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I thought I'd talk about feminism, because it's politics and I don't want to clog up a serious footy thread.

This is primarily in response to jonbe54 and his musings on feminists. He won't read this, because he tends to block people who disagree with his views, but I still think his waffle should be called out.

You say that your Mum was a suffragette in Britain. The suffragette movement ran from the 1860s to just after the end of WWI. Even if your Mum was a youngish woman in 1918, she would have to have been in her 50s or 60s by the time she gave birth to you (roughly 1950s).

Not adding up.

You also misrepresent the suffragette movement. They were NOT about equality between the sexes. They sought the right to vote, and often deployed their status as wives and mothers as the basis of such rights.

They did not seek other rights, such as property or employment, which would be the concern of later feminists.

In short, the Suffragettes came to be seen as a powerful 'first wave' of feminism, an important foundation for later struggles.


You've got a serious problem with the later struggles of feminism, aka 'second wave' feminism. These are women who fought for a larger liberation. Unlike the Suffragettes, they rejected motherhood and marriage as the basis of their identity and destiny.

They wanted more from life than being an 'adored' mother and wife. They wanted jobs, careers, a wider social world, and they reclaimed power over their own bodies. They rejected 'sex roles' which confined them to the home whilst encouraging men to do whatever they wanted to.

If you can spell out more precisely what issue you have with this agenda, I'd be curious to hear it.

Your angst centres on Germaine Greer, who you see fit to label 'the snake'. Her book, The Female Eunuch (1970), was an important articulation of these ideas which inspired millions. Germaine has managed to say something to piss off everyone since then, but I'm also curious to know what issue you have with her book.

In any case, you're mistaken if you think that Germaine started the 'second wave'. Her ideas were not original. She was herself inspired by the women's protest movement in the late 1960s in the US, and she became a powerful advocate for those ideas.


Again, I know you won't respond, because you're thin-skinned. But I feel it necessary to point out your views as dishonest, misinformed, and simply twisted.
I thought I'd talk about feminism, because it's politics and I don't want to clog up a serious footy thread.

This is primarily in response to jonbe54 and his musings on feminists. He won't read this, because he tends to block people who disagree with his views, but I still think his waffle should be called out.

You say that your Mum was a suffragette in Britain. The suffragette movement ran from the 1860s to just after the end of WWI. Even if your Mum was a youngish woman in 1918, she would have to have been in her 50s or 60s by the time she gave birth to you (roughly 1950s).

Not adding up.

You also misrepresent the suffragette movement. They were NOT about equality between the sexes. They sought the right to vote, and often deployed their status as wives and mothers as the basis of such rights.

They did not seek other rights, such as property or employment, which would be the concern of later feminists.

In short, the Suffragettes came to be seen as a powerful 'first wave' of feminism, an important foundation for later struggles.


You've got a serious problem with the later struggles of feminism, aka 'second wave' feminism. These are women who fought for a larger liberation. Unlike the Suffragettes, they rejected motherhood and marriage as the basis of their identity and destiny.

They wanted more from life than being an 'adored' mother and wife. They wanted jobs, careers, a wider social world, and they reclaimed power over their own bodies. They rejected 'sex roles' which confined them to the home whilst encouraging men to do whatever they wanted to.

If you can spell out more precisely what issue you have with this agenda, I'd be curious to hear it.

Your angst centres on Germaine Greer, who you see fit to label 'the snake'. Her book, The Female Eunuch (1970), was an important articulation of these ideas which inspired millions. Germaine has managed to say something to piss off everyone since then, but I'm also curious to know what issue you have with her book.

In any case, you're mistaken if you think that Germaine started the 'second wave'. Her ideas were not original. She was herself inspired by the women's protest movement in the late 1960s in the US, and she became a powerful advocate for those ideas.


Again, I know you won't respond, because you're thin-skinned. But I feel it necessary to point out your views as dishonest, misinformed, and simply twisted.
I'd also like to address the question of how much of his bile is allowed to remain posted, but any attempt to call it out is immediately deleted? Very odd indeed.

Here are a few of his recent masterpieces. Not sure how these aren't breaking the BF rule prohibiting material "likely to offend"? I would report it, but where's the fun in that?

Never argue with any woman or a teenager. You may as well bash yourself in the coolies. They will never admit error.

Yep and even a short period of cohabitation - a matter of months - they(women) can walk away and take half of everything you have ever worked for.

Not so wise arguing with any female precludes happiness because she will never forget or let you forget.
Sorry, but this is a head in sand approach. You need to do a personal deeper dive. Not everything is how it seems. Look at how they have backflipped on so much of the Covid rhetoric. Just a flu they say. But who listened to the people that were trying to shout this from the rooftops early on?

My point being, don’t believe everything you are told. How will you know the broader Aboriginal community will be voting yes? Because some poll on the MSM told you so?

