Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2: Pro Team, more like No Team

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Made a game that was flawed, promises not kept, details on box left out of game. The questions are based on information that were provided and promised. I think if these have been broken then an honest reason why is required due to people purchasing the game based on these promises.
Are you saying you wouldn't have bought the latest AFL game if things that have been promised but left out were left out originally?
They made the game, they can respond as they like. Just because someone on a forum asks a question doesn't mean they need to bend over backwards to answer it, especially if it has been asked many times before or it is asked in what may be construed as an abrasive tone.
You're not getting this level of question answering from EA or 2K devs.
Come on mate. When you buy an EA game or a 2K game, you know exactly what you’re paying for. We don’t need this level of question answered
AFL 23 has been out for nearly 2 months and we STILL don’t know what management mode will look like.
Almost everyone in this thread has asked what it’s gonna look like, when it’ll get updated etc
It’s not bending over backwards, it’s common courtesy considering we’ve stuck by this horrendous launch. At least let us know what we’re waiting for considering if the game didn’t launch in the horrendous state that it did, we’d already know what it looks like

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So I fired up the ps5 last night, what’s really changed ?

Understand the new patch isn’t there yet. But geez the game play still needs work guys and now.

Before I cop I’m just shit at the game, I am winning very easily on hard.

I actually think the spoiling is really good now, that part just feels really good imo. Some of the kicking does as well.

I understand the handball mechanics, I get that a quick fire handball isn’t going to hit the target all the time so I actually like that.

What is absolutely crazy to me is we still don’t have full control of your player. Like if you play 2 player in the same team as a mate it’s the most infuriating thing ever, you try and lead to a position you want and the ai takes over the dictates where the player runs, so annoying.

Noticed tackling was okay but still teleporting going on.

Can we just have the basic core elements cleaned up now my god. There’s a reason people are frustrated
like I get it, BA and JNT actually contribute to the forum and that would get people's hopes up in thinking they would get every one of their questions answered, but like this is an open internet forum.....................
Does anyone else know what management mode will look like ? Like literally anyone outside of BigAnt ?
I can easily answer that for you.
No amount of tickets submitted has given us any indication on what management mode will look like.
Whether people like it or not, this is our direct line of communication to Ross. It’s not the support teams job to let us know what to expect in a game mode.
Whether Ross wants to communicate that via Twitter, Facebook, BigFooty or MySpace for all I care, at least we’d know what we should by rights already know
Are you saying you wouldn't have bought the latest AFL game if things that have been promised but left out were left out originally?
Correct! If I had known that the promises made prior to release were not going to be included in the game and that the game was as bugged as it was/still I wouldn't have purchased it.
like I get it, BA and JNT actually contribute to the forum and that would get people's hopes up in thinking they would get every one of their questions answered, but like this is an open internet forum.....................

It works both ways though. If the CEO is going to come onto this thread, make comments like it will be the deepest AFL game ever, allude to more than whats shown and then it gets released as buggy as it did, I feel like we have the right to ask questions. From the consumer end, if we dont make rude comments towards him personally but ask a valid question about a bug or missing feature, why shouldnt there be a consideration to answer? As I said, people did pay money for this game also. 6 weeks post release, 8-9 patches later and no PS5 patch in a week, I would just like to know what to expect in the interim as far as features, modes and bugs being addressed. It shouldn’t have taken this long to provide any clarification.
It’s not the support teams job to let us know what to expect in a game mode.
I feel like it kinda is, you submit a question, and they then pass it over to the team that would most likely know the answer (lets say the devs) then with whatever information they have in hand and are allowed to share they will respond to the ticket you submitted.........very normal 'support' team behaviour.
It works both ways though. If the CEO is going to come onto this thread, make comments like it will be the deepest AFL game ever, allude to more than whats shown and then it gets released as buggy as it did, I feel like we have the right to ask questions. From the consumer end, if we dont make rude comments towards him personally but ask a valid question about a bug or missing feature, why shouldnt there be a consideration to answer? As I said, people did pay money for this game also. 6 weeks post release, 8-9 patches later and no PS5 patch in a week, I would just like to know what to expect in the interim as far as features, modes and bugs being addressed. It shouldn’t have taken this long to provide any clarification.
Just a simple "what's coming" list. It doesn't even have to provide timelines until Bigant knows that patch is being put through. One post covering some answers to questions that have been asked multiple times but ignored. That's it. Anything is better than nothing!

