AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part - 23 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

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Ross.. Badges? lol :D

And who ever it was who wanted to know how i would beat antony with a custom team.. I have made 40 created players..

19 Have minimum stats
21 Have stats perfectly tuned for each position, My ruck is 210cm tall with 95 ruck tap and ruck punch, All my midfielders have 90 plus pace, handball and tackle, my defence has high spoiling, tackling, pace, and kicking/ kicking distance. with my forwards having 90 plus marks and 90 plus set shots.

Badges coming... have to bloody edit an excel sheet to make them readable for you.... job never ends!!

Antony will be online around 8.30 - he hasn't played for a few days so he'll probably have a warm up game online prior - I think he'll need it if you score minimum 50 points a qtr!!
It will be a hollow victory though C4L. ;)

I used to think having custom teams online would be good but if it is going to be manipulated then it will just further damage the online component. Like quitting and standing in front of the player taking the kick weren't bad enough.

You can quit at the main screen if you only want to play standard teams online - made up teams will have the Footy Factory logo.

If you are able to answer.

Will the patch include the ability to make a custom team and the players chosen from other clubs remain in both the original clubs and the created team ?

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Rank Badge - Name
1 - Newcomer
2 - Little Leaguer
3 - Amateur
4 - Rookie
5 - Pro
6 - Captain
7 - All Australian
8 - Superstar
9 - Veteran
10 - Legend
Tackle Badge - Name
25 tackles - Tackle Happy
50 tackles - Shadow
100 tackles - Pinner
250 tackles - Bear Hugger
500 tackles - Octopus
1000 tackles - The Human Glove
Spoil Badge - Name
25 spoils - Defender
50 spoils - Denier
100 spoils - Decliner
250 spoils - Rejector
500 spoils - Refuser
1000 spoils - Spoiler
Tackle Fend Badge - Name
10 fends - Slippery
25 fends - Breaker
50 fends - Buster
100 fends - Mover and Shaker
250 fends - Unstoppable
500 fends - Untouchable
Goal Badge - Name
25 goals - Goal Sneak
50 goals - Goal Shark
100 goals - On Song
250 goals - Dead Eye
500 goals - Straight Shooter
1000 goals - Deadly In Front
Behind Badge - Name
25 behinds - Wobbly
50 behinds - Sprayer
100 behinds - Tentative
250 behinds - Back to Basics
500 behinds - Practice Makes Perfect
1000 behinds - Backline Potential
Handpass Badge - Name
50 passes - Passable
100 passes - Pin-pointer
250 passes - Laces Out
500 passes - Centimetre Perfect
1000 passes - Team Oriented
2000 passes - Ultimate Team Player
Spectacular Mark Badge - Name
5 spectacular marks - Spectacular
10 spectacular marks - Cherry Picker
25 spectacular marks - Above the Clouds
50 spectacular marks - Frequent Flyer
100 spectacular marks - Rarified Air
200 spectacular marks - Oxygen Deprived
Sessions Badge - Name
3 games in one sitting - Committed
5 games in one sitting - Hard Yards
7 games in one sitting - Beep Tested
11 games in one sitting - Super Fit
17 games in one sitting - Stamina and Endurance
23 games in one sitting - Hard.Core.
Win Margin Badge - Name
win by double in 1 game - A Beating
win by double in 2 games - A Smashing
win by double in 3 games - A Thrashing
win by double in 5 games - A Caning
win by double in 15 games - Unplayable
win by double in 25 games - A Shellacking
Match Completion Badge - Name
don't quit 3 games in a row - Good Sport
don't quit 5 games in a row - Bitter Ender
don't quit 7 games in a row - Staunch
don't quit 11 games in a row - Steadfast
don't quit 23 games in a row - Unswerving
don't quit 37 games in a row - Dedicated
Win Streak Badge - Name
win 2 games in a row - Shortest Streak
win 3 games in a row - Back-to-back
win 5 games in a row - On a Roll
win 7 games in a row - Unbeatable
win 15 games in a row - Unstoppable
win 25 games in a row - Unplayable
Special Badges - How to unlock
Step Into My Office - Beat a Big Ant Studios employee or someone with this badge
Regular - Play a game every day for a week
Player of the Month - Play a game every week for a month
Chameleon - Play as every AFL team
Mix 'n' Matcher - Play a match with at least two players on each side
Full House - Play a 4v4 match

If you are able to answer.

