Are we the worst side in the AFL.

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Im over this "tanking" talk :thumbsdown: Next year will prove that we have not been and never will be "tankers". We have bugger all reason to lose next season but we will still be in the bottom 4 by seasons end 2010 because our gameplan is non existant and our skills are pathetic.

AGAIN! We are not tanking for the PP we are just frustratingly inadequate with our skills, decision making, reading the play, leading to space, kicking to space and SLOW.

Anyone playing AFL footy should be able to kick a ball to advantage but we are shit at doing it.

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we are awesome!

See the pattern. Play well one week. Absolutely crap the next.
Same applies to our quarter by quarter efforts
If one more person tells me we are a young team and that is why we can't

Kick, Mark, Handball, shepherd, run to space, tackle, smother, play on our man, spoil then i think i will just die.

The players we have be that any age are simply c and d graders bar a couple of them.

I gave us no chance winning today and to be honest i can't see a win in the forseable future. We will get the PP for sure.

But from what I see it will have no impact going forward until things change up the top.

We are not tanking, we simply are a very very ordinary team. Stop worrying about the couple of wins we had early in the year and that we pushed Geelong and St kilda because you are only kidding yourself to try and make you feel better that we are not as bad as you see we are.


Get used to it because how on earth its going to change only god knows. There was a thread on here in the last couple of weeks with most of you all drooling over how you think we have the best young list in the country?

We have a poor young group from what i am watching, because I can't see one player that stands out at me and has me thinking gee this kid could be anything.

You all think its all rosey and everything is under control at the club, thats good, I respect that you have total faith and you are entitled to it. But seriously have a good look because its not a pretty site or an optimistic one from where I sit.
If one more person tells me we are a young team and that is why we can't

Kick, Mark, Handball, shepherd, run to space, tackle, smother, play on our man, spoil then i think i will just die.

The players we have be that any age are simply c and d graders bar a couple of them.

I gave us no chance winning today and to be honest i can't see a win in the forseable future. We will get the PP for sure.

But from what I see it will have no impact going forward until things change up the top.

We are not tanking, we simply are a very very ordinary team. Stop worrying about the couple of wins we had early in the year and that we pushed Geelong and St kilda because you are only kidding yourself to try and make you feel better that we are not as bad as you see we are.


Get used to it because how on earth its going to change only god knows. There was a thread on here in the last couple of weeks with most of you all drooling over how you think we have the best young list in the country?

We have a poor young group from what i am watching, because I can't see one player that stands out at me and has me thinking gee this kid could be anything.

You all think its all rosey and everything is under control at the club, thats good, I respect that you have total faith and you are entitled to it. But seriously have a good look because its not a pretty site or an optimistic one from where I sit.

Going to bookmark this post.
If one more person tells me we are a young team and that is why we can't

Kick, Mark, Handball, shepherd, run to space, tackle, smother, play on our man, spoil then i think i will just die.

The players we have be that any age are simply c and d graders bar a couple of them.

I gave us no chance winning today and to be honest i can't see a win in the forseable future. We will get the PP for sure.

But from what I see it will have no impact going forward until things change up the top.

We are not tanking, we simply are a very very ordinary team. Stop worrying about the couple of wins we had early in the year and that we pushed Geelong and St kilda because you are only kidding yourself to try and make you feel better that we are not as bad as you see we are.


Get used to it because how on earth its going to change only god knows. There was a thread on here in the last couple of weeks with most of you all drooling over how you think we have the best young list in the country?

We have a poor young group from what i am watching, because I can't see one player that stands out at me and has me thinking gee this kid could be anything.

You all think its all rosey and everything is under control at the club, thats good, I respect that you have total faith and you are entitled to it. But seriously have a good look because its not a pretty site or an optimistic one from where I sit.

Our quality forwards are on the rise and our defenders are standing up. We look to have a magnificent ruckman, ball disstibuter on the boil, coupled with killer tackles and blocks. Our best since Woosher.

Now the bad, our quality mids are all kids. They will show great class in 12-18 months. This procss can not go much faster. Then our fowards will be recognised for the quality they are once on the end of good supply.

Be cool.
Our quality forwards are on the rise and our defenders are standing up. We look to have a magnificent ruckman, ball disstibuter on the boil, coupled with killer tackles and blocks. Our best since Woosher.

