AFL Canberra

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Crooks, very stiff I thought,

Why isn't LJ playing for the aboriginal side?

Excuse my ignorance, but who is Eric Stone?

I think some of the selections are a farce, be interested to see how a few of the more "senior" players committ?

Why is Armstrong coach, he made himself unavailable (injured?) 2 years ago, as did Kavanagh, and that probably cost the ACT the Championship in the end, if they want to pick and choose when they play, lets give someone a chance who really wants to represent the League, Clarke did a great job as coach last year, and has always supported rep footy in the ACT, so why isn't he still coach?

The old toothless tigers who administrate this league are a debacle, couldn't stand up for anything after a botlle of Viagra.

If we don't get some people in charge with a bit of ticker, we will all be talking about the CD's as the Senior Comp will go the way of Wildcats.

How about some solid plans for the future.

Sorry, I will now dismount from my Soap Box.
Been good for Ainslie this year as well,did he play last year because he was the token Creek player and I mean no disrespect by this.It is well known that football canberra wanted a player from every team in the squad.Besides this he had a blinder and you would think he would get another chance at this level.

I don't agree about Matho being a token Creek player, he would easily be in the best 18 in Canberra.I've never seen a kid as quick as him ,except maybe his brother.

Who's on the match committee doe's anyone know?
I don't agree about Matho being a token Creek player, he would easily be in the best 18 in Canberra.

You can't be serious when you say Mathis would esily be in the best 18 in the canberra competition. Whilst he may be one of the quickest blokes going around, his disposal leaves alot to be desired. Surely the rep selectors could have picked some younger types in the squad at the expense of injured players. The chance to train with such a range of quality players could only be beneficial not only for the individual but for the comp as well. You never know, they could prove to be the surprise packet of the team.

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You can't be serious when you say Mathis would esily be in the best 18 in the canberra competition. Whilst he may be one of the quickest blokes going around, his disposal leaves alot to be desired. Surely the rep selectors could have picked some younger types in the squad at the expense of injured players. The chance to train with such a range of quality players could only be beneficial not only for the individual but for the comp as well. You never know, they could prove to be the surprise packet of the team.

I wouldn't make that statement if i wasn't serious....Wouldn't Mathis fall under the younger types your dribbling about?
I wouldn't make that statement if i wasn't serious....Wouldn't Mathis fall under the younger types your dribbling about?
Matho as much as I like the kid is not one of the best 18 in the comp.Dmon R b is right his skills have let him down in the past but I also know he is working hard on improving this.He possibly will be one of the better players in the future but not yet.I do agree with having the younger guys train with the squad especially with the amount of injured players they have named.
I wouldn't make that statement if i wasn't serious....Wouldn't Mathis fall under the younger types your dribbling about?

Young matho is a good average player- and certainly not in the top 30 ACTAFL. He is quick I agree, but it is no good getting the ball and turning it over with poor ands or foot skills. there are many players who are much better skilled than him- even some at AFC You could'nt compare him with Mitch Daniher even in the same sentence.
I would love to know who is on the match committee, - might explain some of the choices!
Crooks, very stiff I thought,

Why isn't LJ playing for the aboriginal side?

Excuse my ignorance, but who is Eric Stone?

I think some of the selections are a farce, be interested to see how a few of the more "senior" players committ?

Why is Armstrong coach, he made himself unavailable (injured?) 2 years ago, as did Kavanagh, and that probably cost the ACT the Championship in the end, if they want to pick and choose when they play, lets give someone a chance who really wants to represent the League, Clarke did a great job as coach last year, and has always supported rep footy in the ACT, so why isn't he still coach?

The old toothless tigers who administrate this league are a debacle, couldn't stand up for anything after a botlle of Viagra.

If we don't get some people in charge with a bit of ticker, we will all be talking about the CD's as the Senior Comp will go the way of Wildcats.

How about some solid plans for the future.

