Multiplat AFL 23 - PS/Steam Releasing May 4, Xbox TBC

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  • PlayStation (Physical): Thursday 4 May
  • PlayStation (Digital): 8:01am AEST Thursday 4 May
  • Steam: Currently 8:01am AEST Thursday 4 May, may be moved to 12:01am AEST
  • Xbox (Digital or Physical): TO BE CONFIRMED, unlikely to be 4 May

Those that pre-ordered PS versions will be able to play on Thursday, disks will have already been mailed by retailers, they will also be available in-store.

Steam will also be available Thursday.

Stating the obvious, we are still having issues with XBox.

Seriously, anyone that looks hard knows there’s issues - why do you think there are so many exclusives for a particular platform that are not marked as exclusive, but are only on that platform.

If I took that road, life would have been a lot easier.

Xbox digital and retail will release at the same time - that is not a decision we get to make.

It applies now and I will no doubt pay a price.

Re: commentary team
Hamish is still there, Daisy didn't make it into the final version of the game.

We added Gary and increased the workload of Harf.

Re: game availability/release dates
I can never give 100% guarantee about anything in the future, but as it stands today, the statement I am prepared to make it that all stock that is at retailers on 4 May will be available for sale.

As to the amount that will be there for sale, and whether it is enough, that is a question I cannot answer.

It will be made digitally available on the various platform holder electronic stores.

Clarifying, the game will not release prior to 4 May 2023.

I am vague as there is one platform that has had sufficient stock at retailers and the other has not, and I cannot name them (contractual reasons).

The game will not be further delayed because of the numbers of units in stock.

Re: Steam listing
I've already put in a request for the screenshots to be replaced with current ones, they'll probably only be there for a day.

As much as the feedback has generally been positive, these are old, meant to be placeholder only and were not meant to go live.

Re: playing lists
All playing lists are accurate for the 2023 season.

Re: content creator footage
This is all prior to day one patch (as some have noted updates like numbers etc are apparent)

Re: Career mode
A head's up on Career mode.

At the AFL 23 Launch night I mentioned the non-team based Individual Career Mode in an interview with Dean (Twistie3). As alluded to at that same event, we were working with the AFL and AFLPA to include as many past legends in the game as possible.

The great news is that we have received approval for far more AFL legends than were previously envisaged, but this has meant that we had to make the tough decision to divert resources away from the Individual Career mode development. The individual Career Mode function will not make it into AFL 23, Career Mode will be entirely team based. I expect this mode to be include in future iterations of the game.

Re: microtransactions
You do not have to make purchases, things can be earned.

Re: general development
So fundamentally flawed, in so many ways, it’s bananas.

We are doing AFL as it’s a passion project, without us doing it there would not be one being made.

So much more upside with making games that are played internationally, let alone one that will not even be played in every state in this country.
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I am loathe to give too much away at this point but also don't want to lead people on - the game will not make this year.

The good news is that it means we can take the Big Footy community on the dev journey with us, and like last time have a fair amount of back-and-forth with meaningful and material input to the game.

Perhaps a weird thing to ask but do you know whether WW will be releasing an update this year then?

Would be a real shame if fans are unable to play a game with accurate player lists at all this year.

Really looking forward to seeing what you guys can do with the upcoming release, best of luck!
Surely people can focus on what improvements they want on gameplay rather than small details like grand final noise.
Big picture.

On iPhone using mobile app
I think you’ll find plenty of feedback on possible gameplay improvements in this thread already ..
However, whilst Ross is in here constantly reading and hearing our opinions, it doesn’t hurt to be a little more optimistic and suggest other smaller features
I’m sure he’s not going to put GF celebrations ahead of Gameplay so stress less my dude

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Surely people can focus on what improvements they want on gameplay rather than small details like grand final noise.
Big picture.

On iPhone using mobile app

Pretty important I'd argue. Gameplay is all well and good, but without any atmosphere or significance attached to each game it runs its race pretty quick. Need both in tandem.
Zero chance, i believe WW have said they arent updating the game anymore...
Sadly this makes sense. WW are either pissed or don't care, either way they are not going to be touching the code. Maybe a tiny chance a WW dev will upload something unofficial, obviously a long shot.

