AFLW AFLW 2022 - Round 4

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NAB AFLW Round Four – Updated Fixture

Collingwood vs. FremantleVictoria Park (VIC) (Foxtel)5:40pm5:40pm
Friday, January 28
GWS GIANTS vs. Western BulldogsHenson Park (NSW) (Foxtel)5:10pm5:10pm
St. Kilda vs. West Coast EaglesSkyBus Stadium (VIC) (Foxtel)7:10pm7:10pm
Saturday, January 29
Adelaide Crows vs. MelbourneNorwood Oval (SA) (Seven)3:10pm2:40pm
Brisbane Lions vs. Geelong CatsMaroochydore Multi Sports Complex (QLD) (Foxtel)5:10pm4:10pm
Sunday, January 30
Carlton vs. KangaroosIkon Park (VIC) (Seven)3:10pm3:10pm
Gold Coast SUNS vs. RichmondMetricon Stadium (QLD) (Foxtel)5:10pm4:10pm
Additional Matches*
Collingwood vs. West Coast EaglesVictoria Park (VIC) (Foxtel)5:10pm5:10pm
Western Bulldogs vs. FremantleWhitten Oval (VIC) (Foxtel)7:10pm7:10pm

The scheduled Round Six match between Collingwood and the West Coast Eagles and the scheduled Round 10 match between the Western Bulldogs and Fremantle will be played on Tuesday, February 1.

AFL General Manager Competition Management Laura Kane said while the ongoing pandemic continues to impact the 2022 NAB AFL Women’s Competition, the AFL remains committed to delivering a full season in a safe manner anchored in the advice of respective governments and public health officials.

“We remain committed to completing the season and awarding a Premier and the updates to the fixture aim to provide the competition with greater flexibility as we progress the season,” Ms. Kane said.

“The decision to schedule additional matches to the fixture for Fremantle and the West Coast Eagles was made in close consultation and with strong support from each Club following updates to border restrictions relating to Western Australia.

“We remain cognisant of the outside-football commitments of many players and staff from WA who are currently on the road in Victoria, and we thank them for their commitment and understanding.

“The league will continue to work closely with each club and the AFLPA, and will remain led by the advice of respective state governments and relevant health authorities as we work through arrangements for the coming rounds. I want to thank the AFLPA for working with us to provide the flexibility required to progress the season.

“Collingwood and the Western Bulldogs will participate in the additional games with the Magpies to have a five-day break between their Round Four game and their match-up against the Eagles next Tuesday night. Meanwhile, the Bulldogs are ready to return for Round Four after two weeks of no matches due to AFL Health and Safety Protocols.

“For the time being, the fixture remains a week-to-week proposition, and as such, we want to thank every AFLW Club, players and the AFLPA, umpires, venues, governments, ticketing agents and all supporters for their understanding.”

Ticketing Update
  • For supporters who have purchased tickets to matches in Round Four, those tickets remain valid. The Ticketing Agent will be in contact should any ticket purchaser wish to receive a refund.
  • Details of ticketing for the additional matches - Collingwood vs. West Coast Eagles and the Western Bulldogs vs. Fremantle – will be released separately.
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This is the first I'm reading of this, I thought it was odd there hasn't been much media on it, then I read she was Muslim.

Imagine if she were Christian. Holy sh*t. Remember the outrage over Folau and Ablett jr?
The double standards of the left always rears its ugly head whenever something like this happens. They can't have their cake and eat it too
I’ve got no problem, with what Haneen’s done, as long as she doesn’t openly slander anyone.

I do wonder however if it was for example Taylor walker or an other high profile player who decided to sit out of a pride round (didn’t say anything, just didn’t participate) if it would be swept under the carpet quite so quickly.

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Is your religion really telling you that you can't support gay people, or are you using your religion as an excuse to be a bigot?

This seems pretty clear cut to me. You just can't justify a religious practice that tells people to be prejudiced. Your views are moronic at best and dangerous at worst.
Yes our Religion literally tells us that we cannot believe that gay marriage and homosexual practices are valid and acceptable respectively. If we believe or say that while knowing what our Religion says about it, then we exit Islam and lose all the rewards we ever worked for. It’s the same thing with believing heterosexual fornication is permissible while knowing that Islam prohibits it.

