Adelaide free to participate in draft..

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Sheesh, the new Carlton board had exactly a week to defend ourselves in 2002 and the AFL rushed the penalties through late on a Friday night with the draft a day or so away.
yeah, we got boned on that too - I wonder if we can use that in our defence:mad:

Absolutely pathetic. Don't worry Crows, you're only delaying the inevitable. Justice will be harsh.
Justice? what the **** are you smoking?
Was looking forward to our pick 29 becoming pick 28. I'm gutted.
I wouldn't worry, the draft for the next few years after that might be quite deep....

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What does this mean for Tippett though?

Is he then going to be afforded the luxury of entering the PSD and avoid de-registration or suspension?

The club/s keen on Tippett will need to be made aware of any sanction that either suspends or banishes him from league footy in 2013 and beyond before they actually decide to take him on.
Adelaide will be penalised fairly as will those who struck the deal. Carlton's cheating was far and above what Adelaide have done though.
I'm more talking about what the AFL are capable of doing in a short period of time if they see fit.
But this just reinforces what I've been saying all along. Despite being run by lawyers, the AFL runs on a system that has more legal holes than a Swiss cheese and it will only take one person to take them to court for the whole house of cards to come down.

Kinda ironic you say this in light of Old Dark Navy's comment - the presence of lawyers at AFL house has meant that the AFL is more alive to issues of procedural justice than they were 10 years ago. If they hadn't allowed Adelaide to participate in this draft while the charges are pending, the AFL could have expected to be on the receiving end of an injunction quick smart. Sounds to me like the AFL's lawyers have actually been plugging the holes in the swiss cheese of law recently.
What does this mean for Tippett though?

Is he then going to be afforded the luxury of entering the PSD and avoid de-registration or suspension?

The club/s keen on Tippett will need to be made aware of any sanction that either suspends or banishes him from league footy.
The AFL has written case adjourned on their website. What the likely outcome will be is they will enable him to get to a club of his choice (Sydney or Western Sydney) through the draft, however they may still deregister him for his negligence in not investigating the deal properly. The predicted outcome for most will be half a season, meaning he could come back after the bye and play. They know Adelaide has lost him so it defeats any purpose of them sanctioning Adelaide of manipulating the market to retain Tippet and his service.
Stalling...and Trigg takes the fall ...The Crows had no idea of the evil that was being preperated in their name and are clearly victims here, the reputation and goodwill generated by this humblest of sporting clubs over the last 20 years ruined by these rouge egomaniacts ...or something like that:p
Kinda ironic you say this in light of Old Dark Navy's comment - the presence of lawyers at AFL house has meant that the AFL is more alive to issues of procedural justice than they were 10 years ago. If they hadn't allowed Adelaide to participate in this draft while the charges are pending, the AFL could have expected to be on the receiving end of an injunction quick smart. Sounds to me like the AFL's lawyers have actually been plugging the holes in the swiss cheese of law recently.
Yep. Pretty much.
Adelaide will be penalised fairly as will those who struck the deal. Carlton's cheating was far and above what Adelaide have done though.
Wouldnt you say a far more in depth cheating scheme would require further analysis to determine the extent of the issue, before issuing any penalties?

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I wouldn't blame this administration solely for the allowance given to the Crows to go in the draft. The Oakley administration turned a blind eye to Carlton and Essendon's cheating to win 1993 and 1995 respectively and it wasn't until the Jackson era that the whopper punishment was handed out. Hopefully Adrian is using his good lawyer skills to allow natural justice to take place before implementing a penalty that could have ramifications for the AFL if found to be unmerited.
OMG , get it into your thick head, Carlton did NOT breach the salary cap in 1995. I dare you to find one shred of evidence anywhere to support your statement. Go on i dare you.
I will repeat myself, CARLTON DID NOT BREACH THE SALARY CAP IN 1995.
As for the AFL and this decision, nothing surprises me anymore. They hastily convened a meeting on the Friday night before the Sunday 2002 draft even though Carlton had asked for an adjournment having only had a short time to prepare for the hearing as there had been a change of board.
Hopefully the Crows will finish lower down the ladder next season and the punishment will be more severe.
I wouldn't blame this administration solely for the allowance given to the Crows to go in the draft. The Oakley administration turned a blind eye to Carlton and Essendon's cheating to win 1993 and 1995 respectively and it wasn't until the Jackson era that the whopper punishment was handed out. Hopefully Adrian is using his good lawyer skills to allow natural justice to take place before implementing a penalty that could have ramifications for the AFL if found to be unmerited.

