Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

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Has anyone had a injury during game play? Only time I have had injuries is when it sims between the rounds
Can't say I've ever seen one + there's no inbox/injuries menu where we can see them either

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Can anyone else start a custom competition with their own custom team or does the game keep crashing every time the comp is being set up?
All good for me. Have set up a couple with a custom team with no issues.
All good for me. Have set up a couple with a custom team with no issues.
I can play Full Competition but not Play as Club (crashes immediately).

I replaced Suns with my custom club for a full 18 club comp.

Ticket submitted and follow up information provided to Support.
I forgot to add with my online connection rant post last night that I got done twice for push in the back tackles.

First time since release Iā€™d even seen one let alone two so some clarification on how that actually occurs would be fan-bloody-tastic so I can avoid it in future unless itā€™s just an RNG type thing.
Tactics really need to be implemented in the game. The amount of time the AI has free players all over the field is ridiculous.
Itā€™s the same online every, single time. Play out wide or spread it from the centre and thereā€™s a guaranteed man or two wide open and itā€™s just a rinse-and-repeat.

Without tactics (and decent ones that actually work) it canā€™t be avoided so people just exploit it.

Donā€™t know why people would be pushing for online, likeness and management modes as a priority. Get the game play fixed first.
You do realise BA canned their own announced single player career at the last minute to focus on Pro Teams?

Guess who that mode is aimed at? Online players and those who are happy to part with their cash so Iā€™d say it should be a major focus.

Why exactly do other modes take priority? Because those are the oneā€™s you play? Guess what, I donā€™t play offline so should I say none of those modes are worth worrying about?
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Itā€™s the same online every, single time. Play out wide or spread it from the centre and thereā€™s a guaranteed man or two wide open and itā€™s just a rinse-and-repeat.

Without tactics (and decent ones that actually work) it canā€™t be avoided so people just exploit it.

You do realise BA canned their own announced single player career at the last minute to focus on Pro Teams?

Guess who that mode is aimed at? Online players and those who are happy to part with their cash so Iā€™d say it should be a major focus.

Why exactly do other modes take priority? Because those are the oneā€™s you play? Guess what, I donā€™t play offline so should I say none of those modes are worth worrying about?
I do play NBA my team so of course I play some features that require online.

Given itā€™s current state I am saying I donā€™t know why people are pushing online modes to be fixed now when clearly the game play and issues surrounding actually playing the game are some of the biggest. Get the tactics sorted, get the mechanics sorted.

Get the gameplay up to scratch then focus on the online, likeness, management mode details.
Brilliant run down tackle, AI of course get it out to someone runnings past and score. Itā€™s so hard to ping them for holding the ball, does my head in.
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A couple of slight additions to my above post:

1) That 2nd game crashed at three quarter time, so I did indeed play a third
2) That third game also crashed, so I hard to restart
3) One thing Iā€™m noticing is a repeat play where I win the hit out, an opposition midfielder gets it, they handball out to their wingman who is always free because my wingman has run off him, they kick to centre half forward and if itā€™s someone good like Cameron or Franklin they mark it and probably goal. Happens about 6 times a game so not very fun.

That wingman point is incredibly frustrating, agreed. The other frustrating one is when your half back flanks stream off their opponent when the opposition gets the ball to centre half forward. How many times does the opposition hand pass to a running half forward in acres of space to run in and kick the goal.

As everyone's been saying, lots of potential but still very broken and a long way to go. I do find it bemusing that Ross is having a go at posters for posting complaints or videos of bugs. We aren't employees and shouldn't have to help Big Ant to fix their broken game. The fact we are doing so should be treated as a privilege, not an expectation. Especially after paying $100 for it.

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Given itā€™s current state I am saying I donā€™t know why people are pushing online modes to be fixed now when clearly the game play and issues surrounding actually playing the game are some of the biggest.
Itā€™s basically the same things plaguing gameplay whether offline or online matches so thereā€™s no reason the gameplay fixes shouldnā€™t fix the issues regardless of game mode.

The only addition to online is the rubber-banding from connection issues.
I played for the first time in a few days last night. I could definitely see the improvement (I found the handball game more viable than ever, movement much improved, some animations that made things a lot clearer, etc) and did enjoy the game, but some of the game's fundamentals are really see-sawing. For example, 1-2 weeks ago it was way too easy to mark the ball, rendering it unnecessary to spoil. 3-5 days ago this was corrected and spoiling was much more viable, which made the game feel more realistic and made it more difficult to score (a good thing). But playing last night, spoiling has gone back to being far inferior to marking. It makes the game really dependent on who gets the ball forward of centre from the middle.

I get that there's still balancing that needs to happen and that this is the nature of it...but I'm pretty ready for more features/modes to be rolled out because the game in its current form is not going to keep me going back to it for long. Balancing can always happen later.
I get that there's still balancing that needs to happen and that this is the nature of it...but I'm pretty ready for more features/modes to be rolled out because the game in its current form is not going to keep me going back to it for long. Balancing can always happen later.

Personally think it should be actual bug fixes (teleporting tackles have been a thing since launch, same with those goofy 100m handpasses, goals/behinds/out of bounds not registering correctly, hard crashes etc), then features/modes, then balancing.

Until the actual bugs are fixed, I don't have much faith that adding features/modes won't break the game even further :(
Woke up this morning with no PS5 patch, a sad day indeed.
Most of the staff had the weekend off too so we were never getting one. Resting up to get stuck into this week
Have downloaded most recent patch and gameplay is improving. Have been playing offline against each other noted some key areas of gameplay that need improving and modification:

Tackling/Contested Ball- A players ability to break a tackle is still far too easy- you can break 3 tackles in a row. Improve defending teams ability to bring player to ground and make the tackle. Then also make it easier for attacking team to release the football when getting tackled, which will increase gameplay flow. Also the glitch of a player being brought to ground and then being able to stand back up and release football is occurring regularly.

Marking/Spoiling- A players ability to mark a ball inside attacking 50 is still far too easy and difficult to defend. It does not feel like positioning has any impact on the defenders ability to mark or punch the ball. Changing player and having a third player come into the contest is also still very difficult if not impossible to do. It still feels to regimented between two players when there is a marking contest.

Kicking Glitch- Field kicking is excellent just need to have the ability for a player to look full 180 degrees (using end to end normal camera) when wanting to switch the ball sideways cannot see any players. Also glitch still occurring when an attacking team is in possession and a defender is running at the player with the ball the kick it will appear in the defending teams hand.

Statistics- Just from a gameplay perspective, not having the leading disposals/goalkickers at each quarter time break and having to filter through stats is frustrating. Also breaks up the game more at each break to show the leading statistics.


Epic game, 20 seconds left the ball got bombed into ports 50, I somehow spoiled and got a tackle for a ball up. 15 seconds left, won the tap 2 handballs got the ball out and torped it into the centre. Of course had no players there, Ai marked bombed back in, siren went just before Dixon marked.

Sitting 4th on 12 and 8 with 3 games left. only 1 win separating 4th and 10th!

This game is so fun when everything works. I played the other night and it was garbage, played today and itā€™s playing perfectly again. How does it chop and change so much. Nothings changed, no patches have been added. It doesnā€™t make sense.

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Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

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