AFL Player Sex Attack Claim............

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90% off drink spiking claims are false (in W.A its 95%), and the cases of false rape claims vary (nationally its more around 60%). The people that lie are the reason it is so difficult for the people who actually did get r*ped to prove their case and get some justice, not the system itself.
the article i read a few weeks back.

Date rape victims may be spiking the truth
By Sarah Price Health Reporter
August 21, 2005
The Sun-Herald

Young women may be overstating the prevalence of drink spiking and may be wrongly citing it as a factor in so-called "date rape", a study has found.

Researchers say many young women are blaming drink spiking instead of admitting they had drunk too much alcohol or taken illicit drugs.

An analysis of 1000 cases of drug-facilitated sexual assault has found that just 2 per cent were the direct result of drink spiking.

The study, published in the Journal Of Forensic Medicine, found no evidence of Rohypnol, the most commonly cited date rape drug, in any of the urine samples analysed.

Co-author Fiona Burton, from the Forensic Science Service in London, said the study found that alcohol, either alone or with an illicit or medicinal drug, had been used in 46 per cent of cases.

Illicit drugs had been detected in 34 per cent of cases.

Drinking a lot of alcohol and using illicit drugs could cause a "lowering of inhibitions rather than the 'loss of consciousness' scenario typically depicted by the media version of drug-facilitated sexual assault cases", the study found.

"Alcohol consumption and use of illicit drugs should be considered as significant risk factors."

Paul Dillon, from the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, said that, while drink spiking did happen, the British research underlined the fact that people do not like looking at the obvious. "Drink spiking is in the public consciousness now," he said. "People say, 'I've had the same amount of alcohol that I've always had.' But alcohol's a drug like any other drug and it's unpredictable."

He said it was important for people who believed they had had their drink spiked to come forward to authorities as soon as possible.

Ann Roche, director of the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction, said Australians were obviously fond of alcohol and "much more comfortable demonising other drugs".

"Because we're so fond of alcohol, we're not so concerned with the negative effects," she said.

Professor Roche also said not a lot of research had been done nor was there much public understanding of alcohol-related blackouts.

"It's a very, very common phenomenon," she said.

Women's drinking patterns were also changing, partly because there are more drinks available with a higher concentration of alcoholic volume and more young women were drinking at risky levels, she said.

"But that's not to say the incidence of adverse consequences are not being experienced."

NSW Rape Crisis Centre manager Karen Willis said a much more common form of drink spiking was slipping more alcohol in people's drinks.

"That's almost impossible to research," she said.

"I think there's a certain level of cultural acceptance that getting someone ********ed to have sex with them is OK, while, in fact, it's highly unethical, particularly when you can turn it around and blame the victim."
Embers said:
90% off drink spiking claims are false (in W.A its 95%), and the cases of false rape claims vary (nationally its more around 60%). The people that lie are the reason it is so difficult for the people who actually did get r*ped to prove their case and get some justice, not the system itself.
hahaahaha that's such a bunch of cr@p. How do they come to the conclusion they're false - because the drugs have left their system before they get tested? the drugs they're given aren't tested for? No, they must be lying :thumbsdown:

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Chuppa Chupp said:
yeah, herald sun. was a few weeks ago
was trying to look for the article on the web, but it says that i have to pay for the priviledge of reading an article. stuff that.

I wouldn't trust it anyway. Herald Sun polls/ investigations are notoriously misinformed.

Spiking is certainly a complex issue. On the one hand i am sure many people may drink more than they can handle or combine drinks in a certain way or drink a different type of alcohol, which may lead them to believe their drink has been spiked when it actually hasn't. On the other hand, many people would just assume they had drunk too much when their drinks have actually been spiked. Spiking is also a hidden crime and very difficult to prove. Most spiking drugs would wear off before a person would consider their drink had been spiked and obtain a blood test. Also, most victims would not have any memory of what happened the night before, so would not be able to corroborate their suspicions in any way.

Important thing is to take an opened mind to the topic and consider both sides. Its just when idioits like Embers get on here and make the stereotypical, sexist comment "all women are liars" that really ********es me off. I don't know how people like that can still exist. I'd imagine he'd be also preaching about how women should stay in the kitchen and there is no room for racial minorities in Australia.
Embers said:
90% off drink spiking claims are false (in W.A its 95%), and the cases of false rape claims vary (nationally its more around 60%). The people that lie are the reason it is so difficult for the people who actually did get r*ped to prove their case and get some justice, not the system itself.
Please quote your source for this information, as without it, it appears you are simply plucking figures out of the air to suit yourself. If you can't substantiate the figures, withdraw the comments.
From the above article, just so you know it wasn't the herald sun who conducted the research.

