News Andrew Thorburn is retaining legal counsel for wrongful termination by the Essendon Football Club. NOW WITH BIG BANGS

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Absolute monsters /s
Where the hell did they get that 1 in 3 number from? The estimated rate of abortion in Australia is 1 in 15 of women of child baring age. That doesn't mean every 15th woman has an abortion by the way

As soon as you see outright lies being peddled without any evidence to back it up, you can feel free to dismiss the argument. It's not coming from a space of (pardon the pun) good faith.

FWIW - there was an Anglican minister on the ABC this morning who really painted City on the Hill as a fringe group whose views are not shared by a majority of Australian Anglicans.

Out of their arse. They often deliberately include the number of miscarriages to artificially inflate the number in order to make it look "worse".

Of course, they also never address the issue that if God hates abortion then why does he cause so many?

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My late mother was catholic, nicer women you would not meet, she voted against gay marriage, does that mean she’s unfit for the woke brigade? If so the woke brigade can get *ed, fwiw I am pro gay marriage, Australia has gone crazy, the inmates are clearly running the asylum.

It is not about a personal opinion, it is about creating a safe workplace. So one's opinion on gay marriage is irrelevant.
So say you’re born gay, is it right that you’re discriminated against? Or a woman decides to have an abortion, is it right someone decides for them? Imagine if someone decided being born with brown hair was a sin, being born left handed, dwarfism, anyone without blue eyes and blonde hair etc, anyone who condones the preaching of this s**t is a scumbag not worthy of a place in our society, let alone CEO of a major AFL club.
How did Thorburn discriminate against gays?
Well I'm surprised people here aren't calling for Dan Andrews to be sacked after today he claims to be a Catholic
Well I'm surprised people here aren't calling for Dan Andrews to be sacked after today he claims to be a Catholic
Going to guess you're constantly surprised.
Well I'm surprised people here aren't calling for Dan Andrews to be sacked after today he claims to be a Catholic

But Thorburn and his Church sect are not part of the The Catholic Church and Faith though.

Bit like comparing Sunni to Shiite Muslims really

Fundamentally there has been an war of ideology from both sides of the sects from the same religion (although granted Catholics traditionally have not had a great track record historically with regards to Abortions and or homosexuality)
My late mother was catholic, nicer women you would not meet, she voted against gay marriage, does that mean she’s unfit for the woke brigade? If so the woke brigade can get *ed, fwiw I am pro gay marriage, Australia has gone crazy, the inmates are clearly running the asylum.
Great comment. You don't have to be outward and aggressive to anybody about anything. Your beliefs are yours, your privacy is yours the institutions you
follow is your choice and hell you don't agree with everything, I am sure most Muslims don't throw people of high buildings because of their sexual preference, I am protestant I am non practising , I also was for gay marriage because I believe gay people are born that way .

Its not my lifestyle but it is theirs. And that is to be respected.

So I am baffled here with Essendon and the way Andrews indoctrinated with the woke self righteous nonsense, confusing Thorburns institution and some of the writings some may have once or may believe in, he has condemned every one of them, each and every member of that church .
In his comments every member of that church and of all churches Christian , Jewish ,Islam ,Hindi , Buddhist.

I don't think this foolish bent man even sees that he has broken the rules, he has broken the given right in our constitutionto religious freedom and beliefs , why would his Christianity be bad for Essendon or the NAB or his church CEO job.

See the point is missed badly by many and by many more not looked into closely enough to what has been put forward by removing Thorburn, ,

His job is as a CEO not preaching, and he has given nothing to indicate he is homophobic, but Andrews unbeknown to himself, has discriminated and tried to deflect with sleak wording, that anti homophobia is his only issue, but in doing so he has backed the Essendon wokery and the AFL wokery and at the same time committed an act of discrimination, because many religions have in their histories writings from different parts that forbid homosexuality!

Of course the modern world changed, but we don't follow ancient rules in the modern world they maybe written down somewhere like the motor car in its infancy had a law where someone had to walk in front of a motor car with a warning ,light of some kind!! TRUE!
It may have been rubbed out of road codes now, but I know it was there after the times began that would have been ridiculous to do these days.

So that to me proves that non thinking and foot in the mouth, and some sleazy left wing woke politics is baring its teeth and I think its time for the average person with common sense left right centre what ever, started to realise we are slowly entering a wide world of stupidity unfairness and discrimination and it has just seeped through the floor, wake up folks the woke is gone way way out of nrmality, and Daniel Andrews is a dangerous dodger.
But Essendon should be ashamed.
Now again Essendon hierarchy what about the Muslim religion you going to ban all Islamic people from the game, like Union banned Falau.

Its Thorburn and his millions of normal people that should be mad about this. And threre are Muslims playing football.

