AFLQ Premier Division

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i can't work out how Noosa could possibly be under the salary cap, if you are paying all players for wins.

$50 a win x 22 players x 16 wins = $17,600.

Add to that the 3-2-1 which would be $5,000 a year.

plus you have about 5 or 6 contracted players probably atleast 2-400 a game (maybe more, seeing as you offerred b matthews $1000 a game to play there).

Are you including the "fuel" money you are paying the maroochydore boys this year?

Of course, having a cash bar, and paying players in cash means that you are always going to be under the salary cap doesn't it? Really, the salary cap in football is whatever your club can afford to pay, which for clubs like palmy, burleigh, noosa etc is alot.

Maroochydore over extended itself a couple of years ago and is paying for it now.

I havent been involved down there for 3 years, but i think you are yanking the chain with this figure! I have no doubt however that they would pay maximum salary cap.
cooly footy club is a dead set disgrace they had 14 players living at the coaches in bunk beds promised jobs but once they moved up there it fell through the coach at the time macca is a joke disgracefuly footy club anyone looking to play there should have another think just a dead set joke on how the footy club is run

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Coaches deserve everything they get with the amount of shit they have to put up with!

Typical coach comment, how can any club affrod to pay caoches now days, you need one coach to move the magnets, 1 to hold the board, one to watch the game, 1 to talk to the players, etc etc.......

2015 will see a coach to every player and selection nite starting 3 months before the season starts......
i can't work out how Noosa could possibly be under the salary cap, if you are paying all players for wins.

$50 a win x 22 players x 16 wins = $17,600.

Add to that the 3-2-1 which would be $5,000 a year.

plus you have about 5 or 6 contracted players probably atleast 2-400 a game (maybe more, seeing as you offerred b matthews $1000 a game to play there).

Are you including the "fuel" money you are paying the maroochydore boys this year?

Of course, having a cash bar, and paying players in cash means that you are always going to be under the salary cap doesn't it? Really, the salary cap in football is whatever your club can afford to pay, which for clubs like palmy, burleigh, noosa etc is alot.

Maroochydore over extended itself a couple of years ago and is paying for it now.
Never offered Ben matthews a grand a game,infact no where near it.His cousin is a noosa player and it was an avenue we thought may gain his services.At this level,no one is worth anywhere near a grand a game.Pretty spot on with your win figures but miles off the mark with 5 or 6 players on 200 to 400 a game.Try one player and the rest on not much more than the per win figure.Club is well run but certainly not as cashed up as some of this forum seem to think.As i stated in an earlier post the place noosa and the people attract players for far less money than what they are used to for playing footy(especially down south) which I personally think is great and as SMY said will go along way to keeping clubs in this AFL development state remain alive for many years.
Never offered Ben matthews a grand a game,infact no where near it.His cousin is a noosa player and it was an avenue we thought may gain his services.At this level,no one is worth anywhere near a grand a game.Pretty spot on with your win figures but miles off the mark with 5 or 6 players on 200 to 400 a game.Try one player and the rest on not much more than the per win figure.Club is well run but certainly not as cashed up as some of this forum seem to think.As i stated in an earlier post the place noosa and the people attract players for far less money than what they are used to for playing footy(especially down south) which I personally think is great and as SMY said will go along way to keeping clubs in this AFL development state remain alive for many years.

absolute rubbish
absolute rubbish

Hmm - not sure Paige, Cubby, Bovva, Brain, Reynolds, Mills, Bailey (please tell me they aren't getting "paid" to head up the highway when Mark Vagg never received this luxury LOL) are playing for match payments (lets assume that pie eating machine Luke Matthews is the one on the good coin and rightly so too) are playing for less than $100/wk??
In any case as long as it is seen to be above board then who cares. Unfortunately the salary cap at this level is a complete waste of time because it is impossible to monitor - should be open slather and if you stuff your finances up you die (with a pic of the committee members who allowed this to happen pasted on the walls - might stop a bit of stupid, irresponsible spending as well)
Typical coach comment, how can any club affrod to pay caoches now days, you need one coach to move the magnets, 1 to hold the board, one to watch the game, 1 to talk to the players, etc etc.......