All radio silence does is cause fear that nothing further will be done or is being done to fix the issues or add things into the game.
Really, you should be notified of injured players through ALL the following ways:

1. During gameplay red circle and alert bottom right corner, cut scene
2. Team selection screen (red name, details of injury on players profile)
3. Club by club injury lists screen in season/ management modes.
4. Email
It’s quite obvious and straight forward really, and BAS shouldn’t need us telling them.
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I feel like it kinda is, you submit a question, and they then pass it over to the team that would most likely know the answer (lets say the devs) then with whatever information they have in hand and are allowed to share they will respond to the ticket you submitted.........very normal 'support' team behaviour.
Okay I feel that. But my point was that this has not been answered via the support team either.
Clearly there’s some secrecy around it and the support team won’t be the first to communicate this to us. I think that much is obvious. That then leaves Ross or JNT.
Irregardless of who or how we get the question answered, the point is that we should already know
From the consumer end, if we dont make rude comments towards him personally but ask a valid question about a bug or missing feature, why shouldnt there be a consideration to answer?
If you are referring to responding in BF. One important consideration is the potential for misinterpretation and misrepresentation in open online internet forums. While I feel it is beneficial for a CEO to engage with the community and participate in discussions, they would be mindful of the risk that their responses may be taken out of context. In the online environment, where communication lacks non-verbal cues and tone, there is a higher chance of misunderstandings or misrepresentations of their intentions or the company's positions.

Given these challenges, a CEO must balance openness and caution. While sharing insights and engaging in meaningful conversations is valuable, they would know to exercise discretion and avoid disclosing information that could be detrimental to the company or its stakeholders. By recognising the need to hold back certain details, BA demonstrates its understanding of the potential risks involved in open online forums and acts in the organisation's best interest.

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But my point was that this has not been answered via the support team either.
Clearly there’s some secrecy around it and the support team won’t be the first to communicate this to us.
This is what I stated above, radio silence only creates suspicion that there is something not being told.
the point is that we should already know
Just a single post answering the most asked questions etc. is all that's required. Just clarity is all we're asking for.

This is what I stated above, radio silence only creates suspicion that there is something not being told.

Just a single post answering the most asked questions etc. is all that's required. Just clarity is all we're asking for.
Man something really bad happened and I don’t buy what we have been told. What a way to alienate your community, personally if they’re allowed to make another afl game I can see pre orders being right down this time around. People won’t trust big ant much moving forward. The biggest thing for me was to compare your game to fifa/2k and come out with this.
If you are referring to responding in BF. One important consideration is the potential for misinterpretation and misrepresentation in open online internet forums. While I feel it is beneficial for a CEO to engage with the community and participate in discussions, they would be mindful of the risk that their responses may be taken out of context. In the online environment, where communication lacks non-verbal cues and tone, there is a higher chance of misunderstandings or misrepresentations of their intentions or the company's positions.

Given these challenges, a CEO must balance openness and caution. While sharing insights and engaging in meaningful conversations is valuable, they would know to exercise discretion and avoid disclosing information that could be detrimental to the company or its stakeholders. By recognising the need to hold back certain details, BA demonstrates its understanding of the potential risks involved in open online forums and acts in the organisation's best interest.

Completely agree. 110% agree with you on what you’ve said. Context is key and for the parameters I’m speaking about, addressing legitimate questions about bugs/glitches etc, I think answers should be as black and white as possible. ‘Yes that will be patched in’ or ‘Unfortunately thats not feasible’ just something clear really.
AFL 23 has been out for nearly 2 months and we STILL don’t know what management mode will look like.
Almost everyone in this thread has asked what it’s gonna look like, when it’ll get updated etc

I don’t know where people have got there is more to come for management mode? I don’t recall BA ever stating that there was more to be added. It’s just been this weird thing that people have made up and keep asking for what is to come when it’s never been stated that there is in fact more to come.

If you read the blurb that I posted not long ago, it basically covers off exactly what is currently included. Unless I’m missing something, I’m happy to be corrected.
I don’t know where people have got there is more to come for management mode? I don’t recall BA ever stating that there was more to be added. It’s just been this weird thing that people have made up and keep asking for what is to come when it’s never been stated that there is in fact more to come.

If you read the blurb that I posted not long ago, it basically covers off exactly what is currently included. Unless I’m missing something, I’m happy to be corrected.
This came from Ross answering questions in one of Michaels streams. I believe he said there was much more to be added in Management mode and since then - nothing.
This game is f***ed every time you get tackled there’s a 90% chance you can’t handball it, clicking buttons don’t seem to do anything in this game. Everything is random don’t feel in control at all.
i have a high success rate of getting a handball out by using the raise arms function (right joystick up) right before I feel like my player is being tackled. my player's arms are free if i get it right and can get a handball out.
PS5 Patch...?

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