Multiplat AFL 23: Launch Thread (Xbox release date TBC)

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  • The game is out for Steam and PlayStation. There have been issues with Xbox release and it is unclear when the game will be available.
  • Big Ant are aware that there are playability issues & bugs at present.
  • Content has been temporarily removed from the game to identify where the issues lie.
  • This content will be re-introduced via patches in the coming days.
  • Big Ant have released a summary of what is to be reintroduced, which can be seen below.

Issues & constructive criticism are best communicated to:

Michaels Twitch video with QA from Ross(BigAntStudios) from 31:40

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There really needs to be an option for a quick shot. By the time my player realises they have the ball, turns around, and then I charge the kick the balls already down the other end.

Plus not being able to control a single player, and my whole team stopping, when the cpu marks makes it impossible to cover players. It’s why the cpu can break the game open so easily.

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So, here’s my feedback from the latest patch today 10/5. Some of this might be due to my being shit, if so please let me know any tips or trick or anything I am doing wrong.


  • Your team’s AI off ball movement has improved a lot so attacking is a lot easier. Kicking and marking is really good and fluid.
  • Handballing has improved a lot – this is good. The odd handball flies backwards 50m though.
  • The difficulty is better than yesterday but still needs improving (see negatives below).


  • Defending against the AI is horrid and nigh impossible. They move the ball at an unreasonable and quick rate.
  • Spoiling is terrible. Every time I spoil, the ball is always recovered by the AI first, Every time.
  • Marking has been nerfed and is almost impossible if I am in a contest now, especially in my forward 50.
  • Contests are still a struggle. The ball always goes to the opposition and they clear the ball at an unrealistic rate.
  • Shooting for goal is still hit and miss. Sometimes my players spray the ball. The first meter is selected fine but the second meter never seems to stop when I hit the button on my PS5. Maybe it’s me? If so please provide feedback on whether I am doing my set shots incorrectly.

I play on PS5 and have tried Easy and Medium difficulty.

Thank you.
Any danger in giving us an update on where things sit for the game considering we can’t play it without blue screening. I brought the game a week ago not now I’d like to play it please
Raise a support incident via the BigAnt page - Submit a ticket . Most people are able to play the game (albeit with lots of issues) so they'll need some details of your machine, patch etc. to figure out why you can't get in.
Played 1 game of online since the patch.
  • still can’t tackle
  • 90% of goals are from a fully contested mark inside 50
  • the timing bar that’s meant to come up in marking contests appears half the time if your lucky, and even when it does appear there’s no way of timing it in the blue as it’s instantly maxed out.
  • goal kicking is still mind numbingly easy
  • can’t change player off the mark so once someone gets a mark it’s just over the top chip kicks to the free man all the way until you get it inside 50
  • AI still just runs directly at the ball carrier and ignores their match up, exactly like evo 2.
  • changing players in general is slow and inconsistent, sometimes no matter how many times you try to switch player you can’t change to the player you want to down field. An idea I’ve always had is similar to fifa how there’s a right stick directional switching option in defence, as it gives you more ability to specifically change to the player you want even if they aren’t one of the closest to the ball.
  • if by the off chance you do manage to hit a tackle it’s broken 90% of the time anyways
  • stab kicks need balancing, it’s the only effective kick currently as normal kicks hang up in the air so long it allows for the opponent to go from nowhere near it to a teleporting spoil/mark
The fundamentals of the game are solid, I still think there’s something to build off but geez online is still completely unplayable, I’ll give offline a go now to see if I have anymore enjoyment there, if not think I’m gonna have to park this game until pro team comes out and hopefully by then they’ve ironed out the flaws in gameplay.

Edit: this was on ps4, it sounds like ps4 is still a patch behind the others so hopefully some of the issues that I’ve addressed have been worked on, will give online another go tonight/tomorrow when we get patch 1.7
Game is starting to finally feel fun on PS5 for the first-time. Definitely needs a lot more work, but it's making progress.

Guys just standing around on the mark is annoying but also funny at the same time


  • PKQMQYm5ApgWjFlD.mp4
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Can confirm push in the back is in the game 😂
Got a free for this and led to hitting Lynch on the chest and a goal.
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I don’t get why this was introduced as it serves absolutely no purpose. They could have used it sparingly after a player takes a mark for a bit of realism, which would then lead to a 50 (if we had them).

We need an actual “in the back” tackling sequence rather than a literal push in the back. 😂
5th crash of the day during the same pre season match in Manager Mode.

If BigAnt are checking this forum can you PLEASE fix the crashing issues on PS5. I’ve already mentioned my displeasure with sprint speeds/acceleration and player turning circles but if I can’t even get through games what’s the use of fixing gameplay.View attachment IMG_4203.MOV
I don’t get why this was introduced as it serves absolutely no purpose. They could have used it sparingly after a player takes a mark as a bit of realism, which would lead to a 50 (if we had them).
High tackles and push in the backs were a mechanic in Live 1 if you were sprinting, which I thought worked well.
It's not even close to a good standard, it's still very broken. Not sure where these observations of great gameplay are coming from. The only noticeably responsive and effective gameplay mechanic working well is the rucking, but even that is a bit broken, because the CPU don't really contest and there isn't a collision system. I also just checked into Michaels gameplay from a few hours ago, his session is even more glitchy than what I'm playing.
I think you misread my post,
I’m saying that it’s “great” that gameplay is getting to a level that we are happy with, not that currently the gameplay is “great”
Everyone who hasn't bought yet watching this thread and the patches waiting for the right time to buy:

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The issue is like 0.01% of the people who play this game watch this thread. Which is why these daily patch notes being posted by BA is such an improvement on communication. (Obviously would be better if they didn’t need to do any of this in the first place, by the game not being broken)
I'm enjoying the game a lot, once the crashes and other odds and ends are sorted out it'll be my main footy game until AFL 24-25-26 release. I know it's not something to e flex about, butttt I've put 5 hours of gametime into the game so far.... would have dumped it straight away if it was truly awful.

Can only imagine how many hours the Big Ant crew have sunk into it (and not just watching a long bomb goal kicked from an angle on the 50m line via the replay feature).

We have been dealing with them as we see them and as they are reported but it is hard to keep up and we aren't online constantly (believe it or not, both of us have real person jobs and lives aside from our glorified hall monitoring). Keep reporting, we don't want them here either.
Xtreme Moderator has entered the chat. I will punish the wrong doers with tales of ScoMo and Tough man Tony!!!
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