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The report on the murder of australian aid worker is would seem. The nominated investigator has evidently agreed that the israelis were justified in blowing up the aid workers. Such is war....

It makes me wonder why people demand such investigations when the end result is the humiliation of agreeing with the murderers. I would have been happier if we just stopped having anything to do with them.


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Yes, mybad, he calls me "lovey" and so I allowed myself to be lowered to the same level. Will improve. Thanks for the reminder, NFI guy.

Lovey, I only use that nick because I lose concentration typing out what you've called yourself. I do it with most unless they start their nicks with a couple of letters.

On a wider front, I appreciate your fight against the forces of zevie and swipey and other similar fascists...
I was reading my murdoch bible this morning and have seen a lot of flak against the french olympic opening ceremony and even about an embrace by their president.

I know rupert went american some years ago and effectively became non-australian but that doesnt mean that he has the right to import american "values" into this country. I'm sick of seeing every american film in the cinemas involving the use of violence as a means of solving problems as if it is normal, mixed with this sick puritanical evangelical crackpot attitude to sex and religion. These are not the type of values to embrace. Doesnt just looking at that sick society tell you that?

Unfortunately, we cant spray people in planes for these atitudes when they enter our airports. The pro-violence attitude extends to their foreign policy and it's not surprising to see americans spruik the right of israelis to shoot innocents if the former can make a case that they are defending their country.

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Will be interested to hear how they offed him in Tehran. Imagine it would be quite a trick to pull off an assassination over there.

I think anyone on either side and even in the man in the street would all agree on one thing - that the israelis are adept and psychologically adjusted to killing people. They probably could have done it when he was in qatar but his death now stops the negotiations, considering yesterday's so-called demands...

I see my aljazeera "mate" Hani Mahmoud made a comment in his report. After seeing Hani reporting online on the extermination for the last 9 months, I'm not sure he'll make it through August......

Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud, who is in Deir el-Balah in Gaza, said the killing was “significant” for the people of Gaza because he was the leader of negotiations they hoped would lead to a ceasefire.

“Palestinians across Gaza and the West Bank also view Ismail Haniyeh as a moderate leader who is much more pragmatic compared to other leaders who head the military side of the movement,” Mahmoud said.

“He is very popular here. He grew up in a refugee camp. He represents the vast majority of the people who are the descendants of the refugee families who were displaced from the Palestinian territories in 1948.”
Will be interested to hear how they offed him in Tehran. Imagine it would be quite a trick to pull off an assassination over there.

Iranian media are reporting that the Hamas leader was killed by an “airborne guided projectile” that hit the residence where he was staying in the north of the capital, Tehran.
According to reports, the attack took place at about 2am local time (22:30 GMT on Tuesday) at a special residence for military veterans in the north of the city.

Israel and Hamas closer than ever to ceasefire deal, White House says​

Netanyahu meets Biden to discuss end to nine-month war in Gaza and has separate meeting with Kamala Harris
Fri 26 Jul 2024 08.57 AEST

White House officials said Israel and Hamas were “closer now than we’ve been before” to reaching a ceasefire deal as Benjamin Netanyahu met Joe Biden on Thursday to discuss an end to the nine-month conflict in Gaza.

On Thursday, Harris issued a statement forcefully condemning pro-Palestine protesters who had demonstrated against Netanyahu’s speech in Washington.

A week is a long time in politics....i wonder if either of them are upset for looking like animals at a petting zoo...

I bet they cant wait to look real stupid when the two state solution doesnt eventuate....

but then, maybe we're the monkeys...
To Jatha,
Had to reply on this thread. Would you consider the ex PM of Israel, Naftali Bennet, an "agent of Russian propaganda"". Yet here he is in an extended interview explaining how the West (US/Britain/France) worked together to prevent his negotiations between Zelensky and Putin in 2022, just after the Russian invasion.

