I did this.Just one sentence to sum this up.
This has been said every year for the last 20 and it doesnt happen.
Record crowds, both TV and live last season.
Pick a club... look at attendances... look at 1997 crowds to 2017.... and compare home averages.... and think about how the population has increased over that time. Also consider the decimation of the SA and WA state league attendances over that time, and addressing constraints that were already there which were alleviated by the introduction of taxpayer funded Adelaide Oval (Adel crowds up) and private funded Docklands instead of Princes Park) (Carl crowds up) as city stadiums, a taxpayer financed upgrade of Princes Park (Geelong crowds up). This year add new Perth Stadium.
In my opinion crowds are slightly up (AFL only) due to capacity issues relieved, not because of increased desire to go.
TV is where is the real growth has been, however i read somewhere on BF that overall viewership is down 15% this year which I doubt.