AFL Cairns - 2011 Season Part 2

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In my experience, it's either young kids who actually need the money to spend when they're apprentices or just moved out of home, or perhaps with young families. Or, it's the people who are always going to be after money to play. Most people once they've been at a club more than a few years, particularly ex-juniors tend to be putting so much into the club that it would seem ridiculous to them to take any money out of the club.

I've never understood the guys who simply shop themselves around go for the highest price. I'm sure the people who change clubs to play for money don't feel the same amount of satisfaction with a premiership as those who played their juniors there or who put in to the club off-field.

You don't want to have to take your kids round to 5 different club rooms when you're older to show where you made your mark.

I have an uncle who played in a Premiership one year for a club that he didn't play juniors. He barely ever mentions it, but I always hear him talk about his home club, even though he never won a premiership there. (The reason he moved for a season was the home club was in recess)
Biggest load of rubbish I have heard saint! If you are a decent enough player, you deserve to ask for abit of money. the time you spend at the club pre season then Tuesday thursday and Saturday, is alot of time tou are spending at the club. Plus people who have work commitments example trades that are losing out on money for overtime during the week and could pick up 300 bucks to work a Saturday! Cmon mate get real if you are worth the money and slog your guts out for your club you are worth every cent! Thats what sponsors are for.
i find it very sad to come on here today and see people speak about money. how is it peoples business that people get paid or not paid. the end of the day the person getting paid is getting paid. people get paid to play in every league you go to as thats what is required. people require to be paid sometimes to be able to play the cost of boots gym clothing membership and fuel to drive to places all adds up.

i would have said during my playing days i spent over 2000 a year just on that alone. let alone the food the beer the functions etc. once again it seems very sad people need to talk about peoples money when they have not got a clue what its about. and why are people on here saying clubs dont pay players. every club in the country pays players! silly talk!

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Biggest load of rubbish I have heard saint! If you are a decent enough player, you deserve to ask for abit of money. the time you spend at the club pre season then Tuesday thursday and Saturday, is alot of time tou are spending at the club. Plus people who have work commitments example trades that are losing out on money for overtime during the week and could pick up 300 bucks to work a Saturday! Cmon mate get real if you are worth the money and slog your guts out for your club you are worth every cent! Thats what sponsors are for.

Worst thing I have ever read doggies, so if everyone trains and plays as hard as they can all year then they should get paid? Which club are you at where this happens?

What about the volunteers champ? Blokes who shop around for cash don't care about the club, they worry about the cash. If you can earn $300 being a tradie, do it unless someone offers you that to play. It is the clubs fault if you don't live up to it.

DON'T HOLD CLUBS TO RANSOM. If someone said to me as a president "but Lions offered me more" that is playing for yourself.
Don't know what your reading mate. Of course you are not going to pay a player if he trains hard and has no skill, if you are a good enough player, and the time and effort you put into the club, you deserve to be payed. read it properly before you comment! Don't know if you have been living under a rock, but every a1 senior sides in the country pay players! Read the post above mate he pritty much nailed it!
Anybody can get a weekend job instead of playing football.

Doggies, you've been raised wrong somehow. You think life is all about money. Football is about fun with your mates. Most people would play football whether they get paid or not. Others decide not to play because they don't enjoy it. If you'd do something for fun anyway, it seems a bit strange to then put your hand out to the people who help make you able to do it.

How one person who trains harder than another deserves cash but the other doesn't is a bit beyond me. Both are working equally as hard. How about the paid players train all the time and the non-paid players stay at home and just turn up on weekends. That would be the worst club in the world.

50m, it's people's business because I'd say 90% of posters at least are club members and most likely the ones helping to pay the bills. Lots of members resent paid players who don't perform. Just ask Tamba or Flintstone.
Surely Souths have done all the homework in the world this year to make sure they get the right bloke, they would not want the same season as last year.

mmm should get that facts right before saying stuff u know nothing about !! players need to want to win and want to train, nothing a coach can do about that !!
i find it very sad to come on here today and see people speak about money. how is it peoples business that people get paid or not paid.