2015 will see a coach to every player and selection nite starting 3 months before the season starts......[/quote]

I knwo selection in a period of time at Noosa LM was all about dragging it out to ensure everyone hung about to have a feed - tactically astute i think. haha

Agree though - the number of coaches at local level is dead set ridiculous at some clubs - I suppose if it gives a bloke a position of importance then so be it...
Typical coach comment, how can any club affrod to pay caoches now days, you need one coach to move the magnets, 1 to hold the board, one to watch the game, 1 to talk to the players, etc etc.......

2015 will see a coach to every player and selection nite starting 3 months before the season starts......

How could you forget the coach who coaches the coaches and his 3 assistants! I hear Noosa are building a three storey coaches box, complete with dining facilities and car parking to accomadate its assemble of coaches, statiticians, opposition analyst, score advisor, time keeping manager, short and sock supervisor, and chief of crowd female talent spotting!
cooly footy club is a dead set disgrace they had 14 players living at the coaches in bunk beds promised jobs but once they moved up there it fell through the coach at the time macca is a joke disgracefuly footy club anyone looking to play there should have another think just a dead set joke on how the footy club is run

Disgrace if this is the case. To uproot young players, usually from a couple of states away and 1st time away from home who are looking for a change in life and to be promised the security of employment and accomadation and not have it delivered when you arrive will only screw your club as an appealing place to play footy. Word of mouth a very powerful recruiting tool and this sort of info filters through the footy community very quickly. Shame as Cooly were a once powerful unit especially in eary 2000's and in reality for the last few winters have only been making up the numbers and copped some real floggings. Maybe there is a reason for this?
Never offered Ben matthews a grand a game,infact no where near it.His cousin is a noosa player and it was an avenue we thought may gain his services.At this level,no one is worth anywhere near a grand a game.Pretty spot on with your win figures but miles off the mark with 5 or 6 players on 200 to 400 a game.Try one player and the rest on not much more than the per win figure.Club is well run but certainly not as cashed up as some of this forum seem to think.As i stated in an earlier post the place noosa and the people attract players for far less money than what they are used to for playing footy(especially down south) which I personally think is great and as SMY said will go along way to keeping clubs in this AFL development state remain alive for many years.

Now I really know you are full of sh!t. I know what B Matthews was offerred, didn't come from him came from one of your committee bragging that they were going to get him by paying him that.

B Matthews would be worth more than $1000 a game. The bloke is a deadset champion around the club and on the field. Never heard a bad word spoken about him.

If playing at Noosa is such a big attraction, why is it that you can only seem to keep your recruits one or 2 years? Tyrell won the league B&f and was gone the next year. You have lost a couple of your premiership players as well? Seems to have been the same for a very long time up at Noosa, not many Noosa players make the 150 games, nor made it onto the Sunshine Coast Hall of fame which is strange.

Why isn't Mills getting paid? I heard he was on $200 a game at Maroochydore, seems strange to have gone 40 mins up the highway for a pay cut, especially considering with the retirement of B Matthews and with White leaving Maroochy would have some money to spend and he might have got a pay increase.

I know Bailey isn't being paid, wasn't paid at Maroochydore, but he is getting reimburssed for fuel and is provided with accomodation on match days. I am guessing that is all included in the salary cap??
Typical coach comment, how can any club affrod to pay caoches now days, atch the game, 1 to talk to the players, etc need one coach to move the magnets, 1 to hold the board, one to w

2015 will see a coach to every player and selection nite starting 3 months before the season starts......

Ok, So you you neeed, ok, one coach, ok who can ok, interpret, ok what im saying.. ok. Ok now ok i need an, how do you say, ok, assistant coach, ok, so the boys can, ok, understand, ok , what im saying... Ok. Ok, now ive got your attention, ok, lets just say, ok that i think, ok that the players are ok, and ok they know what there doing, ok. ok so now, ok i look , like i know, ok what im doing... OK.