Do you know what would be funny? If BA as passionate supporters of any AFL product accidentally create and upload their own season 2022 lists, complete with BA sponsorship logos and 'coming in 2023' written on the back. Maybe it wouldn't matter if it got taken down, it could exist elsewhere with a bit of user tinkering.

What's that Ross - brand dilution? You're passing up the greatest promotional stunt in AFL gaming history because of brand dilution? I could cry.
Not sure if it's mentioned but selectable post goal celebrations (like QTE) would be pretty cool.

I have a question, will this new AFL game be built from scratch, or will you be building off AFL Live 1?
In software development, using 10+ year old code is usually a pretty bad idea! I imagine they'll take a lot of resources from Cricket 22 though.
In game play would love to see badges like 2k and fifa have to make every player feel different and have different tendencies when playing ai and have there strengths so there could be...
elite field kick, boundary goal specialist, outside 50 goal specialist, set shot specialist, pack mark, spoiler, tackle, speed, explosive first few meters, evasive with ball, endurance, don't argue, Ruck tap work, run and carry with ball. Just a example for a few

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Surely people can focus on what improvements they want on gameplay rather than small details like grand final noise.
Big picture.

On iPhone using mobile app

Yep, even if we got a barebones game like AFL live 2011 but with glorious gameplay with todays graphics I’d be happy as a pig in shit.

Evolutions career mode, trading and draft crap couldn’t keep me playing more than 10 hours because the gameplay was so poor.

I’ve probably played hundreds of hours of AFL live one compared to stuff all of evolution 1&2.

Perfect the gameplay first and then worry about everything else

Need tactical options for how to position your mids and what sort of "mindset" they have eg attacking/tagging/etc. Maybe 3 or 4 set piece options that appear on the side of the screen before the ball is bounced that you can select like in AFL 99 or even the option to customise them ourselves for use in-game. Needs to be monitored and patched accordingly if certain set pieces start to totally dominate online play (not that I play online, but if the game is too predictable from a tactics perspective online, it will die).

As for the actual ruck contest, I'm not sure there is much to improve here. At optimal timing, push stick in the direction you want to tap the ball. Simple and effective. I know it was an achievement in AFL Live, but the smallest bloke on your list really shouldn't be able to beat the opposition's ruckman no matter how well it's timed.

Contested play

My biggest bugbear in modern (post-PS2) AFL games. It's just too chaotic and messy to be fun. Or it's a tackle fest where all players have barely-distinguishable speed and endurance attributes. I'm not advocating the game becomes like NBA Jam, but I am advocating for clearer graphics, even at the expense of total realism. Even if this means more HUD elements to make it clearer who has possession and what are the best options for them to pass the ball to. More "gamey". I seem to remember older games had little arrows under the player in possession, short ones for handpasses and longer ones for kicks. Anything to help counter the ridiculous size of AFL grounds compared to other sports.

I don't mind Evo 2's throw it on the boot hurried kick option, it's quite realistic, but if the idea is a "highlight a second" then I'd prefer that the game has been designed so that it's not needed.

Streaming forward

If I've managed to break free of the contest and I'm streaming forward (please, please PLEASE be possible), I want it to be ridiculously clear what my options are. I like the idea of ditching the old "hold the kick button down to build kicking strength, and if you hold it down too long you're going to shank it" thing. I like the idea of seeing button icons above teammates heads and pressing (not holding down) the corresponding button will see the ball kicked in that direction. Player's kicking stats will come into play and the game situation too (ie if the kicker is on his own or it's a kick after a mark, it's more accurate).

Handballing in Live and the Evo games is barely a realistic option, and it needs to be.


I actually don't mind the way this is handled in Evo 2. In AFL Live I hardly ever marked, I spoiled pretty much everything by hitting the ball behind me and then beat my direct opponent by running onto the loose ball because that was easier. But the positioning and ability to lay a little bump as the ball is coming in is quite good. Not perfect by any means, but OK. Improving on this will be good.

