AFL DRAFT Prospect Majak Daw

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Sorry we speak what we see. A raw athletic player overrated by a set of highlights when the reality is he barely marks and can't kick a footy.

Take off the rose-tinted glasses, cotchin#9. He has potential, I'll give him that, but he has miles to go to be anywhere near an AFL player.

He's also not a North player yet. He's just a player in contention to be drafted as a rookie.

He didnt have a standout season, besides the games that got him on the papers, but playing in a struggling side last season, as a second or third ruckman/forward he's form did slope both downward, but in reality if you witness Majak play rather than read his stats, it may change your view.

North or the Dogs take your pick.

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Reckon the kid's worth a punt...however the real question is...Why would a filth supporter call themselves "Cotchin#9"?:confused:
Just what I was thinking. Didn't Bucks admit his love for Cotchin a while back? Most magpies supporters take Bucks' word as gospel, so that could explain it.

Daw is worth a late rookie pick, no more. If both Daw and Temel were available with say...our 4th rookie pick I'd take Temel because a couple of pre-seasons can rectify a lack of endurance, whereas natural footballing skills are alot harder to teach. Especially at Richmond (see JON).
No, he's a sudanese that may as well be new-born to the game. He's been playing for about 4 years and can't really kick, mark, win the ball, handball, and is too short to play as a ruckman.

Bullshit......You're talking shit.
He was running around kicking, marking, and handballing on the News the other night.

He's been playing since he got here.
And he's learning even more from training with players like the North boys.

His skills are probably better than yours! :rolleyes:
He doesn't get a lot of the ball. We should steer clear of sub-10 possession per game players. We have enough already.

Yeh.....and apply that "sub-10 possession per game player" theory to ALL the early entry Irish that have ever been picked up........and none of them would have ever played.....including Jim Stynes!
Bullshit......You're talking shit.
He was running around kicking, marking, and handballing on the News the other night.

He's been playing since he got here.
And he's learning even more from training with players like the North boys.

His skills are probably better than yours! :rolleyes:

They probably are, but I'm not being touted as an AFL player. This is a guy who averaged less than 2 effective kicks per game in the TAC cup.

Yeh.....and apply that "sub-10 possession per game player" theory to ALL the early entry Irish that have ever been picked up........and none of them would have ever played.....including Jim Stynes!

No Irish player who was ever picked up was a sub-10 posessions a game player, because they've never played a game - if they'd been playing for four years already and still couldn't kick then it'd be a valid concern and I wouldn't want to draft them either. Irish players are also completely free as they are an international rookie.
They probably are, but I'm not being touted as an AFL player. This is a guy who averaged less than 2 effective kicks per game in the TAC cup.
Geezus...we drafted Jarryd Oakley Nicholls...of the 6 kicks he averaged a game this year, how many do you think were really effective?

No Irish player who was ever picked up was a sub-10 posessions a game player, because they've never played a game - if they'd been playing for four years already and still couldn't kick then it'd be a valid concern and I wouldn't want to draft them either. Irish players are also completely free as they are an international rookie.

Setanta O'hAilpin averaged 4.7 kicks per game in season 2009. (How many would be effective?)
Tadhg Kennelly averaged 4.5 kicks per game in his first season, 2001. (How many would be effective?)
Tadhg Kennelly averaged 10.7 kicks per game in season 2008.


Open your eyes Spluff.... You have no idea.
This guy does all the small things.......RIGHT!
Backs his judgement, marks well, reads the play, looks for his team-mates, tries to tap to his team-mates, backs back into packs, tackles, runs all day.
And what are your reasons? can stick your ineffective kicks right up your clacker at 3.23sec of this movie. Keep it running and watch an 'ineffective kick" SCORE!!

We need to grab him.

Open your eyes Spluff.... You have no idea.
This guy does all the small things.......RIGHT!
Backs his judgement, marks well, reads the play, looks for his team-mates, tries to tap to his team-mates, backs back into packs, tackles, runs all day.
And what are your reasons?

All those irish blokes were averaging more kicks in their first season of AFL (which is about 5 steps up from the TAC cup) than Daw did in the TAC cup in his fourth season of playing the game - just over 3 kicks per game, fyi, including all scoring shots), and JON's pre-draft stats were infinitely better than Daw's. He had more effective kicks in a game than Daw did in his whole season.