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Hmm - not sure Paige, Cubby, Bovva, Brain, Reynolds, Mills, Bailey (please tell me they aren't getting "paid" to head up the highway when Mark Vagg never received this luxury LOL) are playing for match payments (lets assume that pie eating machine Luke Matthews is the one on the good coin and rightly so too) are playing for less than $100/wk??
In any case as long as it is seen to be above board then who cares. Unfortunately the salary cap at this level is a complete waste of time because it is impossible to monitor - should be open slather and if you stuff your finances up you die (with a pic of the committee members who allowed this to happen pasted on the walls - might stop a bit of stupid, irresponsible spending as well)

Isnt it funny how after all these years, Noosa is the only team still on the coast that hasnt folded or reformed, or in a lower division. If they had of spent rampently like other sunnie coast clubs they'd have died a slow death as well. Maybe they are spending on players now, but that is the result of tough times that led to only one flag in 20 plus years, but at least those guys still have a club to go too at the same ground to celebrate there reunions. They have the biggest home crowds out of any teams in the PHC, thats not a fluke, they like footy, and are proud that there still the only original coast team standing. And if they spent coin last season to get a winning team together so be it. Salery cap was up to 50k last year. Theres not many posts on here about Aspley winning early 2000's with a team full of QAFL players, and PBC a couple of years ago. Why cant a club enjoy there flag without outsiders speculating how they got it. If you can hoenestly tell me after Noosa/Hawks granny that it came down to who got paid what, you didnt see the great game i did. Both teams were brilliant. And someone had to win. Good on you Noosa, The Hawks get there chance again this year. Thats footy guys, what ever you say about what happens up here with coin is only the tip of the iceberg compared to down south, you all know it.
cooly footy club is a dead set disgrace they had 14 players living at the coaches in bunk beds promised jobs but once they moved up there it fell through the coach at the time macca is a joke disgracefuly footy club anyone looking to play there should have another think just a dead set joke on how the footy club is run

Dale, after spending 2 years at Cooly, I can say that Macca would have to be one of the most genuine blokes I have met. If he tells you he will do something, he will generally follow through with it. I count him as a very close personal friend, as do most of the people I know that I have played with, or have met him.

In my time there he practically ran that joint by himself, owned & operated his own business every day, licensee of the sports club working every night, as well as coaching last year. He employed 7-8 blokes at his own business, found jobs for countless others, and also found some players work at the sports club. Not to mention he also houses them at his place, rent free, until they can get set-up and stand on their own feet.

I lost track of how many young fellas come up to play at Cooly, only to get sucked into the Gold Coast lifestyle. They waste their money, spend the days surfing instead of looking for work, and the nights getting wasted. They come up here thinking that because QLD is not a predominantly footy state, they will come up here and star, only to be found out.

They generally turn out to be little parasites that think the world owes them a living, and will get everything handed to them. They expect to not pay rent for as long as they stay there, and generally don't get off their ass long enough to look for work for themselves. When they run out of money, they think they can hit him up for a loan, with no thoughts of ever paying him back.

Does that accurately describe you Dale?
Now I really know you are full of sh!t. I know what B Matthews was offerred, didn't come from him came from one of your committee bragging that they were going to get him by paying him that.

B Matthews would be worth more than $1000 a game. The bloke is a deadset champion around the club and on the field. Never heard a bad word spoken about him.

If playing at Noosa is such a big attraction, why is it that you can only seem to keep your recruits one or 2 years? Tyrell won the league B&f and was gone the next year. You have lost a couple of your premiership players as well? Seems to have been the same for a very long time up at Noosa, not many Noosa players make the 150 games, nor made it onto the Sunshine Coast Hall of fame which is strange.

Why isn't Mills getting paid? I heard he was on $200 a game at Maroochydore, seems strange to have gone 40 mins up the highway for a pay cut, especially considering with the retirement of B Matthews and with White leaving Maroochy would have some money to spend and he might have got a pay increase.

I know Bailey isn't being paid, wasn't paid at Maroochydore, but he is getting reimburssed for fuel and is provided with accomodation on match days. I am guessing that is all included in the salary cap??