Sorry, I will now dismount from my Soap Box.
Should there be an independant coach say one not playing or coaching a local team.I use the name just as an idea but someone like Brian Quade.Surely there are ex coaches and players out there who could fill the breach this would allow players like Armstromg and Clarke to play footy without the added pressure of both tasks.Both aforementioned players handle it well week in and week out with their local clubs but it might be a nice change for them both to just turn up and play.Then we wouldn't have conjecture as to who should coach,My understanding is that it is chosen on form and the coach of the team (local) who finishesd the highest in the comp is the coach of the rep team,Grateful if someone could confirm or put me straight.
Should there be an independant coach say one not playing or coaching a local team.I use the name just as an idea but someone like Brian Quade.Surely there are ex coaches and players out there who could fill the breach this would allow players like Armstromg and Clarke to play footy without the added pressure of both tasks.Both aforementioned players handle it well week in and week out with their local clubs but it might be a nice change for them both to just turn up and play.Then we wouldn't have conjecture as to who should coach,My understanding is that it is chosen on form and the coach of the team (local) who finishesd the highest in the comp is the coach of the rep team,Grateful if someone could confirm or put me straight.

I agree totally. There used to be an unwritten rule that the premiership coach - coached the rep team, although they have departed from that a few times. I reckon a non playing coach is the way to go as he can get around the games and view players objetcively as well as prepare match plans etc without compromise to his own team etc Brian Quade would be a good choice.
I agree totally. There used to be an unwritten rule that the premiership coach - coached the rep team, although they have departed from that a few times. I reckon a non playing coach is the way to go as he can get around the games and view players objetcively as well as prepare match plans etc without compromise to his own team etc Brian Quade would be a good choice.[/quote]

Too old - bet he wouldnt like rotations, short passes, handballs, not kicking to a contest etc etc etc. Just like all the other old farties at each club. Selections this week include Demons by 5 goals, Swans by 15 and Belco - how boring - yet another win over the happless Tigers by at least 60 points. :cool: Looks like being a Swans / Magpies GF AGAIN !!
I agree totally. There used to be an unwritten rule that the premiership coach - coached the rep team, although they have departed from that a few times. I reckon a non playing coach is the way to go as he can get around the games and view players objetcively as well as prepare match plans etc without compromise to his own team etc Brian Quade would be a good choice.[/quote]

Too old - bet he wouldnt like rotations, short passes, handballs, not kicking to a contest etc etc etc. Just like all the other old farties at each club. Selections this week include Demons by 5 goals, Swans by 15 and Belco - how boring - yet another win over the happless Tigers by at least 60 points. :cool: Looks like being a Swans / Magpies GF AGAIN !!
sorry i missed last years i think i was at the Swans and Queanbeyan;)
I agree totally. There used to be an unwritten rule that the premiership coach - coached the rep team, although they have departed from that a few times. I reckon a non playing coach is the way to go as he can get around the games and view players objetcively as well as prepare match plans etc without compromise to his own team etc Brian Quade would be a good choice.[/quote]

Too old - bet he wouldnt like rotations, short passes, handballs, not kicking to a contest etc etc etc. Just like all the other old farties at each club. Selections this week include Demons by 5 goals, Swans by 15 and Belco - how boring - yet another win over the happless Tigers by at least 60 points. :cool: Looks like being a Swans / Magpies GF AGAIN !!
Dunno about that FIM, I reckon the Tigers are ready for a big upset this week. They have proved they can turn around from a big loss in the past, and with Belconnen a few down, dont be surprised if Queanbeyan turn it all around. Swans will flog the hell out of Tuggers, and Eastlake for mine over Ainslie.
Not bad ABH whilst I'm not one that sits on this site and sings your praises what you write seems to be fairly concise and to the point,You have obviously seen enough of the comp this year to know the players that are in form or not.Only two of your 22 missed selection in R Underwood and N Irwin,whilst I had my doubts over Irwin as expressed earlier blog he has been an improver but I'm still not surprised he missed out.As for Underwood this does surprise as does the ommission of D Love from Ainslie.All in all though this looks like a very strong squad,Does anyone know how many they actually take.Obviously there will be doubt on some as they have significant injuries Maher,Raadts.

