Australia will grow to like Tony Abbott as PM

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Brownlow Medallist
Jan 23, 2000
AFL Club
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post count: 38,986
This chroncally underestimated politician is on the verge of being our next Prime Minister. And one of the more frustrating things out there in voting-land is hearing comments such as "Oh I can't stand Abbott." It's so ignorant, and shows litle understanding of the man. He was laughed at when he became oppositon leader because Labor though they would trounce him. He always proves people wrong. And for those doubting his effectivness as PM, he will prove them wrong too. And the public will eventually see him for what he is: A deeply principled, highly intelligent, man of convicton.

I like Abbott, and I always have. I think he will grow to become one of Australia most popular Prime Ministers. His personal, intellectual and moral calibre, combined with his ministerial experience, has the makings of a great prime minister IMO.

Consider his Background. He was a student leader, a ladies man, liked a drink, was a top sportsman and also a Rhodes scholar at Oxford. Oh, and and a journalist. He then settles down to become a long-term married suburban guy with a mortgage.

Since he became opposiiton leader, he has been remarkably discipliend, but before he becamse opposition leader he was prone to a public confession, or a verbal slip-up. That's okay. It's a welcome change from the "calculated concealment" you often see among politicians. There is nothing phony about him. What you see is what you get. Even his detractors will admit this.

The reaosn I think the country will grow to like him, is because he has conviction, courage and intelligence. I honestly don't think he is easily swayed by fashionable opinion about anything. He believes in what he believes in. He's not some right-wing nutter. That's total crap. He bases his convictions on reasoned, measured argument.

Take his convictions. Around the time of all the ETS talk it was regarded as political suicide to oppose anything to do with climate change. He took on the journalists, the business community, the ALP and even members of his own party over the emissions trading scheme. And he won. Many thought his his opposition to the ETS would wipe out the Liberals. But by highlighting the dangers of creating a permanent bureaucracy of huge cost and size he called Kevin Rudd's bluff. It foced Labor into a policy retreat. He totally owned Rudd. And he has totally owned Gillard too.

He is going to single-handedly bring down two Labor Prime Ministers.

But what I really like is his character and decency. He has no enemies at all in the Liberal party. He has worked hard and been loyal for years and years and that loyalty hs been rewarded. Yes, I'm sure there are ambitious types - like Turnbull - who want to lead the country, but that doesn't make him an enemy. Abbott has no enemies.

So, if you agree with me, tell me why you like Tony Abbott, and why you think the country will grow to like and respect him.
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If this was true - he'd already be PM.

Hes also a chronic publicity whore and has bad judgement.

Quite like him as a "Bloke"

On your last point, He'll be liked because hell get a terriffic ride from news ltd - Youll have to wonder what hes promised in return

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Well he's certainly "misunderestimated". From the guy who was going to lead the Liberals to 20 years of oblivion, he's now on the verge of detonating two Prime Ministers in three years.

Apparently quite a few people who hated him for his public image have said he's actually a good bloke once they met him in person.
Good topic! Long time lurker here who is compelled to comment! Im a young female, being in my late 20s. Im the demographic that Tony supposedly has the most problems with out there in the electorate and so I think its good to hear my view on the man that could very well be Australia's next Prime Minister.

I like Tony, I like him ALOT (if you couldnt tell by my moniker!). I really don't think it's fair to criticise him and or base an entire judgement on him from comments (abortion views etc) he made back in the 1970s/1980s when he was young and inexperienced.He has publicly ruled out making abortions illegal and whatever else he has been accused of saying and doing, its all pure fear mongering from a nervous left who simply fear losing power. All politicians start off being radical, opinionatedand passionate. Julia Gillard was a member of a far left organisation during her University days was she not? People change, and thats a good thing.