No disrespect in my post intended, just do your own critical thinking with this one. as it could have some massive ramifications.

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I will tell you that the wider Aboriginal community will be voting YES.

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I'd also like to address the question of how much of his bile is allowed to remain posted, but any attempt to call it out is immediately deleted? Very odd indeed.

Here are a few of his recent masterpieces. Not sure how these aren't breaking the BF rule prohibiting material "likely to offend"? I would report it, but where's the fun in that?

Never argue with any woman or a teenager. You may as well bash yourself in the coolies. They will never admit error.

Yep and even a short period of cohabitation - a matter of months - they(women) can walk away and take half of everything you have ever worked for.

Not so wise arguing with any female precludes happiness because she will never forget or let you forget.
And those comments were not made in jest either.
jonbe54 one of your fellow posters has some commentary on your post yesterday.
Given you may have JB1975 on ignore, here it is….

I thought I'd talk about feminism, because it's politics and I don't want to clog up a serious footy thread.

This is primarily in response to jonbe54 and his musings on feminists. He won't read this, because he tends to block people who disagree with his views, but I still think his waffle should be called out.

You say that your Mum was a suffragette in Britain. The suffragette movement ran from the 1860s to just after the end of WWI. Even if your Mum was a youngish woman in 1918, she would have to have been in her 50s or 60s by the time she gave birth to you (roughly 1950s).

Not adding up.

You also misrepresent the suffragette movement. They were NOT about equality between the sexes. They sought the right to vote, and often deployed their status as wives and mothers as the basis of such rights.

They did not seek other rights, such as property or employment, which would be the concern of later feminists.

In short, the Suffragettes came to be seen as a powerful 'first wave' of feminism, an important foundation for later struggles.


You've got a serious problem with the later struggles of feminism, aka 'second wave' feminism. These are women who fought for a larger liberation. Unlike the Suffragettes, they rejected motherhood and marriage as the basis of their identity and destiny.

They wanted more from life than being an 'adored' mother and wife. They wanted jobs, careers, a wider social world, and they reclaimed power over their own bodies. They rejected 'sex roles' which confined them to the home whilst encouraging men to do whatever they wanted to.

If you can spell out more precisely what issue you have with this agenda, I'd be curious to hear it.

Your angst centres on Germaine Greer, who you see fit to label 'the snake'. Her book, The Female Eunuch (1970), was an important articulation of these ideas which inspired millions. Germaine has managed to say something to piss off everyone since then, but I'm also curious to know what issue you have with her book.

In any case, you're mistaken if you think that Germaine started the 'second wave'. Her ideas were not original. She was herself inspired by the women's protest movement in the late 1960s in the US, and she became a powerful advocate for those ideas.
jonbe54 one of your fellow posters has some commentary on your post yesterday.
Given you may have JB1975 on ignore, here it is….

I've passed on your gesture to JB1975 and he appreciates it very much.

He doesn't mind yelling at the clouds, but every once in a while he just wants to know that they can hear him.
Against my better judgement but anyway.

Tomorrow is IDAHOBIT day, the international day against homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia. It is intended as a day to promote inclusion of LGBTIQ+ folks, and to fight ongoing discrimination and hate towards our community.

So if you see more rainbow flags than usual, maybe take a look at the resources at Home and contemplate not being a campaigner for one day at least. Or, lose your shit and spew forth the usual mindvomit that seems to be the stock in trade of this board these days while the mods tut tut and waffle about being civil to eachother but never seem to delete the violently homophobic and transphobic shit just the people reacting badly to the incel nuffies who have taken over this place like cockroaches. Whichever floats your boat.

I saw at the Liberal conference that a bunch of Deeming supporters staged a walkout.

All I can say is, well done to John Pesutto for creating an environment within the Liberal Party where the trash takes itself out.

We did blow a hell of a lot of money, much of it, in my opinion, unnecessarily, on covid. Now it's come back to bite us.

Get people who do not need help and not shit on the Needy.

Libs would done samething

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Get people who do not need help and not s**t on the Needy.

Libs would done samething
How do you know it's the needy who will be hit?

When you have the longest lockdown in the history of the world, someone eventually has to pay the price. I didn't see you complaining at the time.
It’s not only about the money spent on lockdowns, though in hindsight, the most beautiful of things is hindsight, to much money was spent trying to prop up businesses that were most likely never going to survive anyway.
And money spent on a facility to quarantine infectious people that was built too late.
But of course had it not been built and the pandemic continued on a much more sever course (thank you vaccines for preventing that scenario) the government would have been rightly criticised.
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
Aside from the pandemic spending there has been large borrowings to fund massive infrastructure investments.
Now at the time I fully defended this spend, and I still do. When rates are low government has a duty to use that to invest in infrastructure that in the long term is a benefit and a financial return.
That has happened. But the sudden uptick in rates, despite those in with the responsibility to set those rates stating an uptick was years away, has lead us to the current “crisis”.
So now the government has the responsibility to fix the debt.
Not going to be pretty.
How do you know it's the needy who will be hit?