Seems to me most clubs in this comp dont get many players upwards of 150 plus games, so to single out Noosa is a bit stiff. Work, the lure of more money down south, cheaper travel over seas and the lure of better footy abroad is not just a Noosa problem.
Im a HOF member, and after my age bracket theres no one even close to the games the HOF members from all the coast clubs played. ANd that includeds Bris and GC clubs as well. 150 games plus these days in any comp is like 250 plus. Footy is quicker, the demands on the body more, if your round 40 like most the guys on here you cant tell me watching the game now makes you sweat and glad you could still enjoy a beer after trasining without getting into trouble!!! ha ha
Dale, after spending 2 years at Cooly, I can say that Macca would have to be one of the most genuine blokes I have met. If he tells you he will do something, he will generally follow through with it. I count him as a very close personal friend, as do most of the people I know that I have played with, or have met him.

In my time there he practically ran that joint by himself, owned & operated his own business every day, licensee of the sports club working every night, as well as coaching last year. He employed 7-8 blokes at his own business, found jobs for countless others, and also found some players work at the sports club. Not to mention he also houses them at his place, rent free, until they can get set-up and stand on their own feet.

I lost track of how many young fellas come up to play at Cooly, only to get sucked into the Gold Coast lifestyle. They waste their money, spend the days surfing instead of looking for work, and the nights getting wasted. They come up here thinking that because QLD is not a predominantly footy state, they will come up here and star, only to be found out.

They generally turn out to be little parasites that think the world owes them a living, and will get everything handed to them. They expect to not pay rent for as long as they stay there, and generally don't get off their ass long enough to look for work for themselves. When they run out of money, they think they can hit him up for a loan, with no thoughts of ever paying him back.

Does that accurately describe you Dale?

Good On you mate. Macca is one of the most respected guys on ther coast, your right, he did and still does all he can for the team he played for and now helps run. God, how many guys play at a club, retire and you never see them again, and thats there choice, some stick around and try to take over the reins from those that have done so from the past. Not everyone will agree with them but they try, and in our comp these people are the back bone of every team. So good on you Macca, your ok, just like every other, canteen, bar, raffle seller, score board attendant... the list goes on. So all you paid senior plyers in any comp out there, its easy to stick your hand out for the cash each week, its harder to go round and say thanks to all the volenteers and commitee that get you that cash!!!
Dale, after spending 2 years at Cooly, I can say that Macca would have to be one of the most genuine blokes I have met. If he tells you he will do something, he will generally follow through with it. I count him as a very close personal friend, as do most of the people I know that I have played with, or have met him.

In my time there he practically ran that joint by himself, owned & operated his own business every day, licensee of the sports club working every night, as well as coaching last year. He employed 7-8 blokes at his own business, found jobs for countless others, and also found some players work at the sports club. Not to mention he also houses them at his place, rent free, until they can get set-up and stand on their own feet.

I lost track of how many young fellas come up to play at Cooly, only to get sucked into the Gold Coast lifestyle. They waste their money, spend the days surfing instead of looking for work, and the nights getting wasted. They come up here thinking that because QLD is not a predominantly footy state, they will come up here and star, only to be found out.

They generally turn out to be little parasites that think the world owes them a living, and will get everything handed to them. They expect to not pay rent for as long as they stay there, and generally don't get off their ass long enough to look for work for themselves. When they run out of money, they think they can hit him up for a loan, with no thoughts of ever paying him back.

Does that accurately describe you Dale?