Abbott is a street fighter, he is clever, he can rally people together and he has conviction as the opening post mentioned. Noone gives him enough credit or thought as to what he achieved at the last election. He was disciplined, he was measured, he did his job and he worked hard. He does have a tendency to put his 'foot in it' and 'run of with his mouth' but I actually think this typifies his personality more than a lack of credibility or intelligence. To me, he's just someone that says what he thinks and doesnt hold back. He's open, forthright, and I think he's so comfortable with saying exactly what he thinks/feels because he genuinely believes what he says. Isnt that a refreshing change to the minders/press secretarys/factions/unions who stage manage Julia Gillards media/public persona? I think it is.

To say he has enemies these days is a bit of a stretch. The moderates in the Liberal Party have come to like him as he has led the party back on track. The electorate are beginning to like him too as they wonder whatever happened to Kevin Rudd and his 'change' and Julia Gillard and her promise that 'I rule out a carbon tax'. The only ones who hate him are the far left in Australian politics who have short memories as they forget where their own political leaders came from in the past.

He should get rid of this paid maternity leave thing he talks about, I agree with the poster who said that. Im a young woman who will have children in the next 5 years and I dont feel its warranted quite like his policy sets out. He needs to find someone to be his treasurer and deputy over the coming 18 months as the Liberal Party attempts to gain economic credibilty back from the ALP. I think that will be the one thing that could stop Tony Abbott from being PM, its the economic policies that need to be sounded out better, explored, announced, fought for in parliament etc. Tony is not an economist, he needs a Peter Costello/Paul Keating type to help him fight in parliament, out there in the electorate and in medialand. I am also a huge fan of Joe Hockey but I dont think he cuts the mustard as an economist and treasurer. Joe is better suited to education, science and training or health or even work place relations (dare I say it, without work choices killing him with every step he takes).

Finally, I've met Tony Abbott a few times and he comes across 100% better in person than what you get on television and radio. He is always interested in what you have to say, always the first to crack a joke or have a laugh and always very quick to understand what you want from him and whether he can achieve that or not. Budgie smuggler jokes aside he also does alot for the health debate/discussion about obesity. Anyone that has lived and worked in Canberra knows that he is an avid cyclist, runner, swimmer, boxer and in general terms a very fit man.

Australia will vote him in within 18 months. Im sick of hearing facebook and twitter talk about this evil right winger who will ruin the country should he have the chance. Its time for people to stand up and talk about Tony Abbott and give a true and fair indication of who and what he is. The lies and misinformation about him have gone on for too long.
I'm more concerned with the buffoons that would be Ministers under a Lib Govt (Hockey, Andrews, Joyce, Morrison, Abetz, Fierravanti-Wells to name a few) more than Abbott himself, and you have to question his judgement when he surrounds himself with people like Cory Bernardi. I think Abbott is the type of guy who makes for a good Opposition leader but an ineffective PM. The public already hate him, and that's before he's in power and actually proposing anywhere near the amount of policies required of a government.

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She's clearly a fan (duh), but what's your issue with her post?

The problem with Abbott is not that there's a lot to like but that there's also a lot to dislike.

I'm more concerned with the buffoons that would be Ministers under a Lib Govt (Hockey, Andrews, Joyce, Morrison, Abetz, Fierravanti-Wells to name a few) more than Abbott himself, and you have to question his judgement when he surrounds himself with people like Cory Bernardi. I think Abbott is the type of guy who makes for a good Opposition leader but an ineffective PM. The public already hate him, and that's before he's in power and actually proposing anywhere near the amount of policies required of a government.

Agreed. There's a scary lot of nasty right wingers there, and idiots.
His current statement that he will not do a deal with the independants is clever, look at the mess we have in Tasmania and federally.
I suspect her post will get the replies it deserves.

What a load of rot (pun intended).

I've worked in the area of advocacy over the years, so I spent some time in Canberra and went to alot of functions. Thats where I've met the man of the moment.

Sure Im a liberal voter, but I was also a Malcolm Turnball fan once upon a time till Grechgate. Im no rightwing Liberal Party member trying to make a point. I just see what Tony has achieved for conservative Australia and like it.
3 things- 1. When's the election? 2. Sophie Mirabella. And 3, the op considers Abbott's background as a journo a positive. Journos are *****.

