Mega Thread All things Tony Abbott

Who will be the next Prime Minister of Australia

  • Malcolm Turnbull

  • Julie Bishop

  • Scott Morrison

  • Andrew Robb

  • Someone from the LIberal Party other than those above

  • Bill Shorten

  • Someone from the Labor Party other than Shorten

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Labor’s Bill Shorten spoke at a press conference earlier today:

JOURNALIST: There were three Aussie jihadis trying to come home at the moment, should the Government be helping them to do that?
SHORTEN: Well first of all let me just state the principle that Australians shouldn’t be going overseas to fight in these causes or these battles. We’ll get an update about the national security and about what’s happened with these people reported in the media in the last couple of hours.

JOURNALIST: I guess our justice system is based on belief in rehabilitation and shouldn’t that apply to everybody?
SHORTEN: Well fundamentally we believe in rehabilitation, there’s the law of the land and we’ll seek a briefing from the Government.

JOURNALIST: What sort of punishment do you think though they should receive if they were to come home? A jail term?
SHORTEN: There are laws in place, I’m not going to play judge and jury and again we’ll ask the Government to update us with what’s happening with these matters that have just been coming through in the last couple of hours.

Contrast Shorten’s pathetic timidity with the Prime Minister’s more direct approach:

“We have seen with our own eyes on TV the mass executions, the beheadings, the crucifixions, the sexual slavery. This is a gruesome, ghastly, medieval barbarism which has erupted in the modern world. The last thing any Australian should do is join it.

“The Australian people expect their country to be safe and someone who has been a terrorist abroad could very easily become a terrorist here in Australia.
“If you go abroad to join a terrorist group and you seek to come back to Australia, you will be arrested, you will be prosecuted and jailed.”

And Shorten wonders why Labor’s poll advantage is eroding.
Labor’s Bill Shorten spoke at a press conference earlier today:

JOURNALIST: There were three Aussie jihadis trying to come home at the moment, should the Government be helping them to do that?
SHORTEN: Well first of all let me just state the principle that Australians shouldn’t be going overseas to fight in these causes or these battles. We’ll get an update about the national security and about what’s happened with these people reported in the media in the last couple of hours.

JOURNALIST: I guess our justice system is based on belief in rehabilitation and shouldn’t that apply to everybody?
SHORTEN: Well fundamentally we believe in rehabilitation, there’s the law of the land and we’ll seek a briefing from the Government.

JOURNALIST: What sort of punishment do you think though they should receive if they were to come home? A jail term?
SHORTEN: There are laws in place, I’m not going to play judge and jury and again we’ll ask the Government to update us with what’s happening with these matters that have just been coming through in the last couple of hours.

Contrast Shorten’s pathetic timidity with the Prime Minister’s more direct approach:

“We have seen with our own eyes on TV the mass executions, the beheadings, the crucifixions, the sexual slavery. This is a gruesome, ghastly, medieval barbarism which has erupted in the modern world. The last thing any Australian should do is join it.

“The Australian people expect their country to be safe and someone who has been a terrorist abroad could very easily become a terrorist here in Australia.
“If you go abroad to join a terrorist group and you seek to come back to Australia, you will be arrested, you will be prosecuted and jailed.”

And Shorten wonders why Labor’s poll advantage is eroding.

I would prefer a middle ground that clearly identifies these people will be subject to the attention of the appropriate authorities and they can expect the full weight of the law to be applied.

I have no further comment as this is likely to be a matter before the courts and they are wasting their breath seeking sympathy from the government.

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I would prefer a middle ground that clearly identifies these people will be subject to the attention of the appropriate authorities and they can expect the full weight of the law to be applied.

I have no further comment as this is likely to be a matter before the courts and they are wasting their breath seeking sympathy from the government.

Yes they are wasting their time thinking this Gument (Tone) will look at this as anything other than an opportunity to look strong, with the absolute rejection of these people.

Bugger the possibility that some of these idiots have actually seen the truth of ISIS & could actually be an asset in the fight against these evil bastards.

I note Tone went to bat for 2 guys recently executed in Indonesia. Those two did seem to be redeemed as Tone repeatedly did, & had become an asset in how they were helping other prisoners in Indonesia. They 'saw the light':rolleyes:

I guess the similarity between the 2 situations is that Tone saw a base political advantage in his clearly inconsistent approaches.

The thing to note is one group are Muslim, the other are 'not', they saw the light with JC & Tone's team:cool:
Yes they are wasting their time thinking this Gument (Tone) will look at this as anything other than an opportunity to look strong, with the absolute rejection of these people.

Bugger the possibility that some of these idiots have actually seen the truth of ISIS & could actually be an asset in the fight against these evil bastards.

I note Tone went to bat for 2 guys recently executed in Indonesia. Those two did seem to be redeemed as Tone repeatedly did, & had become an asset in how they were helping other prisoners in Indonesia. They 'saw the light':rolleyes:

I guess the similarity between the 2 situations is that Tone saw a base political advantage in his clearly inconsistent approaches.

The thing to note is one group are Muslim, the other are 'not', they saw the light with JC & Tone's team:cool:
I am sure some ss camp guards thought the same
Yes they are wasting their time thinking this Gument (Tone) will look at this as anything other than an opportunity to look strong, with the absolute rejection of these people.

Bugger the possibility that some of these idiots have actually seen the truth of ISIS & could actually be an asset in the fight against these evil bastards.

I note Tone went to bat for 2 guys recently executed in Indonesia. Those two did seem to be redeemed as Tone repeatedly did, & had become an asset in how they were helping other prisoners in Indonesia. They 'saw the light':rolleyes:

I guess the similarity between the 2 situations is that Tone saw a base political advantage in his clearly inconsistent approaches.

The thing to note is one group are Muslim, the other are 'not', they saw the light with JC & Tone's team:cool:

You have demonstrated very poor judgement madmug

"Nope, nope, nope. We have a very clear refugee and humanitarian program," he said.
"It's a refugee and humanitarian program which has been modestly expanded because we have stopped the boats and we are not going to do anything that will encourage people to get on boats."

"Australia will do absolutely nothing that gives any encouragement to anyone to think that they can get on a boat, that they can work with people smugglers to start a new life."

"I'm sorry. If you want to start a new life, you come through the front door, not through the back door."

"Nope, nope, nope. We have a very clear refugee and humanitarian program," he said.
"It's a refugee and humanitarian program which has been modestly expanded because we have stopped the boats and we are not going to do anything that will encourage people to get on boats."

"Australia will do absolutely nothing that gives any encouragement to anyone to think that they can get on a boat, that they can work with people smugglers to start a new life."

"I'm sorry. If you want to start a new life, you come through the front door, not through the back door."

Failure of leadership.
Why would this be a wrong call when it is so obviously right, right, right.

Only aspect that could possibly be wrong is the insistence beheaders/crucifiers/burners, enslavers of young girls etc will not be stripped of their citizenship if they would be left stateless. Weak.
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Mega Thread All things Tony Abbott
