Multiplat AFL 23: Launch Thread (Xbox release date TBC)

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  • The game is out for Steam and PlayStation. There have been issues with Xbox release and it is unclear when the game will be available.
  • Big Ant are aware that there are playability issues & bugs at present.
  • Content has been temporarily removed from the game to identify where the issues lie.
  • This content will be re-introduced via patches in the coming days.
  • Big Ant have released a summary of what is to be reintroduced, which can be seen below.

Issues & constructive criticism are best communicated to:

Michaels Twitch video with QA from Ross(BigAntStudios) from 31:40

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More a case of this is what happens when Big Ant are the developer. Almost everything about each of their games is a mess on release, whether the graphics look good or not.

I have zero faith that this game would be any better gameplay-wise if they'd spent half the amount of time on the visual side of things. They do this every release.
To be fair when Evo 1 and 2 came out they peddled the whole face scan thing as the gimmick it was but the gameplay wasn't too bad. I remember the marking being a big issue at launch but that was fixed pretty quickly and the game was fun for what it was.

BigAnt were trying to pass this off as an NBA2K (hence the $100) and fell embarrassingly short of that mark.

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The Alberton oval model is very disappointing on the goal post ends… I know the ground is under redevelopment but the same fully developed model as has used for GMHBA’s final build could’ve been applied here!

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Surely you don't feel good about yourself when you pot someone (and the whole Big Ant team) without any real idea about what has happened.
Be better.
That's the thing, we do know what has happened because this the regular in the game industry now. Why would a smaller dev team like BigAnt be immune?

We are saying Ross lied because... Ross did in-fact lie.
Ok for tackling I’ve found the most efficient method is to just hold Triangle without sprinting. It’s like Live 1 and becomes a homing button but it doesnt create a tackle fest as such.
You’d never believe it but I finally managed to play a full game with no crashes. It’s actually quite fun once you get on a role. I did notice though if you screw up a passage of play you get absolutely destroyed on the counter.

I got into my 50 and was beaten on the mark, the AI then pieced 4 or 5 kicks and marks and one last on inside their 50 but my player was too slow to challenge the mark.

There’s definitely a good game somewhere underneath all the bugs. Unfortunately it might just take a bit to get there. If they can get rid of that pause the player does when they receive the ball and fix the tackling it’ll be a lot more fun
IMO, this will probably be a really decent game in about a month (?), once all the patches are fixed & other improvements are made.

Although I’m not sure if they have a solution for making player body types look more natural and less shiny/rubbery - sounds like that’s just how they are, which is a huge disappointment visually. The super close up (and so often from down low) camera angles are also so jarring, and the post-goal celebrations look really unnatural for some players - does their height change to suit the animation? Weird.

As someone who’s already purchased the game (PS5) I would genuinely love a realistic ETA from BigAntStudios re when they think the game will be glitch-free, with all of the expected features included & working properly.

I have no idea about game development or how long it takes to fix core issues that were apparently working properly pre-release, and I’m sure 99% of consumers also have NFI how long these things take to repair.

Obviously everything won’t be completely fixed and playable ‘as advertised’ in a just weeks time, so what’s a realistic timeline for having for having all things properly patched up BigAntStudios ? 2 weeks? A month?

I’d really appreciate knowing when I can expect to be able to play the game as it was intended to be played. Cheers.
All those "this looks like PS2 graphics" kind of people have in some small part contributed to the s**t show we've seen today. This is what happens when you prioritise graphics above gameplay, plain and simple. BigAnt have seen that as being the biggest demand for this game and have budgeted for that accordingly (although I don't remember people asking for a 15 second coin-toss animation). It seems people want to idolise those older games yet at the same time s**t on them for their graphics. Of course this is 100% on BigAnt, but people need to wake up and realise what actually made the older games so iconic and great for their time.
They're trying so hard to compete with the AAA titles. Imagine if they just made an unlicensed footy game for example, and prioritized gameplay above everything else, graphics, presentations, modes, etc, they could actually make a competent true simulation game for the very first time in Australian Rules Football video games existence. Especially with the bigger budget they have. I said this months ago, they were trying so hard to "please everyone" so they ended up botching the game.
Surely you don't feel good about yourself when you pot someone (and the whole Big Ant team) without any real idea about what has happened.
Be better.

I've only criticised those that lied. And I guess those that lapped it up despite red flags that became blaring sirens as we got closer to release, and who shat on those who raised those issues too.

I've never said a bad word about the poor bastards slaving way to fix this mess. Feel for them.
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That's the thing, we do know what has happened because this the regular in the game industry now. Why would a smaller dev team like BigAnt be immune?