1. Asks the factions of the ALP, Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard. Better still, ask the independents why they havent called one already considering all that has occured in the past fortnight.

2. What about her?

3. Journalists are *****, thats something we can agree on. However, the well known ones on all the major media outlets speak to ALOT of Australians. Government and Media 101 RM, if you want to get your message out you have to deal with the media and they have to like you. Because Tony is a former journo he might be a better chance of dealing with them positively rather than the prickly relationship Julia has with the press club of late.
1. The alp and the independents will hang on for as long as they can (IMO) - why wouldn't they?
2. She's an addition to the earlier list of shadow ministers. She's awful.
3. Yep, being an ex journo may help his coverage but of itself it doesn't make him more likeable.
I can't believe I made a list of loonies on the frontbench of the Liberal Party and somehow left off Sophie Mirabella :eek:

His current statement that he will not do a deal with the independants is clever, look at the mess we have in Tasmania and federally.
Tassie has been a mess for a lot longer then the current Labor/Greens coalition government has been in power.
The problem with Abbott is not that there's a lot to like but that there's also a lot to dislike.

Agreed. There's a scary lot of nasty right wingers there, and idiots.

Abbott is not perfect, I have told you where I think he lacks credibility and ability. I also have been quick to dispel the myths as far as I see them. He is what he is, there is no polish or pizaz like some politicians. He is just grass roots Australia in my opinion and while the ALP worry about the 'big issues' like climate change and leadership and taxing us all some more he is going about his business of delivering a much simpler but more effective message to the masses (anti tax, anti current immigration policy, anti politics in the sense of political partys etc etc). It's almost like Paul Keatings time as Prime Minister when he was accused of being too intelectual, too fussed with polls and factions and leadership, Asia and italian suits to worry about what 'the electorate think'. The same party will do it all again but this time they'll do it over 5 or 6 years rather than 13. Howards battlers will return and become Abbotts Army. Thats my prediction.
It's almost like Paul Keatings time as Prime Minister when he was accused of being too intelectual, too fussed with polls and factions and leadership, Asia and italian suits to worry about what 'the electorate think'. .

Comparing this modern ALP to Keating has made me spew into my keyboard. PM me to tell me where to forward the invoice for a new Mac keyboard.

1. The alp and the independents will hang on for as long as they can (IMO) - why wouldn't they?
2. She's an addition to the earlier list of shadow ministers. She's awful.
3. Yep, being an ex journo may help his coverage but of itself it doesn't make him more likeable.

1. Ofcourse they will. Any party would do the same thing. However you have to know the animal you're dealing with. I doubt very much this is the last of the leadership battle within the ranks. I actually think Bill Shorten has set this last fortnight up. He knew Rudd would not win but he wanted rid of him so that when he challenges Julia just before the next election he will have Rudds votes too and clean the floor with her.Thats my tip anyway. The election will come alot sooner than 18 months.

2. Mirrabella is mirrabella. I think we need to see more of all the coalition shadow ministers before we judge. At the moment its all about reaction rather than action in my opinion. I would expect that to change as they head to election year. They will try to get the government 'on the hop' so they can control the agenda. At the moment they are a bunch of whingers but what else is there to do whilst in opposition and waiting to get closer to the next election? Bring out all your policy this soon and it gives more opportunity for the government to pick the eyes out of it and destroy it. Its much better to wait and analyse, research and wait till closer to the time. Atleast at the moment they're picking the right issues and they atleast know whats a concern out there in electorate world.

3. No it doesnt automatically make him more likable but it will help him when he needs good coverage and as he changes his image from opposition leader to contender, challenger and future Prime Minister. This will too happen. John Howard went through it and so must Abbott as much as he would probably hate it. Who can forget the catch cry of 1995/1996/1997 about Howard...'He was once the class wimp and now he's the school yard bully'. Abbott will have to achieve the same sort of image change in the next 18 months. It might be from 'used car salesman and whinger' to 'fighter, man of principle and reformer'.

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Australia will grow to like Tony Abbott as PM

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