50mOut, I think you'll find that the core of the posts are directed at Saints posters who deny the club hasn't/doesn't pay players, not the amount they recieve. Saints may not have paid a mountain of renumeration, but, common sence tells me they must've forked out something. Sure It's a good club that's well ran (with a good reputation) , but, they've shelled out coin and their supporters are hell bent on the world believing they don't pay players. Saints posters, stop insulting peoples intelligence and give us a spell.
Saint that is absolute garbage aswell! If you want to have fun with your mates, go and play ameture or c grade football! If you want to play in a good healthy competition, and have fun with your mates, and get quality players in, so people come and watch, you need to play players! Do you think players would come up from Victoria and w.a if there is no money being payed to them, especially the lack of job opportunities in cairns NO, cairns afl would fall to shit if they didn't pay players, and have the influence of interstate players come up and play! Then no one would go watch either, who wants to see a bunch of amateurs run around! Mate it's the way footy is, like it or not, if your a gun you have the right to ask, or be on some decent coin, and still have fun playing the game you love with your mates! Seriously mate get with it! you have been living under a rock...
Doggies that is your opinion, knowing who Saint is I know that he has the opportunity to put his hand out and ask for cash but does not. I will agree with you that some CLUBS choose to pay players and a lot of the time it reflects on the culture of the club. Players going around selling themselves to the highest bidder??? Poor form. The clubs you have been with must have the cash and a culture which allows this.

I do agree that money is an incentive to get players to Cairns from South. But, I reckon if Tamba and Flinstone (2 club legends) saw their own coins going into the pocket of a couldn't care less player, who they out bid Hawks for, things will get ugly.

Saint has obviously played at clubs who don't fork out big coin and enjoys it that way. At the end of the day, clubs that do not pay big coin may not get great results, but everyone is at the club for the same reason, because they enjoy football.

Shavedham - Saints don't pay players ;) I get a huge envelope after each home game!
I do agree that money is an incentive to get players to Cairns from South. But, I reckon if Tamba and Flintstones saw their own coins going into the pocket of a couldn't care less player, who they out bid Hawks for, things will get ugly.


I have,
I sponsored a fair few times and was very peeved off with them not training or turning up to games, only when they wanted , mainly under the previous Pres. one still runs with the club & can't understand why no one will sponsor him.
Doggies, I hope your never one of my team mates. You sound like a real individual who only cares about lining his own pocket, rather than concentrating on team success. Players sacrifice a lot don't get me wrong. But committee members, presidents, junior coaches and support staff give far more than Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday afternoons. They work tirelessly and deserve to be paid far more than players but they don't receive a cent. They just do it for the love of their club. It would kill them to see the club paying out money that they worked hard in getting, through sponsors and fund raisers, to guys like you.

I moved up here 5 years ago for the lifestyle and happened to have some close mates at a club that I have had the time of my life at and have since won 3 premierships at. I didn't get paid... I never asked... footy was just something I did to meet people and enjoy myself. Saints, Hawks and Norths that I know of, have great systems that pay if you play well. I will never forget what the club did for me in bringing me success and helping me to enjoy my time here in Cairns.

Paying large amounts of money players who couldn't give a rats clacker only causes friction. Thats why so many clubs opt out of paying huge money up here and the ones that do opt out, nine times out of ten achieve success not always on but definitely off the field.

Saint you sound like a quality person who a lot of posters on here who work hard in the background of their club would love to have playing at their team!

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Away from the money subject for a bit, can't believe still only 2 teams have coaches for next year!?!? Great news at Tigerland with a couple of major signings very close to being official, can't help but think that might have something to do with next years plans already in place. Surely this time of year is when out-of-towners are having a look for where to play.:confused::confused:
Huge day on Sunday at the club with great turnout to working bee (footballers almost outnumbered by netballers!) club looks a treat and reportedly renovations to be done in time for next year. Go Tigers.
PS Collo, Lamasery, you beauty!!(got me outta the s**t)
You will find alot of the guys who are there every training first there last to leave first there saturday play twos then help with running or water boys arnt the best players going around. There the ones who should be recognized not the guys who put their hands out the guns who you see one year gone the next who dont give a stuff about the club. Loyalty is gone never to be seen again only in special cases. I played for my junior club for nearly 20 yrs never to ask for anything but the pleasure of putting the jumper on. The same happened with my time at Saints with I wanting nothing more but to win a senior flag. That time is gone now but playing senior and reserves footy for 15yrs and not winning a flag will always haunt me as it should any loyal player.
mmm should get that facts right before saying stuff u know nothing about !! players need to want to win and want to train, nothing a coach can do about that !!

Coach Isn't only put in place to educate players, he's hired to motivate the entire club. Some kids/players need a slight shove 'sometimes' to get them going. Paid players just simply go into work mode and don't need motivating. You sound old school.
Steve shavedham I think you failed to read the post I was quoting on!!
I was merely suggesting how hard it would be for a coach to motivate a group who wants to sit and drink piss or sit on couch at home and repeatedly tell themselves that they dont need to train because they think they are that good rather then get out and do the hard yards and improve themselves for the club. You can lead a horse to water but can you make it drink?
Watsons, Saints, Tigers and Souths all have coaches.

