Australia As A Whole Really Is A Mess

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Only if you live southside, if you live in the north than you're stuffed.

Exactly, if you have to rely on buses to travel around your local area, good luck. I lived 6kms from where I worked, I had to catch three buses which took over an hour each way & cost more than the Vic PT for the same journey. Melbourne PT system>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Perth's PT system.
The drinking culture thing is such a lie. Anyway, it's part of our Anglo-Saxon heritage.

And public transport isn't that bad. The network needs to be more extensive, but the service is nowhere near subpar.
Exactly, if you have to rely on buses to travel around your local area, good luck. I lived 6kms from where I worked, I had to catch three buses which took over an hour each way & cost more than the Vic PT for the same journey. Melbourne PT system>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Perth's PT system.

Sorry I meant to clarify that I was complaining about Brisbanes subpar PT system, but by the sounds of it Perths is just as bad.

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The drinking culture thing is such a lie. Anyway, it's part of our Anglo-Saxon heritage.

And public transport isn't that bad. The network needs to be more extensive, but the service is nowhere near subpar.

So it's OK for w***ers like Corey & his mates to run amok, but if it's immigrant kids, then they should be sent back to where they cam from. :rolleyes:
Sorry I meant to clarify that I was complaining about Brisbanes subpar PT system, but by the sounds of it Perths is just as bad.

No probs Monkster. Perths transport system in the north is really screwed.

That's why I am upset about people bagging Vic PT, it's a dream compared to Perth.
So it's OK for w***ers like Corey & his mates to run amok, but if it's immigrant kids, then they should be sent back to where they cam from. :rolleyes:

I think what he was saying was that Anglo-Saxons were big drinkers and that this is their genetic legacy in Oz today.

I dunno where you read the the immigrant kids into it?
I think what he was saying was that Anglo-Saxons were big drinkers and that this is their genetic legacy in Oz today.

I dunno where you read the the immigrant kids into it?

Just reading between the lines, it's OK for Anglo's to run amok & get pissed, because that's our culture, which is really sad.

The 91 year old woman who got bashed in her home in Broadmeadows & later died,was attacked by an Anglo person, yet when the attack was first publicised, people said the attacker would have been an immigrant. Now the perpetrator has been caught, there is no mention on the racist sites about this horrible crime. It seesm, that it's OK for an old person to be killed, if it's by an Anglo. :mad:
It's funny how when the left bitch and moan, they're just a bunch of out of touch sooks, but when others moan, well of course it's legitimate.

Last time I checked, these problems existed in pretty much every nation in the globe (bar maybe Kiribati). The problem is that we just don't know how lucky we are, we whine about today but imagine if we had a recession that is apparently going to hit us soon, then whining about toll fees will be the last of your worries.

Not saying that we should accept mediocrity, but we shouldn't whine when we have enjoyed close to 20 years of bumper prosperity. Australians have never been so prosperous and rich.
You make a good point. We could be living in Africa. Now that would be something to whinge about. So be grateful you have your stupid computers to complain about every minor hickup that comes your way.
Just reading between the lines, it's OK for Anglo's to run amok & get pissed, because that's our culture, which is really sad.

The 91 year old woman who got bashed in her home in Broadmeadows & later died,was attacked by an Anglo person, yet when the attack was first publicised, people said the attacker would have been an immigrant. Now the perpetrator has been caught, there is no mention on the racist sites about this horrible crime. It seesm, that it's OK for an old person to be killed, if it's by an Anglo. :mad:
I take it you have never had the displeasure of visiting Broadmeadows. Ignorance is bliss in this case. Do not visit Broadmeadows ever! And don't make statements like that when Broadmeadows is involved.:p

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I take it you have never had the displeasure of visiting Broadmeadows. Ignorance is bliss in this case. Do not visit Broadmeadows ever! And don't make statements like that when Broadmeadows is involved.:p

Your point? This poor old lady was killed by an anglo who has been charged with breaking into her house six times previousely, if this person wasn't an Anglo, all hell would be breaking loose, saying all immigrants are criminals. :rolleyes:
But 20 - 30 years ago, people were drinking scotch/bourbon & coke. It's not the alcohol, it's the attitude people have these days, screw everyone else, as long as I'm alright. It's not called the "me" generation for no reason. :(

Rum has always been known as "fighting water" or similar things. Sugary alcohol is factor, you should see the Bundy bogans go off in North Queensland!
Oh my lord! Gridlock! Oh how how oh why has this travesty hit us!

Newsflash: the good people of Tokyo have been putting up with Gridlock for decades now. Just be thankful you live in a nation so sparsely populated.

10 years in a traffic jam??!!?? They would have starved by now I would have thought??
Sugary drinks also give people energy. If i drink like 15 beers in a night i'm knackered, tired out. You drink 15 burbon and cokes and your full of energy. Theres a reason they've banned bundy and cola from some pubs - too much sugar + alcohol = fights.

You forgot the caffeine.

Sometime soon 'caffeine' will get the microscope treatment.

I've already noticed articles in newspapers and mags telling of the 'good' things caffeine can do, the spin doctors are doing a preemptive strike.

The truth is, take caffeine out of alcohol drinks and most people wouldn't drink as much.
When you look at the whole picture this country as whole really is messed up bigtime.

No Water probably due to over use in the past but none the less past governments when water issues first arose denied there was climate change and now we have reach desperate times finally they are trying to fix the problem.

High cost of living, I truely believe the Federal government currently and in the past have been living in dream land, regular tax payers of Australia are struggling.