All very fair points up north. I may have been a bit harsh in an ealier post without knowing the full facts.
Hmm - not sure Paige, Cubby, Bovva, Brain, Reynolds, Mills, Bailey (please tell me they aren't getting "paid" to head up the highway when Mark Vagg never received this luxury LOL) are playing for match payments (lets assume that pie eating machine Luke Matthews is the one on the good coin and rightly so too) are playing for less than $100/wk??
In any case as long as it is seen to be above board then who cares. Unfortunately the salary cap at this level is a complete waste of time because it is impossible to monitor - should be open slather and if you stuff your finances up you die (with a pic of the committee members who allowed this to happen pasted on the walls - might stop a bit of stupid, irresponsible spending as well)
Well said Smy.Infact since I`ve been at the club no one should be paid more than Mark Vagg.One of the best footballers not only Noosa but the sunshine coast has seen and a no frills champion bloke as well.No idea on what Mills and bailey are getting paid but I doubt much.Page,Brain and Brauer were a steal considering their quality and experience as footballers whilst blokes like Isles,bova,the Duke boys,Trompf,Smith and Wallace have been great servants of the tigers during their time up here so are rewarded respectively.A loyalty system for service I think is a terrific idea ofcourse as long as it coincides with performance which with the above mentioned blokes is no problem.
Now I really know you are full of sh!t. I know what B Matthews was offerred, didn't come from him came from one of your committee bragging that they were going to get him by paying him that.

B Matthews would be worth more than $1000 a game. The bloke is a deadset champion around the club and on the field. Never heard a bad word spoken about him.

If playing at Noosa is such a big attraction, why is it that you can only seem to keep your recruits one or 2 years? Tyrell won the league B&f and was gone the next year. You have lost a couple of your premiership players as well? Seems to have been the same for a very long time up at Noosa, not many Noosa players make the 150 games, nor made it onto the Sunshine Coast Hall of fame which is strange.

Why isn't Mills getting paid? I heard he was on $200 a game at Maroochydore, seems strange to have gone 40 mins up the highway for a pay cut, especially considering with the retirement of B Matthews and with White leaving Maroochy would have some money to spend and he might have got a pay increase.

I know Bailey isn't being paid, wasn't paid at Maroochydore, but he is getting reimburssed for fuel and is provided with accomodation on match days. I am guessing that is all included in the salary cap??
They are coming to Noosa to try and be Premiership players mate.They don`t care about the money.We have lost Brain to a higher grade of footy which as a club we will always encourage,as with 16 year old Premiership player Aaron laskey who is under the eye of the Lions and training with Aspley.Jay reynolds is young and wants to travel with his footy and got an offer in WA that no one in the PHC could refuse.Luke tyrell is a Darwin boy who again wanted to play a higher grade of footy but absolutely loved his time at noosa.Now plays for the Thunder.As for the Hall of fame,Noosa had plenty nominated and were (bar One recipient) extremely stringent in entering the names of those who deserve such honour,unlike some others.If you are talking footballers and more importantly people mate,names like Vagg,Jaques,Gale,Moody,Doug and Bones Murray are names we at Noosa rate pretty highly.Not sure you are well informed but pretty sure I am

Isnt it funny how after all these years, Noosa is the only team still on the coast that hasnt folded or reformed, or in a lower division. If they had of spent rampently like other sunnie coast clubs they'd have died a slow death as well. Maybe they are spending on players now, but that is the result of tough times that led to only one flag in 20 plus years, but at least those guys still have a club to go too at the same ground to celebrate there reunions. They have the biggest home crowds out of any teams in the PHC, thats not a fluke, they like footy, and are proud that there still the only original coast team standing. And if they spent coin last season to get a winning team together so be it. Salery cap was up to 50k last year. Theres not many posts on here about Aspley winning early 2000's with a team full of QAFL players, and PBC a couple of years ago. Why cant a club enjoy there flag without outsiders speculating how they got it. If you can hoenestly tell me after Noosa/Hawks granny that it came down to who got paid what, you didnt see the great game i did. Both teams were brilliant. And someone had to win. Good on you Noosa, The Hawks get there chance again this year. Thats footy guys, what ever you say about what happens up here with coin is only the tip of the iceberg compared to down south, you all know it.
Great post bazza.Just a terrific Gf last year that easily could have gone either way.Pretty glad their weren`t another 5 minute to go on the clock.We have always had a great following up her due to the Victorian influence,no gate charge,a ground in avery central location and available parking right the way round.