Appreciate the positive post. Not used to that from folks out your way...must be something in the water.;)
Disgraceful, embarrassing, insipid, undisciplined, outclassed, humiliating, lack of skills, poor decision making, 2nd to the ball, fumbly, lack of character - worst performance I have seen by a Tiger side in my 15 year association with the club.

If thats what "Eat Em Alive" means to some of the players then they dont deserve to wear the jumper!! :mad:

If any of the boys were out on the gas last night then they need to have a good look at themselves. Dont deserve to show their faces out in public!:mad:

Belconnen were simply awesome, totally dominant. They will not lose another game this season and will win the comp comfortably on that performance. All involved with the club should be very proud of the playing group.

How bad would it have been if Maher, Raadts, Knowles and Porter played:(:(

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Dunno about that FIM, I reckon the Tigers are ready for a big upset this week. They have proved they can turn around from a big loss in the past, and with Belconnen a few down, dont be surprised if Queanbeyan turn it all around. Swans will flog the hell out of Tuggers, and Eastlake for mine over Ainslie.

Still on fire with your predictions I see :p
Disgraceful, embarrassing, insipid, undisciplined, outclassed, humiliating, lack of skills, poor decision making, 2nd to the ball, fumbly, lack of character - worst performance I have seen by a Tiger side in my 15 year association with the club.

If thats what "Eat Em Alive" means to some of the players then they dont deserve to wear the jumper!! :mad:

If any of the boys were out on the gas last night then they need to have a good look at themselves. Dont deserve to show their faces out in public!:mad:

Belconnen were simply awesome, totally dominant. They will not lose another game this season and will win the comp comfortably on that performance. All involved with the club should be very proud of the playing group.

How bad would it have been if Maher, Raadts, Knowles and Porter played:(:(

Agree ABH but you did have a go at me earlier in the year when I witnessed a similar performance (even though the tigers won) and suggested, I shouldnt be that negative. Is your playing group overated or are they struggling with the pressures of making the grand final last year as they are now being hunted. The side has had injuries, but in the half a game I witnessed yesterday, they were very ordinary. They dont appear to be enjoying their footy or working for their mates.
Agree ABH but you did have a go at me earlier in the year when I witnessed a similar performance (even though the tigers won) and suggested, I shouldnt be that negative. Is your playing group overated or are they struggling with the pressures of making the grand final last year as they are now being hunted. The side has had injuries, but in the half a game I witnessed yesterday, they were very ordinary. They dont appear to be enjoying their footy or working for their mates.

On present form you would have to say that the side is over rated. Too much is being left to too few. They work load isnt being shared and when some of the "stars" are down as they are at the moment the next tier of player isnt up to taking the slack.

Every sides strength is judged by their bottom 6-8 players (14 -22) and at present these players just arent up to it when the top players have an off day. They are good when the side is up and running but when it gets a bit tough out there they havent produced on a consistant basis.
On present form you would have to say that the side is over rated. Too much is being left to too few. They work load isnt being shared and when some of the "stars" are down as they are at the moment the next tier of player isnt up to taking the slack.

Every sides strength is judged by their bottom 6-8 players (14 -22) and at present these players just arent up to it when the top players have an off day. They are good when the side is up and running but when it gets a bit tough out there they havent produced on a consistant basis.

Thats a fair call ABH. Thought they tried hard but came up short working for each other, blocking, shepherding, talking etc. They appear reluctant to run when the team gets the footy, which to me says a lot about self belief and confidence. Still wouldnt write them off just yet. Not to mention that Belconnen were very impressive
Thats a fair call ABH. Thought they tried hard but came up short working for each other, blocking, shepherding, talking etc. They appear reluctant to run when the team gets the footy, which to me says a lot about self belief and confidence. Still wouldnt write them off just yet. Not to mention that Belconnen were very impressive

Think we need to put the Tigers form on ice for a while. Been done to death and certainly nothing much to talk about. Beaten by a well drilled outfit on the weekend.

One team getting under the rader is the Trihards up North. They seem to handle the Lakes ok and have beaten Belco and Swans through the year.
Can they hold on to a finals spot at the Lakes,Tigers or Tuggers expense?? It certainly looks that way at this stage.
Think we need to put the Tigers form on ice for a while. Been done to death and certainly nothing much to talk about. Beaten by a well drilled outfit on the weekend.