I think Saints are waiting for the other guy to arrive before making any official announcements, though its been announced internally to the players. As for recruiting, pretty much the whole club goes about selling the place to prospective players, rather than being solely reliant on the coach/committee. The Pres, Maxy and Kenno and a few others take on the official welcoming role

Doggies, your club is looking at it all the wrong way. Recruiting players by paying them as their sole motivation means they will only ever be transient and only ever play for the money. Saints recruit by selling the lifestyle of a good bunch of mates in Cairns who stick together and play for each other, so when you move up here, you'll have a new bunch of best mates rather than a bunch of people who are here as long as they're getting paid. Many have now been here for years and have ownership of the club which means they don't care they're not being paid.

I think the reason the Saints people on here bang on about it is that they can't believe others don't take a similar approach.
So what about coaches should they coach for the love of te game 2? Or should they get paid? I think doggies is right 2 if there wasn't money around not many recruits would come up and the comp would be shit. How Many cairns locals were in the top 10 in the league b n f? It seems a lot of you guys have grevances with blokes who get paid but underperform more then players that earn their money on the field and track. It's up to the club to make sure they are smart and recruit hard working good footballers... You can't blame shit footballers for taking the money clubs foolishly offer them
I think a lot of people on this forum are underestimating the pull of Cairns itself as a place to live, work and play for young men or families. Having played football in both Victoria and Cairns, I can tell you that I would much prefer the weather to be dry and warm than wet and freezing cold. I shudder remembering those winter days, both watching and playing footy while it was either raining or too cold to hold a Melbourne Bitter tin. Not to mention the other aspects of Cairns life that appeals to those from down south. Fishing, the reef, women, lifestyle, Gilligans.. The list goes on. So I don't think it is a stretch for blokes from down South to come to Cairns with the promise of a job, play for nothing and enjoy a year or two out of their lives in a fantastic place for young men to sew their wild oats. Not to mention the countless numbers of these blokes who have found girlfriends and wives up here as well as good jobs, and thus decided to stay on, relocate, build houses and bring up families.

I often run into footy trips here (I'm sure you all have as well), and invariably they all have the same opinion of Cairns. Beautiful warm weather, lots of fun, great drink specials (especially Corona's), awesome nightlife, just too many blokes. After reassuring them that this is only because there are so many football trips up here doing the exact same thing as them, the majority of these people remark that if they could find work up here, they would move tomorrow. Who could blame them?
i will make sure to ring fev to get him to play up here for free for the ladies the booze the nightlife sounds appealing for him. as apposed to darwin where you get the samethings but get paid big dosh per game.

why are people trying to say clubs dont pay players? why is it supposed to be a secret?
i will make sure to ring fev to get him to play up here for free for the ladies the booze the nightlife sounds appealing for him. as apposed to darwin where you get the samethings but get paid big dosh per game.

why are people trying to say clubs dont pay players? why is it supposed to be a secret?

Darwin during dry season would be great. During the wet, I'm not so sure about it. Surely it loses some of its appeal.. Which is what I was getting at. Weather and lifestyle matters to some people, money matters to others.

Some clubs pay players, some don't. I think the point a lot of people are trying to make is that there are reasons, besides money, that people move to Cairns or choose to play for certain clubs over others.
if youre paying players that dont perform week in week out and dont train then thats the admin fault. there contract should say what they have to do to get paid. end of the day i rather players getting paid to help them out as they obviously deserve the extra cash. insentive payments are great but lack one key area, what happens to the player that racks up 40 touches and 10 tackles but misses out to joe blow who kicks 12 goals. brings hostility if that certian bloke misses out most weeks.

i stand behind paying people that actually perform and are deserving.
:):):) still behind for the carnival though :(

Collo, if it makes you feel any better I did my backside on the Cup. I didn't tell the wife how much but it's certainly not worst I've done. Luckily for me, I managed to pick the winner of the Victorian Derby (Sangster) and the old phone account is looking a lot healthier. I would have had more if I would have backed Woorim instead of Doubtful Jack on Saturday.:(
Originally Posted by Geegrimey

I do agree that money is an incentive to get players to Cairns from South. But, I reckon if Tamba and Flintstones saw their own coins going into the pocket of a couldn't care less player, who they out bid Hawks for, things will get ugly.

I have,
I sponsored a fair few times and was very peeved off with them not training or turning up to games, only when they wanted , mainly under the previous Pres. one still runs with the club & can't understand why no one will sponsor him.

I too have sponsored players for last couple of years. The first year I wasn't real impressed with what the player was doing and even questioned him on his intentions which he was a bit upset about. But I wanted to know. Last season I sponsored a new player and he took out Club B & F in his first year, so there you go. He comes accross as a good, young, down to earth bloke. I know he wants to hang around and if he does I'll probably look at sponsoring him again.

As far as the Saints paying or not paying players, it's as simple as this. Yes they pay players but call them "incentive" payments for tax office purposes.
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