We are saying Ross lied because... Ross did in-fact lie.
Lie is a very strong word.
He has said that what we have in front of us isn't the intended launch version due to an update failure. There is enough corroborative evidence to give reasonable weight to this.
And I'm not sure what world you live in, but I often intend to have something happen, but circumstances change and I adjust accordingly. And not every update is communicated to everyone around me.
I don't want to pick a fight with the thread mainstays, but blindly uneducated and unproductive criticism isn't healthy. You are going beyond speculation and making statements of fact about things you can't know enough about.

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They're trying so hard to compete with the AAA titles. Imagine if they just made an unlicensed footy game for example, and prioritized gameplay above everything else, graphics, presentations, modes, etc, they could actually make a competent true simulation game for the very first time in Australian Rules Football video games existence. Especially with the bigger budget they have. I said this months ago, they were trying so hard to "please everyone" so they ended up botching the game.

The grounds, graphics, face scans (for the most part) I reckon are really good if that's any positive. I don't really care about the modes for now but the gameplay needs serious work.
Lie is a very strong word.
He has said that what we have in front of us isn't the intended launch version due to an update failure. There is enough corroborative evidence to give reasonable weight to this.
And I'm not sure what world you live in, but I often intend to have something happen, but circumstances change and I adjust accordingly. And not every update is communicated to everyone around me.
I don't want to pick a fight with the thread mainstays, but blindly uneducated and unproductive criticism isn't healthy. You are going beyond speculation and making statements of fact about things you can't know enough about.

The CEO of the company was literally labelling people who raised concerns as whingers and oxygen thieves... Sympathy and understanding shouldn't be a one-way street, this is a symptom of the CEO's completely unprofessional attitude on here. If you are going to mock and lambast, don't expect it to not blow up in your face when you release a product as shocking as this.
I've only criticised those that lied. And I guess those that lapped it up despite red flags that became blaring sirens as we got closer to release, and who shat on those who raised those issues too.

I've never said a bad word about the poor bastards slaving way to fix this mess. Feel for them. The employee reviews posted earlier says it all.
Who do you think is up in the early hours of the morning when the PS5 patches go out?
Do you really think after this debacle that Ross just lets someone else do this without checking, while he is asleep?

I must have missed a glaring lie. I have seen mistakes and changes, but nothing to think that it is reasonable to go to this extreme. Lie is a VERY strong word.
Who do you think is up in the early hours of the morning when the PS5 patches go out?
Do you really think after this debacle that Ross just lets someone else do this without checking, while he is asleep?

I must have missed a glaring lie. I have seen mistakes and changes, but nothing to think that it is reasonable to go to this extreme. Lie is a VERY strong word.

You seem very emotionally invested in comments about Ross specifically.
I’ve seen a lot of people complain about handball mechanics. Does anybody have any ideas on how they should work in the future
The grounds, graphics, face scans (for the most part) I reckon are really good if that's any positive. I don't really care about the modes for now but the gameplay needs serious work.
What's the point of that stuff? I can go see the grounds and players on TV or irl and it'd look 1 billion times better. Do people not play games for the gameplay, they just ogle the artificial "photo realistic" 3D CGI?
Who do you think is up in the early hours of the morning when the PS5 patches go out?
Do you really think after this debacle that Ross just lets someone else do this without checking, while he is asleep?

I must have missed a glaring lie. I have seen mistakes and changes, but nothing to think that it is reasonable to go to this extreme. Lie is a VERY strong word.

Where's the truth in this statement?

I could find more but someone (won't say a name because I don't know who did it, more than one person has that ability) actually went through the old thread and deleted multiple comments by the Big Ant account not long after I first reposted it:

As mentioned on occasions to numerous to count, no one will be in the dark about the contents of this game prior to purchase - and that is all that should matter.
We all agree that this Coco bloke is Ross right? Sweet.

New account created on the initial release date. Only ever posts in this thread. Don’t think they’ve ever made a post without the word “Ross” in it. Always a long winded defence with an implicit air of authority in it.

I hope it’s not Ross or anyone associated with bigant but it’s really bizarre.
*imagine your all around a campfire * My friends, I’m going to tell you a tale that is as rare as Bigfoot. It’s called I played a game of AFL23 without a crash. It was such an incredible moment in time that may not repeat.

Then out of nowhere.. AGHHHH a crash!

Yep I played one full game, nothing happened. Went to play a second game and you bet she’s crashed on me. THIS IS A JOKE!!

I think this game is sending me mad
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