Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

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It’s what disgusts me with these modes on the sports games. People are claiming they are struggling to pay rent / food and bills in this current economic climate but people are willing to fork out $$$ for cards on these game modes. It’s mind boggling and toxic.

I like the premise of the modes but I wish it wasn’t pay to win, make people grind and earn rewards would be all well and good but if your not going to spend a cent your going to be left behind quickly against the crowd that does. It’s the same on NBA2K.
Damn it’s almost as if individual people have different financial circumstances from each other.
I’m not gonna pretend I don’t get where you’re coming from, I too share similar reservations about pay to win games and would prefer if this wasn’t that, but there’s an important factor to remember. The target audience isn’t exactly people who have financial responsibilities like a mortgage, bills, groceries, etc. It’s the younger ones who are 20 years old with a job and not much to do so they can afford to spend money on a game. It’s the kids who got their birthday money and want to buy a couple packs. It’s the parent in a comfortable spot financially who wants to give their kid a reward for playing well in their match on the weekend. You can argue that it’s predatory, sure, but is it any worse than footy cards? I’ve seen kids spend close to $100 on packs at my work in one day and then come back the next day to buy more.

As for the lack of a grind in the game, I mean the grind is there with the level progression and other game modes. Maybe my perception is tilted a little bit by not even having the option to spend money on footy points right now since I’m on PS5, but I haven’t come up against insanely stacked teams yet in the few games I have played. And no one’s got a gun to anyone’s head saying “you have to buy points or else”, it’s a personal choice. It’s a shame when people with poor self control are preyed upon by these things, but it’s not exactly Big Ant’s fault, every business has to make money.

I’d say they’ve done pretty well in terms of reducing the need to rely on spending money in this mode in the sense that you will get at the very least a few top level cards to start off with. I got a bit lucky and pulled 92 Bontempelli off the original picks and then my tutorial pack had 91 Rozee and that’s held me in much better stead than if I was forced to start with a full bronze team which is what I remember FIFA having. If you feel it’s genuinely unplayable against other users’ teams you’ve still got the option of playing against the AI in certain game modes so it’s not all doom and gloom like that.
I know these game modes are here to stay in a lot of genres there’s no question about that I am just saying I find them highly toxic and there are so many young people that get addicted to it and MUST HAVE to keep up.

As I said love the premise of the modes just wish they weren’t pay to win , it’s up there with gambling and the pokies.

These modes also damage the singleplayer experiences in the long term

Pro team has been the entire focus of development for atleast the last 15 months,

Coach Career hasn’t been touched despite, Player career was scrapped for pro team

It’ll be the same for all future releases, it’s ****ed

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I’m pleasantly surprised to write that I jumped on Pro Team last night and actually had a decent experience with the mode & with the tuned gameplay! It’s engaging enough that I’ll check back in 2 months to see what Legends there are but in saying that, there’s still the random bug here and there. The players dropping dead near a loose ball is particularly frustrating and I can’t take a mark to save myself but barring these 2 issues, way better than the last time I played months ago. Bravo 👏🏼

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Ladder leaders is one of the more snoozefest game modes of all time

7,10,15 minute qtrs on easy/easiest before i can play a harder difficulty? yeah nah cuh, im out
Definitely noticed that needs a massive overhaul. I understand the variance in game difficulty and quality of who you come up against, but the lengths are such a killer. I can tolerate 3.5 minute quarters even if it’s longer than what I use in quick play, gets a bit tiresome of the game is a blowout but doable. Anything beyond 5 minute quarters and they’re absolutely dreaming lol
These modes also damage the singleplayer experiences in the long term

Pro team has been the entire focus of development for atleast the last 15 months,

Coach Career hasn’t been touched despite, Player career was scrapped for pro team

It’ll be the same for all future releases, it’s ****ed

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Definitely agree. Coach career is an absolute dumpster fire and JNT is on the record saying it’s not a priority.