Isnt it funny how after all these years, Noosa is the only team still on the coast that hasnt folded or reformed, or in a lower division. If they had of spent rampently like other sunnie coast clubs they'd have died a slow death as well. Maybe they are spending on players now, but that is the result of tough times that led to only one flag in 20 plus years, but at least those guys still have a club to go too at the same ground to celebrate there reunions. They have the biggest home crowds out of any teams in the PHC, thats not a fluke, they like footy, and are proud that there still the only original coast team standing. And if they spent coin last season to get a winning team together so be it. Salery cap was up to 50k last year. Theres not many posts on here about Aspley winning early 2000's with a team full of QAFL players, and PBC a couple of years ago. Why cant a club enjoy there flag without outsiders speculating how they got it. If you can hoenestly tell me after Noosa/Hawks granny that it came down to who got paid what, you didnt see the great game i did. Both teams were brilliant. And someone had to win. Good on you Noosa, The Hawks get there chance again this year. Thats footy guys, what ever you say about what happens up here with coin is only the tip of the iceberg compared to down south, you all know it.

I agree Bazza and it is obvious that Noosa isn't spending beyond its means so won't go broke. Very well run football club with many excellent people doign a mountain of work. A massive feather is the fact that there are a few (recently) ex-players who have been prepared to get in and join the committee, do various things aroud the club, throw bucks in etc. This is not common practise in my opinion. Most blokes retire and piss off where they come from it seems these days - unfortunately there are many clubs who aren't so well run, don't have the finances or cash flow BUT still spend like they have. I'm not a massive fan of the salary cap bc it can't be administered at this level BTW and good luck to the Tigers irrespective of what they pd last year and you are right, no different to the Aspleys and PBC's of years gone by too. Aspley recruited half of the defunct Northern Eagles at one stage! Lets just say that if everyone was honest about it, they would kill for the opportunity to spend to the maximum of the salary cap (and beyond!)

(BTW - very funny post previous)
Never offered Ben matthews a grand a game,infact no where near it.His cousin is a noosa player and it was an avenue we thought may gain his services.At this level,no one is worth anywhere near a grand a game.Pretty spot on with your win figures but miles off the mark with 5 or 6 players on 200 to 400 a game.Try one player and the rest on not much more than the per win figure.Club is well run but certainly not as cashed up as some of this forum seem to think.As i stated in an earlier post the place noosa and the people attract players for far less money than what they are used to for playing footy(especially down south) which I personally think is great and as SMY said will go along way to keeping clubs in this AFL development state remain alive for many years.

Well said Smy.Infact since I`ve been at the club no one should be paid more than Mark Vagg.One of the best footballers not only Noosa but the sunshine coast has seen and a no frills champion bloke as well.No idea on what Mills and bailey are getting paid but I doubt much.Page,Brain and Brauer were a steal considering their quality and experience as footballers whilst blokes like Isles,bova,the Duke boys,Trompf,Smith and Wallace have been great servants of the tigers during their time up here so are rewarded respectively.A loyalty system for service I think is a terrific idea ofcourse as long as it coincides with performance which with the above mentioned blokes is no problem.

look mate i don't really care if noosa pays more than GC suns, but don't try and bullsh!t on here and pretend that you are able to assemble a quality team of recruits and stay under the salary cap. like smy says, the salary cap in this league is a joke, i don't even know why they bother with it.

as someone said before, kudos to noosa for being able to survive the tough times and stay in the same league, at the same ground over the last 20 years. the club is very well run from an administration side of things and as such is in a great position to be able to pick up recruits etc. however, after being involved with a football club in the past, i know how impossible it is to stay under the salary cap and still be able to attract and retain quality players.
Got down to see Noosa train last week and they look pretty good for this early in the year. Lots of new faces - Danny Brewster looks like a handy unit. New drills, for Noosa anyway, and from what I hear from the players they are "enjoying" the training runs.
Mills $200 a game .. for what ???? White must have been on $500 then comparatively.
Noosa have a great side on paper, lets see them go tthrough the season undefeated and win the flag in straight sets, to justify the forum turning into a new - I love Noosa - tourism advertisement.

Players are paid in many ways, and let's face it wether on the books or off the books, the PHC would be a weaker competition without the club's different strategies. B.Matthews is an absolute champion through and through and was a bonus pick up for the profile of the PHC, as was Carey's flirt with PBC a few years back.
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