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Trump America is brain dead.
My daughter is so hot I want to F her.
Every business he's tried to launch.
I'll leave there.
America media?
Fake news.
Billionaire toys
I know. Nothing you haven't heard opinions on.
Punk anyone?

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I pretty sure, but correct me if im wrong, nothing has happened to netanyahu. His surname reminds of that tasmanian film yahu serious

I do have to agree with blacky (or is that whitey?) about the hamas leaders taking the impact. I have long yearned for the days when the great leaders were at the front of the warriors like leonidas in front of his spartans. Now the so-called great leaders like Churchill swan around until old age and send men to their deaths and are called great in the history books.

Give the yahoo serious man his due, he did serve in the israeli terrorist forces, although you cant be too sure because he changed his name once or twice because he was embarassed about being a jew in the US. Of course, his son is swanning around in florida and is another matter.

But I'd like to get yahoo serious in with the last remaining hamas leader and have a UFC match to determine the spoils. EIther the palestinians get a homeland or the israelis get their completed promised land on the west bank so everything is in alignment for armageddon and the evangelicals in the US can stop funding the israelis murderous exploits.

On reflection, the whole scenario seems ludicrous but this is what happens when you introduce religion to weak human beings who cant cope with life.
This is the article IlovethePies equates to Nazi propaganda during the Holocaust.

i almost cried when i read about the mother having to live in a hotel for 4 months. The palestinians just dont know the pain that they have caused. Shame on them. They all deserve to die...
This is the article IlovethePies equates to Nazi propaganda during the Holocaust.

This article is too distressing. I cried again when i read about that saint (does judaism have saints?) named Mosch who served meals to the IDF so that they were fit and healthy to murder palestinians.
Precisely, The real terrorists are living in luxury, and preparing countless more actions of state terrorism.

Last night, I just happened to stumble on an interview by piers bigego with that egyptian former surgeon cum comedian bassem thingy. Bassem asked piers what the motivation of israel was in gaza, and piers (who we know is a israeli sympathiser denier) responded that he thought the israelis were trying to put pressure on the palestinian people to kick out the hamas leadership - this is a poor report on what happened and i recommend a viewing.

At any rate, Bassem raised the issue that israelis were therefore acting the same as terrorists in the methods that they were using. Piers is always entertaining in circumstances where he puts his foot in his mouth.

And Bassem's point is well-made. Israeli is using terrorist methods. In fact, they are doing probably the best job of terrorism that has ever been seen.

I read an account from an elderly woman trying to cross one of the checkpoints in gaza with her husband. The IDF just took her husband away and she has no idea what happened to him. To me, that looks like fine-tuned terrorism... clinical terrorism.... researched terrorism. Only my opinion, of course, but not knowing whether someone is dead or alive seems to me to be the most powerful form of terrorism.

No doubt, the israeli relatives of the hostages are experiencing the same thing, as are the relatives of the thousands of palestinians being held somewhere by israel.
Last night, I just happened to stumble on an interview by piers bigego with that egyptian former surgeon cum comedian bassem thingy. Bassem asked piers what the motivation of israel was in gaza, and piers (who we know is a israeli sympathiser denier) responded that he thought the israelis were trying to put pressure on the palestinian people to kick out the hamas leadership - this is a poor report on what happened and i recommend a viewing.

At any rate, Bassem raised the issue that israelis were therefore acting the same as terrorists in the methods that they were using. Piers is always entertaining in circumstances where he puts his foot in his mouth.

And Bassem's point is well-made. Israeli is using terrorist methods. In fact, they are doing probably the best job of terrorism that has ever been seen.

I read an account from an elderly woman trying to cross one of the checkpoints in gaza with her husband. The IDF just took her husband away and she has no idea what happened to him. To me, that looks like fine-tuned terrorism... clinical terrorism.... researched terrorism. Only my opinion, of course, but not knowing whether someone is dead or alive seems to me to be the most powerful form of terrorism.

No doubt, the israeli relatives of the hostages are experiencing the same thing, as are the relatives of the thousands of palestinians being held somewhere by israel.
I'd be jumping on "voluntary" emigration, but would try to hold on until somewhere other than DRC was on the cards.

