitous CCTV cameras are being fitted with loudspeakers so that camera operators who spot activities deemed 'anti-social' can berate the citizens below. In January 2004 there were more than 4,285,000 CCTV cameras in the UK (roughly 1 for every 4 households). No data about the number of CCTV cameras now in use in the UK is available."
Can you now show me the movie in where these communist/socialist/islamic states dish out worse/similar to their people.

Oh wait that's right you can't, theyd kill/maim you if you tried.

As long as you can make and show these kind of films of your own society you arent going too bad in the scheme of the world.
I have seen this documentary and I encourage others to watch it. Aaron Russo has decent filmmaking and political credentials so he has more credibility than others making similar types of films.

I'd also recommed you watch Century of the Self if you can find it.
section8 said:
You call that an example of a police state?
I'm trying not to preach to the choir.
I agree section8 there are many more disturbing things going on re-police state, but ppl are aren't concerned by camera's..yet. To many ppl the RFID chip is a good idea. Not many ppl like the idea of being pulled over and tazered. Ppl don't like getting hurt. These video's alert those who aren't aware of the things to come.

AndSmithMustScore said:
As long as you can make and show these kind of films of your own society you arent going too bad in the scheme of the world.

While we have that attitude, we are sinking into the quicksand.

Dude, how long will it last? Fact is, all this info is available because of the net, and only the net. internet2 is not far off. China, with the help of Google blocks sites and content to it's people.

The US gov doesn't care, cos if it get's ugly, they have the laws already in place to lock up the rebels or anyone speaking out - and they have the "camps" to put them in.
Big brother has arrived. RFID and CCTV will end freedom as we once knew it. Is this what our dads fought 2 WW's for... or against?

1940's...Achtung!...papers please!

2010... "beep, alert, you can't enter the Telstra Dome your RFID tells us you owe $32.68 in parking fines.....beep, beep, beep, guards take him away"

The interest shown in this thread shows why we are in this dire predicament. Wake up people... please, for the kids sake!

Oh very good Acthung yes i get it, Germany commits genocide and murders 7 million jews.

Yes i can see the Paralel to America today :confused:

But why use Germany as an Example, Socialist states provide far better examples of police states than Germany, especially seeing they killed more people and lasted longer than the Nazis ever did.

Personally i'd love CCTV on all streets, anything to help identify crims and thugs all the more reason to have them.

If you aren't doing anything wrong you have nothing to fear from them.
If you aren't doing anything wrong you have nothing to fear from them.

An Iranian-American UCLA student was shot by UCLA'S UCPD November 14th 2006, because he could not show his Student ID. He was shot 5 times with a taser gun. Police threatened to shoot students who got too close. The Student yelled out that he had a medical condition, but the cops kept shooting.

Oh very good Acthung yes i get it, Germany commits genocide and murders 7 million jews.

Yes i can see the Paralel to America today :confused:

But why use Germany as an Example, Socialist states provide far better examples of police states than Germany, especially seeing they killed more people and lasted longer than the Nazis ever did.

Personally i'd love CCTV on all streets, anything to help identify crims and thugs all the more reason to have them.

Difference of course being that in the UK, there is a disturbing amount of sympathy extended to offenders over victims. They don't put away crims for extended periods of time to keep society safe as they do in the US.

If you aren't doing anything wrong you have nothing to fear from them.

As you can see with the advent of political correctness over the past 20 years, what was acceptable once is now considered "wrong", even criminal. The insane abundance of cameras in the UK make extreme changes to the law that do not have majority support far simpler to enact. With the socialist fruitcakes running the UK at present, I wouldn't like to second guess what is to be considered "wrong" next.

Nice try moron.

The "If you aren't doing anything wrong you have nothing to fear from them."
was in reference to CCTV.

In fact if there had been CCTV there when that student was tasered it would have provided excellent evidence to show the wrongs done by the police.

As i said "Personally i'd love CCTV on all streets, anything to help identify crims and thugs all the more reason to have them."

And that includes identifying police who abuse their powers.
Nice try moron.

The "If you aren't doing anything wrong you have nothing to fear from them."
was in reference to CCTV.

In fact if there had been CCTV there when that student was tasered it would have provided excellent evidence to show the wrongs done by the police.

As i said "Personally i'd love CCTV on all streets, anything to help identify crims and thugs all the more reason to have them."

And that includes identifying police who abuse their powers.

And you think the people controlling the CCTV won't be the same people as those who are controlling the police? That "them" in your post is bigger than just CCTVs.

Hence my post.
And you think the people controlling the CCTV won't be the same people as those who are controlling the police? That "them" in your post is bigger than just CCTVs.

Hence my post.

How do you paranoid delusional conspiracy types survive in life?

Everyones out to get us! hide under the bed.
How do you paranoid delusional conspiracy types survive in life?

Everyones out to get us! hide under the bed.
So tell me. What dia Aaron Russo present in the movie that was not correct?

If you cant answer the question then stop trying to distract from the factual, well structured argument that we are all getting ripped off by the tax system.

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Aaron Russo - Freedom To Fascism.

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