If he does back his judgement it's either bad judgement or he misses the target anyway, he can't read the play, he may look for his teammates but that's just because he's never got the ball, he's too small to play ruck so his tapwork is irrelevent, he averages less than one contested mark a game in the TAC cup so all that backing into packs probably isn't too useful, but he can tackle, I guess that makes up for the rest?

And for all his effective goal scoring ability, he managed to score in a grand total of four matches. You just can't judge people on these videos - when you take the best thing the player did out of each game and string them together, anybody is going to look like a superstar.

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I'd be happy to get him just because it would spark interest in footy in the Sudanese community and bring a lot more fans to the club. The potential he has to turn out to be an exciting player is a bonus.
All those irish blokes were averaging more kicks in their first season of AFL (which is about 5 steps up from the TAC cup) than Daw did in the TAC cup in his fourth season of playing the game - just over 3 kicks per game, fyi, including all scoring shots), and JON's pre-draft stats were infinitely better than Daw's. He had more effective kicks in a game than Daw did in his whole season.

If he does back his judgement it's either bad judgement or he misses the target anyway, he can't read the play, he may look for his teammates but that's just because he's never got the ball, he's too small to play ruck so his tapwork is irrelevent, he averages less than one contested mark a game in the TAC cup so all that backing into packs probably isn't too useful, but he can tackle, I guess that makes up for the rest?

And for all his effective goal scoring ability, he managed to score in a grand total of four matches. You just can't judge people on these videos - when you take the best thing the player did out of each game and string them together, anybody is going to look like a superstar.

You can rabbit on all you like against him, but he will make an AFL player...he has the attributes now and more importantly, your earlier comment,
"He's been playing for about 4 years and can't really kick, mark, win the ball, handball, and is too short to play as a ruckman"
is uninformed, is blind flippant bullshit, and wrong in its extreme.

He does all the right things. A coach that picks him knows that.
You can rabbit on all you like against him, but he will make an AFL player...he has the attributes now and more importantly, your earlier comment,
"He's been playing for about 4 years and can't really kick, mark, win the ball, handball, and is too short to play as a ruckman"
is uninformed, is blind flippant bullshit, and wrong in its extreme.

He does all the right things. A coach that picks him knows that.

So have you actually seen him play, Delib?
So have you actually seen him play, Delib?

Why, because ALL the things you say he can't do have been Photoshopped or manipulated in all the movie footage made of him? LOL

I didn't actually go see Dustin Martin either. I was too busy watching guys like JON and Cleve run around in the 2's AS WELL as watching the Seniors.
So you can forgive me, seeing that it was a little bit hard for me to get around to see all the kids as well. Oh, I missed the Under 10's Mitcham game as well, as well as the Under 13's at Keilor!!!
FFS? :rolleyes:


Happy to disagree with you Spluff.
You think he's a dud.
I think he's a future AFL Senior footballer. (and not as a ruckman as you harp on about)

All the skills you say he hasn't got, are evident in all the movies on him.
And they will only get better.
All those irish blokes were averaging more kicks in their first season of
AFL (which is about 5 steps up from the TAC cup) than Daw did in the TAC cup in his fourth season of playing the game - just over 3 kicks per game, fyi, including all scoring shots), and JON's pre-draft stats were infinitely better than Daw's. He had more effective kicks in a game than Daw did in his whole season.

What you forgot to mention was that by the time Kennelly played his first AFL game in 2001, he had been at the Swans since 1999. So that's over two years of close attention to his kicking, handballing, physique, game sense and so on...that sort of professional development at an AFL club is truly priceless. The result is what Kennelly has achieved ten years on: 158 out of 178 AFL games, a premiership medal and the respect of the AFL world. Of course Tadhg is an example of a best case scenario, but what i have to say (and it probably goes without saying), is the best case scenario for Majak Daw could be absolutely anything. Majak got his first taste of professional development last week when he was at the AIS. He did an in depth kicking analysis and technique work, pretty much everyday. I watched Maj train at the Dogs yesterday and had a kick with him in Werribee last night. Just after that week at the AIS, his kicking and his attention to it has improved really is jaw-dropping. You can argue that kicking with a mate or at training (bare in mind high intensity AFL training), is a far cry from on the MCG in an AFL match, and you'd be right. But this was after only a week of professional guidance...i challenge you to imagine after six months, a year or two years of that sort of time dedication and development at an AFL club. Trust me, as his best mate, its tantalizing.