We don’t view our Religion the same way as you view our Religion. To us, exiting the Religion of Islam is the literally the worst thing that can ever happen to us. I can’t think of a worse situation to be in because this is literally our purpose in this life. That’s why we take it very very seriously and don’t risk our faith just to gain the acceptance of other people.

Whether you agree with it or believe that it’s moronic or dangerous doesn’t affect me because I know that your source for morality is fundamentally different to my source for morality.

The fact is that supporting or accepting LGBTQ practices is not in compliance with the Islamic faith and that’s what we care about. Rainbow guernseys are produced to celebrate what does not comply with our beliefs. Zreika clearly has my perspective on this, which is why she won’t celebrate beliefs that takes someone out of Islam by wearing rainbow colours.

We try to comply with the secular laws of this country as much as we can by not insulting LGBTQ people, not harming them, and treating them just as we would treat any other non-Muslim in this country that do things that our Religion considers a sin (e.g. drinking alcohol, doing drugs, gambling, fornicating etc.) as much as we can, but we won’t celebrate LGBTQ practices even if this society tries to force us to do so just like we won’t promote or celebrate the practice of drinking alcohol or doing drugs or fornicating even if secular regulations in this country say that you must do so. I don’t care about how little you or other people value our Religion - we value it very much.

It’s as simple as that. Leave us to our Religion and don’t force us to celebrate what we don’t believe in. We don’t tell non-Muslims to celebrate Eid with us, or the birth of Prophet MuHammad peace be upon him, or to fast the month of RamaDaan. That’s from our beliefs. In fact, we tell Muslims not to tell non-Muslims to fast with us or come and pray with us for the very reason that they don’t believe in Allaah or Islam.

If companies/organisations and its people don’t want to leave us alone, then we’ll stand up for ourselves just like Zreika did. We’re not asking to allow us to stomp on people’s LGBTQ parades or burn their rainbow jumpers. We are asking that they don’t tell us to celebrate with them in what goes against our belief. I’d much rather face the consequences of standing up for ourselves and what we believe in than leave my Religion. There is no way.

Again, I don’t care what you or other people on here or elsewhere think about it. We’ll stand firm on what we believe in and that’s final.
Lsta062 i appreciate your candidacy, and your tolerance of others outside of your belief system. However you are something of a unicorn when it comes to religious followers.

I’m curious to know (maybe not here) what passages, or in fact, mandates direct from god (Mohammed?) stand against homosexuality.

Same goes for the bible, the only passage that gets referred to their is fairly weak and can be interpreted multiple ways.

And I have tried to be tolerant of religion in the past, as the core tenets of each are generally peer solid and follow the “don’t be a dick” principle. However I can’t anymore watch as people hide behind it as a reason to shun or worse innocent people going about their lives.

Religion in general has been the cause of pain and death for far too long, in most cases used as a tool for justification, despite (most) blatantly saying don’t kill. We’ve moved on from many barbaric practices that are detailed in religious texts, why is this one that can’t be rewritten? Is it because it gives An enemy to unite people against? The use of fear to keep people in line?

And yes, it’s horrible what’s happening to Muslim people in other parts of the world, as well Jews, in different parts, but does that make it ok for them to mete out the same against others?

And to put things in the open. I’m agnostic, I believe that if there is there is a higher being, that we will be judged on our actions, how we treat our fellow people, and how true we were to ourselves. However I ultimately believe that our energy will be dispersed back out into the universe. This is the life we have to live and be content with.
Yes our Religion literally tells us that we cannot believe that gay marriage and homosexual practices are valid and acceptable respectively. If we believe or say that while knowing what our Religion says about it, then we exit Islam and lose all the rewards we ever worked for. It’s the same thing with believing heterosexual fornication is permissible while knowing that Islam prohibits it.

We don’t view our Religion the same way as you view our Religion. To us, exiting the Religion of Islam is the literally the worst thing that can ever happen to us. I can’t think of a worse situation to be in because this is literally our purpose in this life. That’s why we take it very very seriously and don’t risk our faith just to gain the acceptance of other people.

Whether you agree with it or believe that it’s moronic or dangerous doesn’t affect me because I know that your source for morality is fundamentally different to my source for morality.

The fact is that supporting or accepting LGBTQ practices is not in compliance with the Islamic faith and that’s what we care about. Rainbow guernseys are produced to celebrate what does not comply with our beliefs. Zreika clearly has my perspective on this, which is why she won’t celebrate beliefs that takes someone out of Islam by wearing rainbow colours.