Will the patch include the ability to make a custom team and the players chosen from other clubs remain in both the original clubs and the created team ?

Don't know for sure but I don't think the behaviour has changed for the patch.
might have to go after that step into my office badge....

On another topic whats the chances of getting a dynesty/season mode with on going seasons, trading and things like that as a DLC? I know that i would pay anything up to $15 for this. Was wondering if you guys at big ant have thought about it at all?
Ok, so after trialling it for some time now, I am 99% sure that pressing the 'X' button on the PS3 or the 'A' button on the 360 at the exact right time to make your guy jump when he is standing the mark for a set shot, puts the AI shooter 'off' his shot.

What I mean is that while standing the mark for a set shot, if you time your jump to exactly when the AI kicks for goal, the AI seems to miss a lot more often than not. Has to be exact timing though.

Really cool if so and not that easy to do. Haven't tried it for the circle/'B' button yet, where your player throws his arm out instead of jumping. EDIT: Yep, it works too.

(BTW, I also move around a lot while on the mark before jumping, though I doubt that has anything to do with it)
might have to go after that step into my office badge....

On another topic whats the chances of getting a dynesty/season mode with on going seasons, trading and things like that as a DLC? I know that i would pay anything up to $15 for this. Was wondering if you guys at big ant have thought about it at all?

It will need to be in the next version - we have many cool ideas for it - when the dust settles on this version we will invite people here to suggest things to go into the wish list, I know a "franchise mode" will be one of the top priorities.
It will need to be in the next version - we have many cool ideas for it - when the dust settles on this version we will invite people here to suggest things to go into the wish list, I know a "franchise mode" will be one of the top priorities.

Really looking forward to it! Its the only thing this game needed other than that it is easily the best AFL game ever made. Once you learn how to get the ball into the space the game really opens up and you see just how amazing it is
Okay just beat antonyatbigant. 1 thing though. The first 3 quarters were very difficult and well contested but in the last it fealt too easy. i think he may have let me win.

Turns out he was lagging.
Okay just beat antonyatbigant. 1 thing though. The first 3 quarters were very difficult and well contested but in the last it fealt too easy. i think he may have let me win.

Witnessed a great game. Well done!

He *never* lets anyone win at anything.... I was there, he was pissed with a little lag here and there but you won it fair and square.

All I could say to Antony is bad kicking is bad football :p

I wouldn't be surprised if he puts together a team to take you on :)
Witnessed a great game. Well done!

We had a little lag for some reason, not sure if you had it on your end.... probably cost him a couple of goals, not sure if you had it too but all I could say to Antony is bad kicking is bad football :p

Nah didn't have any lag at all but it was clear that he was in the last quarter because i was doing it way too easy..
probably a stupid question that has been asked a million times, but how do i take a custom team online or in a season. I had a play around with a team and was over the cap so didnt keep it, if i get under the cap will it allow me to play online/season with that team?

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Witnessed a great game. Well done!

He *never* lets anyone win at anything.... I was there, he was pissed with a little lag here and there but you won it fair and square.

All I could say to Antony is bad kicking is bad football :p

I wouldn't be surprised if he puts together a team to take you on :)

I hope he does and that there is no lag because i would like to beat him fair and square, and i won't take this as a win i'll class this as a draw because i want it to be an even playing field. :p
Nah didn't have any lag at all but it was clear that he was in the last quarter because i was doing it way too easy..

I'd say you were pretty even, without lag I'd reckon that it would have been a one point game either way - you guys should have some epic battles :)

Edit: I should add that he thinks you're the best he's played anywhere, including at Big Ant.
probably a stupid question that has been asked a million times, but how do i take a custom team online or in a season. I had a play around with a team and was over the cap so didnt keep it, if i get under the cap will it allow me to play online/season with that team?

yeah they have to be under the cap,

i got a tip though, make 18 created players and make their stats minimum and it should free up like 5.2 million for you starting 22.
I'd say you were pretty even, without lag I'd reckon that it would have been a one point game either way - you guys should have some epic battles :)

Edit: I should add that he thinks you're the best he's played anywhere, including at Big Ant.

if he learnt to kick straight he would demolish me though lol.
Ok, so after trialling it for some time now, I am 99% sure that pressing the 'X' button on the PS3 or the 'A' button on the 360 at the exact right time to make your guy jump when he is standing the mark for a set shot, puts the AI shooter 'off' his shot.

