Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

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Next Tuesday, it’ll have been 4 weeks since submission according to BigAnt. No approval should take over a month from what I’ve read.
If it’s not out by Tuesday, I will inevitably be bewildered by the people who will still defend this company and believe everything they say
I can't decide what's more on brand/likely. Submitting at the very last minute after a 3 month (at least) run up and then going surprisedpikachu when it doesn't get approved? Or actually submitting early and it being too broken to approve?
I can't decide what's more on brand/likely. Submitting at the very last minute after a 3 month (at least) run up and then going surprisedpikachu when it doesn't get approved? Or actually submitting early and it being too broken to approve?
It could also be both. Submitted late and too broken to approve.

This has to be a hacked leaderboard, the gameplay is wonky online

I've had a handful of matches (in comparison to my season/play now contests lol) and I'm ranked in the 4000's.

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Next Tuesday, it’ll have been 4 weeks since submission according to BigAnt. No approval should take over a month from what I’ve read.
If it’s not out by Tuesday, I will inevitably be bewildered by the people who will still defend this company and believe everything they say

Some of the BigAnt dick riding around here is crazy. The mental gymnastics to try and justify their repeated incompetence across FOUR separate titles is Olympic level.
It’s hilarious that they are even still releasing Pro Team. The games cycle is over. I’d imagine the only reason they are releasing it is to avoid legal action.
It’s hilarious that they are even still releasing Pro Team. The games cycle is over. I’d imagine the only reason they are releasing it is to avoid legal action.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if it still ended up getting canned.

This has to be a hacked leaderboard, the gameplay is wonky online

I've had a handful of matches (in comparison to my season/play now contests lol) and I'm ranked in the 4000's.
I’m in that leaderboard picture 👀.
And I have no shame..... :p

Steam game time


And................. Playstation playtime (in the last 7 days)


I did indeed buy the Playstation digital version last weekend - technically not MY own money (used PS gift cards for this lol). When in Rome I say ;) :p

Some other bug bears -

I've tried to capture it, I swear the crowd audio sounds different at times on PC vs Playstation. I've since tinkered with settings and as it turns out, if you adjust the crowd density in the graphic settings - that also plays a role in how loud the crowd can get during matches (well duh I hear you say). But even with the crowd on full density - it still doesn't sound AS loud as on console.

Furthermore there are times where I swear Big Ant have lifted certain crowd clapping/whistling from a classic Konami title (or titles) and I'm talking Track & Field 1 & 2 on the NES. Just sounds like a very similar pitch and pattern.

Couldn't capture it exact (was getting pissed off EVERY time I would hit capture it played the different audio to the one I wanted lol).

Oh and here's a glitchy grand stand


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Online is stuffed, sometimes when you win, you get a 0 win bonus and no win. Absolute joke.

I won 3 games yesterday, they didn't come up on the leaderboard.... nor did my score........... however the score against column certainly counts and still gets added on. It's stuffed.
Throw me in the bin mate

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So this is what it feels like when doves cry :p

Majority of my PS game time has been letting the system run AI v AI games. And that also accounts for why my fortnightly game time is high on Steam as well.

Yeah its a mess, wanna play me online?

Maybe one day, Big Ant net code is not that great and never really has been as it heavily favours one person over another (even when both have good connections). It's not fun when it disadvantages you.

One of the games I played the other day I was shafted because of it. But I had my opponent quit when I just precision passed my way to goal.
Won the premiership as Hawthorn in management mode ticked off a few things along the way (such as finishing higher than my previous season/year). However some trophies remain locked despite clearing the requirements for them (eg: 10 years in a row, 5+ players being all Australian etc). Very annoying.

Also had my first crash on pc in weeks (since week 1 of the reintroduction of the patches) long story short if you're on pc, doing cycle through the menus in the settings during a match, you'll crash back to the desktop (I swear I thought that was fixed in a previous patch as it hasn't happened to me in yonks).

My next goal is to try and get 1:1 visual parity between the console and pc version(s).
PC looks great when it's fully cranked up in the settings - my issue is that it with the game being so bright and shiny (as a result of maxing out the settings) it feels like the shinyness is burning a hole in my retinas lol. So I crank the settings down to something more manageable. The experimenting is very much trial and error. Other issues are how "messy" and blurry it looks when the ball transitions from side to side (and the camera moves along with it). I find the blurred effect doesn't happen as much when the crowd is low or turned off completely (yay empty stadiums lol). But then I also see

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Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

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