You're one of those people, I'll leave you to your bitter rants.
Except of course you know, sometimes, just sometimes, things have progressed in a positive light and "I know better coz I'm older and my era was better" is just rubbish.
I fully agree with you. But that's not what the peanuts I'm disagreeing with are saying is it? They're busy having their "in my day the world was a golden paradise and now its shit coz I'm not enjoying being older as much as when I was younger" rants.
I agree with you about everything wasn’t utopia back in the day.
I don’t watch a great deal of AFL now not because it’s not exactly the same as the old days, I’m fed up with a game that is a pseudo national competition and the congestion. Open the game up n you’ll see how great the players of today really are.
The administrators do my head in. Congestion was an issue ten years ago but it’s taken till now for it to be seriously looked at. That’s as amateur as it gets.