Paul Dillon, from the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, said that, while drink spiking did happen, the British research underlined the fact that people do not like looking at the obvious. "Drink spiking is in the public consciousness now," he said. "People say, 'I've had the same amount of alcohol that I've always had.' But alcohol's a drug like any other drug and it's unpredictable."
Chuppa Chupp said:
NSW Rape Crisis Centre manager Karen Willis said a much more common form of drink spiking was slipping more alcohol in people's drinks.

As i said before...

Thsi woudl be the most common form of drink spiking but the study did not look at it in any way.
afc9798 said:
Please quote your source for this information, as without it, it appears you are simply plucking figures out of the air to suit yourself. If you can't substantiate the figures, withdraw the comments.

I got the stats from a lecture, dont know where the lecturer got them from though but I doubt he is one of the top criminal law lecturers in Australia so If anyone would know it would be him.
Name the lecturer. If he really knows his stuff and is one of the top lecturers around no doubt he has published work on the subject we can look at. Or even better, email him and find out his source.

Otherwise you are just making up crap and wasting everyone's time
TheWhiteRhino said:
Your sexist, narrow-minded ass should be booted off bigfooty!!

Where do you get those ridiculous stats from?

Try this fact you idiot: Rape is the most underreported crime. 80% of all sexual assaults are never brought to the attention of the criminal justice system.

The fact that she hasn't followed it up may be because:
- her name would be smeared for life
- her repuatation and character would be beated up by ****************s like you
- she may have to relive the experience by reporting the crime or going through court
- All of the above are amplified x 100 because the alleged offender is a professional sportsman

I think your comments just prove what i always knew about you Embers. You are a low life with no clue...
I agree with all that you write there TheWhiteRhino however can I also point out three over-riding factors.

1. The claimant would have no proof that she was date-r*ped unless a tox test was completed (which I deduce has not been done), which would show traces of whatever drug was used.

2. The claimant would have no proof that the alleged rapist actually spiked the drink.

3. Rape can actually be very difficult to prove (unless forceful damage is displayed). it is easy to prove sexual relations have aoccured but difficult to prove that someone has actually done this with no consent.

This would have been explained to the woman as well as the personal trauma involved in a court case. This may have convinced her that taken further action was not going to be ultimately helpful to her.

It is sad that it can be this way and that justice is not served IF rape has occured.
Embers said:
90% off drink spiking claims are false (in W.A its 95%), and the cases of false rape claims vary (nationally its more around 60%). The people that lie are the reason it is so difficult for the people who actually did get r*ped to prove their case and get some justice, not the system itself.

I don't know whether to pity you or smack you in the head with a brick.

I am really drawing on some time ago info here - it was when the AFL announced the new version of the 'Risky Business' talks that all AFL players were going to receive in 2005, and the follow up articles about it. Now from memory, the 'talk' changed to a 2 - 3 hour seminar/workshop. All players were required to attend and also to fill in a pre-workshop questionaire and an exit statement as well. It was no longer the old 'respect a woman, use a condom, don't leave it in the bin dispose of it properly, blah blah blah' talk they used to get. It was directly about consent, rape, what constitutes each, what different acts can be construed as, when does consent need to be re-established/re-negotiated, how many and women interpret things differently, what to do if something goes wrong, date rape, drugs, alcohol, what part do they play, voyerism, group sex, and just about any other topic you can think of along those lines. It also covered some alarming figures about actual rapes, reported rapes, prosecuted rapes, of both men and women. And it also offered the players the chance to become mentors or educators on the issue and the article did say something like they were expecting 1 or 2 maybe from each club but were absolutely blown away when the numbers were up around 10 - 15 from each club putting up their hands to get involved.

If any AFL player has gone and done something after having to go through this workshop this year, he deserves everything he gets. He's been taught how to play it safe, if he doesn't, he has to wear the consequences.
it would have been at the prince of wales in fitzroy st st kilda is my guess

full of footy players, renowned for drug use

i can believe this
There are so many potential holes in this study . Add that to the standard Herald Sun penchant for highlighting a part of the story that they want so it sells more papers. Balance just doesn't come into it.
Anyone quoting information from this paper is gullible but dangerous.
If you say that 2.4% of the population is a low number for sex offenders or that 85% of rape claims are fraudulent then I feel very sorry for any woman in contact with you.
So, if someone has not been drugged but has drunk too much, does that make it OK to rape them?

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Embers said:
I got the stats from a lecture, dont know where the lecturer got them from though but I doubt he is one of the top criminal law lecturers in Australia so If anyone would know it would be him.

Surely you'd be able to accurately quote from the lecture notes then and also name the lecturer then? After all you seem to have accurately recalled the figures......

I have done an extensive search via Govt. websites and Drug and Alcohol Advisories and can find absolutely nothing to support what you posted. Post the info. or retract the statements you made.
The Old Dark Navy's said:
12 out of 500 is 2.4%. I'd hate to think that out of every 100 guys I pass on the street, that 2 of them are sexual offenders. I'd think the general public ration should be much lower.

