Drug policy - what are we being fed here?

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I hope the AFL get torn a new one over this. Andrew Dillon is looking more and more like scum by the day.

Gil before him being the main culprit I think. No wonder they choose a successor from within, just to keep all this hush-hush.
I hope the whole thing explodes. The vAFL needs a good cleanout from top to bottom.
The issue is also the selective nature of this. According to the allegations, the AFL wants certain players to play at all costs. I doubt the same private testing and AFL player "management" is happening equally with all clubs and all players. Do WC or Freo get to take advantage of these private tests and pull players, or is this only high profile Vic players the AFL deems the game needs for crowd numbers and revenue. The same stage managed approach to big name players getting off suspensions for Brownlow eligibility or around finals but lesser known players being pinged.

If it was clear policy that all clubs can privately test players to ensure no one plays with drugs in their system and to pull them for "unspecified or made up reasons", why isn't it publicised and why is this the first many clubs/the public are hearing about it (other than no doubt whispers and innuendo)? If there was nothing wrong with it, as the AFL statement suggests, why wasn't it a part of the published drugs policy or the CBA with players?

An argument (which I am not advocating) could be made that clubs can/should test all players (if the player wants) before game day to ensure they don't breach the WADA code etc, but if so, then it should be an out in the open policy (even if the results are private) and not hidden and only available to a select few.
Is there really anyone that organises their day around going to the footy, then cancels because a single player is withdrawn. Marquee player or not.

Bit of a conspiracy theory
Gil before him being the main culprit I think. No wonder they choose a successor from within, just to keep all this hush-hush.
I hope the whole thing explodes. The vAFL needs a good cleanout from top to bottom.
Plenty of discussion form PR spin, dumb ex players who are clueless and some informed people. It appears that while there is small group with mental issues and deserving of help, the real aim for the majority is to ensure professional athletes who are cheating avoid detection.

A concern I have is that dumb clubs with fixed lists and salary caps have to carry players who chose behaviour that, under secretive medical cover ups, prevents them from working.

As for the community standards, where I work positive tests on a 18- 20 year old result in automatic dismissal.

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Gil before him being the main culprit I think. No wonder they choose a successor from within, just to keep all this hush-hush.
I hope the whole thing explodes. The vAFL needs a good cleanout from top to bottom.

Hopefully a few heads roll and our boy Nizzy slots into the top job to show them how to steer their way out of a drugs crisis. Maybe Woosh can get involved in admin too :moustache:
Is there really anyone that organises their day around going to the footy, then cancels because a single player is withdrawn. Marquee player or not.

Bit of a conspiracy theory
No. I certainly wouldn't but it seems clear the AFL wants to orchestrate that certain players play for marketing reasons. Regardless of whether this is widely available, it is clear that it was hidden from most people in the industry and public and hidden for a reason. Personally, I would have no real issue with it if it was transparent. As always, the cover up is worse than the crime.
Wild stuff - particularly irritating given what our club experienced through the cousins saga.

I wonder if/how many of our players are part of this? I'd be ****ing pissed to know some of our players are feigning injury and missing season games because they chose to snort some lines in the lead up to games.

Recognise that public naming and shaming of high profile users via the strike policy probably isn't in the best interest of players wellbeing.

But acting passive and brushing addiction issues under the carpet? Surely there should be a punishment element, fine or additional games lost + guidance to support pathways - even if it's not made public.
This has likely been in place for years.

17 week quad niggles for certain Victorian players are nothing new.
Wild stuff - particularly irritating given what our club experienced through the cousins saga.

I wonder if/how many of our players are part of this? I'd be ******* pissed to know some of our players are feigning injury and missing season games because they chose to snort some lines in the lead up to games.

Recognise that public naming and shaming of high profile users via the strike policy probably isn't in the best interest of players wellbeing.

But acting passive and brushing addiction issues under the carpet? Surely there should be a punishment element, fine or additional games lost + guidance to support pathways - even if it's not made public.
perhaps ex players is a better termp

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100 players is 2.5 entire lists. Or five players at each club. Crazy when you think about all the drug education players get before and when they reach AFL level.
We learn about the dangers of alcohol and drugs all through school too, doesn't mean all of us listen to it. We know which foods are horrifically bad for us and we all still stuff our fat faces and grow our fat guts outwards. They're almost certainly not GAF.
Wonder if this 'medical model' exists in the mining industry.
Honestly, if they're getting tested to stay off WADA books, it should count as a strike.
FMD, you're professional athletes, can you not stay off the gear for a few months? If you can't, maybe professional sport isn't for you and you should do a job that isn't drug tested...

I know they're young, dumb and full of cash, but why do we excuse it? Because they can afford it? Reeks of privilege....
We learn about the dangers of alcohol and drugs all through school too, doesn't mean all of us listen to it. We know which foods are horrifically bad for us and we all still stuff our fat faces and grow our fat guts outwards. They're almost certainly not GAF.
Speak for yourself young fella, I grew up in an era where climbing a mountain was advertised with a pocket of Marlboro smokes, Benson and Hedges smokes sponsored the cricket, and where VB advertisements were the norm, sponsoring our national pastime…..alcoholism.

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