Goal kicking

Preferred the way the was handled in AFL Live. It was easy, but that's OK. Kicking bananas and stuff from ridiculous angles felt so good in AFL Live. Made you feel like an elite footballer and definitely a highlight a second :D

Kick in after a behind

Like the ruck, selectable tactical options are desperately needed. I quite like the spare bloke in the back pocket you were guaranteed to have in Evo 2, but it felt like a bit of a hack job rather than a legit tactical thing. But even so, like the drop it on the boot kick option, it helped.

When you don't have possession

Ah yes. This somehow has to be fun too. I've spoken about breaking free and running into space and hitting up targets and so forth, but on the flip side tackles need to feel like the poor bloke on the receiving end has had the breath knocked out of him. Ryan on Maynard in the 2018 Grand Final needs to be a thing. Spoiling needs to feel good too.

Other thoughts

When thinking of AFL Evo 2, the game needs to be both slower (general play is a chaotic mess) but also faster. When I take a mark it feels like an eternity before I'm "allowed" to kick the ball effectively. So many times I take a mark, see a free player further up the ground, try to kick it to him and I've attempted it too quickly for the game to like and the ball is smothered. **** off. So I wait. And all my free players get manned up. Ugh.
Yep, even if we got a barebones game like AFL live 2011 but with glorious gameplay with todays graphics I’d be happy as a pig in sh*t.

Evolutions career mode, trading and draft crap couldn’t keep me playing more than 10 hours because the gameplay was so poor.

I’ve probably played hundreds of hours of AFL live one compared to stuff all of evolution 1&2.

Perfect the gameplay first and then worry about everything else
There's a lot of issues with Live 1, but it actually flowed properly. And it was Big Ant's first attempt, they originally planned 5 iterations that would focus on each factor of the sport.

Need tactical options for how to position your mids and what sort of "mindset" they have eg attacking/tagging/etc. Maybe 3 or 4 set piece options that appear on the side of the screen before the ball is bounced that you can select like in AFL 99 or even the option to customise them ourselves for use in-game. Needs to be monitored and patched accordingly if certain set pieces start to totally dominate online play (not that I play online, but if the game is too predictable from a tactics perspective online, it will die).

As for the actual ruck contest, I'm not sure there is much to improve here. At optimal timing, push stick in the direction you want to tap the ball. Simple and effective. I know it was an achievement in AFL Live, but the smallest bloke on your list really shouldn't be able to beat the opposition's ruckman no matter how well it's timed.

Contested play

My biggest bugbear in modern (post-PS2) AFL games. It's just too chaotic and messy to be fun. Or it's a tackle fest where all players have barely-distinguishable speed and endurance attributes. I'm not advocating the game becomes like NBA Jam, but I am advocating for clearer graphics, even at the expense of total realism. Even if this means more HUD elements to make it clearer who has possession and what are the best options for them to pass the ball to. More "gamey". I seem to remember older games had little arrows under the player in possession, short ones for handpasses and longer ones for kicks. Anything to help counter the ridiculous size of AFL grounds compared to other sports.

I don't mind Evo 2's throw it on the boot hurried kick option, it's quite realistic, but if the idea is a "highlight a second" then I'd prefer that the game has been designed so that it's not needed.

Streaming forward

If I've managed to break free of the contest and I'm streaming forward (please, please PLEASE be possible), I want it to be ridiculously clear what my options are. I like the idea of ditching the old "hold the kick button down to build kicking strength, and if you hold it down too long you're going to shank it" thing. I like the idea of seeing button icons above teammates heads and pressing (not holding down) the corresponding button will see the ball kicked in that direction. Player's kicking stats will come into play and the game situation too (ie if the kicker is on his own or it's a kick after a mark, it's more accurate).

Handballing in Live and the Evo games is barely a realistic option, and it needs to be.