Ahmed Fahour CEO for several years of Australia Post, what do you think Andrews, and Essendon , a man with interests in Carlton should Carlton deny him entrance to the club, I doubt he hate homosexuals , bit parts of his religion do, as do parts of religions of ancient times all have .

Now where are Andrews Opposition , he is needed to be taken out this bloke. But he'll get away with it. What about you Albo?

But Thorburn and his Church sect are not part of the The Catholic Church and Faith though.

Bit like comparing Sunni to Shiite Muslims really

Fundamentally there has been an war of ideology from both sides of the sects from the same religion (although granted Catholics traditionally have not had a great track record historically with regards to Abortions and or homosexuality)
EXACTLY. Point made, so Andrews abhors as well all his catholic colleagues does he??? Because of some doctrine?
With all due respect I think her views were dated. Hopefully not too off topic but what 2 gay men or 2 gay women or #x gay anything choose to do has nothing to do with me and is none of my business. I understand no gay marriage in a church/place of worship because it is a sacred place and is bound by the rules of that religion, but anywhere else should be fair game.
Not sure what you mean by fair game. What you said is correct in the dated sense , the world has changed, but to remove someone because their institution of religion has written historically from the deep past words to the affect of anti homosexual activity is unacceptable , why has that got to be a reason to make someone so uncomfortable that they need to quit a new job, because they belong to the Church on the Hill???? Are we joking here?,

We could begin sacking every catholic and Muslim tonight, and perhaps Jewish workers , Hindis Budhists hell on Andrews pattern of behaviour all those religions are something he abhors? Yes ? No? He's messed his smart-alec words has he not .

Falau now Thorburn , whose next , the first fellow was even talking inside closed doors of his church, those persecuting these two men fromthe Left wing wokery of political correctness , need to grow some brains, and those who have any ideals of decency should go after Andrews and Essendon with fire in their belly we are beciomming a stupid irrational no brained nation.
But Thorburn and his Church sect are not part of the The Catholic Church and Faith though

Fundamentally there has been an war of ideology from both sides of the sects from the same religion (although granted Catholics traditionally have not had a great track record historically with regards to Abortions and or homosexuality)
Thorburn was sacked because of his church's views on social issues. These views are the exact same as the church Andrew's attends. Why aren't people jumping up and down calling for the premier's head ?

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[QUO0TE="Sinnthesis, post: 77007464, member: 211267"]
Thorburn was sacked because of his church's views on social issues. These views are the exact same as the church Andrew's attends. Why aren't people jumping up and down calling for the premier's head ?

Because no major Catholic leader, cardinal etc (least here in Melbourne) has also expressed such harmful views about abortions and or homosexuals in the last few years (least as far as I can ascertain)

Just ask Ireland and Scotland the difference between Catholics and other sects of Christianity is.

Massive difference
Falau now Thorburn , whose next , the first fellow was even talking inside closed doors of his church, those persecuting these two men fromthe Left wing wokery of political correctness , need to grow some brains, and those who have any ideals of decency should go after Andrews and Essendon with fire in their belly we are beciomming a stupid irrational no brained nation.
atomic bomb explosion GIF
Thorburn was sacked because of his church's views on social issues. These views are the exact same as the church Andrew's attends. Why aren't people jumping up and down calling for the premier's head ?

For better or worse.

The Premier was ELECTED.

He stood in front of his local electorate, got elected, then stood for leadership of the Victorian ALP & they picked him to lead. He then stood in front of the Victorian people & they ELECTED him as Premier.

As Premier, he wasn't also the leader of any church or sect.

Bit different to a backroom appointment. Being the leader of extremist religious sect, to add leadership of a major publicsocial/sporting Organisation with opposite views of 'inclusion'.

You couldn't make this 'stuff' up!!
Thorburn was sacked because of his church's views on social issues. These views are the exact same as the church Andrew's attends. Why aren't people jumping up and down calling for the premier's head ?

He resigned. But lets humour you, and pretend he was sacked.

If he wants to try take legal action, it will be against his favorite team.
For better or worse.

The Premier was ELECTED.

He stood in front of his local electorate, got elected, then stood for leadership of the Victorian ALP & they picked him to lead. He then stood in front of the Victorian people & they ELECTED him as Premier.

As Premier, he wasn't also the leader of any church or sect.

Bit different to a backroom appointment. Being the leader of extremist religious sect, to add leadership of a major publicsocial/sporting Organisation with opposite views of 'inclusion'.

You couldn't make this 'stuff' up!!
So are you saying if Thorburn was just an attendee of this church he would be ok to be the CEO of Essendon?

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News Andrew Thorburn is retaining legal counsel for wrongful termination by the Essendon Football Club. NOW WITH BIG BANGS

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