Geez another Geelong supporter whining about 1995. Carlton have never been found to have cheated the salary cap in 1995.

The eagles got caught cheating in 1997 does that mean you claim the their 92 and 94 flags as well.
OMG , get it into your thick head, Carlton did NOT breach the salary cap in 1995. I dare you to find one shred of evidence anywhere to support your statement. Go on i dare you.
I will repeat myself, CARLTON DID NOT BREACH THE SALARY CAP IN 1995.
As for the AFL and this decision, nothing surprises me anymore. They hastily convened a meeting on the Friday night before the Sunday 2002 draft even though Carlton had asked for an adjournment having only had a short time to prepare for the hearing as there had been a change of board.
Hopefully the Crows will finish lower down the ladder next season and the punishment will be more severe.
LOL just because they didn't breach the salary cap in 1995 doesn't mean they didn't breach the cap to get players there who played in the 1995 team. Front loading of contracts is well known and used often by clubs in list management. Carlton were over in 1993 in and around the time they got guys like Earl Spalding. Not to mention the fact that they were found to breach the cap in 1993 which first raised suspicions that they were paying improperly. Finally the last sign that something was going wrong was when guys like Fraser Brown decided to plead the 5th and say nothing at the AFL investigation which in the court of opinion was seen as an admission of guilt and further reinforced by comments about it from Silvagni of all people. So just because they weren't found guilty of breaching in 1995 it doesn't mean they didn't do it then. OJ didn't kill his wife according to a criminal court in 1995 but still did it.
LOL just because they didn't breach the salary cap in 1995 doesn't mean they didn't breach the cap to get players there who played in the 1995 team. Front loading of contracts is well known and used often by clubs in list management. Carlton were over in 1993 in and around the time they got guys like Earl Spalding. So just because they weren't found guilty of breaching in 1995 it doesn't mean they didn't do it then. OJ didn't kill his wife according to a criminal court in 1995 but still did it.
Everyone can play at that game.

Geelong were caught cheating the salary cap in 1998 and 1999 so just because they didn't breach the salary cap in 2007 doesn't mean they didn't breach the cap to get players there who played in the 2007 team. Front loading of contracts is well known and used often by clubs in list management. Geelong were over in 1999 in and around the time they got guys like Cameron Mooney. So just because they weren't found guilty of breaching in 2007 it doesn't mean they didn't do it then.
Sheesh, the new Carlton board had exactly a week to defend ourselves in 2002 and the AFL rushed the penalties through late on a Friday night with the draft a day or so away.
Yep. Totally unfair on the Blues at the time. But the AFL need to do this correctly to ensure that the ruling and punishment cannot be appealed on any grounds. Same deal with the Demons. Both will be punished if found guilty. It will just hit them in later drafts.
Perfectly reasonable, the Crows have not been found guilty of anything, yet, and have asked for an extension to prepare their cases. The AFL can't change the date of the draft anymore than they can punish the Crows before they have had the chance to present their case.
People need to settle. It's an adjournment. The AFL haven't suddenly absolved the Crows of all crimes.
I'd be disappointed if I was crows fan, since losing draft picks looks inevitable you'd want to lose them in a year where your first pick is in the 20's.

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Adelaide free to participate in draft..

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