Public Transport without a doubt the most over priced rubbish public transport in the world which runs on out dated methods it was designed on back in the 50's and 60's, Brisbane amd Perth would have the best train systems in Australia at present as for Melbourne and Sydney you are freaking kidding yourselves:thumbsdown:

Highways/Roads and infrstructure joke joke joke joke, okay wouldnt logic tell you if you develope and area for housing people are going to live there and eventually you need to enusre people can adequetly get from their home and to their work without having to wrestle with every other person trying to do the same thing?

Costs in general are out of control we are all just paying hand over fist for freaking everything okay heres and example we have a toll road in Melbourne I drive on that toll road as it is supposed to be quick and easy save time, yet I pay to use a road that is a freaking carpark at the best of times as it is indequete and was poorly designed for future expansion and to handle more freaking traffic, I liken it to a smokers artery:thumbsdown:

Life in the big smoke hey? If you don't like it then why not migrate to a rural area? I moved from Brisbane to a country town around 5yrs ago as I had similar complaints. I sure as hell aint going back.
Sugary shit makes you fat, too. I started drinking smirnoff cans and blew out like a balloon- shit has as much sugar as a can of coke, drink six of them a nigh and you're gone. I quickly went back to beer :D
I don't want to gloss over the struggles some people are facing at the moment, but...

Australia really isn't that much of a mess:
- We are a tolerant democracy that offers equal rights to men, women, migrants, and indigenous people. Where there are discrepancies (such as the very significant problems faced by some indigenous people), there is generally open dialogue and a genuine desire to rectify the problem (despite conflicting viewpoints on how best to do so)
- All Australians have access to health care under medicare, and many have affordable private health insurance. The quality of our health care is excellent by world standards (although there is always room for improvement). We have a life expectancy of over 80 years and rising. The largest medical problems appear to be over-consumption and/or cigarette/alcohol/drug abuse. Hardly signs that the country is a mess...
- We have a good education system that provides 'free' education to all
- Economically, we've had what, 18 years since the last recession? Right now there is a bit of a credit crunch - inflation has risen for various reasons, leading to interest rate rises (which is a double whammy really). But in comparison to the early 90's? We're doing pretty well actually.
- We live in one of the most beautiful countries on earth. We have natural beauty right on our doorsteps basically all around the country. Beaches, parklands, whatever you want, we've got it. Our cities are basically well-designed and feature some world-renowned architecture. Over-crowding isn't a problem relative to Europe, at least in most places.

Sure, there's plenty of things we could improve. But at a time when millions of people live in war zones, or as refugees, or die as a result of preventable disease - you're citing the traffic on citilink as an example of how 'Australia is a mess'? Get some perspective, please...
Life in the big smoke hey? If you don't like it then why not migrate to a rural area? I moved from Brisbane to a country town around 5yrs ago as I had similar complaints. I sure as hell aint going back.

Good for you. :thumbsu:

For others like me though I love the city. I think it's a bit rich when people complain about things which always has, and always will exist in a city, just accept it, or don't live there. It's like me whining about living in a rural area because there isn't a range of shopping centers, ahh well duh.

I think of all the places you could live in, Melbourne aint a bad place. Fairly cheap, has pretty much anything you want and is fairly relaxed. Sometimes I feel people want to whine about something.
When you look at the whole picture this country as whole really is messed up bigtime.

No Water probably due to over use in the past but none the less past governments when water issues first arose denied there was climate change and now we have reach desperate times finally they are trying to fix the problem.

No forward planning in line with population growth, definitely, irrespective of climate change.

High cost of living, I truely believe the Federal government currently and in the past have been living in dream land, regular tax payers of Australia are struggling.

Public Transport without a doubt the most over priced rubbish public transport in the world which runs on out dated methods it was designed on back in the 50's and 60's, Brisbane amd Perth would have the best train systems in Australia at present as for Melbourne and Sydney you are freaking kidding yourselves:thumbsdown:

Brisbane has 6 lines and ambitions to have a population of 3,000,000 within the next 20 years, whilst probably having Australias worst road infrastructure and their "busway" structure has nothing on Melbournes trams.

and they have the gall to charge $15 bucks for a trip to the airport.

Perth has 5 lines.

Melbourne has about 15

Highways/Roads and infrstructure joke joke joke joke, okay wouldnt logic tell you if you develope and area for housing people are going to live there and eventually you need to enusre people can adequetly get from their home and to their work without having to wrestle with every other person trying to do the same thing?

You'd also need to charge those people more per blok which would defeat the purpose of living there, or raise taxes

Costs in general are out of control we are all just paying hand over fist for freaking everything okay heres and example we have a toll road in Melbourne I drive on that toll road as it is supposed to be quick and easy save time, yet I pay to use a road that is a freaking carpark at the best of times as it is indequete and was poorly designed for future expansion and to handle more freaking traffic, I liken it to a smokers artery:thumbsdown:

oops ;)
Good post btdg,when I read and hear people whinging about how bad it is in Australia.
I remember a couple of customers of mine from years ago_One from El Salvador the other a Lebanese christian.
I used to make the joke when asked how I was going by replying"just another day in paradise".These two customers would tell me yes this is paradise compared to what they had left behind.
They had both taken citizenship and loved the freedom and lifestyle in Australia
Your point? This poor old lady was killed by an anglo who has been charged with breaking into her house six times previousely, if this person wasn't an Anglo, all hell would be breaking loose, saying all immigrants are criminals. :rolleyes:
Broadmeadows has been overrun by scum. Thats my point. When something goes wrong in Broadmeadows only a fool would assume it was a non-immigrant.

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Australia As A Whole Really Is A Mess

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