Now the bad, our quality mids are all kids. They will show great class in 12-18 months. This procss can not go much faster. Then our fowards will be recognised for the quality they are once on the end of good supply.

Be cool.

I think we do have some good forwards and I think we have had some for many years, its the structure and the system they have to operate in which has never ever been addressed so what is standing out to you that it is being addressed now? These poor guys must shake their heads having to even play in this structure or the system to bring the ball forward.
It was very clear today and has been for many weeks that the system is kick it to Lecras, and if any doubt at all still kick it to Lecras. kennedy has loads of potential and is trying his guts out but has no chance when he is ignored as a forward by his team mates or is it an instruction to ignore him? One has to ask this question.

Our defenders work hard but i would hardly think we have a class outfit back there.

Granted a lot of our mids are young but that is no reason at all their age why they can't hit a target, why they handball to stationary targets and don't know what to do when they get the ball. of course they are entitled to make mistakes as they are young but they are not entitled to make mistake after mistake after mistake.

It has to be frustrating for the whole team because it is clear they are instructed to play in the manner which we do, its not a natural instinct to give the ball off to a stationary target and to not want to attack the corridor. As a footballer it is a natural instinct to want to attack. Our players play like they are being held back and not being allowed to play their natural way, they look totally confused with what they are being asked to execute.

The players I would think are playing exactly how they are being told to play.
So keep getting new faces to the cows come home because until the message is changed, the plan is changed and these footballers are allowed to play by their natural instincts within a game plan tailored around these players instincts and ability then how can it get better?
We have a poor young group from what i am watching, because I can't see one player that stands out at me and has me thinking gee this kid could be anything.

You all think its all rosey and everything is under control at the club, thats good, I respect that you have total faith and you are entitled to it. But seriously have a good look because its not a pretty site or an optimistic one from where I sit.

No disagree, I believe we are poor at the moment cause our senior players that are not playing up to AFL standard. Our young group has a bright future, I don't know why you can't see that J Kennedy, M Le cras, M Brown, N Nat, C Masten, S hurn and the two top 5 picks we might get at season end won't be great players- Your just having a sook cause of what you saw today but personally I believe that our faults are cause of our senior players under performing - Embley, Kerr, Hansen, Seaby, Nikoski, Wirra, Glass at times and Staker Hunter-Cox injuried. This is where we are falling, not our young group.

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No depth nor pace in the midfield = poor team.

The worse?

Away from home definately (who knows why, but we might as well not get on the plane because we dont show up until game is over!)

Tanking?? Again not sure but when you pick a side as tall as the one that was selected today against a team not overly blessed with height on a ground as big AAMI then questions might be asked.
I feel the Eagles skill level is the worst in the AFL. Our game plan to me has not changed for the past two years. And they don't seem to show enough pride in wearing the West Coast Eagles jumper

The game plan has changed a heap.

Our skills are crap.

And yes, we need to take more pride in the jumper.

2 out of 3 ain't bad I suppose.
No disagree, I believe we are poor at the moment cause our senior players that are not playing up to AFL standard. Our young group has a bright future, I don't know why you can't see that J Kennedy, M Le cras, M Brown, N Nat, C Masten, S hurn and the two top 5 picks we might get at season end won't be great players- Your just having a sook cause of what you saw today but personally I believe that our faults are cause of our senior players under performing - Embley, Kerr, Hansen, Seaby, Nikoski, Wirra, Glass at times and Staker Hunter-Cox injuried. This is where we are falling, not our young group.

I agree re the senior players but I regard Lecras, Hurn and Kennedy as senior players. they have been in the system for 3-5 years. They are not what i regard as the young players on our list.

Masten, Ebert Cockie, Swift, Natanui are what i regard as young players. 1st and 2nd year players are what most refer to as young.
Our skills would probably be the worst in the league but everything else isn't that bad.

At least this year we aren't being flogged like we were last year. Last year we would've lost to Port by 100 points, this year it was only 36. Same with taking it up to Geelong and St. Kilda.

We're a couple of pieces away from being really competitive next year those being some mids with some foot skills and some small defenders.
2nd half, especially last quarter we looked much better but I suspect a lot of that has to do with Port taking their foot off the accelerator and pressure being off.
For what its worth...there would be no point pushing the top 4 in the next couple of years anyway. When we played off in the 05/06 final series there were 2 stand out teams with a few up and commers. Now there are 2 top gun sides with the Crows and Pies pushing them as point is that to be pushing for a flag right now would be harder than hell.