I actually don't mind the way this is handled in Evo 2. In AFL Live I hardly ever marked, I spoiled pretty much everything by hitting the ball behind me and then beat my direct opponent by running onto the loose ball because that was easier. But the positioning and ability to lay a little bump as the ball is coming in is quite good. Not perfect by any means, but OK. Improving on this will be good.

Goal kicking

Preferred the way the was handled in AFL Live. It was easy, but that's OK. Kicking bananas and stuff from ridiculous angles felt so good in AFL Live. Made you feel like an elite footballer and definitely a highlight a second :D

Kick in after a behind

Like the ruck, selectable tactical options are desperately needed. I quite like the spare bloke in the back pocket you were guaranteed to have in Evo 2, but it felt like a bit of a hack job rather than a legit tactical thing. But even so, like the drop it on the boot kick option, it helped.

When you don't have possession

Ah yes. This somehow has to be fun too. I've spoken about breaking free and running into space and hitting up targets and so forth, but on the flip side tackles need to feel like the poor bloke on the receiving end has had the breath knocked out of him. Ryan on Maynard in the 2018 Grand Final needs to be a thing. Spoiling needs to feel good too.

Other thoughts

When thinking of AFL Evo 2, the game needs to be both slower (general play is a chaotic mess) but also faster. When I take a mark it feels like an eternity before I'm "allowed" to kick the ball effectively. So many times I take a mark, see a free player further up the ground, try to kick it to him and I've attempted it too quickly for the game to like and the ball is smothered. fu** off. So I wait. And all my free players get manned up. Ugh.
The goal kicks should be determined on the ball drop, run up action and wind. The ball drop has never been adapted into a footy game, when it's a critical component of the goal kick.
The goal kicks should be determined on the ball drop, run up action and wind. The ball drop has never been adapted into a footy game, when it's a critical component of the goal kick.
Yeah goal kicking (set shots) is tricky one to get right. Became a bit too easy in Live 1. Evo 2 I thought was ok but the wind sometimes was rediculous.

For goal kicking on the run, I would like to see something like an NBA 2k shot where you hold the shot button down and accuracy is determined by how close you can get the metre to the top (and also take into account base player accuracy) without it dropping back down fast. In an AFL game though I would imagine a horizontal metre. I feel like it would be pretty satisfying nailing shots when correctly timing a system like that
Two things I’d love to see finally added are the ability to crash packs in marking contests and gang tackles

I’m planning on going back and having a few games of Live 1 to refresh the memory but I do remember it becoming way too easy very quickly, hopefully this new game will have a bit more of the contested side to keep a consistent challenge, Live 1 essentially boiled down to time the ruck correctly, kick long, mark and goal
There's a lot of issues with Live 1, but it actually flowed properly. And it was Big Ant's first attempt, they originally planned 5 iterations that would focus on each factor of the sport.

Was it going to be 5 iterations that build on the precious version? Or 5 seperate?

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I think a lot of people overrate WW's career mode tbh... All 3 games had ridiculous levels of ratings inflation after even 3 seasons, in be a pro you never had to go through the draft or FA/Trade processess...

Evo 2 I believe you were still selected first team no matter what?? There was no reserves system

Rookie list was never a thing despite being in the AFL for years

Salary cap didn't rise to accomodate the rating inflation

They had years to fix those things, and shit I know WW didn't really want AFL games but the AFL Gold Career Mode plays near exact same to Evo 2, even down to the Sponsors.

I'm sure even a DBC 14-style 'career mode' would still trump a WW effort. I appreciate that people were just happy to have an AFL Career mode and rightfully so but come on
Yeah goal kicking (set shots) is tricky one to get right. Became a bit too easy in Live 1. Evo 2 I thought was ok but the wind sometimes was rediculous.

For goal kicking on the run, I would like to see something like an NBA 2k shot where you hold the shot button down and accuracy is determined by how close you can get the metre to the top (and also take into account base player accuracy) without it dropping back down fast. In an AFL game though I would imagine a horizontal metre. I feel like it would be pretty satisfying nailing shots when correctly timing a system like that

It doesnt work because you have to stop sprinting and it takes too long to kick a goal on the run and you always get tackled.
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