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I'd be jumping on "voluntary" emigration, but would try to hold on until somewhere other than DRC was on the cards.

I always thought that a nice section of manhattan might suit the palestinians....even long island. I've been out through there and the ground looks good for olive groves. Some of the people living there now could be moved along to upstate new york or utah...
Actually when you think about it, a land swap between the palestinians on the west bank and brooklyn might suit both cohorts. The jewish americans in brooklyn would finally be able to go to the promised land, and i think the palestinians could make a go of brooklyn. There's a train tunnel between manhattan and brooklyn which might make them feel at home. And supposedly, theres a few falafel shops in brooklyn which could be taken over by the people who actually invented the dish, rather than fake imposters....
The European Council on Foreign Relations is a body filled with europeans but the key part is that it is funded by George Soros who frequently displeases Israel - but then again, who doesnt?

So with this in mind, its expert told aljazeera that the the recent killings might assist netinyahoo because the population sees hamas leaders are getting disposed of. Surprising in some way, because the death of Haniyeh is probably going to delay indefinitely any return of the israeli hostages, if in fact they do return. Maybe the Israelis population is falling in behind its leadership which has put revenge and acquistion of the west bank as the priorities....

On youtube the other day I saw IDF engineers celerbrating blowing up a water treatment plant,now tell us again why they are not carrying Genocide?.
As I "predicted" a week or so ago, it seems that Josh Shapiro is going to be the vice president candidate with Harris. I was told at the time that I made the assessment that it was unlikely because he was jewish. I must admit that I had a chuckle at the time.

This is going to save a lot of money for AIPAC in the future as the US's policy on israel is solidified further.
Still nothing has been said by the Australian gov't about the destruction of the gaza war cemetery. I didnt know about the efforts and the money spent by the Australian people over a long time on this place of rememberance for 250 Australians. I didnt know about the palestinian families of several generations that have tended to them.

I find it puzzling to see and hear all the nationistic fervour from Austraian commentators at the Olympics....and yet here we are with our tails between our legs, silent so that we dont disturb our superiors.

Ironically when the latest news of the destruction came to light, Peter Dutton was in his favourite place cleaning boots with his these people have no shame?

Still nothing has been said by the Australian gov't about the destruction of the gaza war cemetery. I didnt know about the efforts and the money spent by the Australian people over a long time on this place of rememberance for 250 Australians. I didnt know about the palestinian families of several generations that have tended to them.

I find it puzzling to see and hear all the nationistic fervour from Austraian commentators at the Olympics....and yet here we are with our tails between our legs, silent so that we dont disturb our superiors.

Ironically when the latest news of the destruction came to light, Peter Dutton was in his favourite place cleaning boots with his these people have no shame?

I'd be a disturbed if we did make a fuss about it. Valuing our dead above the living from another people would be pretty ugly.
I'd be a disturbed if we did make a fuss about it. Valuing our dead above the living from another people would be pretty ugly.

Well i would think that we would value our dead above live palestinians...wouldnt you? Or are you talking about Israelis?

And certainly you would value the money spent by Australians over the years on maintaining the graves. I'm sure the israelis would. That would be a fair comment, wouldnt it? I'm sure that we would have spent little on paying the palestinians to do the job, but it's still money.
In a past example, the Israelis paid back half the cost of the desecration bill.

Maybe we should take a straw poll on how much the Australian gov't should be reimbursed. Not that I would take the money, if it was up to me. I'd probably prefer it to be crowd funded so that particular people could obstain from making a contribution in case it upsets israel.

of course, all of this is moot, if a kibbutz pops up after the war....

So you are hoping the conflict spreads region wide, and becomes a trigger for World War 3?? I get it (not). o_O
Well, do not go into business as a psychic, because your mind reading is a massive failure.
Your ability to put words into others mouths though….. amazing!
Terrorists are terrorist and need to be held accountable for their actions.
That you appear to support terrorism unfortunately puts you into the wacky 5% of the world population that also believes in Covid conspiracy.
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