When you have the longest lockdown in the history of the world, someone eventually has to pay the price. I didn't see you complaining at the time.

Was Saving People's Lives.

Lot of People agree as Labor won the Election by a Mile

But hate them Screwing over the people who need to help the most
How do you know it's the needy who will be hit?

When you have the longest lockdown in the history of the world, someone eventually has to pay the price. I didn't see you complaining at the time.
Actually apparently big and medium size business and predominantly the upper end of town are paying off the debt.
Not a bad budget under the circumstances.

I don't see the poor being hit.

Not a bad budget under the circumstances.

I don't see the poor being hit.

They have blown money for years and now their unimaginative solution is to whack up a tax that has already gone through the roof by increased valuations.
You have a better budget in your mind?
Spend less. If we don't have the dough, then don't do the project.

Get decent treasury staff who have half a brain and maybe they might have bought some swaps when rates were low.

At the very smallest level, yesterday I snaffled another $250 from the energy bill comparison scheme. For about a minute's effort. That is the sort of idiotic scheme that should never have gotten off the ground.

I know the average person doesn't give two hoots about land tax, but it is a shocking tax - one of the few options that State governments have so they ain't giving it up. "They can afford it" is such a nothing justification. The landowner cops an annual tax for holding a property, then CGT on disposal.

Out of whack with other assets that aren't taxed similarly.

I know of land tax bills that have increased from 150% to 250% yoy from 22 to 23. And now there is a further increase on top of that? Great.

Dan has chucked our credit rating down the toilet. Shame the Libs are so bad that they seem to be unable to hammer this point.
Spend less. If we don't have the dough, then don't do the project.
There were a lot of road projects and railway crossing that were necessary.
It has been great for me in the Northern suburbs. Time and safety wise.

Get decent treasury staff who have half a brain and maybe they might have bought some swaps when rates were low.
Sure the whole of Australia got it wrong. Hindsight is great! Who knew that Russia was going to invade Ukraine or that a recession and high interest rates were around the corner.

At the very smallest level, yesterday I snaffled another $250 from the energy bill comparison scheme. For about a minute's effort. That is the sort of idiotic scheme that should never have gotten off the ground.
Fair enough should have been means tested, I didn't apply for first round but thought why not this time around.

I know the average person doesn't give two hoots about land tax, but it is a shocking tax - one of the few options that State governments have so they ain't giving it up. "They can afford it" is such a nothing justification. The landowner cops an annual tax for holding a property, then CGT on disposal.

Out of whack with other assets that aren't taxed similarly.

I know of land tax bills that have increased from 150% to 250% yoy from 22 to 23. And now there is a further increase on top of that? Great.
Corporations based on yearly income and profit can afford it, don't have a problem with it.

Same landowners leave properties empty for months/years when there is a housing shortage, care factor -zero.

Shame the Libs are so bad that they seem to be unable to hammer this point.
Don't start me on the Libs and their eagerness to sell government assets. Gas/Elec and the Fairfield Infectious Diseases hospital would have been handy.

Current credit crunch is not unique to Australia and we still have better Health and Education to most countries.
There were a lot of road projects and railway crossing that were necessary.
It has been great for me in the Northern suburbs. Time and safety wise.

Sure the whole of Australia got it wrong. Hindsight is great! Who knew that Russia was going to invade Ukraine or that a recession and high interest rates were around the corner.

Fair enough should have been means tested, I didn't apply for first round but thought why not this time around.

Corporations based on yearly income and profit can afford it, don't have a problem with it.

Same landowners leave properties empty for months/years when there is a housing shortage, care factor -zero.

Don't start me on the Libs and their eagerness to sell government assets. Gas/Elec and the Fairfield Infectious Diseases hospital would have been handy.

Current credit crunch is not unique to Australia and we still have better Health and Education to most countries.
Our credit rating is in the toilet compared to NSW. That is a ready comparison. And the downgrades were already happening before last year.

I see you are another who has fallen for the "they can afford it". Well, what do you think landlords will do with this increased cost? They can't directly pass it on to residents, but they can increase rents over time. And they will.

Businesses will cop it and be forced to raise prices.
Our credit rating is in the toilet compared to NSW. That is a ready comparison. And the downgrades were already happening before last year.

I see you are another who has fallen for the "they can afford it". Well, what do you think landlords will do with this increased cost? They can't directly pass it on to residents, but they can increase rents over time. And they will.

Businesses will cop it and be forced to raise prices.
so tax the poor instead? got it
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