US Foreign policy adviser Fiona Hill wrote in Foreign Affairs:

“Russian and Ukrainian negotiators appeared to have tentatively agreed on the outlines of a negotiated interim settlement,” wrote Fiona Hill and Angela Stent in Foreign Affairs. “Russia would withdraw to its position on February 23, when it controlled part of the Donbas region and all of Crimea, and in exchange, Ukraine would promise not to seek Nato membership and instead receive security guarantees from a number of countries.”

The deal was abandoned after Boris Johnson's intervention, when he visited Kiev.

This information comes from this source:

In short there is ample evidence from a range of sources that the US and NATO powers acted to block the possiblity of a ceasefire between Putin and Zelensky.

I am happy to stop the back and forth with you.

It was necessary for me to write this post because I am not going to allow false allegations that I "post Russian propaganda" go unanswered.

However, I certainly do not seek further discussion with you, as you have totally embraced the pro US/Australian propaganda stream, and you clearly have no desire at this point to ever question or challenge the official narrative.
"The Israeli daily Haaretz reported Monday that over the weekend, in violation of humanitarian law, a unit of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the 401st Brigade of the Armored Corps, rigged a critical water reservoir in Gaza with explosives and then detonated them, destroying the facility known as the Canada Well.

Following the destruction, the IDF soldiers celebrated by posting videos of the operation on their Instagram and X social media accounts, writing, “Destruction of the Tel Sultan water reservoir in honor of Shabbat.” The Israeli army admitted that its soldiers were responsible for the bombing of the Canada Well and said it was investigating if any international laws were violated. "

These IDF barbarians will stop at nothing to annihilate the people of Gaza. If missiles don't tear you to shreds, dehydration and starvation surely will take your life.

This resembles nothing other than the policies of the Nazis towards the Jewish population that they herded into ghettos in Eastern Europe.

When will the world be a better place? When the war criminals in the Israeli government, and their accomplices in Washington, are brought to trial. Because the fascistic barbarism displayed by the IDF is contained within the larger crime: the unleashing of an unrestrained war of genocide.


The world is a much better place now.
Israel assassinated Hamas leader Ismael Haniyeh in order to sabotage any possiblity of a ceasefire in Gaza being successfully negotiated. Haniyeh was centrally involved in these negotiations.

This is because the fascists in Israel's government are hell bent on continuing the genocide in Gaza without the "nuisance" of a potential ceasefire.

The strike on a building in Beirut, which preceded the assassination of Haniyeh, was an act aiming to goad Hezbollah into a response which can then be utilised as a casus belli.

The Netanyahu psychopaths are hell bent also on launching a wider war against Hezbollah, which will lead to a devastating regional conflict.

The world will only be a better place once the war criminials in Tel Aviv and their accomplices in Washington DC, (and in London, Paris and Bonn) are brought to trial for crimes against humanity, and for launching wars of aggression -The crime described by the Nuremburg tribunal as the “supreme international crime” as it “contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole”.
Israel assassinated Hamas leader Ismael Haniyeh in order to sabotage any possiblity of a ceasefire in Gaza being successfully negotiated. Haniyeh was centrally involved in these negotiations.

This is because the fascists in Israel's government are hell bent on continuing the genocide in Gaza without the "nuisance" of a potential ceasefire.

The strike on a building in Beirut, which preceded the assassination of Haniyeh, was an act aiming to goad Hezbollah into a response which can then be utilised as a casus belli.

The Netanyahu psychopaths are hell bent also on launching a wider war against Hezbollah, which will lead to a devastating regional conflict.

The world will only be a better place once the war criminials in Tel Aviv and their accomplices in Washington DC, (and in London, Paris and Bonn) are brought to trial for crimes against humanity, and for launching wars of aggression -The crime described by the Nuremburg tribunal as the “supreme international crime” as it “contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole”.

Geezuz, you are spouting so much shite. I'm guessing you are young and naive and do not have much life experience.
I don't want to say much about your post because it's not worth it. It speaks for itself. It's false. Your extreme views should not be welcome here. Very sad indeed.
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