We try to comply with the secular laws of this country as much as we can by not insulting LGBTQ people, not harming them, and treating them just as we would treat any other non-Muslim in this country that do things that our Religion considers a sin (e.g. drinking alcohol, doing drugs, gambling, fornicating etc.) as much as we can, but we won’t celebrate LGBTQ practices even if this society tries to force us to do so just like we won’t promote or celebrate the practice of drinking alcohol or doing drugs or fornicating even if secular regulations in this country say that you must do so. I don’t care about how little you or other people value our Religion - we value it very much.

It’s as simple as that. Leave us to our Religion and don’t force us to celebrate what we don’t believe in. We don’t tell non-Muslims to celebrate Eid with us, or the birth of Prophet MuHammad peace be upon him, or to fast the month of RamaDaan. That’s from our beliefs. In fact, we tell Muslims not to tell non-Muslims to fast with us or come and pray with us for the very reason that they don’t believe in Allaah or Islam.

If companies/organisations and its people don’t want to leave us alone, then we’ll stand up for ourselves just like Zreika did. We’re not asking to allow us to stomp on people’s LGBTQ parades or burn their rainbow jumpers. We are asking that they don’t tell us to celebrate with them in what goes against our belief. I’d much rather face the consequences of standing up for ourselves and what we believe in than leave my Religion. There is no way.

Again, I don’t care what you or other people on here or elsewhere think about it. We’ll stand firm on what we believe in and that’s final.
If you live in Australia you live in society that doesn't discriminate. You want to discriminate leave to a place where you can
If you live in Australia you live in society that doesn't discriminate. You want to discriminate leave to a place where you can

Sounds like you are discriminating against people with differenr religious belief systems to you..
Sounds like you are discriminating against people with differenr religious belief systems to you..
As long as religious beliefs don't discriminate against anyone go for it. If they do it's not allowed in Australia
You are literally defending a homophobe and then go around calling other people bigots. Have a good hard look at yourself.

Did you vote Yes for Same Sex Marriage can i ask ? I did, and have been a long supporter of gay and Trans rights, I just think this issue is a lot more complex than people like you think it is, and if she was a bigot as say, surely she wouldn't play alongside with and I assume be friends with teammates who identify as LGBT.

I suppose it is understandable some may think she is a homophobe or bigot for not playing in the game/wearing the jumper, but really, you need to delve deeper beneath the surface and try look at things from Haneen's perspective.

She is put in a very unpleasant and no win situation here. Bit of empathy her way wouldn't go astray

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Sounds like you are discriminating against people with differenr religious belief systems to you..
sounds like a pretty ****ing dumb counter argument from you

Discrimination is bad, unless a 1,000+ year old book says its ok. Oh and it's not a Christian book
Did you vote Yes for Same Sex Marriage can i ask ? I did, and have been a long supporter of gay and Trans rights, I just think this issue is a lot more complex than people like you think it is, and if she was a bigot as say, surely she wouldn't play alongside with and I assume be friends with teammates who identify as LGBT.

I suppose it is understandable some may think she is a homophobe or bigot for not playing in the game/wearing the jumper, but really, you need to delve deeper beneath the surface and try look at things from Haneen's perspective.

She is put in a very unpleasant and no win situation here. Bit of empathy her way wouldn't go astray
Of course I voted yes.

Your vote meant nothing if you then go on to defend people who discriminate against those very people. You're defending a bigot who is part of the reason why we even needed to have a vote in the first place.

It doesn't have to be a no win situation for her. She put herself in this situation by choosing to be a homophobe.
Of course I voted yes.

Your vote meant nothing if you then go on to defend people who discriminate against those very people. You're defending a bigot who is part of the reason why we even needed to have a vote in the first place.

It doesn't have to be a no win situation for her. She put herself in this situation by choosing to be a homophobe.

She has actually worn the jumper and played in the Pride Game in the Past.

I don't know what has happened to make her not partake this year, we don't know all the facts and I feel it's a bit unfair to judge/condemn her at this stage.
Did you vote Yes for Same Sex Marriage can i ask ? I did, and have been a long supporter of gay and Trans rights, I just think this issue is a lot more complex than people like you think it is, and if she was a bigot as say, surely she wouldn't play alongside with and I assume be friends with teammates who identify as LGBT.