What I mean is that while standing the mark for a set shot, if you time your jump to exactly when the AI kicks for goal, the AI seems to miss a lot more often than not. Has to be exact timing though.

Really cool if so and not that easy to do. Haven't tried it for the circle/'B' button yet, where your player throws his arm out instead of jumping. EDIT: Yep, it works too.

(BTW, I also move around a lot while on the mark before jumping, though I doubt that has anything to do with it)
Yeah, have felt that happen too. Always moving around and jumping as much as possible, definitely seems to throw them off at least.
probably a stupid question that has been asked a million times, but how do i take a custom team online or in a season. I had a play around with a team and was over the cap so didnt keep it, if i get under the cap will it allow me to play online/season with that team?

Teams under the cap can go online.

With the patch the new cap will be $6.5 Million for the starting 22
I'd say you were pretty even, without lag I'd reckon that it would have been a one point game either way - you guys should have some epic battles :)

Edit: I should add that he thinks you're the best he's played anywhere, including at Big Ant.

Oh Mad lol , If only there were a way to face ps3 users because i've heard there are some great players on that console.
How's this for annoying...


He had terrible lag, look at the hit out and tackle count

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ok so i have been playing this game non stop since i got it, i also went to a few of the play short it love this game.

so ive made a list of what i think should be improved on/what i would like to see in future games.

Game Play -

  • get the cpu to over lap more, this way handballs to players running by and more attacking plays can be set up as at times the game does become abit stop start.
  • i play alot of other sport games and something i think that can be incorporated into afl games is blocking and sheparding.this would add alot more realism into the game by having players block a defender so you forward can get free or a midfielder blocking to allow for cleaner clearances during stoppages.
  • player positioning, at times players are running away from the ball or to close to the player your controlling.also defenders leave to much space and forwards don't double back for spillages.
  • allow us to have the ability to sacrifice a forward for a loose man in defence or something similar to changing your "formation" in fifa.
  • change how smothers work, because right now its like a big swat in one direction.add some randomness to it eg let it hit the deck or drop much shorter etc.
  • let players have more movement.just seems that they turn like trucks sometime, again follow fifa's example with the "360 degree dribbling"
  • change the kick modifier to they are two differant for banana kicks and another for torps.
  • increase the difficulty.make the hardest difficulty a challenge every time.


  • change the build of players.not everyone is built the same way and let that effect characteristics like in fifa 11 eg peter crouch is tall and thin so he is good in the are but physically is weak.
  • let the players have contact when going for spoils and marks.too many times i spoil meters back from the ball and the opposition.add collisions into the game so that players are crunched in these contests and cause spillages.
  • this could have gone into game play, but change the fact that every kick is the "perfect kick". make balls dribble along the ground, make them mongrels thats are difficult to mark and bounce of your chest.
  • extending on my previous point is the fact the kicking actions need work.every kick seems like your going to boot the ball 100 meters instead your just chipping it.also the way the ball is dropped just seems off.
Game Modes

  • the obvious choice is a manager/association type mode with multiple seasons training, drafts etc
  • a be a pro a couple iterations once the game play is spot on
  • but i think something that would be amazing would be an ultimate team type of game similar to fifa.
  • allow us to customize the season eg teams and format

Now i know that there was a thread for this type of post, but im posting here as it has the most traffic and i would love to have feed back from everyone.add to it if you want.we all just want the game to be successful
Not liking the sound of this new salary cap now tbh.

We are already seeing Cat 4 Life 'exploit' the system in creating 40 players, with his 22 being perfectly made to the point that he'll probably rarely lose a ruck contest and now looks like he'll maybe lose a match only due to severe lag.

Now the cap is going to be raised for the best 22 I expect a ridiculous amount of created teams to pop up and it will be impossible to win the ruck. Yes I could counter it by doing the same, but surely I'm not the only one out there that just enjoys the default teams and set ups? The problem with using that is I'm going to be at a severe disadvantage.

I also get that you can quit out when you see a custom or edited team...but in saying that if the no.1 XBL player is using a custom team and I for example wanted to beat that no.1 player then I would have to go up against them at the disadvantage.

I really hope it doesn't ruin online, but I can definitely see a plethora of custom teams popping up when people know or realise the exploits that can come into it. I liked it being balanced, but this could truly throw things off tilt in a massive way.:(
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