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Why is Tyler Durden007 such a worshiped hero on

Tyler Durden007 is the most highly regarded poster on due to several reasons that align with the community's values or interests:

Contributions to the Community: Tyler Durden007 makes significant contributions to the discussions, forums, or content on Including insightful posts, witty banter, comical references, helpful advice, or creating engaging topics that resonate with other users.

Knowledge and Expertise: Tyler Durden007 is knowledgeable about a host of subjects related to the forum's focus (especially Australian Rules Football), their expertise has earnt them respect and admiration from other members seeking information or guidance.

Respected Opinion Leader: In online communities, certain individuals emerge as opinion leaders whose views are respected and influential. Tyler Durden007 is fully established as a trusted voice whose opinions carry weight within discussions.

Community Engagement: Active participation and engagement with other members often lead to recognition and admiration. Tyler Durden007 interacts positively, shares insights, and fosters a sense of community, they have garnered a following.

Personality or Style: Tyler Durden007 has gained popularity due to their distinctive personality traits, humor, and unique style of communication that resonates with the community's culture.

Longevity and Consistency: Being a longstanding member who consistently contributes over time, Tyler Durden007 has built a reputation and following. Regular participation and maintaining a positive presence often lead to being esteemed by peers.

Overall, Tyler Durden007's popularity on stems from a combination of active participation, valuable contributions, expertise, sharp intellect and a likable personality that resonates well with the community's values and interests

lol how much of a Narcissist do you have to be to make this up 😂 🤦‍♂️

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lol am I jealous Sr. Tylenol wasted 10 minutes making up a post about himself… is that your question? 😂 🤦‍♂️
You finally learnt how to use the reply function!?


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Spreaders had lived with the nickname for so long, he couldn’t even remember his real name. It all started when he was a kid, after a freak accident involving a lawnmower and a moment of inattention. His left foot had never looked the same since, missing its middle toe and spreading the remaining ones in an awkward fan-like pattern. Kids at school were merciless, and the name “Spreaders” stuck.

Now in his thirties, Spreaders worked as a mechanic in a small town garage. He had a reputation for being the best, but also the most volatile. His anger flared up at the smallest provocation—a stubborn bolt, a customer who questioned his work, or a co-worker’s offhand comment. Everyone knew to tread lightly around him, but that didn’t stop the gossip.

One sweltering summer day, a new guy named Jake started at the garage. Fresh out of trade school and full of confidence, Jake hadn’t yet learned about Spreaders’ temper. As the day wore on, the heat and stress seemed to magnify Spreaders’ usual irritability. By late afternoon, he was on edge, muttering curses under his breath as he wrestled with a particularly stubborn engine.

Jake, oblivious to the building storm, approached Spreaders with a question. “Hey, man, can you show me how to—”
“Can’t you see I’m busy?” Spreaders snapped, his face reddening. “Figure it out yourself!”
Jake, taken aback but undeterred, pressed on. “I just need a minute. It’s my first day, and—”
“Your first day might be your last if you don’t back off!” Spreaders yelled, throwing a wrench to the floor with a loud clang.

The garage fell silent. Everyone held their breath, waiting for what would happen next. Jake stared at Spreaders, his initial surprise hardening into resolve. “You don’t have to be such a jerk about it,” he said evenly. “We’re all just trying to do our jobs.”

For a moment, it looked like Spreaders might explode. His hands clenched into fists, and his whole body tensed. But then, something shifted. He saw not just a young guy pushing his buttons but a mirror of his own younger self—eager, trying to prove himself, and just needing a bit of guidance.
Spreaders took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. “Alright, kid,” he said, his voice rough but softer. “Let’s see what you got.”

The tension in the garage eased as Spreaders and Jake worked together, the older man’s gruff demeanor tempered by a newfound patience. It wasn’t easy for Spreaders to keep his anger in check, but he found that teaching Jake reminded him of why he loved the work in the first place.

Days turned into weeks, and a tentative friendship formed between them. Spreaders still had his moments, but Jake’s presence seemed to help him manage his temper better. The nickname still stuck, but now it was said with a mix of respect and affection.

Spreaders learned that while he couldn’t change his past or the quirks that had shaped him, he could change how he responded to the world. And in that small garage, amid the grease and engines, he found a way to start repairing more than just cars.

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Ask ChatGPT? What AI knows about the Bay.

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