Multiplat AFL 23: Launch Thread (Xbox release date TBC)

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  • The game is out for Steam and PlayStation. There have been issues with Xbox release and it is unclear when the game will be available.
  • Big Ant are aware that there are playability issues & bugs at present.
  • Content has been temporarily removed from the game to identify where the issues lie.
  • This content will be re-introduced via patches in the coming days.
  • Big Ant have released a summary of what is to be reintroduced, which can be seen below.

Issues & constructive criticism are best communicated to:

Michaels Twitch video with QA from Ross(BigAntStudios) from 31:40

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My counterpoint is that huddo is the main commentator. If nails on a chalk board was the limit that rules out all bar Bennett and Heally

I learned quickly (Evolution) to switch off the commentary straight away, did this in Evolution 2 as well - only have to put up with Huddo on the Press Start screen :p

Hearing how '23 was on the youtube videos, first thing I did when I booted up the game was turn the commentary volume down in the options.
Can someone post the patch notes for those blocked please?

And why on earth is it so hard to get an answer about the commentary. Like trying to extract blood from a stone.
Is it really that important to know about the commentary? Isn’t the gameplay and making the sure game doesn’t crash more important than whether or not Hamish McLachlan is in the game. I don’t think anyone who is actually playing the game right now cares about the commentary.

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First Game - Played in Manager Mode
5 Minute Quarters

  • Crowds seem to be sparce still, massive crowds in Play now but still no packed stadiums in manager mode​
  • Wind indicator is still not visible​
  • Handballs seeem to be more accurate but still needs work​
  • Turning is so much better, it actually feels like we have control​
  • Invisible wall that blocked players from tackling is gone!​
  • Sluggish still seems to be a thing from running/moving when receiving a handball​
  • Interchange Somewhat works, can move players around back cant activate the sub​
  • Conjestion is no longer a thing​
  • Final scorecard shows 1 JAN 2077 AT 0:00AM​
  • Can now sort stats without the screen moving to the next stage​
All in all it's another great improvement, didn't check out the creator side of things but once again Well done BigAntStudios

Is it really that important to know about the commentary? Isn’t the gameplay and making the sure game doesn’t crash more important than whether or not Hamish McLachlan is in the game. I don’t think anyone who is actually playing the game right now cares about the commentary.
Okay so now we’re not allowed to be curious about features that we were told about because their game was unplayable at launch ?
Why does it bother you so much if we want to know 🤣
I’d love to know why BigAnt are avoiding the question at all costs
Is it really that important to know about the commentary? Isn’t the gameplay and making the sure game doesn’t crash more important than whether or not Hamish McLachlan is in the game. I don’t think anyone who is actually playing the game right now cares about the commentary.
Mate I'm him to answer a question not take the entire dev team off the fixes to record new commentary.

It's ridiculous the games been out for 5 days and we still don't even know what features listed on the back of the box are in game or not, commentary included.
Played half a match on easiest with the new update...

Are the difficulty settings back to front? Easiest difficulty AI they are just ping ponging the ball around at will and there's nothing I can do to defend it. Its like watching a game of table tennis.
Turning and movement has SLIGHTLY improved but still feels really sluggish and like I'm fighting the game to get it to do what I want. JUST TURN AROUND!!!!
Why can we still not bounce the ball while sprinting? Its infuriating.
Only happened once but handballs can still go backwards 50 metres, they also don't go in the direction you'd like 50 percent of the time
Tackling and ruck contests still no good

Only gameplay differences I can tell so far are the ever so slightly improved movement and less congestion. Gonna try another game and see how that goes.
But jeez its not a fun game to play at all
Post Patch Game
3.5 Mins
Hard (3/4)


-Handballing/Flow is 10x better, had some great linking plays, and there was only 1/10+ times where the weight glitch happened

-Tackling was improved heavily. The animations were a bit janky, but the tackles themselves worked great and I had no problems with getting kicks off, that being said I think there should be more variety with animations in terms of being tackled when kicking, the current one just turns whatever you were doing into a dribble kick, would be cool if you just ended up shanking it or something

Highest at 25, then 20,15,15,14,12 and so on

Not sure if this has ever worked but standing crowds don't cheer

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Hardest 3.5 min quarters
Tackles 2-40 The distance on the AI tackling zone needs to be turned down ASAP
Spoil 7-0 They out mark some of my forwards which is good but i want to see spoils
Uncontested Marks 11-24 (The AI pinballs the ball around at ease, not sure how you program their decision making speed)
Hit outs 8-24 not too fussed on this one but when i rove their tap you just have no time to react

Game score I won by a point, AI marked the ball on 50 to have a shot after the siren to win and they passed it off .......

I didn't notice enough from the patch notes stating you could run off the mark better, still receive the ball flat footed and takes an eternity to get running again

Anyway get this stuff fixed and Ill spend hours on this game atm its the basic stuff which is letting us down.
Some issues that affect my personal experience:

  • Game crashes when trying to select logos in jersey creator
  • Still can’t edit real players stats and positions
  • interchange still doesn’t have an auto setting
  • no tactics yet
  • management mode drafting still broken

Fixes that have been made that I’ve appreciated:

  • Can now edit individual team lineups in competition mode
  • Coaches and umpires are now always in the right body
  • Less crashes during season and management mode

Gameplay will come along but these are nice to have
Game crashes when trying to select logos in jersey creator
We're looking at it now as it's working for us in the office.