If he does back his judgement it's either bad judgement or he misses the target anyway, he can't read the play, he may look for his teammates but that's just because he's never got the ball, he's too small to play ruck so his tapwork is irrelevent, he averages less than one contested mark a game in the
TAC cup so all that backing into packs probably isn't too useful, but he can tackle, I guess that makes up for the rest?

I'll give you a different take on his stats, one where you don't just simply read his stats on the TAC website. Discount his first ten games of the season, because all AFL clubs have. He was lucky to play 40% game time as an undersized ruckman, he was subbed on and off at untimely moments and really struggled to have any sort of impact. Any player would in that situation. Maj was good for a couple of handballs, a stray kick and a flash of excitement per game. His final three games (after a stint of local seniors) is what people should be evaluating. He played out of full forward and averaged 8 kicks (50% eff), 4 handballs, kicked 8.2 and most importantly - at least according to the AFL clubs he spoke to - averaged 5 tackles. So you saying that the tackles don't mean all that much is fine, but i sat in with Maj for the interviews he had with clubs and all they wanted to talk about was his defensive pressure in the last three games. Not his kicking, not his goals, not his marks...his tackling. You can't teach that defensive mindset. As it is, Majak's biggest hurdle is how he reads the game as it unfolds... it has been since i first started playing with him at 15. Similar to his skills, it will improve as he becomes entrenched in an AFL club and continues to learn day by day. And learn he will, i have never met anyone as willing to learn as Maj. Take a look at how he's picked up the English language as an example. It's impeccable, patricularly compared to other Sudanese blokes of the same age. He is also fluent in Arabic and Dinka, and has made it to the highest level of a sport that was completely unheard of five years ago...tell me this is a guy who can't learn!

And for all his effective goal scoring ability, he managed to score in a grand total of four matches. You just can't judge people on these videos - when you take the best thing the player did out of each game and string them together, anybody is going to look like a superstar.

And the youtube video? I made that after a few Carlton supporters started saying they'd love to see his highlights reel because it would be awesome...they were not wrong. I didn't even get to put his second best game in there (rd 20 vs eastern), some of the chase downs that day were reminiscent of a cheetah back in Africa. Sure it oversells the season that Majak had, but what highlights package doesn't oversell? You say you can't just judge a player on highlights, don't worry mate i'm sure the recruiters weren't only alerted to Maj by his highlights. I doubt any of them have even bothered to watch it. That was never my intention anyway, my intention was to show those Blues fans a taste of Majak at his best. Let's be honest its excited plenty of people... 10,000 hits is proof of that. It is Majak at his best as a raw 18 y.o with one season of TAC cup under his belt. Compare the difference between the Tadhg Kennelly we know today, after ten years of AFL development, and the raw 18 y.o we were introduced to in 1999. Now imagine Majak Daw in ten years time, if these are his highlights as a raw and relatively untapped 18 y.o kid. Even you have to admit Spluff, it's a bloody exciting thought!
I don't think anyone doubts that the kid has the athletic ability to create havoc in a forward line or even in the middle of the paddock if he can get up to scratch, it's just that some of us are more conservative about his capability of doing that. I certainly am, and my biggest concern that probably goes beyond just his lack of stats at junior level is how well he can read the game and if he can develop a football brain.

Exciting? Absolutely. Able to be an AFL footballer? It will be interesting to find out because I have no doubt he'll be given a shot at it.

What you forgot to mention was that by the time Kennelly played his first AFL game in 2001, he had been at the Swans since 1999. So that's over two years of close attention to his kicking, handballing, physique, game sense and so on...that sort of professional development at an AFL club is truly priceless. The result is what Kennelly has achieved ten years on: 158 out of 178 AFL games, a premiership medal and the respect of the AFL world. Of course Tadhg is an example of a best case scenario, but what i have to say (and it probably goes without saying), is the best case scenario for Majak Daw could be absolutely anything. Majak got his first taste of professional development last week when he was at the AIS. He did an in depth kicking analysis and technique work, pretty much everyday. I watched Maj train at the Dogs yesterday and had a kick with him in Werribee last night. Just after that week at the AIS, his kicking and his attention to it has improved really is jaw-dropping. You can argue that kicking with a mate or at training (bare in mind high intensity AFL training), is a far cry from on the MCG in an AFL match, and you'd be right. But this was after only a week of professional guidance...i challenge you to imagine after six months, a year or two years of that sort of time dedication and development at an AFL club. Trust me, as his best mate, its tantalizing.