Specially with our current list and gameplan, which I know will garner a lot of critisizm here but the fact remains we are very poor. I talked to another long time supporter and he agreed this current list probably ins't good enough to even lift us out of the bottom 8 in the next 3-4 years. I hope he is wrong and only time will tell but as for being the worst AFL side at the moment we are definitely in the worst 4 teams.
I agree re the senior players but I regard Lecras, Hurn and Kennedy as senior players. they have been in the system for 3-5 years. They are not what i regard as the young players on our list.

Masten, Ebert Cockie, Swift, Natanui are what i regard as young players. 1st and 2nd year players are what most refer to as young.

Kennedy is 21 and has played 39 games. LeCras is 22 and has played 51 and Hurn is 21 and has played 52 games. I dont know if you can call those sorts of players senior players just yet (especially when you consider that they have all suffered some sort of lengthy injury last year).

They would be expected to fill a senior role over the next couple of years, however I would say you have to have played 100 games to be considered a senior player. They aren't first year players granted, but they aren't senior players either.

At this point in time the senior players are Glass, Hunter, Cox, Kerr, Wirra, Lynch, Embley, Selwood, Fletcher and Stenglein. The italic highlighting the players who haven't/ wont play regularly for the rest of the season. That leaves us with six senior players, only five of those played last week.
The thing is that in this era and this business things can change very quickly. Look how quick things changed just at our own club.

Players that look to be not much today may turn out to be stars tomorrow.

We all want the club to rise again, I have no doubt we all agree with that.
What we don't agree on is how long it may take or should take.
There is a process which Bunsen and Eagles 87 talk about a lot an they may be right that it is a certain amount of years to rebuild a side to win a premiership.
Most sides cycle is about 5-8 years and then stay a strong side and put themselves in contention for a 4 year period.
That is what I am sure the club is looking at and in particular John Worsfold.

It does not however take that many years to sort systems, structures and game plans out. New players will come and go and adjustments will be made to the plan year by year and the new people will fit in with it.

I have said before I could not care less when our next flag comes, everything will be a bi-product of what we are doing now and beyond.

I don't see enough to think things are pointing in the right direction.
I see young players playing and thats a big positive, we have to do that.
But how they are being told to play is critical at the young age and I don't like what i see.
Its critical these players can apply their trade with their own distinct flair and style and fit into the plan which is built around what they have and also team guidelines.

There is no way any one will convince me our players are that stupid that they make our game plan look non existant. Footballers are not stupid, generally footballers if you provide them a task will have the brains to be able to complete that task or do their best to complete it.

So how do we play such poor football so often? If we are beaten simply by a better team thats no problem, if we have a bad quarter then thats fine. But the way we play is still negative, defensive and without any attacking notion to it what so ever.

If we were playing some good exciting attacking football, and seeing our young players take on their opponents, put their ability on show and make the odd mistakes and still we lose by whatever margin then I can live with that.

What I see is still the plan of lets try and kick 9-11 goals and keep the opponent to under that. That is not the way forward in my view.
Many of you may say it worked once before and we should go with it again. thats your view.
That is where we are going again so i hope dearly you are right the majority of you and I will gladly concede I had it wrong while we are sharing a beer down the track after the flag. of course I will buy!!!!!!!
Kennedy is 21 and has played 39 games. LeCras is 22 and has played 51 and Hurn is 21 and has played 52 games. I dont know if you can call those sorts of players senior players just yet (especially when you consider that they have all suffered some sort of lengthy injury last year).

They would be expected to fill a senior role over the next couple of years, however I would say you have to have played 100 games to be considered a senior player. They aren't first year players granted, but they aren't senior players either.

At this point in time the senior players are Glass, Hunter, Cox, Kerr, Wirra, Lynch, Embley, Selwood, Fletcher and Stenglein. The italic highlighting the players who haven't/ wont play regularly for the rest of the season. That leaves us with six senior players, only five of those played last week.

Yep thats fair Purple Hater, my point is they are not what I consider the younger players. They are not in anyway getting used to AFL football. they have known what its all about for about 3 years.

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Are we the worst side in the AFL.

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