Anyone know who abused Bachar Houli on Friday night? - Apparently John Burns

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mate i couldn't give two shits what people look like/how much they weigh/ whether straight or gay/ or race or religion.
youre missing my point.
I don't care either.
But have you ever had a discussion with somebody about somebody else and said things that you wouldn't say to most others?
The reason this is a story is because mr burns would be one of the very first demanding Carlton take action against you if you called Houli a terrorist at our game

Media demand blood on these issues with its flogs like you and me, but It's faux apologies when it's themselves

They set the standard, they should live by it too
What about the appalling double standard of 3AW...waits until 3pm...days after the event to inform the public it was Burns...
Had that have been Joe Public, would have been publicly shamed, hung drawn and quartered, their family interrogated, address given out etc etc.
Best thing is 3 AW considers the matter dealt with...burns will be on air tomorrow...excellent

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Robbo is many things and I am far from a fan of his work. However he has never struck me as someone who would off the cuff make a comment on someones race or religion.
Agreed. In the media box he was a dirty (hygienic) loud mouth with a lot of expletives but not known for other than the french basically a clean skin.
I'd like to know the context of what was said, how it was said,and in what type of forum before i make any type of personal judgement.
It originally sounded like some buffoon yelling it out but that's clearly not the case.
Could have been two blokes having a tongue in cheek discussion amongst themselves and one of our "offended for others" brigade has been eaves dropping.
May also have been something entirely innapropriate of course.
You're kidding right? How do you not be offended when someone calls someone a terrorist just because they are Muslim.
You're kidding right? How do you not be offended when someone calls someone a terrorist just because they are Muslim.
Depends on the context!
If it's a mate and I know he's being a dickhead then no I'm not offended.
You know he's a champion Muslim when he's playing well but a "terrorist" if he's not.
It's just dark humor in house.
I'm just being honest.
Depends on the context!
If it's a mate and I know he's being a dickhead then no I'm not offended.
You know he's a champion Muslim when he's playing well but a "terrorist" if he's not.
It's just dark humor in house.
I'm just being honest.
Although I tend to agree, that's the difference between two guys at home sinking cans watching it on the couch and a comment with no malice. I too would not care nor be offended. But at the game around the general public. We all know that it's not going to fly.
Although I tend to agree, that's the difference between two guys at home sinking cans watching it on the couch and a comment with no malice. I too would not care nor be offended. But at the game around the general public. We all know that it's not going to fly.
I agree.
It's bloody stupid.
You've explained it better than me.
Depends on the context!
If it's a mate and I know he's being a dickhead then no I'm not offended.
You know he's a champion Muslim when he's playing well but a "terrorist" if he's not.
It's just dark humor in house.
I'm just being honest.
Ok just being honest. I get that but sorry I don't relate to him being a champion Muslim or a Terrorist. He's just Bacher to me who happens to be a Muslim and I don't even think about that when he's playing because he's just a Tiger and you can have a go with opinion of him as a player as much as you like.

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Although I tend to agree, that's the difference between two guys at home sinking cans watching it on the couch and a comment with no malice. I too would not care nor be offended. But at the game around the general public. We all know that it's not going to fly.
Sorry Rock but at home or in the general public if someone makes comments like that then they have a way to go.
Ok just being honest. I get that but sorry I don't relate to him being a champion Muslim or a Terrorist. He's just Bacher to me who happens to be a Muslim and I don't even think about that when he's playing because he's just a Tiger and you can have a go with opinion of him as a player as much as you like.
Look I don't want to dig a deep hole here and I'd like to think fellow posters who I've been talking to for over ten years would vouch for what I'm about.
I don't see him as anything other than Bachar Houli either although I suppose I do see him as a proud Muslim.
I'm just trying to explain away how things can be taken out of context.
Sorry Rock but at home or in the general public if someone makes comments like that then they have a way to go.
If there is no malice in it and no one around who is offended then I don't care, why would I. All jokes are taking the piss out of something or someone and might insult people. That might make me Hall & Oates levels of out of touch, but it's where I sit.

Again what I yell at the TV at home I would never repeat in public at the ground. I agree the statement given where it was made was completely out of line.
Not trying to be sanctimonious because as Rod said - just being honest and I think we do say stuff amongst ourselves that would not be savoury else where but it does talk quietly about issues we have.
Granted I'm in Sydney, but who the f*ck is John Burns? An absolute nobody I'm sure.
Never heard of him and after this he's surely about to disappear completely.
ring wing extremist 3aw exposed once again protecting and promoting uneducated red neck racist. and how about steve price so called richmond supporter. Disgusting.
ring wing extremist 3aw exposed once again protecting and promoting uneducated red neck racist. and how about steve price so called richmond supporter. Disgusting.

Quite ironic also that Neil Mitchell on 3aw this morning taking the high moral ground over the Clarkson Incident with the Port fan stating Clarkson was out of line and should have shown more restraint etc and bagging him . Its a pity Neil didn't talk about the Bachar Houli incident on his morning show today , it got pushed back until middle of the day at 3pm quite conveniently when ratings are lower . Hypocrites 3aw.

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Anyone know who abused Bachar Houli on Friday night? - Apparently John Burns

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