Still can’t edit real players stats and positions
This will never be a thing in Official Seasons, we need to stick with Champion Data - because people have requested it, we are investigating people being able to copy the team as a "Custom Team" and making that editable.
Okay so now we’re not allowed to be curious about features that we were told about because their game was unplayable at launch ?
Why does it bother you so much if we want to know 🤣
I’d love to know why BigAnt are avoiding the question at all costs
I think you and I both know it’s not just about being curious, it’s about trying to prove a point about what you would consider being lied to “we were told Hamish was going to be a commentator in the game, where is he?… see ross lied again” It bothers me because you and I both know that the commentary right now isn’t that important compared to getting the gameplay right.
I get being curious about features, but is a certain commentator a feature and is it really that important? I think not..
Please tell me Liam Stocker has been added to St Kilda. Bare minimum to have up to date rosters
Game crashes when trying to select logos in jersey creator
We're looking at it now as it's working for us in the office.

Still can’t edit real players stats and positions
This will never be a thing in Official Seasons, we need to stick with Champion Data - because people have requested it, we are investigating people being able to copy the team as a "Custom Team" and making that editable.
Cheers Ross, shame about the stats and positions. Will we be able to use custom teams in season mode though?
Just chipping in on the discussion.

First This game has serious potential and anyone who bags the developers out need to look on the bright side.

- At least we are getting daily literally daily patches I don't know of any other developer constantly patching the game (DAILY) to make it more playable and enjoyable for people.
It wasn't as if this was planned this stuff happens all the time, yes it isn't the launch everyone wanted but it isn't is if they are giving up its getting better day by day.

Now for my insight and Pros and Cons of the game as of today. 08/05/2023 Patch

  • Tackles are better and more easier to get now
  • Sprinting is better I feel as if I get caught much less now and can run off the mark without worrying
  • Ruck tapping is much easier and less congested

  • My players don't automatically run to the ball on the ground its like they don't have an idea of where the ball is on the ground.
  • AI hand passes always seem to find there player but my handballs are non existent and don't link up how to AI does
  • Player switching is a big one that is annoying me atm its switching almost to the player id least want to switch to
  • Now ruck contests my midfielders hate getting clearances they don't attack the contest unlike the AI does which frustrates me abit
  • AI when tackled are always well more often then not getting handballs or kicks off when tackled and literally going straight to a free player which i find confusing because I don't think i once have had a player run onto a clearance handball.
  • On the run kicking is very very slow i cant get a kick off with 5 meters of room without getting run down and getting a tiny zac dawson kick off.
  • Handballs being intercepted way to often also, i feel as if i can only handball when my player is wide open which is a little draining.
  • MARKING please fix marking 3 on 1 i go to spoil, AI marks i time the mark, AI marks i get AI has been made to be harder but that's just unrealistic.
  • and finally WHERE A THE SPECCYSSSS

This isn't a hate post this is literally just my opinion at this time i know the game is getting patched daily I just thought id jump on and give a few insights with my gameplay

PS also can i get a reply BigAntStudios haha love your work
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I think you and I both know it’s not just about being curious, it’s about trying to prove a point about what you would consider being lied to “we were told Hamish was going to be a commentator in the game, where is he?… see ross lied again” It bothers me because you and I both know that the commentary right now isn’t that important compared to getting the gameplay right.
I get being curious about features, but is a certain commentator a feature and is it really that important? I think not..
Way to read into it mate. I'm literally asking if a listed commentator that hasn't been heard yet is still in the game.

Glad you don't think it's important that's cool. I do so I'm asking the question.
I think you and I both know it’s not just about being curious, it’s about trying to prove a point about what you would consider being lied to “we were told Hamish was going to be a commentator in the game, where is he?… see ross lied again” It bothers me because you and I both know that the commentary right now isn’t that important compared to getting the gameplay right.
I get being curious about features, but is a certain commentator a feature and is it really that important? I think not..
Trying to prove a point ?
Do you think I want AFL games to be shit ?
I wouldn’t have bought the game if I was just here to prove a point brother
I’m curious because I’m a fan of Hamish and was happy to see him as a commentator when the commentary team was first revealed
Wanting to know what’s happened to that has no effect on the state of the game
I don’t care how important it is.
The case of the product I bought says one thing, the game itself currently says another
I have every right to know what the go is with this
I’m not asking Ross to drop everything on his plate to tell us
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Just played a season match against the Swans after tonight's patch. 5 min quarters on easy difficulty. Here were my thoughts:

- Movement still a bit sluggish, turning and running/playing on after a mark still almost seems pointless

- The 'teleporting tackles' any time you try to kick anywhere near anyone are still unbearably frustrating

- A lot of automatically playing on happening when the players take a few steps after a mark on the run (completely animated I can't do anything about it) Namely a lot of the marks I have taken in the fwd 50 where the player jumps across the pack and steps away from the 'set shot marker' will always play on basically giving away what would be an easy goal

- Taking a mark near the goal line and the player stumbling over it results in a rushed behind.

- Holding the ball calls against the player honestly feel like rng and are super inconsistent. Especially with the above mentioned tackles where the AI seemingly skate across the ground onto you, stuffing up your kick every time.

- Dockers coach is still definitely not Justin Longmuir, just some random bald dude.

- Still noticing random kicks out on the full when playing near the wing. Don't know if that's me with consistent miss inputs or what but doesn't seem to happen anywhere else on the ground.

Game is certainly improving though. Just please fix those annoying af AI tackles. They are so painful. Doesn't feel realistic at all not being able to kick on the run without having 10 metres of free space around you :(

Screenshot (31).png
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