Pro Team is cool and all and hopefully increases the profitability of the game, but career mode is a HUGE issue in this game.
my players constantly run away from the loose ball, and on the odd chance im near it they don’t even pick the ball up

genuinely don’t understand what im meant to do
You have to hold RB/R1, that forces the player to run directly at the ball and be in possession

game is fundamentally mechanically broken

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I’m pleasantly surprised to write that I jumped on Pro Team last night and actually had a decent experience with the mode & with the tuned gameplay! It’s engaging enough that I’ll check back in 2 months to see what Legends there are but in saying that, there’s still the random bug here and there. The players dropping dead near a loose ball is particularly frustrating and I can’t take a mark to save myself but barring these 2 issues, way better than the last time I played months ago. Bravo 👏🏼
I hear you.

My bronze team is getting smashed which is fine (good to see the stats mattering) but the times I do get to a contest 50% of the time the player just stands there.

I've had a three month break so I'm giving the game the benefit of the doubt for now but this is feeling an awful lot like an issue that was addressed in a patch last year where it was dead set exasperating.

And if the 'real' reason is that it's a missed tackle or the player had been sprinting or whatever it would be nice if there was an animation to show it.
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I hear you.

My bronze team is getting smashed which is fine (good to see the stats mattering) but the times I do get to a contest 50% of the time the player just stands there.

I've had a three month break so I'm giving the game the benefit of the doubt for now but this is feeling an awful lot like an issue that was addressed in a patch last year where it was dead set exasperating.

And it the 'real' reason is that it's a missed tackle or the player had been sprinting or whatever it would be nice if there was an animation to show it.

Yeah I agree with you on all parts. I dont mind losing the marking contests that make sense (so far a lot of small forwards getting dominated by defenders when its 1 on 1) but yeah even that dead ball animation needs a bit of a tune up. Like you, I haven’t played in probably closer to 5 months so I expect to lose games on harder difficulties or online but hopefully from here the smaller bugs can be ironed out as we go.
I’m proper pissed now, am playing premiership challenge cause I need something that isn’t a bore to repeat and I have a close game that I’m trailing in but absolutely could’ve came out the end as the winner. All of a sudden the game crashes, logs as a forfeit and I get absolutely no reward. I go for another match and my opponent forfeits before the first bounce, I get 175 coins for the win but nothing for any stats in my match cause I couldn’t get any. Up to that point I’ve burned 2 contracts on every player for a whopping 175 coins.
Then I go around again and lose to 114 to 29 and earn **** all coins and then an even bigger loss of 102 to 1. Frankly I’m seething a little bit, and I was planning on dropping some money on some coins anyway but now that I’m so pissed off I probably won’t. Can they implement a safe setting where the game won’t be the final straw for me to say goodbye to earth during these trying times? Cheers in advance.
You know what we do to fanboys like FearTheBeard13 around here ;)

Burning Animal Crossing GIF by Mashed
Just a heads up to everyone, if you have absolute spuds in key position spots (CHF, FF, CHB, FB, Ruck) you will get absolutely slaughtered. A shit ruck will lose every single hitout which means their mids will get first service of the footy. Then if you have my team your forwards will get beaten to the footy by your opponents’ defenders, and your defenders will maybe impact 1 or 2 out of the 40 inside 50s you’ll concede. Welp, good thing it’s pay day, helps me justify spending $23 to have a competitive team and not hate my experience playing this.
Coz it drives up inflation which keeps my interest rate at the highest it's ever been.

You selfish jerk RU_

It’s also driving up my interest rate!

Ya win some ya lose some
I've watched a few Youtube videos of Pro Team and some aspects look marginally interesting. This is all until I see them play a game with their team and I remember how awful and broken the gameplay is.
Aside from a couple of gameplay issues, I’m really enjoying the game atm. The difficulty is now at a point where I’m winning and losing and the momentum swings seem so realistic.

If only it released in this state, would have been great to see the improvements from here on.
Hopefully the next iteration takes some bigger leaps forward with gameplay and management mode and I’ll be satisfied

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Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

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