Alone USA

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Just watched S10E01. Nobody has left in the first 5 days, though we've only met half the contestants. We'll see the other half get dropped next week.

Had to laugh at the big white hunter, who took all of his arrows hunting - and then lost his quiver. His entire plan was to hunt big game - no weight gain ahead of launch, no plans for fishing. It's as if he's never watched the show. In 9 seasons, there have only been 2 beast kills. Yes, they were absolute game changers, and both of the successful hunters won their respective seasons - but only a complete idiot would put all of their eggs in that one basket. Now he's truly in a world of hurt, unless he miraculously finds his lost quiver. Suffice to say, he is NOT my pick for winner.

We may have seen our first successful boat build, with the eskimo guy building a simple raft - and using it to set a net, which successfully caught a large fish (pike). He didn't spend days building it, wasting hours and heaps of energy, it's just a bunch of logs tied together with wire. It remains to be seen how long it continues to float, before the wood becomes waterlogged - but for now it's working nicely for him. Didn't come pre-loaded with calories (i.e. excess weight), so he'll need to continue procuring food on a regular basis, but so far so good.

The Hawaiian guy managed to burn holes in his sleeping bag, when the wind changed overnight and blew sparks from his fire onto his bedding. I can see that coming back to bite him in the longer term.

Jodi, the only female in tonight's group, got off to an early start with her wood cabin. Doing it now, while still carrying a lot of fat, and still full of energy, is smart. She made more progress in a few days than one competitor did in a whole month, in season 9. It's a good plan, particularly given the weather shown in the preview footage (snow on the ground, frozen lake).

Good to see some of them getting food on Day 1.

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Anyone watching season 11? Great show. Love William the Newfoundland bloke.

Him fishing for birds is amazing. Like shelling peas.
Yep, still waiting for the final episode to go up on the high seas.

William has been amazing. Never seen a competitor like him. Love his relationship with Sassy.

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Was a great season. Last 3 all could have been winners on most seasons. William could have been out there forever I reckon, the fact he immediately put his hand up to do another made me laugh. Would love to see a champions one now to see him against the likes of Jordan and Roland. That being said I'm guessing just because they have enough winners now doesn't mean they'll sign back up.
Very few contestants who go deep have any desire to do so again. William is almost unique in that. Contestants who go deep in Alone all come out with bodies that are completely wrecked, requiring years before they fully regain their health.

Alone: Frozen had a number of contestants who had previously gone deep. All tapped early, with the realisation that they just didn't want to do it to themselves all over again.

For this reason, we'll never have a "Champion of Champions" show - not to mention that the winners of the first seasons are now 10+ years older.

William is one who thrived, particularly as the weather got colder. You could see him lifting once the river froze over, and he was finally able to establish a Sassy-proof food store.

Gina, Roland and Jordan are others who thrived. Roland & Jordan both came out having not lost any weight at all (largely by virtue of having made beast kills, which provided them with massive quantities of meat).

My only regret from the season is that William never had the chance to say goodbye to Sassy, or introduce the two loves of his life (Jill & Sassy). William & Sassy was the show's great romance, and we never got closure on it. Oh well, I guess Sassy just moved on, once it became clear that William was no longer interested in feeding his pet.

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Alone USA

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