Approximately 25 per cent of Australian women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetimes

Of the 1,700 cases that made it to court (Vic), just 66 per cent led to a conviction

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, of those women sexually assaulted in Victoria every year, only 15 per cent report the crime to the police

Vic population is about 5 million, Males aged 20 to 50 is roughly 25%. So about 1.25 million.

So 1 in a 1000 go to court and about 1 in 100 commit an alleged offence. I don't have the demographics but it could easily be 2 in 100 for 18 to 25 year olds for instance or even higher.
its bull********....footballers dont need to slip ********s drugs to get a root...just another money hungry tabloid seeking skank...these chicks should stop feeling so insecure about themselves and get a life
Embers said:
90% off drink spiking claims are false (in W.A its 95%), and the cases of false rape claims vary (nationally its more around 60%). The people that lie are the reason it is so difficult for the people who actually did get r*ped to prove their case and get some justice, not the system itself.


Indeed, the Bryant case has led to debate about false accusations with research emerging to challenge the 2 per cent figure often quoted for these cases. Some recent evidence suggests quite a different story — a Purdue University study found that more than 40 per cent of rape charges were classified as false by police, and FBI studies using DNA testing exonerated about 30 to 35 per cent of 4000 sexual assault cases examined over a three-year period.)


Yet in NSW and Victoria, the issue hasn’t even surfaced. According to Professor Marcia Neave, chairwoman of the Victorian Law Reform Commission, it received no serious discussion in submissions to the commission’s current review of sexual offences, nor in a recent NSW Law Reform Commission inquiry into suppression orders. "We seem to be driven by tabloid reaction here," says the director of the NSW Office of Public Prosecutions, Nick Cowdrey, who believes a public discussion on the issue would need to be championed by the tabloids and radio shock-jocks for NSW politicians to take notice.

and in my last post 66% of cases of rape are successful in Victoria

It is roughly estimated that between 3000 and 4000 suspected incidents of drink spiking overall occurred in Australia between 1 July 2002 and 30 June 2003. It is further estimated that about one third of these incidents involved sexual assault

New drink-spiking threat

The Australian Federal Police say a new drug, potentially more powerful than Rohipnol, is becoming popular in nightclubs nationwide.

Gamma hydroxy butyrate (GHB), ‘Liquid E’ or ‘Fantasy’, has been targetted under the AFP’s Operation Skeet along with Ecstasy and prescription drugs used in drink-spiking sexual assaults.

I think 90% would be false if you read this government article their are major problems in getting convictions on the basis of timely testing and attitudes of the industry and police
I sceptical of there being much truth in this. Possible but doesn't add up. Without saying does anyone know who the alleged player is? But send me a pm if you know!
afc9798 said:
Please quote your source for this information, as without it, it appears you are simply plucking figures out of the air to suit yourself. If you can't substantiate the figures, withdraw the comments.
what world are you living mate, people these days do anything to get compensation money you shouldnt need to see stats to know a heap fo people would fake this ******** to get money
Ok girlies,
when are we going to learn that being cheap "status chasers" and being seen with high profile sportsmen will get you into trouble. everytime a footballer walks into a place they are mobbed by these $2 floozies, all doing battle with each other. Then, all said and done, when they are wiped like a dirty bum in the morning (or that very night) they feel cheated that an engagement ring was not on the night stand next to a full english breakfast. WAKEY WAKEY.
They take free drink after free drink from any guy that offers (because they can) try to drink as fast as guys, danger when the guy is a 6'2" muscle clad footballer, and then claim spiking.
This is all simple to solve;
1. Dont be a cheap status chasing whore and go home with a footballer on said night, beacause he is no different, you are going to get ********ed, and more than likely you'll get 40c to ring a cab 30seconds later. Remember princesses like you are a dime a dozen. Get his number hook up later.
2. Dont be a moron and accept drinks off anyone. Buy your own drinks tight arse, and buy them at your own pace. Very few princesses drink as well as the uglier sex.

Very few claims against identities get convictions because of the way young ladies act around these people. In clubs, bars, cabs, hotel lobbies. People see the way they act, and while they dont know what actually happened in the room, see them acting like status chasers.
I have no facts but I have seen some girls work there stuff from a distance and you have a idea what they are after. These girls give the rest of the girls a bad name. It still doesn't give the right for any man to rape or drug a woman.
thats just it, all or at least the vast majority of footballers dont need to rape or drug, they get plenty where ever they go. its the girls moral issues after they get tossed to the curb.
This allegation is quite clear - it says the rape took place after she was allegedly drugged. That puts this crime in a very different area of seriousness - extremely serious.

Lets wait and see if the player's name is made public. Its a poorly kept secret anyway. Sometimes it does the players own reputation better to come out and admit it was him so that he can deny the allegations publicly rather than let it lie while his name is spread around town.

I am sure the spin doctors will be working on the best way for him to handle this.

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AFL Player Sex Attack Claim............

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