One team getting under the rader is the Trihards up North. They seem to handle the Lakes ok and have beaten Belco and Swans through the year.
Can they hold on to a finals spot at the Lakes,Tigers or Tuggers expense?? It certainly looks that way at this stage.

Hi again, have been abit quiet lately but here i am. I think Ainslie will finish either 3 or 4. Next 3 weeks we play Tuggers, QBN, then Tuggers again. If we can win those 3 games it will make it hard for sides below to jump us. You would think QBN will need to beat Ainslie twice and rely on them losing some more games. Then again, maybe Eastlake will miss out.

Belconnen look unstoppable at the moment and will take some beating. Don't think we should write Sydney off just yet also. Will be a fascinating run home and good luck to all teams (only 7 rounds left)
Because the league is run by some insipidly incompetent people, not only is the draw a farce, so is the whole competition, when will people start to realise we need impartial, committed people to make some tough decisions.

Does anyone on the happening of the league, not suck up to certain people and play favourites within the competition. For example...

"The Demons should enter
this game against Ainslie with momentum and confi dence.
Captain Coach Nathan Clarke is playing like a superhero
on a mission.
Undoubtedly, Clarke sees 2008 as the year when the​
Demons are capable of going all the way."

What the...

and this...

How good is Sean Clarke? Understated, casual in a Mark Waugh kind of way, extremely
skilful, deceptively quick and very happy, it seems, to be in the shadow of his brother. His
role last weekend unsettled the Tigers and as he does week after week his use of the ball
was impeccable. Barry Clarke, Sean and Nathan’s father, was a champion footballer in the
QAFL for many years for the Kedron Grange Gorillas. Barry won many accolades for his
performances off the field but there is no better bloke off the field. A gifted sportsman and
successful businessman Barry is the type of Dad we all would be proud of but his two sons
are carving a very nice niche for themselves here in Canberra. Sean gives the impression
he is only going at half pace most of the time but there is a competitive beast that lurks
beneath the nonchalant skills and smooth movement. His efforts last week in dismantling
Queanbeyan earn him the CUB Player of the Week.

That is just from last weekend.

Having released the Rep Squad last week, I thought there might be something in the Record about it, the Selectors, Coaching panel, and thier thoughts on the players ion the squad. apparently not, all we get is some verbal laxative about a family from Queensland capitalising on some Poker machine income. Makes good business sense to me.
:confused:Can someone explain why teams play each other twice in 3 weeks .

I can't. It has happened a few times for us this year. Played Eastlake twice in 3 weeks and play Tuggers twice in 3 weeks now. Also have played Sydney and Eastlake 3 times and QBN once. Surely it can't be that hard to come up with a 6 team draw can it? Perhaps we are trying to accomodate the Swans requests. That's the only explanation i can think of.
Think we need to put the Tigers form on ice for a while. Been done to death and certainly nothing much to talk about. Beaten by a well drilled outfit on the weekend.

One team getting under the rader is the Trihards up North. They seem to handle the Lakes ok and have beaten Belco and Swans through the year.
Can they hold on to a finals spot at the Lakes,Tigers or Tuggers expense?? It certainly looks that way at this stage.

True Porkhead but those players who read this site need to know that that crap they dished out on the weekend and many weekends prior to that is unacceptable....Not that I do, but the spectators who paid to see that shite must feel ripped off!!
True Porkhead but those players who read this site need to know that that crap they dished out on the weekend and many weekends prior to that is unacceptable....Not that I do, but the spectators who paid to see that shite must feel ripped off!!

Must be disapointing for the Qnbo guys to read that sought of drubbing from one of their legends. Wouldnt do the players any good. Been in teams which have similiar problems in the past and what is needed is positive stuff. Whats more - maybe the players arent to blame. There are other influences on teams such as coaches, selectors, injuries, etc. You may be pointing the finger at the players but is there any other problems ? Ainslie had a problem with their GM and lost confidence and players. Its not always the players fault.
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