I'll give you a different take on his stats, one where you don't just simply read his stats on the TAC website. Discount his first ten games of the season, because all AFL clubs have. He was lucky to play 40% game time as an undersized ruckman, he was subbed on and off at untimely moments and really struggled to have any sort of impact. Any player would in that situation. Maj was good for a couple of handballs, a stray kick and a flash of excitement per game. His final three games (after a stint of local seniors) is what people should be evaluating. He played out of full forward and averaged 8 kicks (50% eff), 4 handballs, kicked 8.2 and most importantly - at least according to the AFL clubs he spoke to - averaged 5 tackles. So you saying that the tackles don't mean all that much is fine, but i sat in with Maj for the interviews he had with clubs and all they wanted to talk about was his defensive pressure in the last three games. Not his kicking, not his goals, not his marks...his tackling. You can't teach that defensive mindset. As it is, Majak's biggest hurdle is how he reads the game as it unfolds... it has been since i first started playing with him at 15. Similar to his skills, it will improve as he becomes entrenched in an AFL club and continues to learn day by day. And learn he will, i have never met anyone as willing to learn as Maj. Take a look at how he's picked up the English language as an example. It's impeccable, patricularly compared to other Sudanese blokes of the same age. He is also fluent in Arabic and Dinka, and has made it to the highest level of a sport that was completely unheard of five years ago...tell me this is a guy who can't learn!

And the youtube video? I made that after a few Carlton supporters started saying they'd love to see his highlights reel because it would be awesome...they were not wrong. I didn't even get to put his second best game in there (rd 20 vs eastern), some of the chase downs that day were reminiscent of a cheetah back in Africa. Sure it oversells the season that Majak had, but what highlights package doesn't oversell? You say you can't just judge a player on highlights, don't worry mate i'm sure the recruiters weren't only alerted to Maj by his highlights. I doubt any of them have even bothered to watch it. That was never my intention anyway, my intention was to show those Blues fans a taste of Majak at his best. Let's be honest its excited plenty of people... 10,000 hits is proof of that. It is Majak at his best as a raw 18 y.o with one season of TAC cup under his belt. Compare the difference between the Tadhg Kennelly we know today, after ten years of AFL development, and the raw 18 y.o we were introduced to in 1999. Now imagine Majak Daw in ten years time, if these are his highlights as a raw and relatively untapped 18 y.o kid. Even you have to admit Spluff, it's a bloody exciting thought!
☝ ☝ ☝ ☝ ☝ ☝
Thank You mate...Spluff will enjoy reading that!:thumbsu:

And PHX, (you say)
"I certainly am, and my biggest concern that probably goes beyond just his lack of stats at junior level is how well he can read the game and if he can develop a football brain".

He handballs to guys in space.
He sees the loose player and runs him down.
He backs his judgment marking.
He backs himself in the air.
He backs himself in packs.
He has breaks packs and has a bounce when free.
He jumps to bring the ball down to team-mates. He palms the ball.
And....he hasn't got a football brain?

JON was a good WAFL level player but couldn't make decision to save himself in the AFL. The speed and accuracy needed to follow the game is far beyond whatever level his highlights tape comes from. THat's not saying we should disregard all he shows, but it must be conservatively considered.

You make it sound like he should have gone number 1 from how I read your posts, but there is a reason he's going to be a rookie, because he still has a long way to go. I'm not against picking him up, but I don't believe just because he does something once on a highlights tape that he can do it all the time

He'll be one hell of a project player to get to be an AFL footballer and I do see what you see but the highlights tape doesn't tell the whole story or he'd be on an AFL list as we speak as the highlights tape makes him appear like a man ready to go early next year into an average teams best 22. But he's not.
I didn't actually go see Dustin Martin either. I was too busy watching guys like JON and Cleve run around in the 2's AS WELL as watching the Seniors.
So you can forgive me, seeing that it was a little bit hard for me to get around to see all the kids as well. Oh, I missed the Under 10's Mitcham game as well, as well as the Under 13's at Keilor!!!
FFS? :rolleyes:

That means you could have missed out on seeing the next Jason Saddington in action!!! I mean Mitcham has only spawned 2 AFL players in its entire history that I can remember, so clearly it's an untapped talent pool. Poor form from you delib.:thumbsdown::p
I think we should take a punt on him, We need another big man, and if we develop him properly he will be a superstar!! i think we should take a risk on him:thumbsu:

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AFL DRAFT Prospect Majak Daw

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