Expansion ANZ Stadium ground availability

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Saturday arvo won't work if there is a Saturday night league game on. The line markings will take more than a couple of hours to do and dry. It used to take 6 hours to reconfigure the ground when they first started. Not sure how long it takes now, but it is quicker.
Don't really know if that's correct. Sunday was only the second time I have heard the players publicly have a good whinge about the surface. The only other time was when there was rain for a week or so and they had a state of origin mid week and left the stands out for a Friday night game before moved back for a Saturday night swans game.

Anway they could have cut the grass after the league game and it would have grown back for this weekends games.

I walked across the ground on Sunday and whilst it was damp and a bit slippery it seemed pretty much in line with what the SCG surface is like.

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For the changeover if it was really needed I wouldn't be opposed to having both on the ground. Have one in yellow and one in white, and so long as it is very clearly distinguishable there wouldn't be any hassles.
For the changeover if it was really needed I wouldn't be opposed to having both on the ground. Have one in yellow and one in white, and so long as it is very clearly distinguishable there wouldn't be any hassles.

Having multiple lines, particularly around the centre square is ultra confusing. We've played many times at Gladstone where they also play The World Game, and many times we've confused their markings for our's (same for the young kids running the boundaries). The only way to go is for a clean ground save for the markings necessary for the code.
2nd comment

So running around an oval, with no rules except maybe passing the ball with a closed fist when passing is classified the best sport in Australia? How can so many people turn up week after week to watch it? AFL is a game for robots, Athletes who run all day. There are players in the NRL who in terms of athletisicm arent all that great but have brains to compensate for this, eg, Andrew Johns, Cameron Smith etc etc.

Is that what they really think up North? :eek:

From the article:

But his defeated takeover bid in early 2007 is evidence of the extremes Melbourne-based warmongers are prepared to go to crush the NRL.


Should've posted this rubbish in the media reaction thread, talk about a sensationalist.

'Oh big bad AFL is going to rape our women and children and destroy our way of life' :rolleyes:

Bunch of idiots.
I read a comment once from a poster that the only reason why people follow Aussie rules is culture, and one day everyone would wake up and realise it is a terrible game and start following rugby league. Like the comment above, I think they got their codes all wrong.

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Expansion ANZ Stadium ground availability

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