I suppose it is understandable some may think she is a homophobe or bigot for not playing in the game/wearing the jumper, but really, you need to delve deeper beneath the surface and try look at things from Haneen's perspective.

She is put in a very unpleasant and no win situation here. Bit of empathy her way wouldn't go astray
That’s what I think don’t use the players like this.
Can work both ways too I work with quite a few gay people who absolutely cringe when we do things like this and you’ll see people up the chain wearing rainbow badges or epaulettes when you know it’s not genuine just grandstanding.
Makes them furious in fact I think there are better ways to do things.
This young girl whilst not everyone’s cup of tea is at least being genuine, plenty can pretend and wear a jumper and then be absolute flogs about it the next day.
It's not a good look, but hardly discrimination.
You are right, discrimination probably isn't the right word tbf

It reeks of someone who doesn't want to isolate themselves from their community who clearly have a large homophobic belief system. She could have had a chance to be a real Muslim community leader by setting an example of inclusiveness by wearing a jumper with a rainbow as a symbol of being inclusive of all people. Yet she choose not to isolate her self from her homophobic community rather than trying to lead

I'm big a people freedoms, so she is free to do as she pleases if it doesn't hurt anyone I guess but anyone trying to argue in defense of her actions, is poor form especially if those people are going to make a stand in other political inclusiveness areas
She has actually worn the jumper and played in the Pride Game in the Past.

I don't know what has happened to make her not partake this year, we don't know all the facts and I feel it's a bit unfair to judge/condemn her at this stage.
No her team didn't have a pride jumper last year during pride round
Thanks, again, it seems like scripture written to be against a particular group at the time, and one of their practices was homosexuality. It also says lust, over love.

A lot of Christian passages were written to clearly be against the practices of the Roman Empire, and so to drag people across to them. Or took the beliefs of other religions they were trying to subjugate (Norse, Pagan etc.) and twist them to suit their own ends.

It is a little clearer than the Bible however. (Unless you just take the 10 as the only thing of importance)

On a second reading of that however, it could be interpreted differently. Lut said don't be lustful with other men, Ibn Abbaas said, don't do what Lut does (Condemn homosexuality)

The trinity, which are all relatively new religions in the age of the world, set us back nearly 1,000 years of development.


Religion has been used as a tool to subjugate and control the uneducated population through fear of eternal damnation and societal banishment, or by using common trends emerging to gain popularity. Again, why most scriptures are so convoluted.

No one should be treat differently based on race, sexuality, gender identity, economic standing, education level, political alliance or religion. However until some of these groups start standing up to their own who continue to create barriers, I can't stand beside them. Religion and Politics being the main one.

It is similar to the notallmen concept, I can't get on board with it, it is our duty as positive role models and decent humans to call out toxic behaviour when we see it, to stand with victims of abuse, not turn a blind eye and say "wasn't me"

What is it? All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men and women to do nothing? The silent majority, need to start making some noise.
It shouldn't be such a big deal, too many social justice warriors want to cry that its disrespectful, which the basis of that argument is complete hypocrisy.
She has quietly and politely declined to wear the jumper, it happens because we don't all have the same beliefs and it doesn't make it right or wrong, move on.
There are bigger problems in the world.
It shouldn't be such a big deal, too many social justice warriors want to cry that its disrespectful, which the basis of that argument is complete hypocrisy.
She has quietly and politely declined to wear the jumper, it happens because we don't all have the same beliefs and it doesn't make it right or wrong, move on.
There are bigger problems in the world.
The bolded I agree on

The social justice warriors bit, should have left that out. What is wrong about fighting for positive change?

It's the continual attempt to justify the position (and the position of the church/mosque/et al) that made my eye twitch and my fingers enter a furious rage.

I've seen too many young people harmed, or self-harm, because of lack of support for who they are, from their families and communities (and churches), to accept that no position is an ok position to take.
She has actually worn the jumper and played in the Pride Game in the Past.

I don't know what has happened to make her not partake this year, we don't know all the facts and I feel it's a bit unfair to judge/condemn her at this stage.
Interesting, didn't know that. She's most likely become more radicalised and homophobic since then.

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AFLW AFLW 2022 - Round 4

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